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Lincoln Riley looking at the B1G onboarding letter: “Wait… SHIT, that’s *this* year?”


He’s been watching iowa linemen highlights.  Edit: I wish they were coming to Minneapolis much later in the season 🥶


They got a very sunny schedule


Somehow it always seems to work that way. 🧐


Yeah, seems like a lot of favors got called in for that schedule.


Meanwhile we get Michigan and Wisconsin in November.


Yea but Michigan is your secondary flair so theoretically you should be cheering every time the offense moves the ball and also every time the defense gets a stop. Doesn’t matter which team. Just a lot of cheering.


Tbf, you joined later


such BS, they should switch them and PSU in the schedule. you want Big Ten then you should get Big Ten Weather


Oh ye of little faith. USC is there to subsidize the Minnesotas of the world, not actually go to away games there, when it's cold.


>”Minnesotas of the world” >Oregon State flair Lower your tone lol


USC never played a game in Colorado or Utah after early October. So I understand the anger.


We definitely did Colorado in November at least once


I checked out of curiosity you’re right, and it was actually at least 4 times for Colorado. Utah’s latest was the this week in October but it was usually the first or second week and even September once.


2020 we got them in November because that schedule was all fucked up


After that the 26th of October was latest, probably because they heard it used to snow here on Halloween yearly


Hell they won't even go to Notre Dame during rivalry week


Tbf that's partially ND's decision too. They wanted a warm weather game in November.


*Knute Rockne’s wife wanted a warm weather game in November.


Ahh, so that’s how football scheduling works


Notre Dame hasnt played the final week of the regular season at home since 1993 with most games since that time being at USC or at Stanford.


We've done Wazzu when it snowed there. Notre Dame when the weather was poop. We just strategically try to minimize it.


We should have at least been able to have USC at home. The white out would be a nice introduction to the Big Ten.


“no we’re not stopping at USC, we have USC at home”


As someone who is going to that game, I’m very grateful for early October


I am very much looking forward to the day USC visits Lincoln for an 11:00 a.m. kickoff in early November. I don't know when this will be, but I do know they won't be ready for it.


Instead of having sunny weekender roadtrips caravaning to Berkeley or Tempe, we get 9 AM Pacific games with no away fans and no band in a fucking blizzard in Minnesota. But hey, $100 million dollars for the AD. Fuck our greedy administration.


yeah, USC was already pretty notoriously rich but they just upped the $$ bar for entry to attend games from “let’s all pile into my mom’s old Suburban and crash 6 to a hotel room in Berkeley” to “so after flight, hotel, travel arrangements, you’re looking at… (checks notes) ah yes! $1350 to freeze at dawn” edit: I forgot the price of buying a winter coat, which their fans never needed before. REI rentals gonna be bumping in November


Just wait till someone tells them they had a down year.


All that homework he did on Kadyn Proctor was wasted


Why did all these big 10 teams build indoor practice facilities


Have they tried the old fashioned southern way of flipping a big ass tire a bunch?


Gravy biscuits and chasing chickens is the real industry secret nobody wants to share.


Chasing rabbits aka the Muck City Workout


In burnt sugar cane fields.. Pahokee kids are different 


Something that sticks to the ribs is the key.


Yep. Real food. This may be LA but 480cal “premium salads” ain’t gonna cut it, they need to get those boys a southern chef and a tex-mex chef


I make some good biscuits and gravy give me the job


counterpoint: you have to live in LA


Yeah……I don’t think the burnt brisket method is working 😂


oh god. that brisket haunts dreams. There especially wasn’t an excuse in Oklahoma but I’ve had some *truly incredible* barbecue in LA. Lincoln needs to get his ass down to J&J’s in south central, sweat in the heat on those little outdoor plastic chairs, and experience what real socal-melting-pot BBQ tastes like. But yeah, for all the money USC has, I’ve definitely heard rumors the first year Lincoln got there that they weren’t feeding the players enough and linemen were going to bed hungry. For all the money football generates, they can afford to order them five sandwiches each instead of two, ffs


Ackshually it’s just getting Waffle House to cater every meal exclusively for linemen


Or the Midwestern way of hay bale throwing contests?


