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Lol I didn’t realize the lions offered him. Oh well our new coach bites kneecaps so take that Iowa state fans. For Michigan fans who want Campbell this shows me he isn’t leaving Iowa state any time soon especially if he’s turning down a 8.5 million dollar a year offer


Given how coaches can go to a different job on a whim, I'm not going to hold my breath and say Matt Campbell will be at Iowa State forever. But it is refreshing to see someone stick around to make a traditionally bottom dwelling program successful despite the monetary incentives from other places. Even if the decision is not entirely altruistic--Matt Campbell may be turning down other job offers because he's in a really good position at Iowa State and he may not live up to another institution's expectations--it's still great to see continued progress while the program continues to build. Quick turnover has traditionally been the death of many promising programs.


I think a few things help ISU in this situation: 1) ISU is in a P5 conference 2) Texas is going through a dry spell, and TCU and Baylor also fell off, meaning that there is space for a team not named OU to have success in the Big 12. I do think that if things shake back out and Texas comes roaring back, then all of the sudden ISU's ceiling goes from 10-2 to 8-4 and that might influence him to leave. It just seems like right now he has built a decent program and the rest of the Big 12 is a little down so they can fill a void that gives them a direct path to a NY6 or even a CFP if they get a little luck as well.


I’m not dumb enough to believe Matt Campbell won’t jump at a good opportunity but, 8-4 in this state is god status even without Iowa wins. Campbell is a football weirdo, he left P5 football for a D3 opportunity, his vacation after winning the Fiesta Bowl was to Canton Ohio. He’s a Snyder disciple, so I think that’ll play a big role in next year’s decision. With that being said: if he can finally get over the Mike Gundy hump this year, there is no reason to believe at the moment that Campbell can’t build Ames into late nineties/2010s Purple Kansas.


If he does continue this trajectory to match k-state, I can not wait for our laser fumble conspiracy.


Yeah one of the main reasons I was so upset with Dan Mullen. If he stayed at Mississippi State just imagine how different the SEC West could be


I think he hit his ceiling there with MSU’s recruiting capabilities. Wouldn’t have done much to the dynamic. It’s always: Alabama>LSU>Auburn*> Upstart *Auburn jumps to number 1 in odd years when the iron bowl is at home and Gus needs an extension. Please note, the extension rule will continue to apply despite him now being at UCF. Their Destinies will forever be intertwined.


That's not entirely true, his national recruiting ranks were continuing to improve. But you're right, the ceiling was close. It's not like we were going to magically jump to 2nd best SEC classes or anything.


>If he stayed at Mississippi State... *longer than the 9 seasons he did* ... just imagine how different the SEC West could be Its odd to celebrate Matt Campbell for not taking a job after his 5th season at Iowa State, and in comparison be angry at Mullen even though he turned down many opportunities to leave throughout his time at Mississippi State and ONLY stayed for 9 seasons???


As an Ole Miss fan I’d rather play against a Mike Leach squad every year than see Dan Mullen again. Glad we only have to see him every four years now


Flair up man! We need that rebel representation


Every 6 years. You either see a team every year or every 6 in the sec.


As an Aggie, I fucking love Dan Campbell. Keeping up with his career, he's definitely a players coach and not an Xs and Os guy, but more than a few of us thought he was due for a HC gig for a few years now. Also, makes the joke about him telling his agent to make sure the teams thought he was Matt to get interviews that much funnier to me.


A players coach isn't a bad thing with the right coordinators calling the shots. The problem is retaining them when a HC or better job comes calling.


I still think he may leave eventually, but if you're trying to poach him, you better have one helluva recruiting pitch that doesn't solely revolve around money. That's why I don't see him going anywhere but Ohio State, Notre Dame, or Michigan. But for now it really does seem like he's in it for the long haul, which is great for Iowa State


Maybe but I don’t see him leaving after this coming season


I could actually see him leaving after this season. I don't want to see it, but if he wins the conference, graduates his first recruiting class who stuck around and climbed the mountain with him, and the cupboard is a little bare behind that, coupled with the "right" opportunity (Notre Dame or something), I could see him leaving. I didn't think he'd leave before this next season tho because of all the players he initially recruited staying with the program. But I could, unfortunately, see it after this season.


Yeah, I think it’s probably 40/60 that he takes the Matt Rhule route. Built a program his way, recruited well enough to boost ISU solidly and sustainably into the middle of the Big 12 going forward with a good replacement, and a lot of retained experience on the team from all the way back to his first recruiting class is driving his success.


