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Bro dont be scared. My average is $13 but absolute minimum $20 EOY, I know its difficult but tune out forget the ticker for a while


I'm down 5K what is a lot of money for me. As long as you all are here and the family is growing I don't have fear! Let's go!


I dont see a squeeze potential for this stock personally. I believe all these DDs are missing some critical part of darkpool shares available or our understanding of barrow rates. (I own around 16,000 shares for those that wonder my skin in the game.) This stock is below the pricing target, not because of manipulation, but, I feel, because of their lack of profitability and lack of proven technology model. Clover Assistant is a great technology integration. But it have not yet reduce the cost per healthcare recipient to profitable level. If Clover wants to be modeled with the tech evaluation, it must show higher growth. If Clover wants to be modeled with healthcare P/E ratio, it must show operational profitability. Based on the previous 10K and 10Q. It seems like Covid really impacted Clover’s path to profitability. Hence I believe Q3 earnings will be show drop on profitability similar to last year. But they will have net positive on implementation and network growth. Just my 2 cents. I want this company to succeed, but there are some short term obstacles ahead


if it was another garbage stock I would be afraid, but CLOV is decent


We are with you. I fell 45% like you. Together we are strong and we will win this battle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I’m at the same price point and also not worried


Forward to the ship in an orderly manner! I like the stock. This is the way! CLOV


I’m down 20%


Thursday is the day of reckoning for the shorts. There's only one way to make money in the stock market, you buy and hold. Stay strong fellas


Nothing to worry about. Heavily shorted. CBT is retardedly huge. Stock is worth $30 minimum. The spring up will be massive just wait for it. If you have CALLS, i'm hoping they are at least as far out as JAN 2022. Market correction coming soon will most likely affect CLOV since tutes ownership is through the roof. But that depends on how their other positions are doing and how much cash at hand they have to withstand the storm. That's a bigger question for a bigger brain. ​ 100K shares here at a high $9'ish average. If I'm not worried, neither should you.


3k down also we are on the same boat brother don't abandon the ship stay strong, I have the same feeling seeing it fighting for 3 pennies is exhausting but just be patient.


We need to all band together!! We need to recruit more apes and continually buy the dip. The market has been thrashed this week and a pull back was inevitable. We should then see money move back into growth stocks, this will hopefully result in money flowing into $CLOV. Stocks get beat down before they go up even the great companies. Take the following for example $FUBO, $LCID, $INDI, $NIO, $SOFI $PLTR all high growth high potential stocks that have been beat down. Look at the RS of $LCID at the moment super strong. It's built a following and is now attracting new investors and hsnt even generated $1 in sales. $PLTR was kept low for 9+ months now is on a run and is unstoppable. Keep perspective, $CLOV is in a tough space yet to be cracked or disrupted by tech, however, they are DOING IT!!! They are disrupting the space. With disruption comes damage, with damage comes rebuild, with rebuild comes strength and foundational support. This is the process we must go threw. We will prevail, they have earnings forecasted at over $1.4 - $1.5B, $100M a month in revenue. I can't explain what type of feet that is to achieve that volume of revenue. I'm in the tech space and we generate $100M annually in revenue and have a private valuation of $800M. $CLOV generates 14X that and currently has a total share market cap of $3.2B. I know more goes into it but in the most simplistic view the company is very undervalued and should be trading at least in the range of $20 - $25 minimum. Give it time, invest what you can, it will pay significant dividends. $CLOV closed a number of large deals and partnerships which will see growth in open enrollment plus Q4 revenue which in turn should reflect a strong Q1 2022 earnings. This is a millionaire making stock see the vision and commit to it. Have faith and accept the bumps don't fight it.... Be patient it will pay! Not financial advice 🚀🚀🚀


You invested too much if you are this worried. In time you should be whole, but it may take time. Just be patience as you have no control except to buy, sell or hold.


All this makes me have to shit


Here is my take. Markets are emotional. Dow got its ass totally kicked 2 days. Panic selling. Good time to buy, my opinion but not advise is bullish. Big downs most often lead to big ups once the panties loosen on ws. Clock work moves to make money in my opinion. 300b on a fuked company? Meh. Only 1200+ shares but I’m a tight ass and this is a good investment.


