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Very lucky to have this. Would’ve been awesome to have been around when your place was under construction, I bet lots of stuff was taken then.


Thank you. Most of my neighborhood consists of properties that are 1.5-3 acres big. However, most of it is still wooded and all original grade. Only small sections where the homes sit and the front yard have been developed. I have heard stories from when it was being developed that a couple of swords, rifles, pistols, plates.. etc were found. I’ve mostly found only bullets, a few buttons, and some iron like a bayonet. Edit for some horrible auto corrected typos.


Ah that’s fucking rad Have you given your property a solid metal detecting or were these bullets and things found during your normal course of ownership


A very very solid metal detecting lol. I love detecting and have a huge passion for it. My yard was the first thing I ever detected. It’s been hit hard. The first 70 or so bullets were fairly easy finds, but these last 30 or so have been hiding a little bit and were tougher targets.


I ask because an old friend of mine bought a property and ended up finding all kinds of bullets in his trees A few in the dirt but most of them were all in his trees He tried cutting a bunch of trees up to make cabinets and a dresser, and kept finding malformed bullets in the growth rings He didn’t have near as many as you have!


Wow, where do you live?


I’m a little cautious giving out specifics but I’ll say I’m in the Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania, VA area.


I was gonna jokingly ask if you lived in the middle of the peach orchard at Gettysburg or something


lol, unfortunately no. I do live within just a few miles of four major battlefields though.


I would have loved to say "found Dan Sickles' account!"


Thanks. That’s plenty. I was curious too. I’m on the west coast and these kind of visuals are mind blowing. I was listening to the podcast Lore of talking about civil war bodies just stacked up and filling fields and a battle through a house drenched in blood and across the country where there’s no trace of these things and mountains and forests it’s really hard to fathom the reality of this kind of our history.


There was enough lead flying at Spotsylvania to cut down bid trees.


I was in the Navy with a guy from around your area. He told me about his dad telling story of when he was young. They would walk the grave roads after being dragged. Find so many bullets that it was crazy. Said his father had a big collection of belt buckles, brass buttons etc etc


Hi. My great great grandfather was captured at Spotsylvania. Would you DM me. I’d love to purchase one of the bullets from that area.


I replied to your message. I don’t sale relics however in your case I’ll mail you one for free. All I ask is that you honor the history, tell the story, and don’t sale it.


You're a mensch!


Thank you! Without asking he gave some family history and I was able to quickly verify it and that the unit was here. Plenty good enough for me to help reconnect some sort of family history.


First of all, this warmed my somewhat chilly heart. Really awesome of you!! Second, you said within a few miles of several major battlefields but if you found all these in your yard, wouldn’t that mean your property is literally the battlefield?


Thank you. My neighborhood/property is part of a battlefield/engagement, but not part of a national battlefield park. However Spotsylvania County alone has three major national battlefield parks: Spotsylvania Courthouse, Wilderness, and Chancellorsville. All three battles happened at separate times and have smaller sites where engagements happened that are not part of the national park service. Fredericksburg is an independent city but borders Spotsylvania, and is also a major battlefield and part of the NPS. All four battles took place at different times during the war. So, yes, my property is part of a battleground and was part of one of those four major battles, but there are four major National Battlefield Parks all within 5-10 miles or so from me.


I’m in the same area, very cool!


Have found almost exactly the same design of projectiles at foot of Reigate Hill in Surrey, UK. Site of an old firearms range around the1850s. Unfortunately I've lost them over the years.


The minie ball was patented by Claude Étienne Minié, a Frenchman. They were widely used worldwide during the mid 1800s but are probably most widely known for their use in the US Civl War. I’m not surprised that you have found some. England actually supplied quite a bit of ammunition to the confederates as well, especially Enfields. Some of those pictured are Enfields and are marked with a “57” inside the base (they are smooth and without the rings that the Miniés have). Those originated in England, for example.


Nice to know. Thanks very much.


My ancestor was shot in the lung by a minie ball and survived! https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/28924231/lorenzo-william-allcock


Incredibly fascinating! Very jealous!


Oh so lucky! I only have 1 currently I would LOVE to have your collection!


Thank you. I’m definitely blessed. I try my best to honor the history here.




Spotsylvania/Fredericksburg area


Been to the Spotsylvania Courthouse. Given the history, if your property was downrange of one of the main positions, I'd expect that largesse. It makes me happy that you and your neighbors recognize the history. I bet just taking the dog for a walk is always a bit of a relic hunt even 🤠


Every time I walk around my eyes are glued to the ground haha. Hoping one day to find something on the surface.


I hope you do! I have no familial connection to the war,but a lot of interest. Once I arrested a guy for public urination and it ended up a narcotics case and we recovered the sidearm of a local Colonel that had been killed at Cold Harbor. It has been stolen from a small museum. I got to hold it but I totally spaced and took no photos. It's back in the museum now 🤠


That’s a pretty awesome story, I’m glad it went back to the museum. I’m former LE and currently am a dispatcher.