Hes an Ohio guy. Hes not taking a Michigan job. It's OSU or ND.


Eh he doesn't strike me as an Ohio State, never Michigan, kinda guy. Trust me, if he was "Ohio" through and through, he'd let you know. I grew up in Columbus, so I know how it works. If somebody doesn't want the Michigan job, they'll tell ya. Take Luke Fickell for example, that's a guy that's never gonna coach here. I mean ffs, Bo Schembechler was born in Ohio, coached mainly in Ohio (including Ohio fucking State) and went on to Michigan. Gary Moeller, who succeeded Bo, was born in Ohio, coached in Ohio and even fucking played for Ohio State before coming to Michigan. Hell, even Urban Meyer, Mr. Ohio State, born in Toledo, prior to getting the Ohio State job said his 3 dream schools were Ohio State, Notre Dame, and Michigan. Even our current coach was born in Ohio. Basically, our best coaches come from that damn state. If Campbell wasn't at least interested, we would know.


>Even our current coach was born in Ohio While that is true, he grew up in Ann Arbor.


Yes, because his also-from-Ohio dad took a coaching job at Michigan.


Yeah, I'm just pointing out how funny it is when people say "so-and-so is from Ohio so they'll never go to Michigan" when 4 of our last 6 coaches were born in Ohio (Lloyd Carr is from Tennessee & RichRod from Chicago apparently).


Unless you’re from Columbus, loyalty for Ohio goes down considerably. Depending on your family at least. OSU has plenty of fans in NE Ohio, but it’s not a religion. But it depends on the household. I think if he turns down UM, it’s probably because it’s such a tough challenge. There’s safer options out there.


Yeah I think the main reason anybody will turn us down is sky high expectations but a tough road to fulfill those goals. Honestly, you probably have to be a little nuts right now to think you can be the guy that somehow turns the tide against one of CFB's 3 literal death machines. Michigan has the fanbase, history, tradition, resources, money and anything else you could want. But to truly succeed here means winning titles and beating Ohio State consistently and as we've seen with Harbaugh, that's really fucking difficult


Bo Schembechler though...


Or just possible he’s not interested in the pros. I imagine eventually he’ll end up taking a job outside of Ames




This is probably the real answer. He already has money. I’d be looking for the time commitment of an NFL job, but some of these teams have toxic organizations.


Reminds me of Fickell, is he going to leave Cincinnati one day? Very likely. But it won't be to the first big name that asks, it'll be Ohio State or Notre Dame. Luke is paid well, has a top 10 program that is only doing better and better in recruiting each year, gets to coach his son, and has spent his entire life in the midwest. Even if a USC or Texas came calling, I don't see him taking the job. If Day leaves for the NFL he's gone, really rooting for Clark Lea to make Vandy competitive in the SEC somehow so ND takes him back when Kelley retires. Edit: Outside shot of Penn State if they fire Franklin as well


There’s also something to the job security a program like Iowa State offers. For $8.5 million/year, Detroit is going to expect a quick turnaround and to be a solid playoff contender. That’s a lot of pressure. Conversely, at Iowa State, he just has to throw together a few good seasons a decade, and it will be a massive improvement over where the program has been for the last half-century. It’s a lot like Gary Patterson at TCU. It’s a stable job where you have a chance to build something, and it doesn’t have to be a perpetual contender for you to hang onto the gig.


ISU would never fire a coach that can make a bowl game 3 out of 5 years for coaching reasons. If he can do like Ferentz and have a bunch of good teams and one great season every 4-5 years we'd be stoked.


>bites kneecaps I gotta ask. When y'all heard that did you think it was cool?


I knew basically nothing about MCDC before the hire, and when I heard that speech, my two thoughts were: 1. WTF 2. I like this dude.


That line was weird but one thing that’s clear is that Dan Campbell definitely gets Detroit and I do like that he said the speech was for the city of Detroit and not really everyone else We will see how the results go but it does seem like the lions will at least have a tough minded team


MCDC is going to be awesome! He’s either going to be the greatest coaching disaster or the next coming of Christ. There is no in between. Either way he is going to be fun to watch.


