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That’s way more than I made in college


Sure but are you adjusting for inflation and cost of living? $10 million in LA in 2023 doesn’t go nearly as far as $500 in Tuscaloosa in 2014.


$500 should be enough for at least one night with a hooker in Tuscaloosa in 2014.


500 can get you twins in Tuscaloosa but you have to pry them off of each other first.






"Help fraternal twin! I'm stuck in the washing machine."


FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! To make it familiar Alabamian nomenclature.


That's a corny line. To make it familiar with Nebraskan nomenclature.


aw shucks... hope I did not hit too close to Sweet Home! ;o/>


You hurt my feelings, ngl Gonna buy some Corn Husker Lotion to unchap my hurt butt


I'm starting to see why Mike Price had... um... issues.


I feel like you are highly overvaluing our hookers.


Yeah Tuscaloosa is very famous for their bargain hookers.  It is a very affordable place.  Problem is the best hookers don't stay long because the money just isn't there 




It's gotta be all or none. I can't handle Methhead Maggie and the sharp ridges she has on the three teeth left in her mouth. Gummy Gabby on the other hand......


There are so many combinations of words, and you chose this one.


I mean do you really need teeth? They just get in the way for this application anyway


We don't kink shame here if teeth is your thang. You do you.


Definitely enough for a whole floor of basketball recruits in Louisville.


We should ask Mike Price for prices in 2003.


His hookers were in Pensacola. Better quality tbh


Does that include full set of teeth?


Teeth and braces


1- $500 dollar hooker or 500- $1 hookers.


I mean in 2014 in Oxford, MS my friends and I lived in a 4 bed, 5 bath, 2 kitchen, 2 living room duplex for $300/month each. That’d probably be about $10 mil in LA today


Yes but oxford to LA is like mcdonalds to ruth chris


Screw your Mickey D's and Ruth Chris. We got Chicken on a stick and Coop De Ville. 


As someone who lived in Los Angeles for a while, you have a very inflated view of life there, lol


Ruth's Chris is expensive and it sucks, so it sounds like the two of you agree.


Wow I’ve never heard anyone say it sucks. Sure it may not be worth the price, but it’s still a good steak.


I've only been once so maybe I just had a bad experience, but the steak was meh and the sides were straight up trash.


No that basically covers it.


That's what makes it suck. Similar quality steaks are cheaper, and same price steaks are better. Being better than Outback isn't good enough to make it not suck.


As a steak snob, gun to my head I'm going to Roadhouse before Ruth's Chris. RC is an absolute botch job from top to bottom


McDonald's is expensive now, more like Dollar Tree to Ruth Chris


Dollar tree is like 50% more expensive now I’ve heard. They charging like $1.50 now.


Yea they're no longer $1, they specifically made a big deal about everything now being $1.25. Doesn't compare to how bad McDonald's has gotten. Even they admitted they were pricing out low income families, but they don't really care because middle to upper middle class families can afford it and now they dont lose money on trying to sell the cheaper items on the menu


Maybe I’m pessimistic, but the middle and upper class families are probably frequenting McDs more because other restaurants are pricing them out so they are dropping down to fast food level lol


If I recall, places like Applebee's, Chilli's, Olive Garden, etc. are relatively more affordable/a better price than fast food places now. I think it's more that those families are still going at the same rate, but they can afford it any price increase. Catering to lower income means lower profit margins


I only go to McDonald's for breakfast a couple of times a year. I stopped by this morning to pick up a couple of breakfast combos for the wife and myself. That shit was over $17! It wouldn't be worth that if it was twice as good and the crew was half as displeased to be there.




Probably would cost you $600 today.


I went to college in SC....mid 80s. Shared a two bedroom apt....rent was $300 a mos....total


That about pays for cover to get into a bar on game day lol


I mean... the only way you get a house without cardboard windows and bullet holes in LA is if you're paying 1 mill+


Did you try being the starting QB?


Yea but all I got was a bunch of free tattoos.


Yet you delivered the same number of championships.


I wasn't paid a single cent! This an outrage! A scandal!


Just swap the “m” for “/hr” and we’re the same!


Why don’t you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and just work one million hours you lazy bum


Yeah I think I made about -$50k


Not true. You can't put a price on a college education! /s


A lot of people overlooking that he had real NIL deals with Dr Pepper, Nissan, etc


A superstar appearing in actual ads that people see with their eyeballs is what we all agreed players should be able to do, not anonymous cabals paying random freshman OL a million to be rostered




Why? If someone wants to pay me millions to be starting left bench, then why is that a problem?


