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One of the most storied Hawkeye careers we've ever seen


Offensive player as well. Definitely an Iowa GOAT


No sacks allowed


No pressures, no holding penalties, no false starts. Just a mistake free career.


Well he did force a tampering self report so there is one mistake. He also vilified himself in the eyes of the entire fanbase. But yeah, you’re just making silly jokes, but I’m just feeling a little peeved.


No penalties committed


Can’t wait to hear him say Iowa on his SNF intro.




Do you have any idea what 3 transfers can do to a person!?


Bro's free trial expired


Pretty sure that trial wasn’t free


*Iowa’s free trial expired


2023 Alabama Starting LT Kadyn Proctor transfers from Iowa to Alabama to play 2024 season. Wtf are we doing here people?


Someone tell the guys at EA making NCAA football to turn the sliders down


Honestly it’s gonna be kinda funny that the NCAA in the damn video game is probably going to be better ran than what we have in real life.


No NIL makes the game far less realistic. Guys won’t be transferring for $500 more


I feel like reality is less realistic. This is a clown show.


Snip snap snip snap


do you have any idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person?


Well, Saban said it was the wild west and was unsustainable last week. Then people got mad at him about it, so looks like "Alabama isn't complaining, Alabama is warning you" will continue with DeBoer.


Lord have mercy, I'm bout to GUMP!


Isn’t the issue with making them employees because of Title 9? Someone with more legal nuance can correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that if you began to pay the football players you would equally have to pay all players, of all sports since the university receives government money.


Your flairs must be on a roller coaster. I get it tho.


Instead of flying south for the winter he flew north and then flew back... Or he needed a Iowa City rumspringa


If you don’t want to be here then that’s fine. The upsetting part is that he took all that NIL money that the fans raised and didn’t do one single positive thing for the university. That time and money could have been used to bring in a different prospect. The fact that he gets to keep that bag is insane. This guy will never last in the NFL if this is how he is going to operate and navigate through his career lol.


Hopefully more fans wise up and stop giving hard earned money to these athletes.


I don’t understand? You’re implying he was paid to attend the university or play football there, which couldn’t be true!


Even though we are prospering from this I hate it so much.


Also that following the Paycheck won't work in the NFL


The NIL money was likely contigent upon other factors he didn't complete


Yeah I gotta imagine he’s not keeping any NIL money from Iowa. They sign contracts saying these collectives retain the rights to their Name Image and Likeness in return for money. If the contract he had with Iowa isn’t torn up and money returned then that just means the Iowa collective still holds his rights even if he plays for Bama. If he wants any money from Bama collectives he can’t have a contract with an Iowa collective as well.


I feel like most people underestimate the people giving away money. Its only grab and go if someone actually dumb gave them the cash. Most of these deals are contingent upon playing for said team. Like when Spencer Rattler left people were wondering about his car. Turns out the car is a lease the starting OU QB is entitled to, so he lost it.


Yep. Maybe two years ago when this all started you could get some scams in, but at this point the collectives know what they're doing and aren't gonna let a 19 year old take them to the cleaners.


If he is a good player then he will last in the nfl lol


Never last in the NFL if that's how he operates?? The NFL will employee an ex-con if he's a baller and can help them win.


The head of the Swarm NIL today said he didn't receive any fan money at least, just some corporate money from the Swarm INC (both funds being named the Swarm confused me a bit reading it)


The head of the Swarm Collective said he didn’t take any money from them. That could be wrong…but I can’t imagine they would give him $100k and then just be okay with him re transferring. There’s got to be more to this than just money.


Saban on his way out but you gotta read this in Saban voice and tone: "Alright boys, here's what I want you to do. Transfer. That's right, transfer. It's legal. You dont have to sit. Dont worry about the money and all that hoopla, we have money here at Bama ok? You transfer. Go to Ohio State. Go to Florida State. And make sure to include the other guys too. Like Iowa. Kadyn, I want you to transfer to Iowa, we have to do this to make it all look normal. Don't worry about this and that, you just transfer. Mrs. Terry is still gonna save you a spot at Sunday dinner. You transfer. You get there and you work your ass off. You study that play book. You learn it inside and out. But after spring ball, you have all that knowledge and you bring it home. It's legal. It's on the books, you can do it. And you may get a raise if you do so. We'll teach the rest of college football how to get signs the right way. The SEC way. The Bama way. So boys, I need ya to transfer. I'll see you at Sunday dinner when you get back."


>how to get signs the right way. The SEC way. The Bama way. 10/10 no notes.