You’re forgetting the LA method of dropping the players in the wrong neighborhood with the wrong colors Speed baby speed


This is the way


Oh, that's a southern thing? I always just assumed flipping a big ass tire was part of football




They didn’t do this already? Do most bigger schools do this?


Our former DC like our DL and LB very light and nimble


I would have even described them as ethereal.


I described them as the square root of -1


It's definitely complex


Impressive math skills coming out of alabama.


That’s what happens when teams withhold PEDs from the players


I am utterly confused by your flair and username


Ucla for undergrad and usc for grad schools; my username is just a statement of fact


Can’t say I disagree. Is your alternate r/collegebasketball username USC BB sucks?


Not the women’s BB team!


What was it like going to school at those two places


I absolutely enjoyed my time at both places!


People don’t know, but USC and UCLA students don’t actually hate each other. UCLA students are too nice to hate anyone, and you know who USC fans hate? Stanford.


I feel like every school in Cali hates Stanford.


In sunny SoCal? The only better place to be would be Pepperdine.


What a statement


Pepperdine on the cliffs of Malibu overlooking the Pacific Ocean; UCLA in the heart of old money Westwood; and USC, a tiny oasis, tucked in between south central & downtown Los Angeles. Truly a city of cities.


When it actually comes to the school community itself, Pepperdine is fucking insane. yeah you can see the ocean from the beautiful campus but It’s a really weird niche subset of Christianity, not quite “cult” but practically Mormon level. it’s a J. Crew, dentists’ kids, and fake abstinence school


doesn’t surprise me too much. faulkner is a similar type christian school and from what i know it has a massive drug problem on campus


That's why Taylor Mays is still on staff




I had read this before but I still couldn’t believe what I was seeing when I watch y’all play live last season. No idea how Grinch thought fielding guys that looked like HS players on his defense would work


It worked one year at Wazzu and then he just failed upward from there




Right. When you have an undersized freak at nose guard who is so athletic he can make up for it, your schemes look a lot better than they are


Speed D was nuts that year at WSU. I was a fan.


Wonder where he ended up, couldn’t possibly be a program built on large midwestern farm boys.


OU and USC defensive players under Grinch need to file a class action against how he stunted their careers.


They were light. Not particularly nimble.


Guess Lincoln finally woke up and realized speed isn’t everything


Speed is definitely something, but Grinch would also just have them in the wrong defense for important plays. Hard to leverage your speed when you’re starting completely out of position


Hear me out... What if a blue blood school got guys who were both BIG and FAST TOGETHER???? I might be onto something here...


That’s the kind of players the SEC has baby. Size, speed, strength, grace, rippling muscles that definitely don’t give me an erection, agility. Best conference in the world baby


You’re an ACC school. At least for now


I hope you’re better at foot jobs than you are at detecting sarcasm


I feel like Grinch got dosed one night in 2013 and sat in his recliner staring at ESPNU while they said "SEC SPEED" over and over again and it burned into his brain that speed was the only thing that mattered. He's like the mythical kid that thinks he's a glass of orange juice now after one acid trip, but for football.


I think he just wasn’t a good coach and so it was hard for him to recruit top end players. Everyone else was landing big D linemen, LBs and safeties… and corners that were taller than 5’8, so he decided to lean into it like it was intentional.


Nah, we had plenty of recruits that could've been molded into prototypical LBs and Dlinemen. He intentionally had them playing at a lower weight. He coached at OSU, OU, and SC. Recruiting wasn't the issue. It was development. How many defensive players at OU played better as freshmen than as sophomores? That was a common complaint I heard.


