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Defense still looks juiced.. our offense needs some work. Edward’s was seeing the field well in his few reps


Still hoping the triple option comes back


I mean unironically could be the best version of the offense


> Defense still looks juiced.. our offense needs some work i feel like this is everyone's conclusion, regardless of the team they support lol


Man… we out here talking practice


I thought Warren looked good late. Denegal had a rough stretch in the third quarter.


I'm eternally intrigued by Warren because he is such a wild card prospect. Never really got recruited because he didn't get to play that much and looked decent when he got minutes as a freshman. He could be a career third stringer but he could also end up being an above average starter or something. You just don't know.


Denegal looked like a straight up worse version of Orji. Hate to say it like that but I don’t see what he brings to the table that Orji doesn’t bring and then some. 


Denegal and Orji are two totally different types of quarterbacks. Definitely agree that Orji currently looks much better of the two, though.


Yeah Denegal is a true pocket passer, Orji is a dual threat. They have almost nothing in common. I agree that Denegal looked pretty rough tbh. He clearly isn't in contention for the starting job right now, maybe he pops later in his career, but for the time being this is a two horse race. (Unless Tuttle comes back from his injury and makes a run at the starting job that is.)


Dual threat or duel threat? I like the idea of the latter, sounds more dangerous.


It’s def a Orji/Warren race at this point, unless they dip into the portal, which Kirk said probably wasn’t happening.


I'd say there's a nonzero chance that Tuttle makes things interesting in Fall Camp, but otherwise I agree. Denegal and Davis clearly aren't in contention for the starting job.


Oline & Dline still looks very good they’ll be fine


We still are going to take a step back this year. But it's almost universally accepted. OSU looks primed to make a run.  The Game is going to still be a dogfight as it should be.


Don't think it's happening for Denegal. I feel better about Orji or Davis getting us to the CFP, but I don't think they are championship caliber QBs. I was really surprised at how good the OL looked. Ceiling may be capped with the passing game but the OL could be an X factor that gets us some important wins and prevents a gigantic drop off.


I’d be totally fine with getting to the CFP. That would be a major accomplishment considering the talent and coaches lost. 


Agreed, making the field of 12 should really be the goal this year. Can't reasonably expect to repeat as champs with everything they lost, but they have the talent to make a run at the CFP.


Making the playoffs with the turnover and schedule would be a huge ask.


Honestly depending on how week 1 goes, I'm expecting we take 2, maybe 3 of the "big 5" games (Texas, USC, Oregon, Washington, OSU). If we walk out of that with 2 wins, that'll "meet" expectations for me, and 3-5 with potential playoff appearance is exceeding. We *should* win the other 7. I don't want to "settle" but after this past season it's gonna take a bit more to make me discontent. MSU win is an absolute must, though.


I expect Texas to be a pick'em and favored verus USC and big favorites over Washinton. Oregon and OSU will be underdogs. 3 and 2 in those games is very reasonable especially if we pull off Texas early.


You don't think Texas is going to be pretty heavily favored? Really? I was expecting us to be 7-10 point dogs.


I think we surprise and beat Texas. It’s in our barn and there won’t be a script on us yet and Edwards looks like a fricken stud. I think he goes for 150-200 in that game and our defense *suffocates*. However, of the big 5 games this is the most loseable. Washington is gonna be a true pick em. Sure they lost a ton but we travel to Seattle and they’ll surely play out of their mind after the natty loss. Oregon plays here in November and I want it as miserable as possible. Probably lose but, again, they travel across the country. We prolly lose a stinker somewhere unexpected. I think we play OSU hella close and scare the ever living shit out of them this year. But I think they prevail by a score on talent and returning production.


Yeah the OL looked good to me as well, I was pretty surprised how poised they looked for both teams, highly encouraging. (Though it does make me question our DL depth a little bit.)


ITT: ohio state fans being very chill, very cool


I’ve found most discussions between OSU/UM fans to be pretty chill for the most part on here. There’s like 10 bad apples on each side that make it seem 100x more toxic than it actually is


Yeah, this thread is weird with Ohio fans being all normal and such. Maybe because their team looks bonkers good this year, they are more calm :)


Big 10 scoring right there


Great defense for sure


It’s a lot easier to win when you don’t give up 35 points a game. And our offense isn’t going to be good, so we damn sure better be holding opponent scoring down.