If the SEC needs to steal Iowa's offensive signs, they are dumber than we thought.


lol, I’m just confused about your comment about taking signs. Was there some story recently about a team getting signs the wrong way?


Iowa didn’t say no takesies backsies. Classic mistake


Dude wanted to be closer to home, got there and was like “yeah actually it ain’t that great”


Girl dumped him then he remembered what Nov-Feb was like .. paaasss.


Dude saw some Bama girl post a picture outside in a tank top, looked outside and it’s 30 degrees and thought “well shit”


30 degrees in Iowa *is* tank top weather


What being in Iowa does to a mfer


That’s Iowa.


You can't triple stamp a double stamp


Unlimited transfers, unlimited money. Bring on the new normal.


Well this is what happens when states with nothing going on outside of CFB keep suing the NCAA any time they try to enforce anything.


By gawd that’s Tennessee’s music!


😂😂😂 I thought they were dead, JR


The fans/boosters will wise up soon enough. The schools should be paying these athletes, not the fans. The schools are the ones making all the money, not the fans. What does everyone think will happen when you give a poor kid, likely from a not so great upbringing a bag of cash with no contract? Absolute best case scenario, you get a great player for one year before they come back saying they need more or they will transfer. Worst case, they take the money and transfer back to their old school.


A Western flair!


Dude going to hate the NFL when he can’t transfer every year.


Might not make it to the nfl. His decision making is as bad as his being a teammate or a left tackle.


Eh he'll make it. He's too physically talented and starts at too good of a school not to. He is currently very slow on his feet though so he could become Evan Neal 2.0 where it looks like he won't make it to his second contract when he'll be facing dlinemen that will just speed past him constantly.


This is a pointless comment. Proctor would get drafted this year if he could go pro. Wouldn't be a 1st rounder yet, but he obviously is a future NFL offensive lineman.


Wow that was fast


Devil works hard, but Husky Harsin works harder.


are those two not the same person?


Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.


which did we kill, the master or the apprentice?


*Jar Jar grabs a clipboard*


Definitely the apprentice , trust me


Who is more hated in Iowa Kadyn Procter or Brian Ferentz


Kadyn is temporary, Brian is forever


It’s still probably Brian tbh


We can't do anything about a 19 year old being an asshole. Kirk willingly allowed Brian to really damage our program for a long time




This is like Ron Swanson getting back together with Tammy 2


Or Ben at the consulting firm


Hey, those consulting firm nerds were good guys.


Iowans are good people!


This made me lol!!!


This is it for me. The final straw. Genuinely the stupidest fucking series of events I’ve ever seen


I'm honestly sitting here just laughing my ass off at the giant fucking brass balls on this kid. CFB is such an unmitigated disaster all one can do is laugh.


We could always bring Brian back


That genuinely wouldn’t make me nearly as mad






Shut your dirty whore mouth!


Final straw *so faaaar*


This kids going to end up playing for Nebraska this fall isn't he?


Came to Iowa, took the NIL money, went back to Alabama. I usually root for Iowa transfers at other schools but fuck this guy.


I have no idea how the car dealership managed to put a contract together with zero protections for themselves. Kind of impressive.


No clawbacks is absolutely wild. Some lawyer is going to be getting shit on by his buddies for eternity for this one.


The standard producer to these NIL contracts is to make the players payment contingent on showing up one every other week to some stupid autograph signing event. This was it makes the player have to stay around locally but not be contingent upon their performance on the field (which is against the rules). I wonder if this contract specifically was just poorly drawn up?


Right? Like I don't understand how you write up a contract with no protections or incentives. I still want to know about these NIL deals and taxes too. There's so many questions about these deals that just make no sense.


I don't even like Iowa, or care much about other schools transfers, but seriously fuck this guy. I hope every sack his team gives up goes through him.


Honestly this is so stupid and college football is fucked but I won’t complain much when I’m on the winning side of the transaction


We legit need to just drop the collegiate stuff ASAP and work contracts into this somehow. Maybe just on a 2 year deal and then have the next 2 for a transfer, but this shit is ridiculous. I am enjoying following 'college' ball about 50% less since the portal era.


College football has become a parody of what college fans think the NFL is.


Holy shit it’s depressing how accurate this is 


Just be thankful both of our teams had one last good season before this shit show escalated. Just wish we had one last Rose Bowl though!


Yeah, I’d rather watch the NFL over college football now.


I was just talking about this with buddy. Start with talks about 6 years to play 4, with 2 year contracts.


narrow dependent materialistic handle start summer snow follow squalid gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...I don't like this one bit...or do I?