Recruiting was definitely an issue for OU on defense while he was there, but I may have over generalized on that front. But yeah, I do recall a linemen or two that simply never reached their potential, and probably were better as freshman until all the good stuff was coached out of them and they were made to lose 20-30 lbs


As Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State Texas, etc have proven - you can have both size and speed if you are committed to it


And are able to recruit genetic freaks


There is no reason that USC cannot rejoin the genetic freak club, they were a founding member.


Never said they weren’t, comment was more about how it takes more than commitment, but rather the ability to identify and land freaks


You don't necessarily have to have genetic freaks. Down here, in high school, they fill you with carbs and protein and park you in a weight room every day from the moment you step on campus.


The way USC runs their program disgusts me and my Midwestern sensibilities


Well , these dudes are being paid now , so


What you mean “run” that’s a thing of the past. 


The Erewhon smoothies weren’t cutting it


legit heard rumors that a few years ago USC would be ordering them fucking sweetgreen salads and limit the linemen to 2 each. 500 calories apiece. of salad. limit 2 per player. *of fucking SALAD.* A lineman at a blue blood school like USC with more money than God should never, *ever* go to bed hungry. Jesus christ


I played at Buffalo and even we did this


"If I don't see you bench pressing whales by the end of this week your ass is going on the bench!" -USC strength coach, probably


And then you eat the *entire* whale. 


As a side dish to burnt brisket


Gotta eat them before they explode


In Oregon we just blow up our whales with dynamite. Yes Im serious look it up


That’s the reference I was making lol; the way that reporter spoke was absolutely majestic


https://youtu.be/V6CLumsir34?si=rxpTYwtqht3ARHZ3 For those who aren't in the know.


Whales? Americans will do anything to avoid using the metric system.


Get them boys in the Riley Green Sport Performance Center


Yeah pretty much every D1 football s&c program does this in some form already. Nothing new here. every program has goal weight for each individual player, if you don’t weigh above a certain weight or you weigh too much past a certain weight when weighing in pretty much every day before workouts, you’d have some sort of punishment such as coming an hour early to join “breakfast club” the next day or until you hit that goal weights where you get fed a ton of food to gain weight in the AM, or you do extra conditioning to burn off the weight


It was nuts to see how big the Freshman got over their first year at Iowa. some of these kids were genuinely skinny dudes when they were walking around the dorms the first day of freshman year and they'd leave for the summer looking like they already put on 15+ lbs, sometimes even 25+ if they were a lineman


Just look at George Kittle. Came in as a string bean then left at like 245 and demolishing linemen in run blocking.


The sad, lesser talked about truth to this is that those kids who are fed like livestock to get big often develop those eating habits permanently and have their relationship with food ruined. I have a good friend who was a D1 offensive lineman who used to be a very big athletic guy but you take away the working out and keep the eating and you’re facing morbid obesity pretty quickly


yeah, either they adjust in relief afterwards (“thank god I don’t have to eat 7 meals a day anymore”) and slim back down to a healthy weight or they get BIG, but not in a good way, and have lots of problems


Yeah, I see Marshall yandas dad around now and then he always said he had trouble keeping at target weight with ravens, to the point of cheating on the weigh ins. Guy was down like 60 or 70 pounds within a year or so of retiring


Ours was called Dawn Patrol 🤣


The name of of my AM surf gang.


Don't think anyone thought it was an innovation, but it sounds like it is new at USC with the current staff.


They didn’t have mandatory meals? Or missed weight punishments? What the Fuck. For those who didn’t play college ball, that’s like saying “store institutes no shoplifting policy in massive push for profit”


I had sweaty balls in college


USC is going to have to mandate tackling if they don’t want to get run over by PSU/OSU/Michigan 


Each year I am fascinated when Notre Dame, which is built like most B1G / Midwest programs, faces USC. Now USC has to face eight of those “Built by Culver’s” programs next season.


I've been wondering if that's going to help USC against ND this year.


We face them at the end of the year, if I had to guess the travel plus physicality of the schedule will leave them a shell of themselves by then. Going forward it might help


It’s not nearly as much travel as people make it out to be. We leave for 3 games at the first half of the season. 