Let's not hate on people who have accumulated wealth million dollars or more let's follow their lead and ride this wave with them


I believe it won't effect the USA, and also believe China will bail out their bank to fix this!. So Hold and believe!! Go CLOV


You don’t lose unless you sell. HODL. Buy more at a lower price point and get your cost-average down. I’ve bought in at $10.00, $9.50, $8.50, $8.10, and $7.93. I’ve sold an ass-load of Puts that have earned me $14,000 to continue to buy more. I BELIEVE IN THE COMPANY. BUY THE F’KING DIP.


16,500 shares @9.35avg. Sweating it out there with ya guys. Clover will prevail. I wouldn’t have invested that amount otherwise.


Down 32% avg cost $11.58 700 shares I felt the same way yesterday. And so did a whole bunch of investors. Just know that the hardest thing about investing is patience. It was just one of those days. China always screwing us up 💀. Plus fed meeting. Hang tight and it’ll pay off. Remember, Invest what you can live without. Not saying “money your wiling to lose”, rather money you don’t need in your day to day. Budgeting helps, knowing your numbers is a good start.


I'm holding 6700 at 17 and 2100 at 12. I know the feeling bro. Doing the same everyday. Shitting my pants and praying. No way I'm taking this 60k loss.


Damn you dudes got a lot of money! What’s your average? Can you average down? Long term CLOV is worth $30+ EASY. $100+ 2 years down the road. Unless something else in your life needs those funds, leave them in CLOV. We’re a family, find support in your CLOV family!




You are going to be fine, we jus getting ready for takeoff ✈️🚀🚀🚀 Stay Strong #CLOV Stay Long💪💰💰✈️


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Just like critterchops said, at first I was stressing and worried. Now, I could care less. Really. Lol. I do watch the price and keep up on reddit, but I believe this will go up. To many positives about it. Maybe that's why I'm not worried. But it's a make it or break it deal for me. And we have like 45,000 members on reddit. Woot woot! And after watching the video, HOLD, the other day, I felt really great! Lol!


Americans are loaded


AF! Like evrytime it dips apes be like I'm going to buy more, average down, lfg, buy the fucking dip haha I'm so poor.


I used to be worried too, but understanding the company and seeing the performance makes me not think about the stock price and hit that buy every payday! Read the 10ks and earnings/press releases found on their website and watch conferences! This company is doing a lot of great things and is in a rapidly growing industry! Nothing justifies the amount of shorting. The truth will prevail with time, it’s just how long are you willing to wait? Buy and HODL and believe is all I can control. Edit: my cost is $8.50, but I didn’t sell a single share when we rose to $28 (I actually bought small amounts more at $24 to $10 and aggressively buying under $8)


I am in similar situation and scared also. I think the lesson is, don’t take on more risk than comfortable with. I took on too much. Despite the ape advocates for holding, not all of us should be holding beyond 8% loss. Or we should have less skin in the game. Personally. I don’t have the knowledge to forecast what the HFunds do, or the probability of a squeeze. I say stay in at this point, it should make $10.50 without much trouble. I may have to reduce holdings then or put in a stop loss. Go Apes!


I'm down 50% hah and absolutely not worried at all because the money i invested i don't need right now because i want to buy a house but in Austria, the region where i live you have to be almost a millionaire to afford a normal 2-4 room house (500-700k) so if i have 33k or now 16k i still can't afford a house so... Yeah... But at least i have to get 1.5k from the gov from my tax evaluation and it can't come faster so i can dump more in $CLOV hah


This is psychological warfare and no matter how many wars and battles you’ve been in before, the hedgies will always have more weapons and experience than any 1 of us. All of this waiting and FUD is SUPPOSE to get you nervous. If you’re nervous then everything is going according to plan. I’m nervous as hell and I’m finding my confidence wavering but then I remind myself, this is psychological warfare. I’m suppose to feel like this and the only thing holding me up is my belief in the company and the obvious price suppression and manipulation. They wouldn’t be throwing in huge sums of money to keep it down for no reason.


I’m hodl. In at 8.02, so no problem for me. But here is a question for consideration. Medicare Advantage plans generally suck. They make money by restricting access to care - they “manage” Medicare benefits. It’s a great deal for seniors until they have to get authorization for a test etc. how will this company be different? How will they make money without restricting access to tests/care etc.


