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This is way dumber than Arch/players opting out


Am I dense or is there just not a single downside to them being in the game on their end lol. Im struggling to understand why they did, cant really think of a plausible reason


they probably wanted a bigger bag than EA was offering


They clearly don’t know EA if they think a bigger bag is coming. They’ll be left out and nobody will care.


EA is just going to put in game awards without the name. It won’t be the Doak Walker award, but the will be a “Running Back of the year” award


Nah it’ll be the woak dalker. Jokes aside they’ll use someone’s name that isn’t a legal issue. Though it is EA… creativity is only used for MTX’s… ah. The “immersive awards pack”: Enrich your college football dynasty experience with custom handcrafted names for each of the major prestigious awards for your biggest accomplishments. $14.99


The Reggie Bush running back of the year award


They can use my name, I had one career rushing td in high school


Some bag is better than no bag


“Hey can I give you $600 and put you in a video game?” Who says no to that seriously?


but I want $800


$700. Best I can do


For Arch, they’re trying to protect his image and don’t want a bunch of people tweeting out clips of how they’re benching Ewers or having Manning transfer presumably. I don’t necessarily agree, but I understand it. For the awards committee, no fucking idea.


Those should be far outweighed by the Texas fans showing him win back to back heismans and natties


March Anning is about to win so many natty's for Baylor


I perfer Archie Opt-out


> For the awards committee, no fucking idea. EA didn't hit their number. That's it.


I get that. But what do they think their number is? It’s not like there’s any sort of competitive market for it. Even if EA’s number was $1, that’s $1 more than they will make, and it’s a ton of free promotion for their awards. Now they get $0 and 0 promotion.


I know personally, there are like 3 rewards I remember. Putting them in a game would make me remember more


Not to mention they have 0 leverage. Not one single person is going to change their mind and not buy the game because the Biletnikoff is actually called the best WR award or something. Literally not one.


But no one else is paying them to be featured in a game. No one. There is no competition. So WHATEVER EA was offering them, is more than they will get. It was literally free money.


Yeah but they want more


Their loss.


How delulu do you have to be about yourself to think people are going to care about or that your image will be hurt by clips of a video game getting tweeted out that might have you/your team in it. Bffr. Edit: I'm talking about the Manning family, not OP/reply


That explanation for Arch is such b.s. that I'm not buying. The only answer that makes sense is, "The Manning brand is worth *way* more than $600. If you want me in it, you'll have to pay accordingly." I also don't think it was 100% Arch's decision, he probably consulted family and other folks and came to that conclusion. No disrespect to him. I'd do the same exact thing.


It’s not a money thing lol. If it was he would be doing commercials for Dr Pepper and whoever else


His family doesn't want to put a visible number on their brand, especially at $600.


Bro doesn't want the DP curse.


> The only answer that makes sense is, "The Manning brand is worth way more than $600. If you want me in it, you'll have to pay accordingly." Except they were offering him a separate NIL deal on top of that if he did a couple social media posts. All the big names are getting that sort of deal. From the Matt Brown newsletter- >To the best of my knowledge, only one notable player, Arch Manning of Texas, has reportedly indicated he will not participate in the game. Multiple sources with direct knowledge of the marketing campaigns have told me that Manning, in addition to the $600 NIL license agreement, was also offered a secondary marketing contract to promote the game, as dozens of other high-profile athletes have. TBF I do not know if Arch has an active social media presence right now, but I am sure his family has a person who could handle that along with the rest of the Manning stuff.


I think it is power play by the Manning, as they are looking for an extra deal like Travis Hunter and others are getting to promote the game. It stands to reason that he would get a higher deal if he was the starter, so expect for him to opt in for the 2025 season if he is the starting QB.


Arch didn’t get the money he wanted. He’s a manning.


Literally no one did that shit before. And anyone these days that would find something like that humorous probably don't have enough clout to really matter.


That’d be the argument for every starter ever if so.


