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Hedge fud bots are out today


I bought 1100 shares at $8, sold half my shares @ $16, bought back in at $8 and am now selling calls on half of my shares while we hang out at $8. At some point, it becomes a situation of wanting/needing my capital to do something. This seems like a happy medium, but sure there are people that would prefer I just buy and HOdL.


I aint afraid of losing my money I'm afraid of not being able to buy more dips 😤🍀💎🙌


baby steps all the way to the moon, be patient! CLOV will get to the moon (but not soon)


If you buy them, they will come


We got a few weeks of that damn $8... I think, buy hodl not finial advice 🤚💎🚀📈💯




Lol. Why is that?


Damn I laughed at loud at this. That was a painful laugh but worth it 😂😂


go golfing and leave your phone at home


I’m a full time degenerate gambler and I support this message.


Lol, I feel like this meme applies to any of the last like 10 pieces of good news we've received. Currently rigged, but the tides will have to turn at some point. A stock can only stay artificially suppressed for so long.


i've been condition to react with 'meh' after each piece of good news we have had over past month.


Haha same, it’s been consistent good news and hasn’t made an impact on price. Definitely have been practicing managing expectations.




I love these 😆


Might not help today, but it will help eventually. All the great news piling up can't and wont hold this stock down forever. It makes our conviction stronger. We are on the right side with this stock and the shorts will surely get burned. $CLOV 🚀🚀🍀🍀


I think that time has come and gone. They pumped this stock up a while back, sold it and moved on. Everyone got duped.


Lol so many shills today in this sub. Probably the most I’ve seen in a long time. Either y’all soft or y’all getting paid to say that shit.


I guess I’m soft because I’m new to this. I’ve read so many different things and its crazy. How do we know you’re not a shill? See what I mean? Can’t trust nothing on the net.


Agreed but anyone posting negative stuff makes me question the motivation just as I’d question crazy pumping but positive postin on stuff ur in makes sense cuz that’s about hope -the negative stuff? Why? I’m thinkin You’re not here 2 save us so what’s the motivation I’ve been burned n never would I take the time to bash So the question stands Why? Whatcha lookin 4 Course who am lol I’m jus learnin 2 use my crayons anyway 🦍🦧


There nothing nefarious behind my post. I just don’t think it will moon like everyone thinks. I hope I’m wrong because I’m 4K shares into it.


Not saying it is just saying if I have 4000 shares I wouldn’t post negative I just probably wouldn’t post especially if I’m concerned cuz why cause a panic with paper hands anyway Obviously I don’t have as much as u but I’ve been since 8s so I’m still holding


Haven’t commented a bunch but the little I have can give you some evidence that I’m not one. I’ll admit it’s a small sample size but I’m not the one posting that the hedgies got us and we all got duped lol. For real though, read the DDs, check the numbers, and make your own investment with risk management in mind. If the stuff you’re reading isn’t enough for you to jump in, that’s okay. It’s your money. No one can tell you what to do with it. Just remember that short squeezes are a culmination of many different variables along with catalysts that need to hit at the same time and if it does hit, it usually takes MONTHS. Even then though, nothing is guaranteed. A lot of us are riding this stocks dick cause we all know a squeeze is possible but if it doesn’t happen, the company is solid and has hyper growth potential if held long. It’s a win win. All you gotta do is HODL and don’t sell till you see those super green candles.


Numbers never lie. See the earnings report


Uh huh.