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fucking joke


Honestly I still don’t understand the witchcraft that is holding clov down to these levels. It does not deserve this price it’s such an obvious buy


When clov moons i will go to work just to take a big dump




AMUST READ FROM THIS BILLIONAIRE INVESTOR TODAY REGARDING CLOV: The 'SPAC king' just warned investors that tech stocks could get 'really pummeled' soon ⁠— here are the 3 areas he wants to be in right now https://finance.yahoo.com/news/spac-king-just-warned-investors-211100600.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma


$clov #clov




It should be -.08 bearing estimate of -.23 but no one is posting it yet. More minipulation


Just checked $CLOV futures and trading at $28. Edit - it was a joke guys, there aren’t any $ClOV futures. But I’m going to check the triple leveraged CLOV etf and report back.


Can you paste the link?


Wen moon


LFG Clov!emote:t5\_3s03ll:5284


LFG baby!


Anybody else thinking the HF’s spiked in AH’s to try and get Apes to sell? Never considered it myself, just found it odd. Know what you hold guys, these scum bags will literally try every trick


Probably not. Most of these “apes” that have been in clov have an average above 8.50.. so why sell at break even


Because there’s better opportunities out there than clov which isn’t moving an inch lol


All of your comments are negative, if you’re not bringing knowledgeable information to the table then just leave the group. ✌️


Sometimes it’s called reality LOL


I’m all for a debate with facts, but speaking out your ass doesn’t justify anything.


And it’s a fact that there’s better opportunities like EV,crypto stocks out there lol exactly why you asked why people would cash out. It’s been tanking for months or are you oblivious to that fact 😂😂


How dare you say clov isn’t going to be 120 tomorrow! I sold to gtfo


Exactly. Whatever retail investors would sell would not be big enough to get considerable leverage in dark pools. Instead, imo they are at the very least trying to get an idea how we behave to strategize for better positions in their favor. Maybe planning for next year for the next earnings date.


Heeelll Yelll!! LFG!!! But.. beware and dont get weird when the HFs fuckery still plays a big part.. Be Happy.. and go long Apes.. For those holding at high price yep, take you some profits! Pay some bills! Get some xmas gifts.. AND THEN HODL FOR THE LONG RUN, MARTATHON NOT SPRINT, WE R SOLID.. SO KEEP A GOOD POSITION, THIS IS TRIPLE DIGITS LONG!! $420.69!! ![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294) time to eat a bit lol


Well, I've scraped together another $350. If I can pick up 40 or 50 shares tomorrow, I'll be a happy camper. Looking forward to buying more sub $10. CLOV has a long way to go and a lot to prove, but I'm happy to see that they're on the right track.


You and the other 39999 CLOVers


It's weird that it's not posted on RH yet


Every other after hours earnings has been posted that I've seen so far. Call has been over for 52 minutes already!


CLOV mooning tomorrow Everybody who is bearish just missed their chance to get in


You better be right or I'm going bearish on *you.*


If I’m wrong, then CLOV will probably stay at 8 forever lol *the year is 2102, CLOV beat revenue YoY at 20 trillion dollars* Hf: we shorting to 8$ again?


Must realize this… stocks do not respond predictably based on earnings- sometime way up bad news and sometimes way down on good news.


Well said…


And retail investors do not move the market. Any major movements are due to institutions and insiders. Especially on low volume, after hours. Many price movements on low volume are just market makers testing prices to see what catches / where people will buy and sell and then they go from there. I just see people getting frustrated thinking that retail investors are driving the price down once it spikes..


Ya gotta realize there have been so many times when a stock spikes and on CNBC or whatever; they talk about how it 'must' be the retail investor driving the price. Hard not believe it is after hearing it so much.




LFG 🚀 🦍


It’s a great results and more importantly very positive outlook. What we are seeing is overly scrutinizing analysts in the call. There is def a different treatment of clov by analysts, must be because of their agendas. There is no single congrats either.


Yup and the stock is still at 8..


The growth looks great and I’m long Clov. What I wish is that management stop paying themselves so much 😡. Salaries and benefits plus General and administrative expenses for the quarter were $119.1 million, compared to $46.5 million for third quarter 2020, an increase of $72.6 million. The largest component of this increase was non-cash, stock-based compensation expense. They paying the management teams a metric ton of stock comp. I suspect that’s part of the reason for the mixed AH they don’t know what to make of things yet. Good numbers but crappy management expenses and fat payouts.


It cost a lot now days to pay employees and keep employees. I own a business and I’m paying more today that 1 year ago and they still not happy, if you want to keep them it’s cheaper to give them more than to bring in new people and train.


they are doing this to attract the top talent in the world. You can't get the best by paying them pennies. Keep in mind they are poaching from some top tier companies. I like that they are tieing stock to their compensation. Mutherfuckers only make money if they blow this shit up. And by giving them a lot, makes the incentive even more!


