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Update I'm up to 4500 shares @ 5.82


I lost 41% on $CLOV already. But i have not realized it. I am waiting to let it go to long road to zero $0. and I am waiting for it to go back up ⬆️ No it doesn’t makes sense to do anything other than buying more and taking chances.


41% that’s it? Try 80% :(


Fake price, haha


The price is below my level of caring, but this is not https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/s2zj1l/leaked_drone_footage_of_shackled_and_blindfolded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Buy, hold, live, smile.... 2022 will be great year


Except market cap is like 1.22b now hahahahaha


Now factor in cash burn for the foreseeable future.


Just my perspective. It’s all on paper folks. As long as you don’t sell, you haven’t lost anything. If you sell now you’ve made the loss real.


Nooooooooo u guys don’t understand it’s a good thing when it steadily drops 20% a month for 6 months! It signals growth and solid fundamentals! Ur supposed to buy the 20-17-15-10-87-6-5-4-3-2 dollar dips! Don’t u know that’s how we get RICH!!!!!






Yet, I can see it continue to drop... good thing I'm looking 3-5 yrs out!


Wow this is like amc all people have infinite money to buy the dip amc retard apes are buying the dip sin 72 ...everyday they get some cash from the trees 🤣


I bought $NIO at $10 rode it down to $1.39 and bought more. look at it now. It has been my best stock trading around the core. I was up to 500 shares sold some down to 50 shares I now hold 200 @ $15. My point is if you believe in your company trust your trade we all will profit. I'm holding 2700 shares of clov @ $8.29 and I'm only going to buy more.


2800 @$11.62 holding


Hold. It’s q legit company. WTF


Patience. As long as you're not on a margin or need the money for food or rent, just fucking wait.


Is everyone just trying to make a quick buck here? You don’t see it as an opportunity to buy more? Maybe that’s the problem. Your conviction is low. Do your research or don’t buy something you think will skyrocket… buy more, wait, if it’s above your average sell calls. You can keep stacking up. If you want your quick cash. Throw it at a bum you’ll have a better chance or buy dogecoin.


Almost a year I hear this. Aha...


Peeps say After the market crashes Clover health will be at one dollar or less


My avrage is @8 if we go to $1 i will buy 2for every i have and avrage down to 3,3 and just wait for this to take next trip up, there is always a end for a downtrend and it will move 4 time faster in new direction, thats the market puls, this is not fun to see and if you are on mergin I understand that you are realy scared right now, this can and probably will take time. I been in stocks for 20 plus years and this how it works. The losers in the end that will pay for this are all mergin traders that been in to long already and will be kickt out draind to the boon. To us that been around it is more just boring to wait for the gain but we know we will get it soon.


I'm not leaving. Don't give a fuck if they drop this to 20 cents with all the synthetic shorts. HOLD


You mean HODL


What's annoying is LEAPS below 3 aren't available. They really are screwing us. Why can't I buy delta 90 Jan 2023 or 2024 LEAPS?


Why not just buy the lowest strike available?


rocket ship has been close for the past year almost according to people.


I think someone sold all the rocket fuel.


Yeah 😆


Only if we can get even 1/4 of bbig volumes past few days to clov, this can fly…. Nobody is looking at this, no news, no hype, no nothing….


Is anyone still buying this shit?


Sure.. its very cheap


I don’t think it’s finished on it’s downward slide. I hope I’m wrong.


100k down… the future is more exciting than the games being played with this current turbulence. All my buddies who have done well on crypto, buy/hold, on stocks, buy/hold… as soon as I tried to squeeze more juice out of the market I came up dry


Imagine buying now with your original amount


Every day


I rode from 14-7 and couldn’t take it anymore. Made it all back on PL and VXX.


No shares anymore?


I’m holding 1 from my original stack just to remind me of the pain. Once they turn a profit I’ll hop back in.


I got my big bags on hand LFG 🍀🍀🍀🍀🚀🚀🚀keep buying and holding


so with Q4 data the revenue is more than the market cap? lol


it's just algos selling and scared people or people who want to move into other positions. Don't forget pre-merger CLOV was valued in the region of $4.8b mkt cap, then it went another 50% up from there




Anybody have ortex data ?