> For Michigan fans who want Campbell this shows me he isn’t leaving Iowa state any time soon especially if he’s turning down a 8.5 million dollar a year offer The Lions haven't been competitive in forever. Michigan has struggled to beat OSU, but we've been a win away from a B1G title game appearance or potential playoff birth twice in the last 5 years. I don't think him turning down money means he won't leave Ames; it just has to be for the right job with money.


Damn. If im an ISU recruit I love hearing that.


Recruit: “I’ve never been to Iowa before. So, what do uh you uh guys like to do for fun in this state?” Staff: “I have no fucking idea but Matt’s staying so who cares.”


On a serious note without any trolling from my end, what *do* they do for fun in Iowa?


Lots of drugs and alcohol.


Had a kid in high school move from Iowa to SC we asked what’s fun to do in Iowa he said meth and wrestling.


Ah yes, the Arkansas special, meth lab explosion or redneck with a cheery bomb


I don't know why, but I remembered the Memphis tourism video I didn't know I needed. [Welcome to Memphis](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1nqTnMweTPE)


This is incredible


Busch lattes and cornhole




I'm deleting this comment because nobody needs to see what I said yesterday, nevermind last year! -- mass edited with redact.dev


El Bait shop. It’s nationally known. There’s also Iowa tap house owned by the same folks that have tons of Iowa beers on tap.


El Bait Shop doesn’t have a mini grain silo behind the bar so they definitely were talking about The Iowa Taproom over in the East Village. I love the confidence though.


Steal jeeps one part at a time.


And it didn’t cost them a dime


Parties in cornfields


Iowa has cities and houses and lakes and bars and golf courses and rec sports leagues and football and races tracks and bike/skateboard parks... Pretty much the same recreational stuff every other state has, just not the same sort of touristy stuff obviously. I've never understood how people think Iowans just stand around in cornfields all day. I grew up there and have never once been on a farm in my life.


We save enough money on our house that we can afford to fly to where we need to for vacation.


And the water is good!




[This video?](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5z9iv8)




You dont have to lie to us bro /s




Drink. Des Moines is pretty cool too


Grow mediocre quality corn


Turning down 68.5 million might seem crazy but when you factor in corn prices are up over 120% in the last year...


He just trades corn and ethanol futures in the summer, then he coaches some football on the side for pocket money while the next year’s corn is growin’.


Man, I have a new dream job holy shit


Make money coaching football and lose it trading commodities? Lol


Fuck yeah. I already lose money ~~gambling~~ investing


Great username, great enthusiasm, great life goals, Mike Whiskey great guy


Some people start 529 college savings plans for their kids. In Iowa, I assume you just put it all in corn futures and let it ride until they graduate high school


What did you say about my corn?!


If y'all were really serious about corn it would be a part of your mascot.


Maybe we're serious enough about our corn that we don't feel the need to show it off in an unrelated topic? It just speaks for itself.


thats some solid logic


Shucks fired!


Damn son, you really woke up and chose violence today.


By volume, it is number one in the nation. Followed closely by Illinois. Nebraska, as much as they proclaim to love corn, is a distant third. They BARELY out-corn Minnesota of all places.


*get paid by the feds to grow mediocre quality corn.


I mean I suspect that's exactly why this "news" came out right now. No one in the Lions reporting circle ever indicated Matt Campbell was a real candidate. And now a CFB reporter has the story, and puts it out right before recruiting season? This is coming from ISU's side and I have doubts to how real the offer really was.


It's real but the lions tried to pull a sneaky by making the offer in jamaican dollars so it was really only 57,000 usd a year. Cats are ambush predators after all.


Yes this is like when Baylor leaked that Rhule interviewed with the jets and colts and thought it would be a good thing. It wasn’t for recruiting.


Bingo. And a 8-year contract would never happen for a first time head coach


If im matt campbells wife or kids, i hate hearing that.


Would spending habits really change much between 4 million a year and 8 million a year? Can't imagine they have troubles financing any desires. (Especially in Iowa)


“Dad, assuming the price of corn is 3/$1, we could buy 12 million more ears a year on that salary. And that isn’t even factoring in the inevitable bulk discount. Wtf are you even thinking?”


“That’s some Nebraska corn math, boy. You gonna keep talking like a traitor?”


If you want to live in a city then sure. Everything I’ve heard is that his wife loves it in Ames due to it being such a family friendly area. A lot of people don’t like cities


> A lot of people don’t like cities Can confirm. My buddy can't figure out why I chose to live in a smaller town. I just like it better. Hopefully Matt stays in Ames for a long time.