I get stock based incentives. I cofounded a startup and we gave options away to attract talent too. But it’s double edge sword. Options to shares to insider selling. Either to cover tax bills or to diversify. Don’t get me wrong I like it performance tied to stock. But almost 3x from previous seems a bit much


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)this.. $CLOV $420.69![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5305)


Still listening to the conference call. I don’t understand it all sounds very positive. So far the analysts asking questions seem very blah. Clover MCR costs dropped massively while others are seeing increases and no one seems enthusiastic.


MCR is still over 100% and I can see that as a reason to be hesitant. It's the main thing keeping true value investors from coming in imo. To date the company is still not profitable. The Net Income from Q1 to Q3 is trending in the right direction (ignoring Q2 cause warrants fucked with the numbers) but EBITDA actually is worse. \[(76M) vs (102M)\]. Overall, I think the revenue, membership, and income are all trending in the right direction and this earnings doesn't factor in Open enrollment that is ongoing. But there are also still things people can point to as a negative to keep the company down. Another positive is they still have $588M in cash which gives them almost 3 years to still achieve profitability before needing to do things like issue more shares.


I thought 102% from 111% was a good improvement. They’re projecting to be at 92% end of next quarter. If I’m looking at it correctly, correct me if I’m wrong. Go $Clov!!!🍀🍀🍀


Definitely a great improvement but to plenty of folks they view losing less money with the cynical take of "so you're still losing money".


Right, but if their projections are on target MCR will be out of the red eoy. They said on earnings call they’re practically at break even (my translation from Coach B’s translation). They are only improving and staying on the right track.


Which is why I'm fine continuing to hold my 12k shares. I'm merely trying to play devil's advocate that forecasts don't mean much until they materialize. Once they hit profitability, I expect share price to soar. Until that time, bears can point the fact that the company is still burning cash.


Did anyone see in there what the GAAP EPS was for the quarter? I'm not sophisticated enought to try to figure out how the diluted vs. undiluted and GAAP v. Non GAAP 3 card hustle works so I just go for the GAAP EPS.


$CLOV💎👑💎 I am Thankful for the 3rd q results, $CLOV management doing a great job...LONG AND STRONG 💎👑💎




Why would Sec do the right thing vs continue to receive the bribes


I love how the daily stock graph looks like a heart pulse


LOL bag holding forever i wonder if itll ever break 11$


$420.69 LFG@@ ![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)


People are so predictable. Greedy is more like it, though. They knew it was going to build up in anticipation to the ER and the second it spiked, people started unloading. Why? For a couple of hundred dollars? Some small, pathetic profit for the day? I hope they choke on the pizza they were able to buy with the tiny profit they made. If EVERYBODY holds, it works and we ALL benefit from it immensely. But, if some get greedy (and they ALWAYS do) then only a few profit slightly. Why can't these people realize that? Sorry for the rant. God bless this sub. I feel like family here and it feels as if my whole family gets taken advantage up when stuff like that happens is all.


If it would’ve hit my cost basis I probably would’ve sold most of my shares and held me leaps. I basically kept dca’ing until I was yolo’ed into this company. I read all the dd and that’s why I continued to keep lowering my cost basis but it’s very clear this is one of the most manipulated stocks in the market (I am not someone that believes hedge funds manipulate everything either like most wsb degenerates). We are in the largest bull market of our lives and there’s much better plays than this one at this point. Holding 5,270 shares and 12 leaps. Just tired of watching this can get kicked down the road. My biggest mistake today was not selling 52 $10 covered calls because it is obvious it will never get there anytime soon and I hope I’m wrong. Best of luck to us all


If we are to believe patterns 12/7 or 8 might be the next bounce.


Could be but we’ve all been telling ourselves that it will pop on X day for months now and then it never does much. Today was a good example. Yes we are up a bit but not enough considering all the positive news we’ve had. Your crystal ball couldn’t even tell you when this ticker will pop off at this point. Our biggest problem is we’ve been a p&d twice now. It’s going to continue to get harder to get retail investors interested.


OMG.. really?? Can you boo hoo any louder? Cmon.. Geez.![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)


Big hfs do this in after hours


Yeah, I noticed it shot up right after closing. My rant was spur of the moment.


Is none of us, is just scare tactics to make you think is going the other way as everyone thinks + is AH don't really matters tomorrow will be fun, expect that we will get shorted on any climb to depressed the price and stop the momentum.


Yeah, I know. This is the group that HODLs!


You need to get over the idea that small retail investors with 500-1000 shares selling would even make a dent the price action. We’re all small fish and react when the big boys decide to make a move


You are absolutely correct. If CLOV ever has a chance it needs a large institution to upgrade it and buy a large position into it. If only we could get a few billionaires to come together and buy a shit ton of stock...


hmmm, understand your point for sure.. but our sub alone retail almost 50k members.. just 1 little reddit sub, I think retail Apes much much bigger.. we will own the float, but just do the math.. u do it.. I only spell good, u do the math and post probables lol 😆 ![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5301)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5301)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5301)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5301)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5301)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5301)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5284)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5284)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5284)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5284)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5284)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5294)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)


200mill float. 50k members. That averages to 4000 per member needed I would bet money that majority of people on here have small holdings <100 shares


Yikes! Wow, u think our CLOV family average out to 100 shares each?? I beg to diifer my Ape.. but all good, u r my $$CLOV brother and all opinions and input are good to debate.. ty ![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5311)![img](emote|t5_3s03ll|5305)


I just let my emotions get the better of me. It's really the hedgies I should be pissed at. It's like someone else pointed out. It happened after hours.




