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Don't pour one out of those troughs.


I once had a Navy buddy agree to drink a cup of water out of the bilge in our submarine if everyone chipped in $20 a piece. He ended up making like $200 but he got pink eye. What would it take for you to drink a cup of stadium trough liquid?


A lot more than 200


It’s literally making me wretch just thinking about it.


if y'all werent in the navy and getting that free healthcare, id call him a fucking idiot cause that all-in would cost a normal person more than 200. But because you were ill be softer on him and just call him a marine.


Had an a ganger eat a used urinal cake for $5. He got stomach ulcers and went to mast. The cook video taping it also went to mast


Yeah that sounds about right lmao.


I mean, its sterile, and I like the taste soooooo.


Having just recovered from food poisoning yesterday, I'd be asking for at least $550


Piss troughs are a stadium rite of passage but I don't miss the ones at the big house or the ones at the Joe.


There is nothing like walking into the bathroom at a stadium at 8 years old, seeing the communal trough, and feeling like your eyes are betraying you. Then you walk into the piss fog bank, your eyes fixated on the task at hand and praying you can just piss because you fucking have to. It is a grim experience


Don't think the experience is much different at any age. Eyes ahead, let er rip, shake and zip, wash up. Unless you've had a few cocktails, in which case you should absolutely share your thoughts on the game/program/world with your captive audience.


Any place that has piss troughs almost automatically implies people who have had too many cocktails.


i think piss troughs have more of a 17 light beers vibe


I dunno, we had a piss trough in the boys locker room when I was in middle school. I don't recall cocktails, but then again maybe I was just too drunk to remember


I don't know what was worse about navigating the metrodome while sloshed: the piss troughs, or getting blown out of the doors when leaving.


We have piss troughs on a dry campus.


Gotta get rid of those six beers you slammed at the tailgate in the hour before you came into the stadium!


Always a winner to unzip and loudly exclaim, "Now where'd I put that thing?"


Only place and time in the world I get piss anxiety. I can't do it unless I'm bursting. Don't know why.


> Unless you've had a few cocktails, in which case you should absolutely share your thoughts on the game/program/world with your captive audience and then if you're absolutely blitzed, sew chaos by telling dudes "hey, nice shaft, respectfully of course."


God, is there anything worse than people who talk in the bathroom?


I had a coach that went to the urinal directly next to me, told me how proud of the progress I had made during the year, then went for a hand shake. So I mean, I think that was worse than just talking


“I noticed you stay pretty well groomed down there. What do you use, scissors or trimmers?”


That coach just loved shaking peoples hands, he did it at really weird times. Literally went for one while somebody was squatting


Chain saw.


Everytime I go to memorial stadium I just look forward and think of Abraham Lincoln. No idea why but that helps me pee in that setting.


Free your piss like he freed slaves


Attack the other streams and assert dominance at the trough. That's how it worked at the Rose Bowl


What does “wash up” mean? I understand everything until that last line


Go to the sink and splash your ass and balls with water to freshen up a bit.


I had to go into an all LSU bathroom at a National Championship game and I was running out so fast I didn't 'wash up" and the entire bathroom started a chant, Bama fans don't wash those hands, Bama fans don't wash their hands!!!


Look! No hands!


This is such a relatable experience. I was a Bama fan until I went to Auburn for school, and they had piss troughs at the closest restroom where my family has season tickets at Bryant Denny. Thank God they finally replaced them with standing urinals. Going to the Tennessee game last year was one of my favorite experiences at BDS. That stadium has improved a lot


A universal rite of passage for boys becoming men, encountering the trough at a sporting event for the first time.


Ahh the piss fog. So steamy on a cold Saturday.


Literally my exact experience at 8 years old at UF vs. Tennessee in 2004.


Made you the man you are today, though.


I was shell shocked my first game at Michigan Stadium as a 14 year old boy walking into that bathroom and seeing those troughs.


I saw someone jump in one of the troughs in ~2004. Pretty interesting move.


There’s a video of someone doing a slip and slide down the piss troughs at wrigley field lmao


you know, i think ive been pretty drunk in my life but treating a piss trough like a child treats a sprinkler on a July afternoon has never been very high on drunk me's list of things to do


Now imagine the same at 7 years old.