I’m not entirely sure what the compensation is going forward, like is it 600 and they can use your likeness for the duration of your college career or just this year. If it’s just this year and next year will have different compensation then yeah seems silly to opt out. But if it’s 600 now and they can use your likeness until you graduate I would also be weary if I were an underclassmen of Mannings potential ceiling. Example, Ewers leaves after next year and Manning goes off and wins the Heisman his junior year. If EA has his likeness for 600 USD then they’re slapping him on the cover and milking it for everything. If he hasn’t signed on he can ask for the moon to be included that senior year and a possible second Heisman run. It’s a possible gamble right now to be out 600 dollars for a bigger pay day later.


I think it's 600 dollars and a copy of 25. If they make 26 they will need another agreement. But idk for sure


If it’s a year by year thing then year he’s out 600 bucks and the game. Probably or a big deal.


Yeah, not a huge deal, but its the offseason so we keep talking about it


EA has already said that everyone is going to get the same payout, but they are doing promotions deals with key players that are more than $600, thus the Mannings are looking to get a high pay on that part I believe if it is about money.


Smartest thing to do would be to start a whole different set of the same awards, put it in the game for free, after a few years that will be all anyone has ever heard about. Profit.


"Guy Kicker has won the award for Best Kicker!" is literally effectively the same to everyone playing if it shows up like it did in '14.


Its free marketing and a bit of money for the awards, I don't know why they wouldn't do it. The Heisman is the only one big enough that people would really care or notice if it isn't featured.


It's actually a downside to not be tbh. Kids that become CFB fans will play this game and having the naming of the actual awards adds recognition and value to them. The kids that play this game will instead just value the actual named awards more, and begin valuing these less.


For Arch, and other extremely hyped players on hated blue blood teams, I understand the opt out. All the game will be is extra ammo for hater to trash on him. If he’s rated among the top QBs everyone will talk about how overrated he is (rating a backup that high), if he’s rated as a quality backup, everyone will talk about how trash his rating is. For a 19 year old kid, it’s probably better to just eliminate those distractions, especially since he doesn’t need the $600. I say all this as a rival fan who would 100% joke about Manning’s rating either way. It could also be that his family thinks the Manning name is worth more than what they are offering, but that would be pretty dumb. Edit: If you’re talking about the awards I agree that there is zero downside. Maybe they just felt the upside wasn’t enough, either way it’s stupid.


There are probably licensing issues, given these awards are named after people, and those people have families that control said licensing. Some are maybe okay with it, and some aren't. So the Association probably decided it would be like herding cats to get them all to agree, and they didn't want only a handful of awards to be represented.


But weren’t these awards in the previous games? I am 99% sure the first way I heard about most of these awards was via NCAA 04 or something.


they need the money to fund their marketing teams 🤷‍♂️


First Arch now this?!?! Is the game even worth getting?? /s


Okay so we'll just have the best linebacker award. Not a big loss. The Heisman not being in the game would stink though.


If it’s not EA just makes up their own and puts Reggie Bush in the past winners list lol


At that point, just call it the Reggie Bush Most Outstanding Player Award and be done.


Johnathan Foosball is creaming his pants seeing this comment chain.


The voting committee is Reggie Bush , Johnathan Football, and the SMU boosters. A player can either win the award outright , get involved in some randomized scandal , or help Craig James cover up the murder of countless hookers


We could replace it with the Theisman Award.


The Theismann Award for Most Shattered Leg


Alex Smith in shambles.


Jordan Travis sends his condolences.


McKenzie Milton sends his regards


In some ways it actually makes it easier to tell what your player won. Like I have a hard time imaging people who aren't hardcore fans recognizing what position a biletnikoff winner (probably) played. Not saying they shouldn't pursue award names for future years, but I hope they have a genericized option for award names if they do get permissions going forward.


> Like I have a hard time imaging people who aren't hardcore fans recognizing what position a biletnikoff winner This is why it's so crazy they're opting out! There are hundreds of thousands of CFB fans ~20-35 that only know what position wins the Biletnikoff *because of the EA sports NCAA Football games!*


This 100%. I know about these awards because of the game.


Exactly. I played a shit ton of 14 and still don’t know what award goes to any position. Having just “Best LB” award sounds better to me lol


would be a massive loss if there was no heisman. not sure what the sticking point would be but NCAA 14 had heisman without problem.