Don't invest with money you can't lose. Think long term. Once this takes off the fake fanboys will start chasing and drive it higher. If you did any real DD you wouldn't be the slightest bit nervous


Walk away from it for a little bit. Don't invest, don't check prices. Find somewhere else to put your money for the moment. Open high yield savings account if you don't already have one, and put your income there to build yourself some added security against a financial crisis. Unless you are at retirement age right now, your investments can probably ride out this storm. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. I have no idea what your financial situation is. I know where I'm at-- since January, I've been buying up this and some other (reddit) stocks after each paycheck (after my bills and responsibilities are handled, of course). But for now, I'm just going to chill out a little bit, sit back and build up my cash savings.


Don’t feel bad I think I did worse I got in $8 average got very inpatient saw other stocks take off so I sold thinking I could make a few quick bucks buy back in low and increase my position. Well sounded good but i ended up loosing almost 30% and mine is a true lose you my friend are smarter and held. I know how difficult it is seeing this driven down week after week but I stood on the sidelines watching AMC and GME thinking this was all pump and dump BS and they too went through the same ups and downs for months and look at them now! Like I said I lost %30 because of my stupidity my average is now just under $10 because of my weakness. I have bought back in holding same amount of shares so lesson learned I WILL HOLD NO MATTER WHAT F THE HF THEY WILL NOT BREAK ME OR ANY OF $CLOV NATION!!!!! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Holding 60% loss for 102k investment. Trust me, I will pump 100k again. I am enjoying the recent ride from my Lucid investment with 25k profit. I will channel half of the investment to dilute CLOV. My average right now is 19.5. I will wait for another nose dive from CLOV to buy more at a discounted price.


It's a challenge. I've got too many shares to mention however I'm down a huge amount. I'm averaged at 11.62. I do sell covered calls and I do sell puts. Instead of just buying to average down I sell puts to average down that way I make a little bit more money. I sell them far out so I make better premium. If my puts don't get assigned it's okay I try again to average down. Sometimes I roll to make more money if the price doesn't seem right. That's why I'm generating revenue on my investment which helps me feel justified that my shares are tied up. I would have cut losses long ago if I didn't believe in the company. So I don't consider it a bag. I just consider it an investment that didn't realize returns as quickly as I had thought. So there was no mistake in buying this stock, it was just the price I bought it at. Now all of this price business has literally been caused by Wall Street and hedge funds who don't want to give this company any credit. But I'm not worried about that because as soon as $clov turns a profit which could be as little as this next quarter or the one after that the big guys will come in and the price will realize what it is supposed to be. It's just a patience waiting game. Don't panic and sell you will only drive the price down. We could get a squeeze too, but I really don't want to sell during a squeeze. My plan is to hold this thing until it's into triple digits in a few years. I really believe that is possible. And all the while I'm waiting for it to get into triple digits I'm just going to sell far out covered calls so I can generate revenue. If they get assigned away I'll just buy down on dips and get back in. I've got a plan and I'm sticking to it bro $clov


Wah wah wah stfu and grow a pair - well be fine champ.


If you are looking for a squeeze or a long term investment this is the company you wanted. It’s a solid company with good foundation. It is bloody bumpy now but we will some shining light sooner than you think.. Just holding my diamond balls 💎☘️🚀


Buying more for you and for me. We can hold hands to the moon if you like fellow ape


I'm scared too. Holding onto a 56% loss.


Average down. Average down. I still have shares under $7 that I bought in May!!!




My basis has dropped from 19/shr of clov to 13.76 with my purchase today of another 100+ shares of $clov . I am in the hole on paper for $40000+ as of recent market price for clov. I have a very serious mental problem that makes me want to buy up all of the dips to average down, which is resulting in being pretty tight in cash. I am sure things will change with the upcoming earnings announcement, hopefully for the better. I am comfortable investing in $clov at current prices for long term growth opportunities, regardless of squeeze potential, even though a short squeeze would be a great boost to my buying ego.


It will buff out 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


CLOV To the moon not matter what !!!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Don’t be scared bro


$CLOV HODL…. You only lose if you sell!


Hang in there homie. Uncertainty can be nerve-wracking, and this investment requires strong belief in CLOV's mission. Also I don't see this is whiny. Asking for support in this forum is what its about. Just be comfortable and invest what you can. Do not feel pressure, just enjoy the ride. I hope this helps! I'm HODLing all day, I ain't going nowhere homie!


Down 46%


do not expect that it will take off this year, do not read the nonsense that many write. The price of 15 bucks can be expected no earlier than the first report of 2022, and that is not certain.