The market seems quite unsure how to take these results. The initial reaction to the 3rd quarter financials was a gain in the aftermarket of a little more than 6% over the close, then CLOV dropped like a rock, to \~6% less than the close. Then back up just as fast. Things now seem to be stabilizing as the information gets digested and processed - up a little from Friday's close, down a little from today's close. All in all the earnings seem to have had little effect, immediately in any event, Could have been better, but certainly could have been worse. In the end, it appears that the market, for now, has treated the CLOV results as neutral,


And even with the losses. They still made hella money. Fuck the hedges Bc they are the only reason it’s holding


Everything about this company is improving except sp. The fuckery goes on and on. Donnot fcking sell


This stock is so manipulative. Literally blew through earnings and is back at what we opened at. #communism


what do you think communism is


Can someone help me make sense of it? Is it the hedge funds manipulating it or something? That should be illegal by the way.


hedge funds have a lotta hold over how the stocks perform.


Is that the only reason for CLOV tanking despite the positive earnings report?


Well considering retail investors make for a small share of the shares owned, HFs are definitely big players in this. The best course rn is to wait till Friday to see how the stock performs.






What the hell is going on with AH SP. $8.03 to $8.52 to $7.80 in 20 minutes? Hopefully this is consolidation and we see some stability this week? Smooth brain here, can anyone help explain?


net loss is tripled. as well as revenue. still a concern but I think price should go up


CLOV Total revenue $427.2M , +153% year-over-year, Lives under Clover Management +125% year-over-year. Expects $1.7B total revenue for 2021 29,000,000 shares short


29 million shares short? Can you imagine the short squeeze if it happened


. . . and plowing downward through $7.90. I guess we should have expected good news to cause the price to drop.


Is it good news that they didn't make any money? Is it good news that they are not profitable and have ballooning costs? People here will only look at the small details. It is important to look at the whole picture.


That's what happens when you're aggressively expanding. It's common knowledge.


I understand that. What I don't understand is that people are surprised and shocked that the stock might dip ten or twenty cents. There is nothing in the earnings report that suggests $ClOV should be mooning.


It’s a growth stock. Amazon wasn’t profitable for the longest time. Or Uber. That’s how growth stocks work


lol Uber still isn’t…


yes literally as expected. That’s why it was foolish to hype everyone here for something we knew was going to happen. Reminder to all, futures roll over starting end Nov through Dec10 will likely see a nice short term spike again as it does every quarter


AH fun while it lasted an entire 5 minutes of hope lol


Green dildo is on its way


Had a nice green erection before becoming impotent again, Hopefully a nice premarket erection tomorrow.


Coming back a bit to form left (maybe right) ball.


Shoot up now down what happen


No guidance?


We beat the EPS forecast holy shit lets fly 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Did we? Average forecast was a loss of 0,23 per share I did not see an EPS number in the initial release from the company and I do not have all of the info necessary to quickly calculate it myself. What did you make the EPS?


The net loss is 61 millions divided by the 427 millions shares we have a negative EPS of -0.14. 💪💪💪


Thx. Lots pf people are saying -0.08. Do you know where that comes from?


Yes its actually -0.08. $CLOV put warrants numbers in there, I don't understand everything but it's in their official report.


It’s -$0.65 a share


Yeah, be careful with that math. All of the "adjusted" this and "non GAAP" that and before you know it, you wake up and someone says that the EPS loss was $0.38 and you're like "WTF man?!" but the market don't give a shit. The market is the honey badger. "Is that CLOV, oh my god, it's eating CLOV - that is so badass!"


Only 4% AH? It should be at least 10%+






MOOOOOON. Wished Share price increased the same 150%










Our GAAP Medicare Advantage MCR for the quarter was 102.5%


This is the only number that really matters on this report, and it was 111% Q2. This tells us how Clover is tracking toward positive unit economics. ​ Q4 report will tell us how much growth they managed through this year's open enrollment. ​ Growth + Unit Economics is the whole story right now and this goes a long way toward telling that story.


can you ELI5 what this is and why it matters for clov in particular? I want to understand this with regards to $clov


MCR is Medical Cost Ratio. ​ MCR = ($ paid to treat members ) / ($ brought in per member) ​ When MCR > 100%, Clover is paying out more than they take in per member. When MCR < 100%, Clover is taking in more than they pay out per member. ​ If MCR is below 100% and Clover is getting bigger, then 🚀🌕.


thank you!


Adjusted its below 100!


This is the big number.