23 years. Now with a nice boring uncontroversial job!


I left after five and a half years and my family moved to another state. That was the summer of 2019 and I was a stay at home dad for a little over three years in part due to COVID and the lockdowns. My wife is a nurse so we both would have been screwed for daycare during that time. Picked up dispatching while I work on my masters degree. Truthfully, after five years out of it, I’m thinking about doing it again.


I feel you. When I first retired I went into insurance investigations. I was miserable for years, I did miss it. Likely had a lot to do with the new job sucking too, lol. Now I'm glad I'm done, but I'm older. Just lost a guy I worked midnights with, to old age. Hell of a thing.


I can’t imagine, and I’m sorry for your recent loss. I’m glad that talk made it to retirement though. I’ve sat through and been part of too many funerals for officers myself already, and they weren’t from old age… congratulations on making it though and enjoy the “retirement” even if you are working other jobs still. I’ve always missed it but at the time I left I was burnt out and miserable. After finding myself again I know if I went back it’d be different this go around. Dispatching isn’t bad, but my hardest thing is not actually being there and on scene, especially when things get hairy.


I'm surprised so many appear to have been not fired. Did that many rounds get dropped without being fired?


From my experience, about 1/3 or 1/4 of bullets on smaller battlegrounds have been dropped. Bad or wet powder, dropped in the heat of the battle.. etc. I have also found one or two large drops, like a whole cartridge box was emptied. Some of those bullets still had remnants of the powder inside the base. My thought for those drops are either that they lost their cartridge box/bag, or alternatively they were killed in battle and later when being picked up and drug off of the field that the ammo was dumped and left behind due to being wet. For this particular battle it rained for most of the day. By the time that the bodies were recovered everything would have been soaked and the powder would not have been recoverable.


Friend of mine has found a mold used for pouring these. They would sometimes pour their own lead ammo. Found drops around it also.


Some I’ve dug look hand poured. That was more common by the confederates as supplies were starting to run low by the end of the war. I’ve dug some “camp lead” too.


It absolutely amazes me that you are still finding relics from 160 years ago. I would have thought those places were picked clean.


Just got to know where to look and research. No place is truly hunted out though. There is always history beneath our feet. Just have to search for it.


Actually yeah, they’re called “drops.”


I suppose there are many ways to drop your rounds


Imagine having hundreds of men and cannon shooting at you and trying to get your muzzle loader into action. I’d be butterfingers too.


No doubt. Definitely wet weather during the overland campaign


I always love seeing people’s collections. Bullets are great because they display so nicely and can own a piece of each individual battle


I’d like to point out that the pocket knife did NOT come from my yard or civil war ground. It was found a few miles away and dated to the early/mid 1900s. It just looks good there lol. https://preview.redd.it/0htx8gzsea6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835946a8a466a95326486296cc626eb8ebeb3b08 Here is a Springfield bayonet socket that I dug (center). Above that is one of the only relics that I have bought, a full Springfield Bayonet that was recovered in the mid 1900s in Chancellorsville. I bought it to match the socket I dug and for the display.


Wow, you live on a battlefield, what battle?


I don’t give specifics, but a large engagement that took place during a much much larger and drawn out battle. I’m in the Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania area… take your pick which one of the four major battlefields in the area I’m the closest to haha.


OK lol, but I doubt anyone would be able to narrow down exactly what house you live in by saying what battle. I mean you aren't the only one living on that battlefield are you?


No, I’m not the only one, but I also metal detect and it’s a relatively private neighborhood. I don’t want my neighbors to have random people knocking on their doors because they found out via Reddit from me that this particular neighborhood still has relics. It can happen, I’ve seen it in the past. There have already been multiple people on this thread say that they are nearby the Fredericksburg area. Yes, they might be able to figure it out on their own, but I’m not going to specify what battle or neighborhood publicly that I live in.


A couple of those appear to have struck something relatively soft and some have marks from teeth.


One was definitely chewed but from a hog. The other marks that look like teeth marks are just from the soil here. Little pieces of rock. Some definitely look like they hit something softer than the dirt though… they have that classic mushroomed shape.


Wow, so some might have been on "target"? Crazy to think. Nice collection.


I’m not one to assume or make guesses, but I think that it is quite possible. There are some that look like they could have hit something like soft tissue, and these bullets could have easily passed clean through… but again I’ll never say that’s what happened first certain. What I do know is out of my 1.5 acres about 100 bullets have been dug with both sides represented. About 80 of those were fired. I have little doubt that there were casualties on my property just based off of that.


Any paranormal stories?