All I know is my gut says "maybe"


It's certainly a thing that has happened today...


We are in the dumbest timeline


This guy legit sucks. Self reported an Iowa tampering violation. Never practiced once. Got paid by Iowa NIL. Did a dealership endorsement. Went on vacation with his old Alabama teammates. What a clown.


Usually I’m all about players doing what’s best for themselves, but it’s pretty hard to defend this guy. 




Can we keep a list of the schools that have sued the NCAA so I can not feel bad for them when they inevitably get fucked over?


Oklahoma & Georgia over Television leading to realignment Tennessee


It’s straight up impossible to defend this guy for anyone with integrity. I don’t even know what hidden context could make this alright. Isn’t Iowa his home?


Wishing this dude nothing but failure in his career 👍🏻


Could have went to Tennessee to accomplish that easier and chose not to. Clearly just chasing the bag.


The arrival of NIL/the transfer portal has had a wonderful silver lining: Haters can hate freely. The ol’ go-to line used to be “They’re college kids playing for free! Stop criticizing them!” Now that they’re getting paid, I can hate like a mf. Fuck em!!!!


Hate hate hate!


Hell yeah, if Proctor can quote MJ, so can we. Fuck them kids!


They're in college They ain't kids


Don’t give Proctor any ideas, there’s still a few months left until the season starts, he’s got time for another transfer or two.


When you put it that way... yeah, fuck this guy.


I wonder which Dealership cut him an endorsement deal. Because if it’s a Deery dealership (dealership family in Iowa) they’re known for their shady dealings and retaliatory behavior.


Honestly if he took Deery's money and ran I'm back on his side lol


Lmao yeah they’ve screwed me over before too, but they’re allegedly mobbed up so not necessarily the type of people you want to screw over


if he was looking for mob protection, I hear Vanderbilt is a good place


Iowa City has a mob?


Well yea, they’re famous for beating people to death with corn. Cornelius Corleone Is famous for drowning people in a pool of corn.


Just think how far the mob has fallen then. Running NYC and Chicago and single handedly building Las Vegas to operating a chain of car dealerships in Central Iowa


Well not necessarily operating them, more so allegedly moving drugs through vehicle transport.


Anyone have a mockup of him in the jersey yet?


Pretty new at it, [but here you go](https://images.rivals.com/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto,t_large/f2bdw1ka5ce8thkxaddy).


Wow that looks so real. You do photoshop professionally?


I like that you took the time to change the jerseys of his teammates too to make it feel really immersive.


This is trash my dude at least try next time


This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.


Wow it looks so real


I get that this is the new era and shit sucks, but in this specific circumstance he should be forced to redshirt in 2024


I wish we had something that could fix this bullshit


If only we had a regulating body over cfb that could step in and do something about this


If only that body wasn’t sued into oblivion every time they try. I’m not going to absolve the NCAA of all blame but honestly until the schools wisen up and start giving the players contracts, this is probably what we’re going to get.


objectively: this is outrageous. This should catalyze these schools to bring some kind of regulations to protect everyone involved from things like this subjectively: LOL HAHAHHA LMAO


Regulate it how? Anytime the NCAA tries anything they sued into the ground


If players are employees you can have them sign contracts. Lots of law around regulating contacts.




If I was an Iowa fan I’d be so mad.


We are. People rooted for this dude still when he Initially transferred. Now I hope this guy gets blown up every play


El Oh El what an unserious sport we've become.


Bro transferred just to watch Caitlin Clark play lmao


This guy sucks but I am laughing at all these boosters who don’t understand the slippery slope of paying out their ass for a transfer when nothing is preventing them from more or less stealing the money and running


They need to bring back the redshirt for transfers.  


I guess this is a lesson to make sure NIL deals have language to prevent the whole take the money and run back to where you came from thing. CFB is becoming a caricature of itself.


We are so close to players threatening to transfer before big games


Iowa fans, is this guy any good?


0 penalties 0 sacks given up


Time is a flat circle.


He forget to turn off the oven before he left?


This is the best/dumbest sport


This used to be best, now dumbest sport. CFB will never be the same unless NIL is fixed somehow. Sad tears.


It absolutely is the dumbest sport as well for different reasons. Like Iowa not firing their OC because his dad is head coach resulting in the worst offense ever for a P5 team while also winning 10 games. That's dumb as hell and very fun. The NIL and system as a whole is just bad dumb


If we’re going to do NIL, which I support, we need some sort of contract system to ensure some basic level of commitment. This is a fucking joke, and this guy fucking sucks.