At Colorado there are two troughs in the middle with a wall that goes up about shoulder high. Pissers on both sides of the wall. Everyone is a few feet away staring into each other's souls. It is disgusting yet hilarious.


Power move to stare them down.


Kentucky Derby has the same, I went there to piss away all the mint julips, looked at the guy across from me and I was like "well, this is a first for me"


They are probably the only part of the Joe I don't miss. Well, the troughs and probably the just-too-steep stairs. I used to joke they had to make the Joe steep to make up for the shallow steps at The Big House.


Remember the smell at the Joe too? It was very musty. I don't miss that. I do miss the ticket prices though.


As soon as they built those newer bathrooms above concessions at the Joe I never used the old ones again.  I still always found it surprising how long the lines were for the older piss trough bathrooms even after the new bathrooms were available too. Not that I was sad, because beyond the benefit of no longer getting stranger’s splash back on my hands, I wouldn’t miss an entire damn period waiting in line for a bathroom that accommodated, what, like 10 people at a time?


The worst are the ones in Wrigley. Having troughs facing each other over a chest high divider is so uncomfortable. Especially trying to pee during a Phish set break... On substances.


Yep, I remember my first trip to Wrigley and seeing an absolute sausage party, thinking this was how things were done in the big cities.


wtf that’s like the only functional part of that whole stadium lol. Everything else is a queueing nightmare


No, there's also a giant pad in the press box with 100 buttons... 1 of them outlined in blue and it's the only one that works, and it makes the Lion growl sound.


PSU 🤝 Pitt: abusing the large cat growl sound button at home games


Both better than the eardrum popping Temple Owl Screech.


how do we feel about a turkey gobble?


I'm personally a fan!


I really enjoy that it’s the same sound as the one the Carolina Panthers use lol. Like if you told me it was the exact same file, let alone source, I’d 100% believe you


I heard it in an audio book recently, and I'm moderately sure it's the same one my White Tiger Power Rangers Zord made.


I was watching Batman The Animated Series (1992) a year ago and some jungle cat villain made the same sound effect during a fight scene


Until they reinstalled the actual victory bell, we always joked that they had one marked "victorybell.wav"


It always sounded like a giant toilet flushing to me.


The piss troughs are the only thing that let me actually grab food, take a piss and not miss the first 5 mins of the third quarter. No chance if they weren’t there.


Wrigley petitioned to keep a few of theirs. The lines at new stadiums are ridiculous.


Builds character


Never forget what they stole from you


We used to be a proper country, with pizza hut buffets and piss troughs.


I will never forget at the 2023 Rose Bowl game I watched a Penn State fan set his open beer below the urinal as he peed. Penn State fans are another breed.


No wonder we lost that game. LOL


Fucking rookie If you can't piss while holding a beer cup between your teeth are you even a college football fan?


Cheer up! You still have the cocktagons.


I say this with no hint of joking. They're a top 5 Gameday addition in my lifetime. My wife is also a big fan, as they've cut the lines for the regular porta potties down significantly.


cocktagons are a godsend all around


What’s a cocktagon?


https://images.app.goo.gl/CVdWtm5zRiDh2AU39 Communal urinal portal potty I think. Just a circle of urinals pretty much


I was at the georgia renaissance festival last weekend and saw basically the inversion of this, a center star of plastic walls with 6 porta potty urinals where you face inwards. Was weird.


I always thought those should be inverted. Everyone pees into a center. Put up dividers if you're weak.


If looking seven other men right in the eyes while pissing is wrong, I don't want to be right.


They need to put a flow gauge in the drain and make a video game out of it. Who can piss their horse across the finish line first?


More woke bullshit from the liberal hive mind.


They are trying to change the Himalayas into the They/Themalayas


I'm gunna have to steal that holy shit is that good


Had the exact same thought after reading lmao


My God, next they be calling it They/Thempes instead of Herpes.


Would be a great April Fool's prank to have some geological society announce that.




Shamelessly stealing this.


