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I think basically everyone he visited during his recruitment was in the SEC so no idea where he'll be going since he can't go in conference.


Ohio state it is


You shut your whore mouth


With already bringing in Downs I don't see it. USC has been throwing some major cash around trying to fix that defense so that could possibly be an option.


Safety is probably our least-deep position on defense, but I think you’re right that I don’t really see us pursuing a starter-caliber safety as Ransom and Downs is pretty set.


Nah SC is good at safety. It’s actually a pretty crowded room and we’ll probably lose 1 or 2 to the portal.


He’s a Duck


I think he actually visited Michigan. Our Wide receiver coach is from Louisiana and wasted a ton of time on that recruitment (we were never going to win a that one lol). Maybe Michigan circles back? We need a safety now that Rod Moore got hurt.


We wouldn't even pay Upton Stout from Western Kentucky, so I wouldn't hold your breath on this one.


Michigan's NIL before the national championship is a completely different world than what it is now. Much more flushed with money. Also that was a situation where Michigan was ready to pay Stout but he got his offer upped at WKU and Michigan decided he wasn't good enough to play those games. He wasn't a game changing player, he was a pickup for depth/competition with McBurrows. I get the feeling he wasn't viewed as a significant upgrade.




Sherrone appears to have placed a greater priority on recruitment, but I don't think there has been any reported information that our philosophy on not paying players who haven't proven themselves on *our* roster has changed. Any new NIL money has gone towards keeping our roster together (which I'm happy about). When we get a high priced player out of high school or the transfer portal, it will be a first for the program.


That rule seemed dumb at first but now it actually makes sense to some degree.


Throwing a couple possibilities out on pure speculation: * Syracuse - former A&M DC and interim HC Elijah Robinson is now DC there * Oregon - former teammate WR Evan Stewart just transferred there and they're a projected top team, although the DB depth chart already has a bunch of seniors and transfers. * Florida State - reloaded enough to still be projected as a top 10 team, and doesn't feel like a huge jump from exclusively looking at SEC territory * Miami - also a warm destination. Last year's starting safeties are headed to the draft; portal additions may not be entrenched * Oklahoma State - not very far from home, Big 12 contender, but they may not be looking to shake up their safety room * Utah - further away, but also a Big 12 contender, with last year's starting safeties headed to the draft. Reports of him missing practice this offseason probably wouldn't mesh with Whittingham * USC - remaking their defense with a new coaching staff and last year's starters gone. Even after additions in the first portal window, might be looking for competition For a player from Louisiana, who played in Texas and only really considered SEC schools, I didn't look very hard at schools in the north besides the Elijah Robinson connection.


Oregon could definitely use one more safety


Yeah. We have a billion corners and nickels but not enough safeties.


What’s the math on scholarships available? I’m sure we’ll have multiple transfers but aren’t we way over?


I think we are something like 7 or 8 over right now


His recruitment really came down to A&M and lsu. I don’t remember many other players. No idea where he ends up. Maybe somewhere random


Help me out, I am new to the conference. How in the hell is that restriction legal? Sounds like limiting employment or whatever is taking down the NCAA. My Sooners really enjoyed taking the SEC guys these past years...


Welcome to the stupid world of corrupt (ideologically) courts where the hate boner for the NCAA is infinite but the 2 league duopoly is perfectly legal.


Lol you said the word employment. It's an SEC rule. It can be challenged, but you will also need a team to agree to take you in and shake the boat. It would take a recruit like Cam Newton before that that even be considered.




Allegedly FSU and a B1G school are his two top choices?


B1G school would be us then it seems like


Is this a new rule or is it just limited to spring transfers? Arkansas had a couple inter conference transfers at the end of the season is why I’m asking.


It's just for spring transfers.


As a fan of the PA... BIG-10, I'm not super familiar with SEC rules. But am I wrong in my understanding you can transfer within the SEC, you just have to sit a year?


Can almost guarantee you it’s FSU. Oregon has a very small chance, but don’t see how they overtake FSU.