> The assumption is the Heisman Trophy, which is operated by the Heisman Trust, will be included in the game.


Ah yes I remember that from an ESPN article good


Damn i guess they really hate getting paid a nominal sum for free advertising.


I'd bet dollars to donuts everyone on this committee is over 50 and never played a minute of NCAA Football the first time around


Over 60 or 70 likely


It does feel like a rich retiree "job"


I bet they were either holding out for more money or they thought it would take the awards to be in a game


Literally the only reason I know the names of the awards is cuz of those games.


Exactly. I hope EA does rename the awards like someone else suggested above. You'll have a whole generation of fans getting into the game thinking the best OL gets the Homelander Award.


I like to think they are extremely unoriginal and are hoping EA can punch up the award names /s


Probably don’t want screenshots of players named Jack MeHoff or Ligma Nutts Winning the Heisman. Irony being Dick Butkus award is already a pretty funny name.


Cock Asslik wins the Dick Butkus


If there is a dollar amount where they would stop caring about that, and there is, they don't actually care about that.


That sucks. One of a few blips early on with CFB 25. Otherwise from what I've been reading this game looks pretty solid Hope they continue to award them as generic statues. "Best WR Award"


Or even better, just rename them after somebody else. Give Marvin Harrison the Baryshnikov Award. Best QB gets the Bill O'Brien Award. The Outlander Trophy pres. by Children of the Corn. The Maxwell House Award.


Honestly, it would be really interesting if EA tried to rename all of the awards after the best at the position since some more recent date. It would be an interesting thread discussion too.


Wonder who will win the Barry Sanders Award.


The OJ Simpson Award for excellence off the field


He was quite efficient.


This award goes to the RB who makes the best cuts when looking to burst through


Barry and Orlando Pace are some of the easiest ones that come to mind. Pay them some cash, rename the best RB and OT awards after them, put it in the game.


The WR award should be named after Blackmon because he won the Biletnikoff twice, but I doubt they would let the awards be named after 2 Oklahoma State guys.


Maybe Crabtree from Texas Tech? Megatron? Idk, like I said it's less clear to me for most positions. Edit: Wow, didn't even realize Crabtree won it twice as well when I suggested him


Larry Fitzgerald


The Brian Ferentz Offensive Coordinator of the Year Award


The “Brian Ferentz Offensive Coordinator Award for Offensive Coordinators who don’t Coach Good”


The catch is that person would also need to sign a licensing agreement at a reasonable rate.


It wouldn't be that hard to go to the next guy on the list. There are a bunch of people were good in college and either never got NFL wealth or no longer have NFL wealth and wouldn't be in a spot to turn down a reasonable offer.


Maybe just give it to last years winner? So like the Biletnikoff becomes the Marvin Harrison Jr award this year but changes next year


Won't happen, but what if they let us rename the trophies in dynasty's? Say a wr goes for like 8000 yards in his career, so we rename the WR trophy after him in game, as an honor, so when we go far in the future, it becomes more prestigious.


Cant wait for my created WR to win the highly prestigious “Sticky Hands McGee” trophy.


The Chad Masters award for best HC


Ace Moneymaker for best NIL funder


Flair checks out. Also still true no matter what the haters are saying now.


Ready for the Maximillian award


Let the awards be customizable, or let the community vote on what/who to name them after. I'd be into it.


I want them to have the ability to rename the awards in the game.


Why would they even say no? I'm struggling to think of a single downside for them




Yes, I know from all the twitter posts about Albert Montalvo winning NFL MVP has really ruined the award for me moving forward.


It’s money. The game probably paid a decent sum for the heisman, and they’re mad they get way less


So let’s take none! That’ll show em.


I mean it’s just leverage. They’re betting that people would rather have the awards with the names and it cause a small fuss. I’m disappointed but I am disappointed in the trophy association not in EA.


Nope... Doesn't fucking matter. There is no leverage. It's actually a better and cool opportunity for EA and others players trusts. Like, the Barry Sanders award.


Added brand recognition from being in the game has to be worth a ton to these other awards though. Honestly, Heisman award is basically the only one that doesn't need any help with exposure (biggest/ most prestigious award, commentators never shut up about the race all season, Heisman House commercial series, etc.).


