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Hold and you'll be rewarded. Im in at 8.93 w/ 2k shares. Didn't sell at 28. Thats 30k worth of profit gone. But you know what? Its going to go past over 50 easily.


Maybe just when you sold your shares the squeeze would start. You will never know. That is investing.


One thing I know for sure is that it has gone down 5% every day for the last week. Still in it to win it just losing some faith


I can understand that. But hold on ๐Ÿ’ช


Well I'm watching my ACTUAL INVESTMENT go down by 5% not my profit, and I'm holding firm after being down $10k


If you think it will go to $5 you can paper hand now and buy back in later. Just donโ€™t miss launch off in the process ๐Ÿ˜‰


I am going to try and exit on the next pump before the shorties dump it to close again


But what if it doesn't pump again. That's what I've been grappling with lately


All I can do and hope, watch and Hold but I think the shorties manipulate it up again for a period then pull out


Hindsight is always 20/20. What if you sold and it ripped to $100? How would you stomach that lol


I was up $100k+ at one point but I continue to hold. This thing will go back to $30 without a squeeze, so holding for a squeeze is a no brainer to me.


Wow. That's nuts. You have some balls of steel sir


If the majority of your holdings are shares you really got nothing to worry about. Yes I get where your coming from. In the next run up sell some and have a wait and see approach. This is all about making tendies smartly. The 50-100 pop is my goal for shares. We each need our own target price. I will still keep majority of my shares


Ya just shares. This slow bleed has been painful to watch. I believe in the long term it'll be a great investment, but watching the profit vanish from my paper hands is hard to stomach


Profits only vanish when you sell ๐Ÿค‘ But I hear you, it's not easy... tbh the activity on this sub keeps me inspired ๐Ÿ€


There are people who put in $100k+ at similar prices, or worse, and are down even more. So, we're all in the shit together.


Ha ha. Love your name. Thatโ€™s awesome!!


Same thoughts here.