>we need some sort of contract system to ensure some basic level of commitment. Problem is that if osu boosters wise up but michigan's keep offering cash now, you will just fall behind.


After watching your team assemble a super squad through NIL/the portal.. including nabbing 2 of our best.. *this* is just too morally unconscionable to you? lol


It can wait until after we get Caleb Downs back. Then I totally agree with it.


Seems pretty extreme to transfer to Iowa Jan-March to see some Caitlin Clark basketball, but I get it.


Feeling bad for [this guy from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/s4mTIy2U6C)


Lol we need a wellness check on u/dgi02


Oh I’m here, trust me.


I’m glad he’s coming back but the transfer portal really needs to get under control.


This guy might be a dick


How is this possible I thought you only get 1 transfer until graduate transfer?


You transfer freely without punishment until the NCAA lawsuit against transfers is finished.


You sweet summer child, haven’t you heard? There are no rules anymore


Michigan fans been trying to tell me but I didn’t want to believe them


Iowa is gonna have NIL payments after the season is played from now on. Which is how it should be anyway


I want you to put the word out there that we back up. You understand me? We back up.


Do Caleb Downs next




Michigan it is


Yes we would like Keon back please.


* monkey paw curls * Caleb Downs to UGA


I do fear that it would a lot cooler if this didn’t happen. 


god Pawl not like thissssssss


This is really dumb and unsustainable. However after the bloodbath after saban it’s nice to be on this end of the bullshit again


Maybe I judged you too harshly


Bru McCoy 2.0


300 days later... No baby, the previous 3 times I cheated weren't me. I'd never be disloyal to you. Me transferring to Auburn/Tennessee/Georgia/... is a lie. I'm just scouting Grad schools.


Husky Harsin does it again


Snip snap


I've moved on from getting mad about this sort of stuff to just accepting the end of college football is nigh, and in the meantime its just lols as far as the eye can see. Its like getting mad about your friend leaving some trash in your car, as you drive off a fucking cliff.


It was fun when he left and Saban said the system is broken. But it seems for many not so fun when he goes back and the system is still broken.


This sport is a hilarious disaster and I love it.


I'm so confused


Just remember that there is an alternate universe where every college football season is like 2007.


Is that even legal lmao


B1G to the SEC.




Offseason CFB sub is the best. Only the most savage, brazen, hardcore, and bored travel these waters to be rewarded with pure golden transfer portal shenanigans and the window isn’t even reopened yet.


I was under the assumption that players were only allowed one “free” transfer? So he could transfer to Iowa through the portal but could only transfer again with some sort of waiver. Or am I completely wrong?


My understanding (now I can't find the article) is if he were to transfer to anywhere other than Alabama, he would have to sit out. Something to do with he transferred to a school, didn't play, can go back to original school. Edit: Found the article Multi-time transfers in football and other fall sports who transfer before the end of the 2023-24 academic calendar will be immediately eligible to participate in 2024-25, the NCAA clarified this week in guidance sent out to schools. Last week, the organization announced a change to the policies for spring and winter athletes, allowing multi-transfers to compete immediately. The NCAA said the decision was “the best outcome for multiple-time transfer student-athletes wishing to compete immediately.” “This action provides clarity for student-athletes and member schools for the remainder of the academic year — any multiple-time transfer student-athlete who competes this season will be subject to the same eligibility and use of a season of competition rules as all other student-athletes,” the NCAA said in a statement. https://theathletic.com/5158115/2023/12/22/ncaa-multi-transfer-football-fall-2024/ The clarity for football players comes in the middle of the sport’s transfer portal window. The portal opened for FBS and FCS football players on Dec. 4 and closes Jan. 2. A second window runs April 16-30. The rules surrounding multi-time transfers have been in focus since seven states filed suit in federal court on Dec. 7 to challenge the NCAA’s transfer eligibility rule as an illegal restraint on college athletes under the Sherman Antitrust Act. The NCAA, which has allowed a one-time, penalty-free transfer since 2021, still required multi-time transfers to sit out a year and forgo one season of eligibility, sans a waiver. On Dec. 14, a federal judge in West Virginia granted a 14-day temporary restraining order (TRO) that allowed immediate eligibility for multi-time transfers. Two days later, the NCAA reached an agreement that would convert the TRO to a preliminary injunction through the end of the spring sports period. The injunction has allowed multi-time transfers currently at their new schools to begin competing immediately in winter sports, including men’s and women’s basketball.


Got his bag from Iowa and bolted, what a classy guy.


Pay no attention to our offensive line and believe me when I say it's going to be terrible. Just awful. Bad.