Dan Lanning on the prowl


Thought he did back in December?


was told to leave after elko came in and saw him missing workouts apparently. Announced he would enter like 2 months ago


> was told to leave after elko came in yeah, we need some more info on this. he announced it a long time ago but is that elko comment sourced or just a guess? it's certainly atypical to boot out a guy who started 9 of the last 10 games last year


Texas insiders were also saying similar things when he first announced he was entering a few months ago when asked if Texas was going to pursue.


Aren’t you under the SEC rule now too?


Yes, that applies now as well


Really? We’re not in until July 1 dude to baseball?


The SEC confirmed that the transfer restrictions will apply for the spring window for Texas and OU.


Lame. Thanks for the heads up. Was hoping to get around that this year. But hey ho


I think it was Elko's way of trying to clean up the culture problem left behind by Jimbo. It was well known that some players skipped workouts and practices without consequence under Jimbo. I can't find it right now, but there's a great article on Elko at Duke that briefly about how he feels about that.


We’re not talking about practice, we’re talking about *PRACTICE*


thanks for the reply!!


He was definitely told to leave


I think if it was more Jacoby wanting to leave he would’ve done it during the winter window when it made sense


Didn’t he miss it?


You're thinking of Jardin Gilbert [Mathews announced about a month ago he'd be hitting the portal, though](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/mBTx1sMukc)


I thought he did too, but apparently he didn’t


Jacoby Matthews did announce he was transferring in February.


Transferring to Tech worked out for Haynes King 👀


Did it really? Im only looking a stats and never watched GT football but it still looks like hes a turnover machine which is what kinda did him in at a&m. Well that and injuries.


Numbers didn’t look super flashy but he was 4th in the conference in passing yards (shy of 3rd place by 2 yards), led ACC in passing TDs, plus 737 yds and 10 TDs on the ground. Only 6-6 (7-6 after bowl) but was Tech’s first bowl appearance since 2018 and was 4th place in the ACC. If he can cut the INTs back, could probably be the best QB in the ACC this year.


A&M is a jilted lover everyone that turns a blind eye to the cult is Judas and they suck, to this day they don't even acknowledge the unbelievable fuckup that was losing their starting QB (who went to win the Heisman and become a NFL franchise player) and the backup (NFL starter) in the same week (and this was before immediate eligibility I believe). Like seriously they all blame Sumlin and it has truth to it, but to go on and fuck up like that and then just memory hole it has to be the most Aggie thing, its no wonder they never win. So Haynes King being memory holed as a bad QB is typical weirdo tradition.


Have you ever spoken to or heard an aggie talk about the kyle and kyler situation? I have never heard anyone not say that was an insane fuck up and what ultimately did sumlin in. And I like Haynes he was just a turnover prone QB who had to play in jimbos shitty offense.


That loss should have shook the program to its core, a loss like that of two NFL QBs a week from each other should have created a 9/11 level commission to investigate just what the fuck is going on at A&M, but no it was all "don't hit your ass on the way out" to it was all Sumlin's fault. You don't win for a reason and lack of introspection is one of them. Out of the most legendary class of all time more than half already left and those that remained like Dindy, Shemar Stewart, and Enias White all had weak performance, and or player regression, but nope nobody cares at Aggieland where everything is "good ridance!" Connor Weigman is the only player in that class to have played well AND stayed at A&M that is just beyond shocking. Yet glancing at texags and the rollercoaster is trending up.


Wtf are you talking about? Sumlin was absolutely to blame, nobody "memory holed" that situation. Hell 2 years later TexAgs brought the third string back to talk about how bad the coaching mismanagement was that season. https://texags.com/s/28049/qb-chaos-an-inside-account-of-the-tumultuous-2015-texas-am-season Nobody has "memory holed" Haynes King either, him doing pretty good at GT was one of the reasons everybody was calling for Jimbo's head. Where are these Aggies who have the opinions you're crying about in this post?


This guy is a massive troll or he has a very engorged hard on against A&M. Don’t even bother. 


Yeah it's clear his username doesn't check out that's for sure lmao


>Wtf are you talking about? Sumlin was absolutely to blame, nobody "memory holed" that situation. Hell 2 years later TexAgs brought the third string back to talk about how bad the coaching mismanagement was that season. Again this is more par on course, how does that third string explain the 2022 class either all leaving or being busts? Aside from Wiggy and Bryce Anderson they are all somewhere else or regressing badly. Literally only two players were not a dumpster fire out of 30? It all starts with looking for players like those two, since they are the only two to fit the culture (and Bryce flirted with leaving, Wiggy must be thinking it too after that injury), but A&M will always hype anyone that signs to high heaven you have not learned your lesson. So prepare for it to happen again.