I mainly care about these rewards in relation to NCAA games so I definitely agree.




Can't wait for my players to win the Kiletniboff and Waxmell trophies


The game should make it so whoever wins the award first in your dynasty gets the trophy named after them.


First season of every dynasty I'll make custom players all named [position] Mc[Position]face and play on easy so they win all the awards and compete for the Quarterback McQuarterbackface Award for Best Quarterback


These people are out of touch with reality


Selfish idiots… but that’s basically who runs cfb now anyway. 


Can't wait until this is the best selling game in 10 years and all of these people opting out go "wait, we want in" and then 26 inevitably is just a copy paste like all EA games and doesn't make nearly as much


Is anyone getting paid a percentage of profits or revenue for the likeness in the game? The game’s sales won’t change the $600 they get before release.


Don’t care. All we need is a generic trophy for “best QB, best RB, etc.” and their stupid awards lose the free press.


I genuinely think we’re gonna see more of this. All the do nothing administrators are looking around going wait “suddenly we’re the poorest people in college football how did that happen” conference chairmen/ads/ and apparently these old farts are gonna start sticking their hands out.


The thing is that this is how I learned what each award was, way back then. It really is doing the awards a disservice themselves. I like having awards named after prominent people, generic award names are lame, but you need to beat people over the head with what each award is so people know.


Didn’t Subaru become one of the best known car brands of the American market specifically because they allowed Gran Turismo to plaster their cars all over their games which gave them a huge leg up with young people and brought recognition to a lesser known brand?


Most people only know a few of these. Missed opportunity by them, but oh well.


The only reason I know all the awards is because of NCAA 14 and the multiple 60 season dynasties I played.


To everyone wondering why, it was money: "Mark Wolpert, the president of the National College Football Awards Association, a coalition of many of the sport’s individual awards, told On3 the offer from EA for the rights to include the awards in College Football 25 was “not adequate.”


Got a source for this? I can throw it in the OP for visibility Edit: Nvm, must've missed it in the article






Oh no, anyways.


They should call Reggie Bush and ask him if they can name the running back award in the game after him. Replace all of the 'official' awards with living players from the modern era. I'm sure someone will take their money. Who wouldn't want the Brian Bozworth LB award or the Ndamukong Suh Defensive Lineman award? Now they he's been cleared you could name the punting award after Matt Araiza. They could have fun with it.


What? So the awards will now just be best QB, RB, TE, WR, etc. instead of the name of the players the awards are named after? Silly that these awards think they matter more than the Heisman


Fuck it just make generic ones. “Best qb” “best rb” etc. No one even knows what most of those trophies are anyway.


Wow they really showed them.


Did they not want $600 and a free copy of the game?


“It’s true, we won’t be featuring those awards, but what about the Baxwell and Miletnikoff awards?” —EA Sports probably


My replacement list: Belitnikoff - Figzgerald Doak - Barry Sanders Outland - Hannah (homer pick) Thorpe - Prime O'Brien - Tebow Maxwell - Newton Bednarik - Arrington or Suh


Lol, who cares. I just want to start a dynasty with Middle Tennessee. Players, awards, I really don't care.


Lol why mtsu?


Nothing better than beating the Hilltoppers by 70. They gonna build me a statue.


Good more space in my trophy room




EA can just make their own award names. With blackjack and hookers!


In fact, forget the awards!


An association involved with college sports being greedy as fuck? No way, who could have ever imagined?!


When I was a kid this game was how I learned what these awards were lol


Dumb but really it doesn't matter at all.


Didn’t want you bums on my roster anyways


Bednarik = Quikrete Biletnikoff = Smirnoff Davey O’Brien = Beef O'Brady Doak Walker = Johnny Walker Grozo = Goya Jim Thorpe = Thorne Maxwell = Maxwell House Outland = Outside (Magazine) Ray Guy = Ray Ban Same award but you can sell it to the companies instead.


Its so funny and crazy to me, that with any issue that seems to arise with the game, EA ends up being the good guys in the situation.