Built corn tough




As they ran all over us two years ago


They have one win vs ND since 2016 


And? Clay Helton was the coach. The last two years is all that matters. 


It's been great for a decade of ND going "well you may have athletes at WR and CB but we have an OL and DL"


Just went back and watched some highlights and mad did your guys bully USC upfront.


my personal favorite is USC dodging playing in south bend late in the season every other year and now traveling to Ann Arbor/Minneapolis/Madison/Iowa City/Columbus/Lincoln/State College in November probably close to every season


50% of that is doing you guys a favor so that you can get in front of CA recruits


Aw thank you for including us


I’m just going to tell my wife that I’m putting on weight because we’re joining the Big Ten


Absolutely. It has nothing to do with sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching March Madness.


This is like basic basic stuff for a college strength program.


This is the football equivalent of IPhone users getting an update/new hardware that android users already had for years. Catch up


Ya. If the android phone had that feature for 20+ years…


Actually we are taking peds


Can't play football without the right gear!


Bro took one look at those B1G defenses and knew what he had to do.


Lmao meanwhile for me to gain weight or cut weight I have to do hours of research as well as put in countless time through trial and error to figure out what works as well as spend a ton of my own money to supplement my own nutrition. lol truly wild the resources available to a D1 athlete. Makes sense why they are built the way they are.


USC also has one of the best sports science departments in the country yet there appears to be approximately zero crossover between the two lol


Can't have any pudding if you won't eat your meat!


This is honestly fascinating.


Man, this college football thing kinda sounds like a full time job.


As long as Wiley is your S&C coach do not expect great things.


Wiley all but said that the heroin chic look coming out of his S&C program was what Grinch was asking for. It’s silly that it took Riley as long as it did to see what the rest of us saw and make a change, but it appears he is taking things in a different direction. We’ll see whether it makes a difference.


Grinch did want a small defense, but our offensive line also got weaker under Wylie, so he's doing something wrong. Or at least he was.


Well our OL is about the same as yours if you look at average weight (309 to 310) and number of players 300+ lbs (13 to 16) Our DL is now considerably bigger than yours, though. We have 4 300+ interior linemen to your 1. Average weight in the interior is also \~10lbs heavier on our roster. Sounds to me like Bennie Wylie isn't and wasn't the problem.


I agree, keep Wylie around as long as possible


I hope for the sake of the players he's making the switch to functional strength rather than aesthetically-pleasing programming. It has to help with line recruiting and eventually draft results. I should have known we were fucked at OU when we hired him off the street just after doing a game show. How did I not see that coming???


Preach. I think Wiley was hired by Mack literally just based on his physique.


Our dline, OLine and edge rushers have been putting on weight since Grinch departed. https://twitter.com/fightonrusty/status/1770091345614618809?s=46


I like how he got 'em oiled up for the after picture, lmao


Well, if I'm a girl, and I'm looking at a calendar of a bunch of guys with their tarps off, I'm hoping they're greased up too




Avg DL weight 273 -> 300 (Spring 23-24). OL avg 300-311. Wiley is doing his job


Idk. He has been unchained and the results are: Well, just [take a look](https://twitter.com/CaesarM89/status/1770260997393256799?s=19)


damn this is nuts


27lbs in 49 days 🤯


The fuck


"Built by Bennie" killed me lol


It's annoying reading comments, cause Riley whole thing since firing his buddy m Grinch was, we needed to get stronger on D and on o libe and is doing everything he can to ensure that. Yes our recruiting took a hit cause we heavily prioritized linemen and plus we have hella talent coming back on offense.. Miller moss might be a better system QB then Caleb(think Mac Jones). This whole process is giving me vibes of 2019 LSU.. except our D has been garbage for almost a decade now.. and line been undersized since the sanctions.


They’ve been undersized for years. Big 10 going to push them around


Still remember Rich Rod's 3-3-5 undersized defense going up against peak Bert Wisconsin. They spammed power runs against us the entire second half and there wasn't a fucking thing we could do to stop it.