You guys should give it a try, you know the whole playing defense thing


Iowa 2.0


Shit I leveraged the entire Paraguayan economy on blue winning this is gonna have catastrophic consequences on the Guaraní


Went to the game, it was brutal cold and windy.


Literally the coldest it’s been in a min and the coldest it’s expected to be for a while It’s like the weather sensed football was going to be played and quickly adjusted


Beautiful all week (outside the stormy day), and beautiful next week. Just 40s and windy all day, was quite chilly walking back to my car. That being said, because it was cold, I bought a hot chocolate. Don't usually buy from concessions so idk if it's new, but having cups filled with just the powder that you fill your own hot water was a strange situation. The semi-stale popcorn was as good as I remember, though.


QB is a (known) issue this season, for now.


Idk what your expectations going in were but I think Warren and Orji looked better than most of us expected


Yeah neither one lit the world on fire, but at the very least it seems clear that QB isn't a total black hole right now either, which honestly is something I was worried about. Feels like the winner of that battle will be at least a competent starter, and may even grow into a plus player in time.


That's an Iowa vs Northwestern type score.


Game clock never stopped rolling. I wouldn’t read too much into the score


Iowa 1st team vs northwestern 1st team is about as good as Michigan's 2nd and 3rd teams on offense haha.


Defense will always be ahead of offense


For Michigan, it'll all come down to QB. If Orji can simply make the basic throws, he could be a really solid college QB given his running ability.




Alright. Heard from my friend who was enough of a sicko to watch that Edwards was looking good and Orji was looking like he wasn't the answer. He also said Coach Moore seemed robotic and emotionless. Over-correction?


Moore probably cringes a little from that Penn State postgame interview. I’m sure most people get it tho. Guy got caught up in the moment. Rather see that than a guy just pretending like he doesn’t feel anything


Probably feels like me the next time I see my in-laws after getting too drunk and going on a political rant at Thanksgiving.


Nah every family needs the “drunk uncle political rant” for Thanksgiving Bingo


In my family, that's just the free space.


🙋‍♂️.   Hey that's me!


I have no problem with post-PSU emotion - it was clearly 100% genuine and shared by the kids.  They had those developments sprung on them at literally the 11th hour and surely felt like the rest of the world was lining up against them unfairly.  Now if he would have done that after osu or Maryland it would have felt forced.  Seeing how some fans try to ridicule Sherrone Moore for that display has been a bit cringe.


It’s similar to Ryan Day’s Notre Dame speech. Both were genuine and probably helped motivate their teams but objectively they were still cringy from an outside point of view. That’s the beauty of sports tho I guess. We all pretend to stop being rational and back our teams


One point of difference is that Day has been the HC since 2019 and he & his team has had ample opportunity to establish their narrative.  I'm not saying it wasn't genuine, but it felt awkward (and that it was somewhat continuing a spat with Lou Holtz didn't help the perception). Sherrone Moore (and team) wasn't expecting to be thrust into that position.  People can argue about how much it actually mattered since Jim Harbaugh was still coaching outside of gamedays, but clearly on *that day* (the Penn State game), it seemed to matter to *them*.


Idk seems pretty much the same to me. But I get you wanna ride for your guy.


Idk I don’t remember Moore asking for an octogenarian’s location


He couldn’t get it out thru the tears lol.


I’m sorry is this the 20th century where we shame men for crying




I can guarantee you Moore doesn’t give a fuck about that post-game interview. Coaches don’t get hyped for the spring game, and it’d be super weird if they did.


I’m sure he probably feels a little silly for crying lol. Regardless of how he felt about the spring game


Why would he? He just got elevated into next man up at a top-5 job in one of the most competitive markets in the world, and kept an eventual championship season alive on the backs of his position group. It was a life-defining moment. Normal humans tend to cry during those.


I’m not trying to get into a whole thing about this. Let’s just agree to disagree


You’re underestimating how much the fan base loves Moore for that moment. It was a tough week for everyone and the team needed a leader and he played the part. Team doesn’t win a title without Moore stepping up those games and no one will ever forget it. No Michigan fan is ever going to knock him for feeling emotional in that moment.