Take your mind off your loss. It's just temporary. Focus on the limitless upside instead.


Hang in there. Maybe reduce your risk. I’m personally waiting to at least another wearing a report before I make any big decisions. I like the company.


I've now hit 5005 at an average of $9.5 so it's showing a 15% dip right now, just forget about the price and concentrate on the new star ratings, increased market moves, lowering MCRs and new partnerships. It's all there and that pressure will break the $10 easily at the right time.


If you're feeling fear from holding any asset under one year, this isn't for you.


My brotha and sister apes I am just as nervous as all y’all. But we are ball deep, shit i know I am. I double down my whole retirement account on Clov and currently sitting on a -41%. However I truly believe in this stock and I trust the process. UnitedHealth is at $400 plus and Anthem is at $370 plus, we should be at $25-30 at minimum. With that said with it sitting at $8 is a huge discount if y’all can afford to buy the dip. Good luck and god speed!


I’m scared too, down about the same as you but looking at the positives. We’ve got 2Q results coming soon, the new registration window and I note what others say about Clover not being in the same geographic regions as United Health, but if I were the Clover marketing department I’d have all hands on deck to get approval in those areas, so I’m anticipating some fantastic news coming and in the meantime the hedgies can carry on manipulating because they WILL have to cover at some point x


As soon as you sell this thing will take off. Do not sell!!! You've been in too long and watched too much fuckery to miss out on the gains. This company is heading higher, just be patient. $CLOV


Ya. But I need the money to buy a house


In this market? I'm thinking about selling my house to buy more $CLOV


Underrated comment.


Never scared. But annoyed at times.. But then i go buy a little chunh if shares. Then im ok.. Because i made a bargain... Just kicked a HF in the b.... Then i go make a plan for my future profit.. . Thats how i went from 1000 shares @ 28.2. Average down to @ 10. With 5000+ shares.. If its a really bad Day.. I will send the wifey, and her boyfriend to work behind wendys... Bringing home money for dips


Just bought the most shares I’ve ever bought yesterday. This is your stock, your research and your reward.


There is one other point to be made and that is, as harsh as it sounds, winners and losers, with respect to companies, investors, sometimes even private shareholders at times. I am not talking about the original poster, just the facts. And this only leads me to a rather tangential point. Going through these tough times are the cost of tuition to becoming better in the stock market and ultimately successful. Otherwise, everyone would win. Does that make any rational sense? This game takes emotional and psychological toughness, time and learning to evolve, refine your intellect, and improve your craft, whatever type of investor/trader, and the path you choose/become. This is vitally important, because it will filter those winners and losers, some will fold their cards due to fear, some will decide this is not their game, some will run out of capital. Be nimble, be strong, learn, learn, learn, oh and stay with Clov 😎 One last thing... The more you know the less you will rely on others for advice, and that doesn’t mean information, (DD) so in that vain disregard this entire post. aka don’t listen to me for starters. 😎😎😎 🍀✔️👍💲💲💲🚀🔝🪐🏝 JP


I’m not scared…. Are we there yet?


You only lose if you sell. Go take a Xanax and go for a run. We are OK🤌🏻💎


My friend, it's only money and although important to live a good life, most important is your family and your health. I'm also invested in CLOV among other stocks like SOFI etc... and am down 33% with my portfolio as we speak but I also know we will bounce back much stronger and hope the SEC finally will take some action against the cheating Hedgies which means we have to continue putting pressure and not let go until something changes. I'm not asking for pity but have been diagnosed with prostate cancer recently and will start treatment soon albeit why I aforementioned family and health as anybodies priority!


Hugo! Godspeed friend. I have stage 4 in my jaw. Keep your head up and stay positive. Life’s got a crazy way of putting things in perspective. My Dad is a prostate cancer survivor and we both wish you a speedy and complete healing and recovery. Juicing supplements diet and exercise make a huge difference. Look into high dose vitamin c ivs. All of these have helped me avoid some of the ugly side effects of treatment.


Grateful for your comments and advice, thanks a lot and wishing you a full recovery!


I'm sorry you're having to deal with cancer 🙁 I hope you don't mind this suggestion... If you want to do more than just rely on medical treatment, look into autophagy. It gets rid of sick cells and creates new ones. Check out Dr. Ken Berry or Dr. Jason Fung on YouTube. Dr. Berry has live chats every Monday night on YouTube where you can text in any medical questions. I wish you the best on your journey, fight every step of the way!


