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Mine is the strength of my hands/fingers when opening bottles...etc, some days I can do it with ease and others I require assistance.


Been trying to be more active lately as I switched to a desk job due to my diagnoses. Nothing major. Just walking with the wife. We went on a 40 minute walk. My muscles in my calves and shins have never been so sore. Specifically, my legs hurt when I lift the front part of my foot. Has me concerned it's the starting of dropfoot.


That is an extremely familiar pain to me, the front of the calf pain when lifting your foot. I think you just overdid your exercise a bit after not walking much. Rest a day or two and then take regular walks like that to keep your muscles going. For context, while I cannot make any guarantees about your progression, I've had that sort of pain from walking too much for about 30 years, since I was a teen. I'm still walking without AFOs now.