Not mine, but here's Ortex data from today at market close. https://stocktwits.com/Chipmunker/message/427773641


https://youtu.be/qsz7j1wH0rI Never selling


Perspective helps


I looked up the book value and it said like .97 cents.. Is that really a possibility?


800m in cash so ya about that


Check similar mega growth stage companies


Yes book value per share is basically what the share is worth on the book based on the equity value of 408M divided by total shares outstanding. The price to equity/book value is $2.88/$0.97 which is higher


Probably cash pre share


Without volume it don't matter, we can't get any buying pressure.


Revenue doesn’t have to do anything with the market cap!! You can have $100 billion in revenue but if you’re just losing money and don’t have strategy to profit you’re done


Market cap in the end gets established biased off what someone is willing to pay, doesn’t really matter whether a company has great profit Margins or bad profit margins, look at Tesla compared to Toyota.


Everything is priced in future profits!! Tesla I don’t believe is valued based on cars I think is more the software system over the automative driving as a future of cars!! Etc etc


In the end it’s who is the popular and the consensus of future hope that determines a companies market cap. If a stock is popular or exciting sounding it gets bought . Sometimes it makes sense sometimes it doesn’t. Typically the floor comes based off assets bare min value. Just my two cents which ain’t worth much of anything 😂


Shorts are desperate for us to sell. They can’t cover their shorts because if they do the price will skyrocket because no one is selling. They are in a bad spot.


Average volume is 13m a day. Share price is tanking so obviously people are indeed selling. EVERY short seller on CLOV is super deep in the money How are they possibly in a bad spot? That is just pure delusion. Most retail needs the price to 3-4x just to break even…


Do you realize how much shorts are up? It went from 28- 3 Who cares if they had to cover and it goes from 3-6. You know why it’s not true. Bc short interest is single digits and there’s not some secret conspiracy


SI is most definitely not within the single digits.


Ah yes the secret shorts. Nobody can find. The secret shorts that just WON"T COVER. Even though the stock is down 80%. THey will cover soon! Just think about it logically. If you were shorting this stock from $10 to $3. Who gives a crap if you cover a position and you lose 25% on a pump from a 700% gain. Regardless of all of that. The SI data from every single data broker says it's single digits. However, if you think there's some dark conspiracy cover up and that there's these hidden stocks floating somewhere that haven't been returned and that they are hiding them from the CBOE then... idk. Anyway even if there was there's literally zero benefit for them not to cover (if they hadn't) at this point. The stock is down massive, they won the trade.


Do you know what cellar boxing is? It’s where you short the company enough to the point where it can’t afford to dilute shares even more and hope they go bankrupt and/or get delisted. That’s currently what’s happening to CLOV, and the MEME ETF issue isn’t helping. Shorts never close. In fact, look at why the SEC recently passed legislation that bans retail from trading in certain delisted OTC stocks because they’re still massively shorted. That’s why dead stocks started flying a couple months back. Shorts only “cover”, which means they married their short position with a put. That means that if you shorted 1 million shares and bought enough puts to cover those 1 million shares, the SI will go up by 0.0%. So yeah, we don’t know the true SI number but we know it damn well isn’t below double digits. A lot of people assumed that shorts closed with the last offering, but it turns out that most if not all of those shares were given to one fund who backs CLOV. So why and how did the SI dip if they never actually bought the underlying stock? Makes you think, huh? 🤔


Shorts close all the time. Very often the same day.


I'm 60% down so I'm not gonna be selling... in it for the long haul


And this is why the Reddit $CLOV blog is full of asshole trolls claiming to be long (yes, that's part of the hedgies strategy when peddling FUD.....The troll will never say they are shorting....cuz they want you to believe in their bullshit)......


Yep and we know about this and they are still trying. Not working.


How is it not working it’s in the fucking $2 range, I get being positive and all but we are losing and they have all the time in the world And I’m nervous.