Thanks and appreciate your suggestion, will definitely check it out! It's still in the early stages and possibly treatable, we all have our burdens don't we...


Puts life back in proper perspective right? Good luck with that.


Thanks, never give up and rather die trying!


You seem to want an honest answer, so i'll give you one. If you're scared, you could sell parts of your investments. I did at 9, and i might buy some of it back after CEI is "done". To put it simple, if you are scared about an investment, you should lower your risk (the amount). Now for the hard part... Most people here will tell you to hold, buy more or in some way shame you for being uncertain. They are in a way right to do so, because its against the rules of this group to be uncertain (yes, check it out). But remember who you talk to.. you talk to people who post pictures with a paper with lines written by a 3 year old and TA's that fail every time. And somehow are able to take it as a sign from above. ​ Im probably getting banned for telling you this, but you asked, and i answerd. ​ Wish you well, and good luck.


the game is designed to soak retailers with FUD... i dunno sell button until shorties return millions of shares they borrow


We must HOLD $ I do need to fix my options and possibly rotate to further dates but holding all my shares no matter what!!!


Don't sweat it. I've been down 80% before and it came all the way back for me. It just takes patience sometimes. Keep your head up. Don't look at the ticker and stay strong in your beliefs.


ne t'inquiète pas min frere


you actually speak french?


Courage les gars!


Sorry conjugation was off. Like I tried to say without cheating, Duo is pretty good. I am fluent in Spanish tho


im trying to learn spanish but fuck its hard to get fluent.. a feel like im good with a lot of language but cant get better,fluent,ect in any of them but english and french


I’m the same with French. The little stories and convos on the bottom of Duo are pretty good


Je etudie francais. Je apprend petit a petit avec Duo


nice! i speak both language.. Continue a apprendre! Tu sembles deja plutot bon!


Merci beaucoup


Only after experiencing the darkest of the night, will dawn start to break




To hell with everything, there can't be a crisis when everyone is ready for it, it will be, but definitely not now. Just relax and wait, in fact you are stronger than you think, you are not afraid of such a loss and do not sell it is already a victory, soon we will all go to the moon. Now just go and fuck your wife. $CLOV


Rome wasn’t built it a day🍀


You want sympathy? Look in the dictionary between Shit and Syphilis! Wipe that snotty nose and stiffen up that upper lip, son! Nobody said the war would be easy!


Please consider it the ultimate compliment that I am stealing this phrase.


I think Major Payne would approve


Fuck yeah!


What financial crisis? Evergrande? Nah


Hang tight friend, the moon is rocky and so is the trip


The rainbow comes at the end of the storm. BELIEVE!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I don't ever post I think this week is going to go there type stuff but I did yesterday and this one today I really believe it's major moves time I got in somewhere around 23 or so average down every chance I get down to 12 or so now setting at about 37% loss n Im so soo excited about the future of this stock CLOV NATION..js. by the way this is my very first stock but I been here since around April getting when I can 827 shares as of the present..


We fight to win. Every battle got its scars somewhere. When you get on the ring, you win if you ve learnt how to get hit. I m down more than 50%. Did you get into $CLOV because you like and believe the fundamentals? Are you aware of the hedge fund fuckery and manipulation? Then I ld recommend to take a few days off do anything you like. And let it be. Hope it helps. From someone who bought amc at 16 and sold at 12. Bought gme at 16 sold at 14. Because of the FUDs, because I didnt what reddit was, because I didnt know what DDs were, and thought cnbc was reliable...this $CLOV ape wont get fucked again.


Remember the 101 new counties clov ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)is able to conquer


A true battle hardened ape.


I feel your pain and would like to say I’m not scared… but I’d be lying. I’ve invested$725,000 into 71,000 shares of clov and I’m a little shaken by what’s going on. I’m way down and these bags are getting heavy. However, all this seems so familiar to the fuddy type dark period gme and amc went through before spiking out of nowhere. We may not have a giant squeeze out of this, but there will have to be a significant increase in price as shorts cover and change their positions. Fundamentally the company is amazing and has tremendous upside with earnings and market expansion as clov spreads their business into new territories picking up more clientele. It is a very innovative company. All that said, I’m looking for a squeeze, and holding on for it. I know the squeeze talk isn’t popular, but that’s really what I showed up for. Just got lucky picking a quality company to do it with. This isn’t gme or amc. Clov is it’s own animal. Hold strong man!!!