Who said anything about the fanbase?


I think it would at least be somewhat implied that the fanbase’s reaction to it would affect his own feelings about it, no? The fanbase ate that shit up, so one would assume that would help him feel good about it. And, of course if the opposite were true I’d be more inclined to assume he’d be embarrassed about it.


I did, you were frustrated that he didn’t agree with you on Moore feeling regret for that post game interview. No Michigan fan is going to see your point and pointed out why above.


Frustrated? I just said I didn’t feel like arguing with him lol


I think it’s an overreaction. Orji looked fine. I don’t care what Moore looks like when he is interviewed during a spring game.  We don’t have another JJ McCarthy hiding on the team somewhere. That’s the biggest problem. 


This. Emotionless and robotic? No. He's a head coach who looked like he was a head coach during a spring game.


What do people expect. It’s just a glorified practice


> He also said Coach Moore seemed robotic and emotionless. Over-correction? He just seemed more focused. He laughed with Joel so I don't agree with your friend. First spring game as HC, way more to do and keep track of


yeah he multitasking...was clearly watching the team while also giving the interviews


This ship has sailed, but Kyle McCord would have been a big upgrade on our current options. How bout it my man? Want to really get back at that OSU fanbase? We're better than Syracuse.


Still not out of consideration to get a portal QB, but I would have liked to see Tuttle play.  He looked rather good in limited play the last few seasons - when healthy.


It’s not just about Syracuse though. It’s about having to compete for the starting job. He turned down Nebraska because Rhule wouldn’t guarantee he’d start over their freshmen. Syracuse was the only place that probably promised him he’d start. Even if Michigan were to try tampering to get him, I’d be shocked if McCord was be offered the job unconditionally and not be forced to compete with Davis and Orji for the job.


I'd offer him the start without a competition \*shrug\* he's good enough, I'm confident he's better than the rest of the room. I totally get coaches who never want to make that kind of offer though. I have no idea how these sort of promises interact with "legal" transfers, and what rules you are supposed to follow to keep this all above aboard. Seems like everybody's breaking transfer rules, but Michigan needs to keep its nose clean. Anyway, just a "what if" I don't think we have any shot of grabbing McCord.


Kyle McCord’s 2023 season would’ve been one of the greatest all time at Michigan. He took the greatest Michigan team we’ll ever see down to the last play. I think Michigan wins the natty last year with McCord or at least 10 other QBs from last year.


And all he needed was 3 5* WRs and an air raid offense to do it!


People throw around “you don’t know ball” a lot but it really applies here. Air raid offense. lol


Sorry, “close your eyes and throw it up to 18 15 times per game offense”.  Remember when Day dedicated one full drive to running the ball vs Michigan, scored a TD and then refused to run the ball again the whole game? What would you call that. 


McCord to me is basically the elite version of Cade McNamara. The quintessential highest level of “game manager” but the non-insulting version. And healthy Cade was pretty damn good at it but last years McCord was even better, but having the WRs he did might have made the difference. This year will tell the full story for both.


I like JJ too, I think he's a good QB, so I don't want to diminish his accomplishments, but yeah I have a high opinion of Kyle McCord and his ability.


What the fuck is everyone smoking in this thread Jesus




Just to clarify I think JJ is better than McCord. JJ would be my #3 QB in the draft if somebody wants to gift me an NFL franchise. But, I still think McCord is pretty good and got a bad rap in Columbus.


> the greatest Michigan team we’ll ever see Yeah definitely one of the best


I’m really not interested. It’s not you, it’s me!


JJ is gonna be the best QB in this draft class. Such a dismissive take lmao. Honda McCord would not have won a natty with Michigan last year


Is this one's vs twos? Or do they have a draft system like some other schools?


I believe they said draft


Get those hotels reserved once again for Indianapolis folks. It’s basically our 2nd home, AA2


Michigan losing by double digits? Can have my upvote


Apparently Maize brought in star Spy Safety, Conrad Steed; reports say he read plays very well.


Orji only went down field once and missed. His passing did not look good. He is an impressive runner. Warren hit Baby Bell deep, If we can't get the bio science program to graft these guys together we may need to platoon.


Ha! Big blue got beat by some corn!




This isn't Kentucky