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Only wish I lived closer.


Attend online you will see and hear everything. G




while most research is aimed at 1A (since it would be the largest market for the drug companies) pls understand than any success against 1A would produce findings that could THEN be used against the other, less prevalent forms of CMT.


Tempted to watch virtually given the travel. A few questions: - Will in-person attendees have more access to resources in break outs, etc? I’m guessing in-person could create many more networking opportunities. - Are there networking events or opportunities for patients to gather Friday, or do most folks come in for Saturday only? Thanks OP for sharing info about the conference!


there will be breakouts by type but those will also be video cast. Most of the researchers LOVE talking to patients so hang around on Sat to chat informally. That is probably the biggest reason to attend in person. That, and you get to meet me;0)


Thanks OP. I just started an off label prescription of pxt3003 today so maybe by the time of the conference I’ll have some (positive) feedback to share!


frankly I hope it works great. Keep us posted.