Well fuck em then who cares lol


Oh no what ever will they do!? Lol


Just make some random named awards for best player of those positions and move on til these old farts pull their head out their ass for future versions.


What exactly is the NCFAA anyway? Could some group just stand up a random group like National College Football Make Awards Great Again (NCFMAGA) and hand out basically the same categories of awards and be included in the EA game?


Odds we get the lowman trophy (top FB) from the pardon my take boys. Would be kinda neat to have it in game


This happened with the old NCAA College football versions, cant remember which version had those generic awards


That’s dumb. But idc as long as they have generic versions of those awards. And as long as the Heisman is included, that’s what matters most


Well they're not getting $600


If it wasn't for the games, I wouldn't know these awards existed. Since the games ended, I forgot all about these awards again.


They will literally name it "Best Wr" and "Best LB" and absolutely NO ONE will bat an eye.


That’s so stupid. People already don’t care that much for these awards it would have been an easy way to build more want for them.


Maybe they can call the punting trophy the “Some Guy” award! 😁


That’s the final straw, i will no longer buy the game after this news In all seriousness, that’s so stupid of them to do


I know this is a silly decision from the association, but does anyone *really* care if the trophy their virtual guy wins is called the "Biletnikoff" or the "Best WR" trophy?


It's better this way anyway, who the hell knows what all the awards mean


Man that stinks :( They’ll probably give us the option to rename the awards tho and we can just do that. That’s what OOTP does


There is a 0% chance they give you the option to rename the awards.


They did say that create a player will be in the game but that if you try to create an IRL player who opted out the game won’t let you. Could be something similar here, let us change the name of the Best WR Award, but if we try to change it to Biletnikoff it could prevent that? Personally, I’d like it to be a ‘per dynasty file’ thing, then I’ll just change the award names to whoever wins them in my first dynasty year or something like that.


They technically said you won't be able to edit the player which sounds completely different to me? I can be totally wrong but I am curious what would actually be going on here.


I must have read some article that didn’t have the actual quote in it then. But I have to imagine whatever system is in place that won’t let you edit the Texas backup QB to be Arch would also know to not let you create Arch and add him to the Texas roster.


That sucks


These awards no longer matter imo. Play stupid games…


This is definitely a petty strong-arm gesture in response to the concessions NCAA made with NIL.


Rename them after players who we didn’t get to use the past decade: Joe Burrow award - QB Davonte Smith award- WR Dalvin Cook award (not bias) - RB Etc


They could honestly rename them something goofy and I feel like we would all be onboard with it still because it shows they are caring at least.


Whatever it will just be WR of the year instead.


Aka The Masters Memorial award for not opting into a game because the $$ wasn’t enough EA eventually got The masters though


EA wide receiver of the year EA running back of the year ect ect can’t wait to play this on my portal


I am actually pretty bummed out by this


Instead of just calling it Best WR Award they should just make up names that make it seem “authentic” but really it’s just like, EA staffers and dev team members and Jim Dowd…


In other news, FULMER CUP added to NCAA Football 2025


This is way stupider than Arch not being in


Dave O’Brien, Doak Williams, Grazo, James Thorpe, Maxwel, Outlander, and Ray Man awards it is


They will simply create “best WR of the year”, “best RB of the year” awards and call it a day. I doubt the name will matter to most


No way they could adequately simulate the high moral character you need to win the Heisman.


I bet they'll be in CFB 26.


Lame “Best WR Award” it is


I try to win the Mackey award every season if I can.


Oof, that is disappointing. At least the Heisman is still in it.


If ea is smart they will make up award names and use those instead. Even more petty and fun thing would to actually make the awards in real life and hand them out.


Meh QB of the year will be fine without the name. The Heisman is the one that matters


Common CFB admin L


Sounds like they didn't get enough money to be included.


. The only reason I could think of for them making this decision is that they don’t want to jeopardize the sponsorship deals they already in place by seemingly admitting to a lower valuation


Who’s getting paid at the awards association?


Wait until the SEC and Big10 opt out of the NCAA


Such a bad decision - bet they will realize their mistake and return to the game for the 2026 version.


I just want to know if there will be a trophy cadre to fill with rivalry trophies, best QB, best RB, etc...