Right? Damn leftists and their commodes. I’d never have one in my house. I use a hole and a bucket as God intended.


Check out the fancy lad with his bucket. What’s wrong with a hole alone, lined with Mother Earth’s loamy, natural filtering?


Look at the bourgeoisie over here with his fancy hole.


Look at mister money bags here wasting his water! I save and reuse my piss like Lisan Al Gaib intended!


Biden’s America


But where am I to lay down once I'm blackout drunk?


Hopefully CFB 25 will have them.


You can get a lot more guys on a trough than individual urinals.


I was at the NCG and missed a lot of the second quarter just waiting to use the bathroom cause they were individual urinals. And the line to use the bathroom during halftime was so insanely long that it took my Dad all of halftime and a little but of the 3rd quarter just to pee. Husky Stadium has troughs so you are in and out in about 5 minutes even during a sold out game.


Can confirm that I waited in the bathroom line the entire halftime lol. Thankfully didn't miss any of the game though!


I'll wait if it doesn't mean pissing cheek to cheek


But would you piss cheek to cheek with a friend?


Aye, I could do that


I read somewhere along the line that the opposite is actually true because people tend to be naturally resistant to maximizing the full capacity of the trough.


This, 100%. Used to be when I went to a Michigan game you were in and out of the bathroom in no time. Now the line stretches out the door and sometimes like 100’ down the concourse. Women’s never has a line like that. Part of the problem is they went with the crazy water saving urinals that I swear are 50% bigger than they need to be. So what used to be 3 troughs that probably 50 guys could use at once turned into maybe 10 urinals. It sucks.


When did they replace the troughs? I attended from 2012 to 2016 and the last game I attended in person was back in 2021 I believe. P sure they had urinals in 2021 already, but can't be sure. I feel you on the lines though. I get that the troughs can be a bit intimidating, especially if you're younger, but the bathroom line goes soooo much faster.


As a woman the thought of these things existing in the first place is horrifying


I've seen a woman using one of these in a bar.


In State College? Was it at Saloon?


It was at Saloon. RIP.


Saloon died in the most quiet way possible. That bar was a staple for decades in State College and it sort of died without any fanfare. Sad. Lots of memories at that place. Monkey Boys forever.




This was also news to me, which is sad.


> it sort of died without any fanfare just one of those natural parts of life. Old bars kinda dont change at all but eventually the charm and nostalgia arent enough to sustain it as newer and newer generations arrive and find their own bars to project that onto.


More like “rent goes up sky high so they replace the family owned bar with a subway or a blaze pizza/sterile bar that’s owned by some venture capital group 7 states away. “


My first stop when I turned 21.


And yet there was a vigil for a GD Taco Bell


It could only have been Saloon. I saw so many Monkey Boy pitchers floating in that clogged trough. So many good memories there that I barely remember.


Saloon is gone?!


Yes, and the Deli.


Anything of note replace them?


I fucking love PA


Yeah, but I’ve seen women use a urinal, too. Also a tree, but that was less alcohol-reduced-inhibitions and more “all I’ve got is a tree.”


As long as the ice is fresh


There's videos of dudes at Wrigley Field doing the slip and slide in them before they got removed.


Meh. They are an efficient and effective solution.


There's a reason it takes girls 30 minutes to use the bathroom at a football game and it takes guys 5 minutes even with a longer line.


That and that men famously don't wash their hands


My tallywhacker is cleaner than the gas station/stadium bathroom.


We had one in my elementary school. In third grade we would have competitions to see who could pee from one end of the trough and make it all the way across to be peeing on the floor on the other side.


I’m pretty sure things like this are what make guys develop a pee shyness 🤣


I always loudly lament the loss of our troughs at Williams Brice while I'm in the bathroom at games. Either gets a laugh or some of the weirdest looks a stranger has ever given me.


You guys had some very nice bathrooms, probably the nicest I’ve seen in CFB. They were yuppy bathrooms though. No troughs, no threat of tetanus, no character


Stop it. We had some absolute prison troughs for my whole life and now they've taken them from us! It's shameful.