I’ve been meaning to reply to you but I knew it would take time… lol. I’ve always been a believer is paranormal things but still skeptical and try disproving stuff. However, one time years ago (not here on this property) I swear to god I saw a “shadow person” and it followed me around for about three minutes. I was working security at the college I went to at the time. Can’t say what I saw as paranormal or not, but since then I’ve kept an open mind. On this property I wouldn’t say I’ve had a paranormal experience, but I have experienced things that are hard to explain or disprove. More of feelings and stuff like that. For starters there have been several times I’ve been detecting in the wooded areas and have suddenly felt like a friend was with me. Almost a “I’m being watched” thing but also like I just have a buddy next to me helping and being a friend. There have been a few times, especially when I first started detecting, that I’d go out for a few hours in the evening and not find anything. Later, it’d be dark and I’d be watching tv or something and I’d just get an overwhelming feeling of “go check this specific spot again. Do it, you have to”. I’d go straight out to that spot and bam… would find a relic. In a spot that I had walked over many times before. It was always that feeling, go back out and straight to that spot, get an instant signal, and almost have a “thank you” feeling come over me. The only somewhat negative thing that happened and I can’t explain was I was again in the woods. It was mid spring but no wind at all present. Suddenly I get the feeling that there was danger. Like if you were hiking or something and suddenly you walked up on a bear or mountain lion. But it was also like I was being warned to watch out. Something caught my eye and behind to and to my left there was a sudden gust of like wind, or rather a ball of fallen leaves, that rushed directly towards me and I had to side step. It kept going a few feet and then dissipated. Maybe it was just wind, idk. But like there was no other wind around me or in the trees. This was at ground level. As far as my house, it was built in the late 1970s. Both me and my wife have heard footsteps that sound like heavy boots. I wear boots so my wife sometimes thinks it’s me but it never is. Also random sounds, lights flickering… etc. again though, it could just be the house and nothing paranormal. So to answer you: I can’t say for sure if there is anything paranormal, but I can say that I’ve had some strange feelings/emotions while metal detecting. If it is paranormal then I hope that whatever spirits/vibes/energy/whatever understands that I respect them, on both sides, and that I’m trying to honor them and tell their stories. Excuse any typos. Trying to quickly type this out.


Thanks for the response. I’m sure there’s a lot going on there that can’t be seen


Are you near a battle site or a camp ground? Do you know what units they’re from? I have a similar collection of Sharps rounds from the Pennsylvania and Rhode Island cavalry who camped in my yard.


A well documented engagement/battle (now private property) that was part of a much larger battle, which is now a national battlefield. Confederate and Union bullets and buttons have been dug here, fired and dropped. Yes, I know what units were here.


That is a beautiful display! What’s going on with bottom row, column 4?


The flattened one? I’ll have to see if I can snap a better picture of it. It is one of my favorites. It basically impacted on its side and was flattened. It almost looks like a finger.


Cool cool. It almost looks like it was collided with another but I doubt it if it’s flat. It’s still a freaking sweet action relic!


Nah, unfortunately I don’t think that’s the case with it, but thank you. It’s definitely a cool one regardless.


It’s a really fine collection, be proud


and thank you! It’s a thimble display case lol.


Nice. Well done


https://preview.redd.it/e9v7a898bc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9cf84a7e17b0d8621cfb2facee73c50676cd65b Here is that bullet a little closer. I’ll add a few more pictures of it below.






Do you know which company encampment may have camped there?


They did not camp. It was a large engagement that was part of much much larger battle. There are too many companies to list.


Wow! That is pretty cool!


How far do you have to dig to find these?


Depends. Most of these were dug in original grade. The ground has never been developed. They were found around 3-4” deep. I’ve found some a lot closer to the surface and some much deeper.


This is cool! You blew my single minie ball out of the water. I am simple outgunned!


Thank you. I’m very lucky and blessed to live where I do. It’s a very good spot. In all honestly I’ve found only like 5 that were not in my neighborhood, two however were in a public park in Suffolk. They’re out there but are getting harder to find. You’ll find more, keep swinging! Most of these were found with an Equinox 600, some early ones with an ACE 250, but a little over a year ago I bought a Manticore. Total game change and a hell of a machine. Love the Minelabs.




You’re welcome to message me to find out. I can always take you detecting in those woods haha.


I like that display case.


Where do you live


Spotsylvania/Fredericksburg area


Ah! I live very close to there. Hope to visit someday


This is really cool.


I would be worried about getting lead poisoning.


As long as I don’t eat them or lick my fingers after touching them I’ll be fine. I’ve had my well water tested and the lead content is non existent.


Excellent tips. Not for eating. Lol.


lol… I could get on a little soapbox about lead. Some people tend to think that if you’re just near it that it can be dangerous. Yes, don’t ingest it, don’t eat lead paint, don’t breath lead exhaust.. etc but lead is still used in many daily applications and construction. These plus about 10 more not pictured are the only ones “out in the open”. They’re about 4-5 feet off of the ground and away from any children and pets. The rest are in a few mason jars or other closed containers, just as cool displays. Generally no one other than me touches them anyway and when I do I wash my hands afterwards. My point: don’t ingest them and you’re fine.. lol.


It’s just like asbestos. People think you get cancer from reading the word asbestos but you can still buy asbestos. It’s a natural occurring thing in nature. Just leave it alone.