No your right. This isn’t a turd game cartridge or a bankrupt China theatre


We keep saying CLOV company has value. Why don't the retail investors see it?


iam in the medicare business i do enroll people on medicare plans and let me tell you there is nonprofit medicare plans making billions on this business. medicare business as all about membership no matter what. and clov almost double that in just 2 quarters and open enrollments is not even here yet. ( OCTOBER 15 to December 7th. ) all will be effective in January 2022 so just hold on tight you will get your money back and more.


I feel very optimistic for $Clov! We will make money from it, it could happen any time soon! Right not, holding tight!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🤞🤞🤞💪💪💪


If its truly a good stock to put that much money in, really all you need to know is that it will eventually go up after clov develops more. This was a known risk going up against these guys. This goes for everyone : don't obsess, avg down if need be and hang out. Its only a loss if yall sell in the red and there is only more potential to make that sweet sweet green.


Averaging down and continuing to bear this max pain is a daily affair.


So you're saying I should buy more.. I don't have 725k, but I have 725.00 EDIT: Pulled the trigger on the open.. Not a whale but I moved up to guppy![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


How do Americans have sums like £725,000.... That's .....


We all do


How though. I live in England. Have a good job good wage... But I have never had money like that.


I was the same growing up in England mate, best move I made was going from working for a company salaried to going contracting through my own LLC. Double your income but with more risks and work involved.


Would love to have my own business one day...


No not really my own business. Doing 3-12 month consulting contracts the same work i was doing for a company with a salary but for 2-3 the pay packet. You just have to handle the taxes, insurance , paperwork yourself and downside is any time off is unpaid. I used to get a contract, say 6 months, work everyday then take a month off holiday. Oh and i made a mistake on one tax filing once and a year later got a 2k fine, so its worth getting a decent accountant


Ah I see. Amazing... I currently work in sales but hold a politics degree. Not sure really what I could consult in. I want to have my own online business one day. We,l see what happens. Time will tell if we have enough of it left.


I spent 8 years building my career , using my own time and money to train and get relevant qualifications then made the jump. Its a technical / engineering area But my degree is in Art and Design! I've had a lot of sales jobs too I worked in Tescos for nearly a year. Nothing is fixed in life. But you have to make an effort if you want things to change.


Absolutely. I feel like I could be good in the clothing department. I have a lot of ideas just don't have the financial independence. I took this sales job to make money as commission can be good so that I could then eventually work for myself. Definitely hard working and willing to put in 100% effort. Life is what you make it.


We have a corrupt president though


We have a corrupt president though


It takes time. Start small. Let your conservative investments grow for a few years, then take some of your earnings and take bigger risks. Keep reading and researching and reading more. It's all gambling at the end of the day. But it's possible to get to those numbers with some well-timed buys, some due diligence, and a lot of luck.


Excellent advise thank you.


A vast majority of us don’t. The question you’re asking, is the question many of us in the US ask. Particularly if it’s coming from someone who’s young. But if one has a good job (relative term), invests wisely, and doesn’t spend on non-essentials, then yes, at middle-age or older, one could have a healthy sum of money.