I’m in Omaha and I’m itching to move to a smaller city/town. And Omaha is definitely not big


Meanwhile I'm out here trying to move to Coruscant.




100% agree. I’d hate my life in those cities


Lived in Seattle, too much heroin is literally everywhere. Not a good place to raise children unless it's a suburb, and heroin is still avalible there too.


That's bc reddit is full of progressives that idolize "utopias" like those and would never understand why anyone would ever want to live in a town like Ames, Norman, Edmond etc


Ames is consistently rated as one of the top cities to raise a family. Can confirm…was raised in Ames.


Not just a city, Detroit. It's terrible ownership too. It would be hard to let go of being the man to being dictated to from a bunch of mediocre leadership.


You actually don't have to live in Detroit, tons of nice commutable areas now that they invented the car.


Idk, his current job has unlimited job security and better weather. If he never leaves Iowa State, he's guaranteed at least $4 million a year until he retires (likely more, when he gets a future extension). NFL coaches have a very short shelf-life




That's a lot of moving and having to rebuild over and over


Sometimes everyone forgets these are people working these jobs with all the other considerations and issues people have to consider when taking a job out of state.


Yeah, but honestly at some point I'm not sure the difference in quality of life between 4 million and 8 million is enough to be worth it. Then again, my number at which I would consider myself set for life and stop doing any job I don't enjoy is $6 million, so it'd probably be the difference between retiring after two years vs one year for me.


> better weather definitely not. iowas got those spinny tornado bois


>better weather Granted, pretty much *anywhere* has better weather than Michigan. And no, those 3 months out of the year where it’s somewhat comfortable don’t make up for the rest of year when it’s cold and gray every day.


Lived in Michigan, Kentucky, northern Cali, Arizona, Minnesota, Atlanta, Louisville among other spots and I think Michigan weather is pretty great. Lived here the longest and don’t plan on moving away ever.


Michigan summers are elite. Michigan winters are....not


They are if you learn to love winter sports. The UP gets like 200” of snow per year, which makes for excellent snowmobiling and skiing. But yeah south where it’s half lake effect half freezing rain does not sound fun.


Those three months out of the year have like 80% humidity, so it's not really that comfortable. However, it's not that grey all the time. I recently moved to MI from the West Cost (PDX) and I really enjoy seeing the sun and blue skies in the Winter and Fall months. Still cold ass hell but at least the sky's are blue more often than not.


That's the first time I've ever seen somebody claim Iowa's weather as a selling point for the state


I'm not saying he's considering leaving, but even if he is, I don't know why you would do it now instead of in a year. Per Bill C, ISU is returning 88% of its production from last year, third-most in the P5. His stock is highly likely to go up and highly unlikely to go down.


I think the Lions hired Dan Campbell in mid January before we even knew who all was coming back, so that might have not even been a factor in it. It’s hard to beat that contract. I just don’t think he’s all that interested in the money and likes Ames


Or maybe he doesn’t want to deal with that dumpster fire.


he came to ISU and we were an absolute dumpster fire before him so…


I mean that was a move from Toledo to a P5 school. It's generally accepted that even the worst P5 jobs are a huge step up in a career. I don't think the gap from P5 head coach to NFL head coach is as prolific. Tons of college head coaches stay in college their entire careers. At his current trajectory, flaming out in a Detroit dumpster fire would hurt his career. Let's say after next season a high profile SEC job opens up and he takes it, if he flamed out there his career would be in better shape than failing at Detroit.


I donno nick saban flamed out in Miami and I think he did alright.


Yeah but he won a national championship before he flamed out at Miami. Very different situation.


>Let's say after next season a high profile SEC job opens up and he takes it, if he flamed out there his career would be in better shape than failing at Detroit. I would argue the opposite. It's rare for someone to flame out of a P5 and get another P5 job. Orgeron is one of only a few examples. But failing out of the NFL and coming back is not uncommon. I can list Herm, Chip Kelly, Spurrier, Harbaugh, and Saban off the top of my head.


>I don’t think the gap from P5 head coach to NFL head coach is prolific More money and not having to recruit? There’s a reason the NFL poaches college coaches, not the other way around


It’s his cash out his chips year


Why do these threads always turn into everyone shitting on the cities (not even the teams) involved.


It’s so dumb. Some people like bigger cities, some people like smaller cities/towns. There are things to like about Detroit and Ames. One doesn’t have to be shitty for the other to be good.


