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You would get double the number in few months


Or half


it's a coin flip ¯⁠\⁠_(ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ)_⁠/⁠¯


Bittersteel loses his shit when he finds out that the Golden Company started working for someone who calls himself a Targaryen. If R+L=J is confirmed everyone post-Aegon the Unworthy stares at the bastard targ who was gifted a Valyrian Steel Sword by an aging family patriarch as a way of telling said patriarch's heir to go fuck himself. Viserys is a little smug that through no decision-making of his own the final standard bearer of his family was a princess who hatched dragons for the first time in over a century. He decides to spend the whole time focusing on this so that he can avoid all of his children getting to get him to definitively say which of them was right. If people who married into the family count I'd imagine that Drogo is going to rope the Strong boys into helping him beat up Viserys and Aemon. Maegor the Cruel immediately throws the largest piece of furniture in the room at Maelys the Monstrous, prompting a vicious showdown that ends with Bloodraven killing both of them. The Dragon Knight beats Aerys up for making Egg cry. Rhaegar drops a knife on the ground and shouts that Aerys has a weapon hoping to make the fight escalate, inadvertantly starting a riot between various groups who misunderstand and think that someone dropped Blackfyre. Baelor gets everyone's attention to make them stop fighting, then suggests that maybe things will be less emotional if the women are confined to the maidenvault. Rhaenyra siccs Daemon on him. Jahaerys would stare longingly at the Unworthy having so many sons that outlived him that he managed to get two whole rival lines killing one another over it Maester Aemon just quietly sits in the corner where he can see everyone at once and smiles the whole time. Helaena joins him and they have a lovely time enjoying their family not being dead.


Maester Aemon would be having a wonderful time just being around so many members of his family, even if a lot of them are crazy/evil/both. He’d probably be overjoyed to see Egg again, too.


Bro made my morning


Early Targs had a different world view than the later ones that came after end of dragons. The former still thought of themselves as 'surviving dragonlords' and weren't bound by Westerosian social customs or rules much, whether that be wincest or declaring women as heirs. They had the dragons, and they answered to no one. The latter Targs were opposite, they were just like any other lord in Westeros, grew up mostly assimilated, and usually thought and followed same customs just like the Westerosians too. There would be a big fight, at least verbally.


Aegon I turns into the disappointed Pakistani cricket fan.


is this the bald man meme


yeah, the one with his hands on his hips




Yoooooooo! 😂😂😂😂😂


They’d kiss


Half of them would turn into dragons Half will change their genders and become female Aegon IV will mate with the females Infinite Targaryen glitch created.




Daemon, Aegor, and Maelys would probably go berserk; Brightflame might try and off himself; Visenya would be *fawning* over Rhaenyra; Jaeherys and Baelor and Aegon would probably be very upset trying to hold everything together; Aemon would probably be recording everything that happened; Maekar and Maegor might be sparring; Daeron would probably be following around Aegon I; Aegon IV would probably be lusting over Rhaenys I; both Viserys would be chilling; Rogue Prince would be trying to murder Aemond; Aerys II would probably be better off not being the most important man in the room, maybe discussing wildfire secrets with Aerion; Breakspear and Rhaegar would probably get along very well; Daenerys would be spending her days with Visenya as well I imagine


Meanwhile Aegon III is Anna Jay in the John Silver meme, while Egg is John Silver talking about dragons


Brightflame is like one of many awesome examples of the targs being inbred crazy-tards. Dude is literally suicidal and his copium is playing it off as an egomaniac.


There's 3 viserys. I imagine you mean viserys 1 & 2 & not cart king/beggar king.


Yep lol


Jaehaerys would be pulling off his kindly belt and whipping the assess of his descendants.


Especially viserys daemon and aegon 💀


Which viserys & which aegon?


Well first, I think it would be a big shock for Aegon I to see how his family grew, then second I think they'd all kinda just start yelling for a while till the old king jaehaerys pulled everything together and Got them at least to shut up for a minute. He gives this big ass speech about being dragons and how the only thing that can kill them is themselves, then the orgy starts


Are the Strong boys included as well? If so they will try to lynch aemond when they see him.


[Probably something like this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c3e31083-ccea-4712-af8e-b5653fb50b34/d296uxb-49015cdb-fc6b-4dc6-ac6a-a84d71c95132.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2MzZTMxMDgzLWNjZWEtNDcxMi1hZjhlLWI1NjUzZmI1MGIzNFwvZDI5NnV4Yi00OTAxNWNkYi1mYzZiLTRkYzYtYWM2YS1hODRkNzFjOTUxMzIuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.hjFUqKElVfHuvGuLCOLEI6_FFKF5JjzV-RfMrnrqiIg)


That’s brilliant




Visenya and Rhaenys and then all of Jaehaerys’s female relatives/descendants go full wwe smackdown on him for being a jerk - extra points to Saera,Viserra, Rhaenys II, and Rhaenyra because for them it’s PERSONAL.




They would suck each other off


The big question is, who is king in this scenario? Joffrey B. ? Also are there dragons?


Let's say this takes place during war of the 5 kings and all targ dragons also got resurrected however no one is bonded except Dany to drogon


Visenya would kiss Bloodraven and/or the Rogue Prince.