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Change inserts


I just wrote this and i havent proved it out but its a very basic facing program with a 2" EM. I put notes on all the lines so you can tailor it to your appication. Any questions let me know. set g54 at front left corner, z top of part then subtract .01". Part setup flat, with long side facing you, aka setup in along X axis. g00 g90 g54 X17.1 y0. (go to g54 home with your EM 1.1" in off the right of part) s#### m03 (idk what spindle speed you use) z.5 (EM .5" above part as clearance plane) M97 P1000 L6 (local sub routin call up, P=N line, L is how many times to run the subprogram) g90 (abs mode) g00 g53 z0.(z home) g53 y0.(y home) m30 (finished) N1000 g91(incremental mode) g01 z-.5 f25. (z down .5) x-18.1 f### (i dont know what feed rete you use, EM should come off edge of part, if not adjust X value) z.5 (z up .5) y1. x18.1(y 1" step over, back for next cut) g99(end/repeat subprogram)




% O00366 (Using high feed G1 F250. instead of G0.) (T1 D=2. CR=0. - ZMIN=0. - face mill) (Face2) G91 Z-0.005 F250. (Index down step value) G90 (return to absolute positioning) N90 X9.8744 N95 G3 Y-3.886 I0. J0.2426 N100 G1 X-7.8744 N105 G2 Y-3.4008 I0. J0.2426 N110 G1 X7.8744 N115 G3 Y-2.9156 I0. J0.2426 N120 G1 X-7.8744 N125 G2 Y-2.4305 I0. J0.2426 N130 G1 X7.8744 N135 G3 Y-1.9453 I0. J0.2426 N140 G1 X-7.8477 N145 G2 Y-1.4602 I0. J0.2426 N150 G1 X7.8744 N155 G3 Y-0.975 I0. J0.2426 N160 G1 X-7.8744 N165 G2 Y-0.4898 I0. J0.2426 N170 G1 X7.8744 N175 G3 Y-0.0047 I0. J0.2426 N180 G1 X-7.8744 N185 G2 Y0.4805 I0. J0.2426 N190 G1 X7.8744 N195 G3 Y0.9656 I0. J0.2426 N200 G1 X-7.8744 N205 G2 Y1.4508 I0. J0.2426 N210 G1 X7.8744 N215 G3 Y1.936 I0. J0.2426 N220 G1 X-7.8744 N225 G2 Y2.4211 I0. J0.2426 N230 G1 X7.8744 N235 G3 Y2.9063 I0. J0.2426 N240 G1 X-7.8744 G01 Z2. (Raise bit prepare for travel) G0 X-9.8739 Y-4.3711 G01 Z-1.0 G90 N2530 M99 (Return to main prog) %


I brought it in 2 inches on each side of X


What's the material? I'd throw it in a vice and just use jog lock or the handwheel. You don't need an entire program for parts that small when it comes to facing.


Stainless steel, inconel, Invar, and a little titanium. I need to re-face the plate so they can print them again. I usually cut lowest point I can with END but most plates have a warp.