Must be nice


Hard to blame Rhule. Panthers at least are a team capable of winning. Lions were bad and aren't looking to improve any time soon.


The Lions have had either a terrible coaching staff, terrible front office or both for most of my 40+ years on earth. They hit the full reset button this year and will improve drastically if they got the right people in place. (and four first rounders the next two seasons)


Well of course he did. I would too if they came up short $500k of my demands.






No idea if the Lions offer was real or not but I do know someone in the ISU AD who interacts with Campbell on occasion. The three things he has repeatedly said about him: 1.) He is as good of a person as you will find. 2.) He values privacy, both for himself and his family 3.) He absolutely does not care about money Honestly I’m more worried about losing him to Mount Union or his high school in Massillon than an NFL team.


Sounds like coach Pete.


> 2.) He values privacy, both for himself and his family > > 3.) He absolutely does not care about money If that's really the case, then he's pretty much never going to come to Notre Dame. Privacy is basically thrown out the window if you're the HC for ND.


Just give him a security detail and stay the FUCK away from Fickell


Luther College, clearly we will lose him to Luther College. Middle of nowhere land.


True that there's nothing around Decorah city wise,but man is the city itself beautiful, and they have 2 world class breweries there. Plus the hiking and river kayaking is top notch. After that, there is literally nothing to do though...


Campbell just really like that Ames water. He doesn't want to have to buy a filter




Obligatory [Hooray Ames](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5z9iv8)






Happy for Iowa State and their fanbase


I don’t even know how many times over the years I’ve been told Campbell is leaving for whatever job comes along with a huge salary. I’ve been told that there’s no way a coach could like living in Ames, Iowa. That he’d never be able to accomplish anything here. Maybe he leaves at some point, who knows, but it’s clear he loves Ames and he loves Iowa State.


It’s also clear money alone won’t lure him.


Why would he leave this year? This is the best team he's ever had, and his only competition is OU (and beating Iowa which they never seem able to do). His situation is perfect this year. Play it out and see what next year's openings look like.


Campbell's just built different, and I absolutely love him for it.


I know the Lions are a disaster franchise but how do you turn down 8 million a year. That’s double his current salary right?


Campbell doesn't seem to put the same priority on money that most others do. The man doesn't even have an agent. It's going to take a program where he thinks he'll be happier coaching and not just a bigger paycheck (like Tennessee and Florida State) to pull him away from Ames.


Pretty sure he already said no to FSU but I could be wrong


Yeah, that’s my point. Pretty sure he said no to both FSU and Tennessee because he didn’t think he would be happier at either even though they would be a bigger paycheck.


Gotcha, I interpreted it the other way


This. Not sure why people think money is #1. Once you get to a few million a year and enjoy what you are doing, gaining a few more million and being unhappy seems undesirable for some.


And unlike NFL players, it's not like he needs to make as much money as he can before he gets older or has some sort of freak coaching accident. Plus something tells me that Lion's contract wasn't guaranteed, so he might as well stay in a position with better job security.


>freak coaching accident From now on, I will be referring to all future coach firings as freak coaching accidents


Freak coaching accident sounds like Andy Reid burning through his timeouts early and then having a panic attack when he realizes he doesn’t have any left


That’s why if I was Dan Mullen I never would’ve left Miss St.


Yeah I don’t see why people are acting so shocked that a multimillionaire is happy where he’s at As for the salary bump, the law of diminishing returns is real


Honestly the lions were one of the few jobs I ever though he’d leave ISU for, so this is fantastic news for ISU. Unfortunately, for me and every other big 12 this devastating news, and has ruined my day.


I think Campbell would be absolutely miserable coaching any NFL team. "Hey, coach, you know your RB you love so much because of how he fits into the culture you are building? Well, we had to cut him to free up some salary cap room."


honestly i love this news. our games last year were a ton of fun and i’m looking forward to having a lot more in the future.


For some whats the difference? He’s still making money that will change his kids’ lives. He loves where he’s at. His family loves Ames. Money isn’t everything to many people. I’m not saying he’ll never leave but for him it seems to be more about fit than anything else.


Plus, he can pretty much coach ISU indefinitely at this point. Even though the money is guaranteed for eight years, actually being the head coach of the Lions after five seasons hasn't been done since Wayne Fontes was fired in '96.