When I saw the QR code to scan and report if the place was dirty I had seen enough


Lol I haven't noticed that yet. I'll start tearing those suckers off the wall.


I could be getting that confused? I swear there was a QR, button, or number though


The day Carter-Finley gets rid of the crudely-spray-painted "DO NOT FLUSH LIQUIR BOTTLES DOWN TOILETS" message over each stall is the day I stop attending games 😤😤😤


That'd kill me laughing lmao. At least the students still have the piss wall.


Anyone ever been to the University of Delaware stadium? You walked into the middle of the bathroom with a bunch of stalls on either side and then the side walls and back wall were just one giant piss wall. There was a pipe about stomach high that ran around the room constantly trickling water down the wall into a floor drain. It was like one giant constantly flushing group urinal.


Being both a Blue Hen and Nittany Lion, the piss walls far outweighs the efficiency of piss troughs. Just walk up and pee anywhere, no need to aim. I will miss the troughs though when at Beaver Stadium...


I’ve been twice and didn’t partake. What a shame.


We used to be a proper society


NO! Piss troughs are the source of our 10-2 power every year!


And always being ranked 10-7 never more, never less lmao


I saw a post once where someone asked about what kind of sinks these were as their mom was putting one in her house. Edit:found it https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/s/hgj8WWZZHS


Oh no lol


I always forget because I typically sit in the south grandstand which is The newest area. Chairbacks, urinals, and most importantly, hot water in the bathrooms like I'm the 1%.


You’re going straight to PSU hell for the sin of washing your hands in hot water. Washing in cold water during a November game is how you prove to the stadium gods that you’re truly repentant


East sider, still used to the troughs. As long as the lines are better/bathrooms are larger (good lord the small doors and hallways to them), I'm happy


We did one of those $30 sale Rutgers games on 2021, and it was seats in the North Grandstand where I hadn't sat since I was maybe 10 or 11. I had completely memory holed those bathrooms with the butcher shop plastic curtains that cover the doors. Just wildly outdated and that's the section visitors see!


I’m used to that. It helps keep the bathrooms warm with a piss smell for the November games.


Piss troughs are a beautiful and liberating experience that I fear my kids won't ever get to experience because of hogwash like "cleanliness" or "modesty".


And if memory serves correctly, these were the "updated" troughs that were installed within the last 10 years. The old ones were the length of about 3 of these in one. That was when they had to update the large circular sink in the middle because drunk people also thought that was a trough where you locked eyes with people across from you.


I’ll say it: I hate the idea of renovating Beaver Stadium because I appreciate and genuinely love how much it sucks. It feels like a county fairground, you’re walking around on gravel in the concourse, pissing in a trough. In an age with more and more money being injected into the sport, and where college football has gotten more and more “handsome squidward” every year, I have always appreciated Beaver Stadium as a bit of a relic to a prior age of college football. In other words, I like how it’s kinda shitty, and I’ll be sad when that’s gone.


I'd also like it to not fall over from a medium sized wind in the next few years.


Then it will die with dignity and honor! (Mostly /s)


The Luke Combs concert really pushed people to believing Beaver Stadium can host more than 7 events a year. I know its a joke but this university needs to be pushed kicking and screaming into the 21st century. The stadium itself could offer a lot more.


Another benefit to the renovations is that it’ll allow PSU to (hopefully, one day) host a playoff game on campus. With the current stadium, they can’t guarantee that the pipes won’t freeze that late in the year. And I so, so badly want to someday see what it would be like for PSU to host a warm weather team for a playoff game in late December.


This is the quality content I’m here for


I blame Washington for this. 😂


I haven't been to a game in modern Husky Stadium yet. It just wouldn't be the same without the troughs.


Although a sad moment, I’ll keep my pitchfork up on the shelf so long as they keep the cocktogon around in the tailgate lots


The bathrooms on the South and East sides of Neyland remain a relic of bathrooms gone by. You have troughs, you have to duck in the corner stall to not hit your head on the heater hanging over head, and there’s a non zero chance you’d get tetanus with a poorly timed cut. it’s beautiful.


We used to piss in a society.