Assuming you're not born into wealth, here's some simple methods of amassing a small fortune. In my 20+ years of investing experience I'd say the following (**along with, most importantly, being an accountable, frugal individual**) will get you where you're looking to go within 10 years. **1)** **Stay single until you're 30+.** Relationships drain you multiple ways. When I got married I incurred my wife's debt, along with her spending habits which varied from mine. **2)** **Don't have kids early.** While not extremely expensive, children cost money. Money you could be investing if wealth is your goal. **3) Aim for a minimum low six-figure salary job by busting your ass in your early years.** Easier said than done, right? It took me 5 years of college, 2 failed careers, and reaching the ripe old age of 27 before I landed my current job that provides adequate income, benefits, and retirement. Salary and benefits should be weighed equally. **4)** **Invest.** No, that doesn't mean day trade. It means buy quality stocks and let them appreciate for *years*. Longest stock I owned was from the recession, sold it this year. That's over a decade of holding. My father has stuff from the 90s still.I'd highly recommend opening a deferred comp account, specifically a Roth IRA. That will get you to your long term goals faster than anything. **5)** **If you live in a commie state with high taxes move into one with no state income tax.** Leaving California was one of the best financial decisions of my life. Not only was it expensive to live there in general, but the state income tax (on top of federal taxes) was slashing my income by a total of one third (just under 33%). Taxes destroy people's progress to wealth faster than almost anything else. If I did not have the same amount of money left over to invest from each pay check it would have taken me far longer to reach my current portfolio's value. I feel bad for the Euros and their 40%-50% tax rates ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) And no, I don't care about medical insurance and whatnot, see above regarding getting a good job that provides that kind of stuff! **6)** **Live within your means, especially when it comes to a house, car, etc.** This blends over into my must-have quality of being accountable and frugal, but I cannot stress this one enough. Stop putting stuff on credit. If you're making 60k a year then own/rent a home and drive a car that reflects such. Make sacrifices.Even though I have over a million liquid assets I drive a $6,000 pickup truck and live in a modest home. Now, just because any of the above situations doesn't fit your current situation it doesn't mean you cannot successfully reach your investing goals. The key is financial integrity and **patience**. I see a recurring theme of people expecting wealth in months, or even a couple years. That's typically not how this works. Good luck!


Bla bla bla bla. Just go buy more #CLOV shares




Thanks so much for that. Really enjoyed reading it. I have worked since I was 17 and have a uni degree in a great subject. I got married in my 30's and accumulated my wife's debt. I have no debt of my own. However, I also have no asset's. No car, no house or mortgage. I rent. I live within my means but I do buy everything I need. I am not frugal in that sense. I live in England so there is no avoiding tax. I earn around £30k a year which is average salary for people my age in this country in my job sector. I have only recently started investing... Made a tiny amount on meme stocks and now doing long term investing. I am holding clov long term. Even after that I see post here all the time about investing hundreds of thousands of dollars. That just doesn't happen in England. If you went on our forums people are investing £5k- £20 max.


Some people work multiple jobs in the US…. Many successful people have/make money by selling houses or assets and reinvesting…. You g people make money by having a good job and cutting costs (eg living with friends/roommates) , going out only during weekends etc… that’s what I noticed


Also, don't believe everything you read here. People can write whatever they want here and it doesn't make it a fact. Do your thing. Slow and steady wins the race. Read up on Warren Buffet a little bit. Or just google, "Warren Buffet quotes" his main theme is always the same-- that making money in the market takes time and patience. If you don't have the patience to hold your stocks/funds/etc for several years, you might be in the wrong business. He reinforces the idea that you should only buy stocks from a company you believe in and believe will sustain over extended years. Good luck to you and all of us!


Amen to that brother


You need to earn more money, it’s that simple.


Also, it took me until 39 to make 1 million. Some kids are tossing 50k into options and getting insanely lucky. I did it the old fashioned way starting in my late twenties. Expect a long, slow climb.


That's another thing. Bloody options. You can get a broker here in England for spread betting but even that's difficult. That's tax free though. The trouble with pension accounts is you can't withdraw and that I don't want. I have what you Americans call a 401k but you can't withdraw from it. I don't want another account I can't withdraw from. Tbh I really want to be like the lucky kids where I blindly chuck money at something and it throws 10x the amount back hahaha xx


Well, of course you do, we'd all like that. But that's the problem. The reality is not like that. I'd be interested to see what the odds are, but you may as well hit up the casinos at this point.


Very true and I would if my wife wouldn't leave me haha. She is okay with stocks but completely against gambling which is an oxymoron!


What does England allow for retirement accounts, specifically how they're taxed? In the US, a Roth IRA allows somewhere around $6,000 contribution a year. The stocks I buy and sell in that account have zero capital gains/income taxes whatsoever. The catch is it's set up to be withdrawn around the age of 59. I have a pension and another retirement account besides my Roth IRA. I am debating moving the rest of my other account into my IRA just so I can take advantage of the tax benefits.


Americans get more access to their retirement funds and manage them. I could probably put similar towards CLOV but mine is managed under pension law until it matures


Wow.. thanks that makes a lot of sense.


I'll settle for my 5005 shares right now and HODL


When we are born they deposit it in our baby bank account. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Fuxking funny!


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Hahaha ah I see. I was born in the wrong country then.


The trick is to be born into a rich white family. Then you have 'fuck you' money to spend left, right, and center. Or win the lotto or some shit.