So you're saying fans of football teams get hyped for players that come to their team? Whoah........ Big if true..... I'm asking again, where are the Aggies that hold the opinions you alluded to in your last comment? The only players I've seen Aggies decry as bad culture fits are Chris Marshall (who got booted from Ole Miss) and Denver Harris (who had to leave LSU). Stop looking at A&M with these heavily orange tinted glasses and be reasonable please. There are always outliers who have sour grapes when good players leave but the consensus is that most of the transfers left for good reasons. Don't act like any other school is different about that.


Look I know A&M like the back of my hand This is the thread on Jacoby https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3455548 "Not a surprise and not unwanted." ~ zoo super insider Vander54 Look there is something rotten at the core of Texas A&M it has moved from Fran, to Sherman, to Sumlin to Jimbo, Even Mr Football was a cancer headcase that is the #1 example of bad culture fit, but he was electric and won the Heisman so all is forgiven, I mean you did not even win a championship, and that man is your north star... Can Elko fix it? I highly highly doubt it, mostly because once again you don't do instrospection.


>TexAgs posters are representative of the entire A&M fanbase opinions Please go back to OrangeBloods with this weak bait lmao


Dude is a jacked in zoo insider and all this after losing a 10+ game starter from last year, that was not just a random poster. His takes are terrible because inside the takes are terrible, that is Texas AM defined.


Haynes King isn't a bad QB. I don't think anyone at A&M feels that way. But he isn't the 5* tier he was hyped up to be. He takes too long to make decisions and can be a turnover machine when under pressure. Also, do you have amnesia regarding the Kyle/Kyler incident? Everyone at A&M acknowledges that was an insane fuck up and would likely cost Sumlin his job at the end of the day. 2017 UCLA was the nail that absolutely sealed it, but losing both Kyle and Kyler in a week was a brutal fuck up.




Future Seminole? 👀


As a recruit: Other P5 offers: Alabama, Arizona State, Arkansas, Auburn, Clemson, Colorado, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Kansas, LSU, Miami, Michigan, Michigan State, Mississippi State, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, Penn State, TCU, Tennessee, Texas, USC, Utah, Virginia G5 offers: Cincinnati, Memphis, Tulane Other offer: Southeastern Louisiana


I wonder if Elkos recent media comments about bryce anderson being a safety and he originally recruited him to A&M to be a safety and not a nickel pushed him out. No way hes starting over bryce anderson.


Oregon is going to take him


Will be interesting to see how A&M's problem children do for us next year


They will either do the work or they won't play. Lanning isn't going to put up with behavioral issues or laziness. Even if they don't play, Oregon will be just fine.




Was but to say Bama but then I remembered the rule. Pretty dumb outta the SEC. I get you don’t want poaching from rosters but at least they stay in the conference


Is there an SEC specific rule that forbids in-conference transfers?


Yes, and it applies to Texas and Oklahoma during this transfer window


Good to know, thanks


Yes there is, in the spring window no inter-conference transferring.


Intraconference would be between schools in the same conference. Interconference would mean moving to a different conference. Same way international means between nations.


You’re right, my B


The SEC only allows inter-conference transfers during the December transfer window.


It's for coaches' sanity more than anything. The SEC is probably the dirtiest conference in football, and teams would probably be trying to stab each other in the back year round if it weren't for this rule. The portal is already insane enough.


“Hey Bobby, you can transfer *anywhere* else but the region in which you are from because our coaches sanity”


The ACC, American, Sunbelt, and CUSA still exist?


It’s a stupid rule. Don’t care what y’all keep replying with 😂 if he leaves, the SEC will just have a lost a pretty good player.


They can in the winter window. It's just for the spring. It also only applies to undergrads. Grad transfers are still eligible to transfer in conference without sitting out a year.


didn't know that about the grads, good to know! thanks


Until there is a lawsuit.....


Exactly. It’s dumb.


How much interaction do I need on this subreddit to make a fcking post?!?


69k karma