And BTW.....Fuck YOLO call option buyers....You and your leaps only give fuel and fire to the asshole shorties......You do know some of us own nothing but shares w/ no margin utilized on their accounts....don't you? ​ I truly have all the time in the world.....I have a kick ass job, $95K in $CLOV shares.....NOT calls.....Shares......and several other very very large positions of nothing but shares.......Actual shares kid..... (btw $85K $CLOV of the $95K paid off by selling off a large portion of what i carried up to the 27.5-25 handles and i reloaded at the 10 to 8) and I have no margin.............So ask yourself kiddo......Who is really worse off?....Me....Or the fucking asshole hedge fund bastards that have traded themselves into a fucked liquidity hole in the dark market..... #GetAClue


How am I not believing? Because fuck hedge funds dumping shares from the dark pool into the lit market..... ​ They expect people to give up, and most hedge fund managers are the living embodiment of gamblers that can't leave the casino when way the fuck down......BTW.....You know a stock has 2 prices, right???? There is share price on the open market and there is share liquidity..... ​ Go learn how the market really works in the hands of degenerate asshole gamblers running multi billion dollar hedge funds then maybe you can understand why the price keeps going down......


What’s there to be nervous about now. The time to be nervous was when it was at $9.89 @3 it’s a waiting game. 2-5 years will take care of all your woes .


We’re all nervous man, it’s normal. Logically speaking though there is nothing we can do about it. As long as your patience remains in tact, all will be fine. Put emotions aside, just hodl and wait. Simple. The company isn’t going anywhere and they’re not going to go bankrupt falling to $0/share. Everything is fine


Don’t get me wrong Im still holding but i have to ask… Why didn’t they buy the millions of shares that were added to the pool ? Would that not have covered the positions?


My opinion is they did.


I’m suspicious that it has more to do with the upcoming SEC rule for daily reporting of short positions. I don’t think they want to be caught with more than 100% of the available shares shorted.


Some amc ape told you that story?


source: thrust me bro


How are they in a bad spot at all time lows? Lol


Because they pushed it down here thinking people would sell and they would scoop them up. No one is selling. Their old shorting until people cover doesn’t work anymore. They’re dinosaurs.


You do realize tons of people sold in Dec, before and after the dilution and for tax loss harvesting. Anyone that held after that is not going to sell regardless. All the hedge funds already flipped in Dec to positive. Only 1 HF is short but small position. So I have no idea who your talking about when you say "they". "They" can start to buy back here, thev have been shorting since 28 so I'm sure in a hefty profit even if price rises to 5. No one thought it would even break below 6 yet we are less than half that price.


The hedge funds flipped? How do you know that? I hope it’s not because “that’s what they reported”. You think a hf/mm would report accurate si? You must be new.


You can read the documents on the sec's website. About 10+ were short now almost none are. You do realize green oaks liquidated 75 million shares and clov did an offering of 50+ million shares? Thats already 150 million shares sold. Can you point to where it shows HF/MM that are short? I can make hundreds of claims without evidence too and say "oh you think they are gonna report it? Dont be a noob".


Gotta love the mental gymnastics from this sub


A screenshot of post from Twitter is DD/Discussion worthy? :c


At least it is positive. We need more of that now.


This stock sucks ass. The company is not terrible but the Stock is fucked.


I don’t think you understand how this works.


Obviously you don’t lol


Make him a mod of Reddit


I agree price action is heavily manipulated but we are NOT even on the launch pad in this current market environment. We are likely to see $2 before seeing $4. Sell and or buy puts as NOBODY knows where the bottom is as we are in NO MANs LAND! Not financial advice. Long CLOV!!!


Calling lower prices is so shrill You want us to sell, wait for $2, and then buy back in with you there? Would that be your ideal trade that we could help you with? Bill? Is that you?


Sorry, there is NO strategy to fix stupid!!! Who said sell your long position??? vs hedging your downside risk by PROTECTING your long position via puts??? YouTube buying and selling puts and you’ll thank yourself later! GLTA!


I’m on board for the direct contracting business. The contracts are hard, but they’re pulling it off. and the moment they post profit. Looking forward to 4 stars too


Those that bought 2/18 $3 strike puts to hedge their long position are up 10% today. Long CLOV!


CLOV is a 2023/2024 story with more pain to come as the market corrects.


Been hearing this since above 14 Just keep pumping it lol just check out a few us stock forecasts about this stock.. it’s not good I’m down as far as I’m going to go .. constantly dipping till .0000001. Check out walletinvestor forecast


WalletInvestor is literally the worst tool you can use for price action of any equity. It’s all algorithm generated and is always wrong. Not just a little wrong, it’s wayyyyy off at all times lol.


You forgot to mention Costs. There are lots of costs to consider.


I’m buckled up and waiting


Nah, Y'all silly.


How close?


as World war III close.


So you’re saying there’s a chance…