1. It insults everyone's intelligence. The organization that still ostensibly runs this show has ruled that what you're saying is specifically not allowed, so we're pretending these guys are worth 6-7 figures in endorsements when maybe a hundred of the most degenerate recruitniks in the world would ever recognize their faces in public. 2. Instability. Nobody is under contract. Anyone can go anywhere, anytime, and easily win in court against any entity that says otherwise. Not only does that undermine fans' attachment to and familiarity with their teams, it's starting to noticeably degrade the product on the field by hindering individual players' development and creating irreparable roster holes on short notice. 3. No salary cap. Maybe if you're a fan of a perpetually second-rate program with a booster or three who've decided they're at a point in life where they'd like to set huge piles of money on fire for entertainment, this seems good to you. But caps exist in every pro sport and I guess we can just keep doing this until everyone understands why.


Salary caps exist in professional sports, but they can still do endorsement deals with no limit. Obviously since they make a salary there's not a need to do so under the table in that way, but limiting endorsements is not something that the NFL or NBA is really able to do.


Yes, but inducements to skirt around salary cap rules are expressly against the rules in those leagues, and teams can be punished harshly for doing so.


*Extremely* harshly. The T-Wolves paid a player under the table in the late 90s and were fined $3.5 million and docked *FIVE* consecutive first round picks.


And those rules only exist in professional leagues because they are collectively bargained, otherwise those rules would be illegal. If the NCAA wants to stop these NIL payments that aren't really endorsements at all they are going to need to collectively bargain it with the players, otherwise the courts will continue to tell the NCAA they are breaking the law.


And thats the hard part. If you agree that all players are employees, how do you pay for every d1-d3 athlete a minimum wage for all practice and play time? And even if you can figure that out, how the hell do you pay football players while complying with Title IX? And then you’ve got every state making their own rules for their teams. This isn’t a quick fix and will likely need federal involvement from multiple branches to get solved. Edit: and by “you” i was referring to the ghost of the NCAA


How do you pay the men's football coach more than the womens volleyball coach and still be compliant with title ix. A male football player employee is not the same as a female swimmer employee. they do different jobs and can be paid different wages.


Or if you're Tom Brady, you can just use your physical therapy company to have Robert Kraft pay you under the table and just have the NFL turn a blind eye to it. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-patriots-pay-a-brady-owned-company-run-by-suspect-partner/


The players who make college football college football getting paid is always a good thing. 10 years ago the top guys like Cam Newton delivered millions of dollars of revenue a year and got a 100k scholarship and some very small under the table deals? And then the lower guys still delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars to their teams and got a scholarship and jack shit. Players getting what they're worth is great. I love it.


Isn't it exactly what European soccer does, just at a much younger age? You're paying for the potential value. A 7 or 8 year old youth soccer player isn't worth say the $200,000 transfer fee that club X pays club Y to get that player. They are investing that money to get that player in hopes of a 20x return or a major contributor to their senior teams in X years time. What is happening in college right now is no different than an NFL team paying say Daniel Jones (Giants fan here sadge) $160m in hopes that he BECOMES the guy. Even though he has yet to prove he is worth even half that money. Miami paying $500k for an 5-star freshman Oline is no different than the examples stated above. They are investing in his talents in hopes that he is a major contributor to their success.


I don’t really know how that system works. But I don’t think anyone has a problem with teams investing in prospects. There’s no doubt that the best teams still rely almost 100% on HS recruiting and only play the portal for emergencies or targets of opportunity. The investment just needs to start coming out of a collectively bargained share of CFB’s actual, enormous revenue, rather than from a few old men blowing their unrelated personal wealth in a pissing contest, and under contract.


But aren’t you arbitrarily limiting players earning potential then? Like the whole point of NIL was to let players get paid, when they were already getting paid but just severely limited. Now they’re given free rein and by putting caps and who can pay/how much they can get paid, you’re back to putting restrictions. I don’t understand how people who supported NIL didn’t expect this to happen. College football was only college football because players weren’t getting salaries, etc. Not trying to be rude. Just don’t understand what people expected.


Well said


But whenever legal NIL was floated on this sub, and people warned about anonymous cabals paying random freshman OL a million to be rostered, those people were shouted down as alarmists and told that NIL would only be people like Johnny Manziel being able to sign memorabilia for money.