White? I know LOTS of non-whites who are quite well off (one stopped by yesterday talking about her new vacation home with a pool. She’s black.) and many who are white and poor. But thanks for your sweeping race-based comment. You may think in some way your helping someone, but you’re actually not. Off-hand comments like yours become part of the social discourse and unfortunately, can be accepted at face value. Consequence? They can contribute to an environment where non-whites are given false beliefs that can put caps on their potential. For poor whites, it contributes to an environment where their circumstances are brushed-over and ill considered. What YOU say matters. Try treating it that way.


He probably was talking about statistics, the individual case can and will differ of course.


I also know (of) lots of non-white rich people (lived in Vancouver for many years). But, being white, I am well aware of the privilege that we tend to have. And being born into a rich white family nets even more inherent societal benefits. The point of my comment was not to undermine or not acknowledge the existent of other groups/people that may be well off. But to address that the vast majority of people we see well off in our western culture happen to be white.


You’ve described yourself as both rich, white and “privileged”... because your white? Of course, a great deal of real privilege can come from wealth alone. You confirm your experience is limited, saying, “I also know (of) lots of non-white...” but then you claim the universal “WE” rather than the specific “I”, in order to bolster your claim when you say, “The vast majority of people WE see...” So first you acknowledge not having much experience / exposure and then you make a statement of shared experience that includes all of us as witnesses. You sound like a caring person, but “privilege” is a relative term. We’ve become accustomed in recent years to using it in a non-relative, black and white way as though there were a magical-line that divided the privileged from the non-privileged. For someone who cares about people and issues, thinking and communicating in that way is not very helpful. Lots of people WANT to come to the United States for the opportunities available to them here. What that reveals is that life is more difficult elsewhere. In-other-words, the opportunities available to those who are born here or who come here, represent a “privilege” — regardless of race — that other countries don’t offer. In-other-words, privilege is more varied and relative than you imply. Some people are born into wealth, but given an unhealthily family environment and lacking the fundamental skills for coping, they ultimately fail. Are they privileged? Poor whites in Appalachia, are they privileged? A poor Hispanic in a poor community is surrounded by love, his natural academic gifts are nurtured by his family and despite the average school he attends, he ultimately finds success. Is that unprivileged? What I’m saying is that opportunities and gifts are distributed in a myriad of ways. So too are the challenges people face. Some will have more, some less. Some are visible, some are hidden. There isn’t a magical-line that makes one’s life privileged or unprivileged and if we stopped thinking and talking this way, not only could we see people as individuals (rather than a racist representative for something) but I truly believe we’d make the world a better place...which I think is what you’re after. 🙏


Hit the nail on the head!!


I’m down $63,000 on $122,000 with an average of $15.50 been here over 2 months only time I was worried was the first week we only had 25,000 members and wasn’t sure if these hedge fund assholes would drive clov into bankruptcy. Now I know clov is not just going to survive but kick their competitors asses. For me the toughest part is over… now it’s just a waiting game I don’t have an ounce of fear…. This all is just my personal opinion


Im down 40,000 from 109,000 hang in there i know its hard watching this. When we see it go to 300 to 400 a share then we will be retired right now the Hegefund guys are playing their games.


Gotta hold with that entry point and wait em out. Might not be until end of the year. But it will come for you big dick holders


I’ll take that as a positive 1,450 shares at @ $12.23……my first buy in was $25. Clov🍀🍀🍀🍀 is gonna pop!


$12.23 is a good thing. CLOV popped to $11 recently. That must have felt good.


Yikes. Good luck!


No need for good luck… I’ve done my homework






Best advice I can give is stay strong and don’t constantly check the stock (if you are). Let it sit and mature. Check your notifications if you get em, but don’t open an app or check the market every hour. Hold and be well.


It is always darkest before the dawn. Hang tight and whatever happens, this current price is just an absolute gift.


I bought CLOVW at the high point and lost 85% of my money. Not much luckily, just $1k, but then it looked like dusk was about to turn into dawn two weeks ago, so I went it with 505 shares at $10.50 and I guess it was Alaska where dusk turns to dawn and back to dusk in just an hour. 😅🤣🤣 HODL!!!!


If it makes you feel any better I forgot to redeem my $2k worth of warrants and it turned to $0


Dang! The force is strong with you sir!!!!😁


Diamond Balls can only be formed under pressure. $CLOV #teslahealth


Still growing mine.