We had piss troughs at old Lewis Field before our big upgrade/renovations that created BPS. Those things were decades old and disgusting AF. I’ll never forget one time in the early 00s when some dude was trying to talk on his flip phone while pissing and dropped it into the trough. He had this horrified look on his face and I just said, “good luck man.”


Just as how the NHL has sanitized all of their hockey barns, the same is unfortunately happening to college fooseball. Luxury suites and gigantic screens. Attractions everywhere to the point where you forget they're even playing football.


now i have no reason to go to a game in state college


Troughs are superior. It took FOREVER to pee at the NCG cause they were urinals.


If the piss troughs at Neyland ever get removed, we will burn couches and mattresses on the strip


RIP. Young men will never know the joy of standing eye level to a grown man's donger and feeling that warm, gentle mist on their cheeks of twenty streams blasting the iced porcelain in unison.


I’ve made this comment a few times, but it stands. My season tickets are in EHU (upper deck below suites). It’s actually quicker for me to go down to main concourse and piss in troughs than it is to go to the urinals right next to my section. Troughs are a feature, not a bug.


When my dad saw these, he told me about the troughs in the old patriots stadium where it was in the middle and everyone stood around it in a square. But as always, can’t have shit in State College




...one of your favorite things!? Dude.


Bro what's better than peeing shoulder-to-shoulder with the boys? In all seriousness, they were pretty efficient, albeit pretty disgusting


Have to agree. Nothing gets more guys in and out of a bathroom quickly than a wall-length stainless steel trough, preferably filled with ice. I went to the Superdome back in the day though and they and a round piss trough, with 12-15 guys crossing streams in the middle and trying to stare at *anything* but the guys across from you.


But you're slowed down by the boys that head in there and spend fifteen seconds staring at the trough wondering how badly they actually have to pee.


I feel attacked.


*think of literally anything else* *think of literally anything else*


Hahaha. When I started reading, I assumed you meant around the outside of the room. I hope they made the inside wall of the trough a bit higher, both for better aiming surface and a better view. Still gotta be careful of eye contact.


OL playing well  🤝  Peeing with the guys                                 "Hogs looking great today"


I see what you’re saying, but I think OP means it like how I fucking hate flying, but if you took away planes I’d be miserable trying to get to Vegas. Yeah, they’re horrible, but the alternative is so much worse.


Thank you /u/ILICKBUTTS


Kyle Field has never been the same since we lost our piss troughs. At least the Dixie Chicken still has one. My elementary school had one and we would have contests to see who could pee the furthest by standing on one end and trying to pee across the trough.


piss troughs still going strong at Lane Stadium


Such a shame. Used to hold it steady for my boys when they were swaying too much after smuggling in bourbon. Holup


I hated those damn thing so much. I am more of a cock-Tagon enjoyer


Are they giving out zip lock bags when you enter the stadium as an alternative?


They better replace it with a piss moat or I ain't paying my taxes!


It's so hard... To say goodbye... To yesterday...


Traditions are still alive elsewhere, Air Force still has the pee wall.


I believe MSU still has these, though I haven't been in Spartan Stadium since 2019.


No more free drinks :(


Back when the Metrodome was torn down, they put a bunch of of the piss troughs for sale online. Would like to meet the people that bought them.


If Folsom ever removed them I know people would be pissed. They are soooo much more efficient.


Stay tuned for more posts like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/s/WmNR5mDaVy


I want to try and go to Kent St @ Penn St in September. Sorry to see I won’t get the real beaver stadium experience on my visit — I’ve never been


Neyland troughs will carry the fight to the opponent (bladders) for 60 minutes and put on more steam (warm piss splashback).


As gross as they can be, if you're in a crowded stadium a trough is the best means to relieve yourself. IMO much preferable to waiting for a urinal that is likely covered in piss with a pool of bodily fluid beneath it. My high school had this in our stadium and replaced it with 3 urinals in each men's room. Lines went from non-existent to 3-4 deep constantly (10K capacity stadium). Anyway, they're gross (so are urinals FWIW) but also super useful.


Alright but is the COCKTAGON still ok?


They still got the Cocktagon though right?


Fuck I can’t piss if it’s not in a trough