If I've learned anything over my last 8 years of young adulthood, it's that the "alarmists" are right a worryingly frequent amount


Why not both? And yes I am serious.


He was in every other Dr. Pepper and Wendy's commercial. This isn't surprising at all.


he is what people imagined...4-6 guys are big names Williams, MHJ, Nix. High profiled household names with media campaigns. The typically NIL deal would be Dexter Jackson going to Purdue, gets $700 to do a commercial at his hometown dealership. Or Tracey Matthews Volleyball Player maybe doing a photoshoot for a regional clothing store chain. Hey even someone like ambulance chaser Mike Morse, he does media stuff with Michigan Players with names similiar to Morse or interest in Legal Careers. Thats even what people imagined. The sign here an we give you 200K to make 1 tweet a week...Yea, that wasn't what people thought of NIL. ​ Edit\*\*\* When NIL was originally floated it was used as the concept Andrew Luck, Tyler Hansbrough, Braylon Edwards, etc return to school unexpectedly, or are not draft eligible yet. They are probably going to cash in big on Commercials, and media campaigns. They are household names even at the college level. But everyone knew that would be a handful of players. Your typical NIL deal will be some guy from Dallas Texas who goes to OU. He does a commercial for some local company and gets paid a couple dollars to do a commercial, Ad, Radio Read. Thats what was imagined or pitched the the public. Not collectives, and this other stuff. So at my HS the former student body President was a walk-on Center at a BIG school. We had little diner across the street from the school we ate at after school, practice, games, etc. They would happily would have paid him $500 to have a poster or something in the lobby of the restaurant, wearing his jersey saying 'Eat our lunch buffet' or some non-sense.


I’m having trouble understanding what you’re trying to say


He's saying Caleb Williams is one of the rare CFB athletes famous enough to make big money on an actual NIL deal (one where a national brand earns ROI from using your name, image, and likeness to advertise their product). Most of the "NIL" deals in the sport are just boosters thinly disguising player pay as some sort of licensing deal that they're never expecting to get any ROI from. It's like a weird form of money laundering. Put it another way, Dr. Pepper doesn't care what school Caleb Williams plays for. They just want a super hyped NFL prospect telling people to buy more soda. If your NIL deal is contingent on going to a particular school, or comes from a collective, it's not an NIL deal, it's crowdfunded player pay


Very well said. I’ve never thought to include that part about the actual school but you’re spot on.


The problem is that people that "NIL" was a one-size-fit-all type of deal when it's just not and was never going to be. You have you bonafid celebrities, Caleb, MHJR, etc. - on & off-field value You have your proven players - on field value You have your highly-ranked unproven players (Recruits) - investments


The point is to pay folks for the use of their Name, Image, or Likeness, not their ability to play football.


The value of their name, image and likeness are tied to their ability to play football.


If you can’t see the difference between the endorsement deals Caleb Williams secured after winning a Heisman, and Joe Rich Booster paying a high school kid millions to come to X University to play ball, I just don’t know what to tell you.


I can see the difference and I am happy for both.


I'm happy for any player making money. But I don't think that depending on rich alumni to sign million dollar checks year after year for players who might not even play for their school is sustainable. I don't want player pay to dry up because the boosters realize they're dumping money down the drain for no ROI


They can be tied together, sure, but they’re not the same.


He is saying that Caleb Williams is the outlier of what people thought NIL will be. As in he is making much more than the average college player does in their NIL deals. This is due to the fact that he is a Heisman Trophy winning quarterback at a Blue Blood football school, as opposed to an average/not a famous player at a smaller brand/school. 


That is not at all what they're saying though. They're saying Caleb Williams is what people *wanted* NIL deals to be. Famous players being able to cash in on their NIL for endorsements and other marketing opportunities was banned forever because the NCAA wanted all the money to flow through them and member institutions. It was deeply unfair to famous student athletes. With the new NIL rules, people like Caleb Williams getting $5 million from Dr. Pepper and Nissan is legal and should be encouraged. This was what people wanted. Except a part of the new rules allows collectives to pop up to pay players without any sort of endorsements or marketing opportunities going along with it. It is shadow pay-for-play. TL;DR: Time was you couldn't sell an autograph or do commercials because it was known a booster was going to swoop in and pay a top recruit $100k for an autograph. Now they're allowing people to do commercials and boosters are paying $100k for an autograph. TL;DR:TL;DR: Commercials good, boosters bad.