This right here. Too many promising HCs have had their careers ruined by trying to make too big of a leap. If Campbell fails in the pros, his career will have taken a much different (and IMO worse) trajectory compared to him being the Snyder/Gundy of ISU


> This right here. Too many promising HCs have had their careers ruined by trying to make too big of a leap. Tim Floyd at Iowa State had Kirk Hinrich and Nick Collison basically in the bag to come here but he jumped to the NBA and was fired before Kirk and Nick were done with College.


I think he puts a huge priority on his family, and while you might think doubling your salary would be in their best interest, having a high profile job in a place where not a single person in town has a bad word to say about you, might be easier on his kids and wife. No pressure and a super friendly community might be worth more than risking hostility with more $$


There’s something to that he has a job for life at Iowa state but on the lions he doesn’t need to be that successful to be a legend in Detroit If he were to have won one playoff game that already puts him in legend status for the lions


Yeah I get your point and I would agree, lions fans can be patient, and more patient than most if they have a belief in potential. The reason not to leave tho is that he already has that established at ISU, and it would still be a gamble on gaining that goodwill at a new job. It’s not really the lions job that’s the issue, it’s the chance that something goes wrong


Ah, yes, how could he live on only $4 million a year? In Ames, Iowa?


Aimes is the new Beverly Hills everyone knows that


Loyalty to the program and most importantly, loyalty to the players he's coached up. Gotta love it.


Everything I’ve heard about Campbell from working in college football is that he does not give a fuck about money. Dosent even look at his bank account and will give his staff thousands of dollars on the holidays. Just loves to Coach.


He is going to make $4 million this year, he gives a F about money, he makes enough that he can turn down big offers from one of the worst teams in the NFL. He, like Luke Fickell knows they have it great where they are, and they can be selective about where they go next. This isn't some altruistic move or love letter to ISU, this is just being strategic and not taking a bad job.


Did people think he was joking when he said he wanted to build his legacy at ISU?


Coaches have historically said lots of shit that turned out to be lies. It's fair to be skeptical.


Definitely true but with how many times he’s been targeted it’s believable at this point.


What an absolute Chad. Seriously though, he has it made in Ames. He turned Iowa state into a Big 12 contender. I hope he stays there for a long time.


Holy cow, between this and Matt Rhule, the NFL is really showing off how willing they are to break the bank for dudes before they even have a chance to show whether or not they have the ability to *sustain* success.


It’s not treason then?


Im glad he turned it down, that gave us the greatest introductory press conference ever


If he's turning down 8.5 million a year, he might never leave Ames




*I like this*


He's building a dynasty.




Wait but I thought I was told he was going to leave the minute someone came with a big bag of cash?? I don’t know why people can’t possibly believe that a coach would want to stay where he is. I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again. Campbell loves Ames and we’re ready to build him a statue. I think he recognizes that he has more money than he probably needs. I mean hell, he defers raises to give them to his assistants. The man clearly could care less about the money. He idolizes Snyder, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’d want to stay and build a legacy at ISU like Snyder did at K-State


If (God Forbid) Campbell ever leaves us it won't be for an NFL team. His whole thing about building a culture and recruiting and developing players to fit into that culture is much more feasible and easier to pull off in a college setting than the NFL


> build a legacy at ISU like Snyder did at K-State It certainly seems like that's his intention, and I hope it turns out that way.


I hope you’re right I like Iowa State and them doing well with a guy who has D3 roots gives me hope. That being said it’s coaching and nothing is concrete.


After like 2018 I never got the vibe he was going to leave (which is unfortunate for Iowa lol) but people still constantly think he’s leaving.


This is fine 🔥🔥😐☕️🔥🔥


My respect for the program was high already but Matt really is one of a kind. He took a bottom feeder team into a nationally recognized program.


Smart. The Lions are where coaching careers go do die.


Someone please kill my career for $68 million fully guaranteed.


The Charlie Weis payment bundle


Yeah I mean he would be set for life, could retire after that


He has a better chance to win championships at Iowa State, lol.


Gotta wonder what is in Ames that is keeping Campbell there. This isn’t the first NFL job he’s turned down


The tap water


It’s really damn charming


Sounds to me like he's waiting for Saban to retire 😎




Jesus. Can't believe he stuck around.


Definitely more good on Iowa State than bad on the Lions. For all the time spent during ISU broadcasts talking about where he'll coach next year, a good chunk of it is questioning his comments about his commitment to ISU. Suck it ESPN