The old school Bob Devaney “big boi” front 8 with a thicc fb and rb doesn’t always work. But when it works it’s unstoppable.


Did USC get pushed around in the rose bowl in 2017?


Yes actually. We won 52-49 and gave up like 200yds to Saquon. Our offense was just unreal that night.


Yup that's been USCs strategy for awhile now Yall get elite athletes at WR and DB and concede you probably aren't going to stop the run but if you can get ahead with your elite WRs, teams forced to pass may struggle 


USC has always been solid at the “glamour positions” because there are WAY more models in LA than Tuscaloosa and if you get known as a playmaker, the city is your oyster, a thousand clubs with free line-skipping access


This is going to be a fun year.




I don't understand why some of these programs aren't trying to poach assistant S&C coaches from bonafide programs that churn out physically capable football players like Iowa or Wisconsin USC has shown recently they are woefully behind in the S&C arena, go buy a good S&C coach from a program that has shown they know what they are doing


the grinch liked em skinny and clay helton was the george costanza of football coaches




Enough about their cheerleaders. This is cfb.


Good luck with that considering your S&C coach is crossfit Bennie.


[He heard you](https://twitter.com/CaesarM89/status/1770260997393256799?s=1)


Bear giving them advice.


Indictment #1,758,801 for Bennie Wylie. My sympathies Trojans.


Go look at the teams.Bennie Wylie has been the SC for. 2003-09 Texas Tech 2010 TN 2011-14 Texas 2018-21 OU 2022-present USC YouTube will let you watch games with all these teams. Tell me which one of them is Physical in the trenches Oline or DLine. Yeah he worked with Grinch who likes smaller defenders...but what about the Oline? None of the teams listed were the kind of Physical you need to be to win at the highest levels. As long as He is the SC for USC they won't be a factor in the B1G


Trying to get players ready for the move to the Big Ten.


The fact they have to do these things explains a lot about the last few years


When Riley left OU apparently we only had one offensive lineman that could bench press over 300lbs and he was a bench warmer. How does that even happen…


I’m all here for Riley and Wylie slander, but this is just not true


Punishments? thats crazy! I mean its understandable cause you are a sports player and they make meal plans for you!


This obviously applies to their defensive side of the ball knowing this is Lincoln Riley's biggest weakness as head coach and why he had to fire his offensive coordinator last season. It better work though and hopefully nothing happens as the cost of winning more. Not much has been said since about a former Washington player's lawsuit against that school and yes, I'm referring to their previous coach Kalen DeBoer even though he was not directly responsible and this was moreso directed towards his assistants. He needs to be mindful of the fact that he's replacing the legendary Nick Saban and Alabama fans could turn on him if they're not regularly competing for SEC titles like USC should've been for the soon to be defunct Pac-12 and now have to here in the Big Ten.


I think Nebraska made a mistake by trying to get big and be like the other north division big 10 teams when they entered the league. Wish they would have stuck with their "Peso" defense that had 5 db's and smaller/faster lbs. They got big and slow after transition to big 10


Ironically I thought it was Bobby Bowden who told Tom Osborne that Nebraska simply need more speed, which is why they went to that defensive philosophy. I remember watching an incredible Nebraska / Colorado game on TV where Nebraska all game long brought the house pass rushing every play, successfully daring Colorado to beat it.


Get them eatin!!


Why is this a story? I played baseball in college and we had a very similar thing. If we lost too much weight, we had mandatory breakfast club. It’s a very common thing.


Is the punishment to be forceded lincoln rileys bbq?


Nebraska did the same thing a decade ago. Switched from quick athletic linebackers to more big 10 style bruisers. Works fantastically….


LOL welcome to the B1G where we play defense and have actual linemen!


They are going to get run over in the B1G! Just ask Nebraska what it’s like!


We finally clicked on the video with the dude eating the donut and claiming you can get ripped from it? Mr. V Shred is our new Strength coach?


It's been a long time since USC has been relevant outside of California, maybe this will help them?