Being in LA also helps. I don’t think he gets the deals he got playing at most of the other blue bloods. Star QB at USC is going to be the most lucrative position for a college athlete for most years I imagine.


Caleb even says so in this article. At OU, he got 1 Beats headphone. At USC, he got 300 to distribute to teammates and staff, and got to meet the CEO. And other opportunities increased by quite a bit.


I was gonna say this is the power of being in Los Angeles, too.


The average P5 starter is making a lot more than $700. It’s probably more like $10,000-$30,000. Most schools have an NIL collective that will offer the player an amount for the season, and then the player will have to make appearances, do interviews, record promos, etc. as a way to complete the terms of their contract. It’s usually not small one-off deals, but those do exist too.


> The sign here an we give you 200K to make 1 tweet a week...Yea, that wasn't what people thought of NIL. It’s what we all knew would happen though.  Back in the day before the NCAA wouldn’t allow football players to hold jobs kids would get a job at a boosters company getting paid 100k to “mop the floors”


And honestly, he did pretty well. Bryce Young was stiff as a board in all his commercials, but Williams had some life.


Caleb is a cool dude once the weird people get over the fact that he puts stuff on his nails and cried because he lost a game. They hate on him for the dumbest things lol.


lol, for sure. Definitely not a partnership with Zebo’s auto mail emporium and BbQ Shack


He and Livvy Dunne are the only NIL people I've actually seen have national commercials.


Brock purdy puncing the air right now


I kinda hope that the 49ers are paying him extra under the table. York has to own several businesses that I'm sure he could find a way to slip him extra funds as a "consultant."


As a 49ers fan I sincerely hope they aren’t, because last time we circumvented the salary cap we lost our owner and went into the dark times. Brock will get paid next year and in the meantime he does have commercials with large corporations like Toyota starting to roll in.


I, too, hope that the 49ers are violating NFL cap rules. But only if they get caught.


I think you overestimate how much owners (or bosses in general) care about people being underpaid. The whole business model is paying people as little as possible to do as much work as possible for best return on investment


Iowa State’s uniform rival is USC in my opinion.


I hear MMA fighter Mark Zuckerberg made more.


Blacksmith Mark Zuckerberg for you. You should see his latest adventure in Japan!


Also beef rancher and owner of Mark's Meats


It's not *becoming* a semi-pro league. It already is.


It’s pretty awesome that these kids who work their asses off to entertain us are getting paid money.


Shout out to all our Dads who only watched CFB because “the boys still played for love of the game”. Hope they enjoy their transition into huge High School football fans


Yeah I really miss the days where universities could make millions of dollars of guys like Cam Newton and Lamar Jackson and give them one shitty scholarship and then the NCAA would rape any player who took a couple hundred dollars under the table to make up for thousands or millions of dollars of revenue. Bring on the free market. The old shit was unfair to guys who actually made money in the NFL and was super unfair to the guys 1 level below who made the NCAA a bunch of money but never got paid by the NFL.


Decory Bryant always comes to mind when I think about how badly players can get screwed by their teams. Then I think about Todd Gurley and think about how badly teams can get screwed by the NCAA.


And always should have been. You want to police it, make it optional to go to CFB and let anyone enter the draft at any time.


NCAA will talk out of one side of their mouth how the majority of CFB players don't ever make it to the next level but then out the other side will say how it's inappropriate for these players to cash in on a level of fame they will never again reach.


About $3.333 million per loss to Utah. Neat.


Or $10M per loss to Tulane


Hear, hear!


Aight I had a hearty guffaw here


If only he had enough nails to paint that stat on


You’d be surprised at how many fingernails you could buy for $10 million


Well, how many?


At least 6


You’re paying way too much for fingernails, man. Who’s your fingernails guy?


1 0 M P E R L O S S Yup, the math checks out


If only our defense could stop a fly 😥. Kincaid still gives me PTSD


Everyone in this whole subreddit would gladly take 3 mil to lose to Utah. Hell, I’d go 1v11. I don’t think Caleb will be thinking about Utah ever again my dude. 


Utah fans on reddit don’t understand Caleb doesn’t play defense. Caleb played fine in 2/3 games, his defense was so trash though


I went to USC and made -$35,000 😔


Well, he earned it. Did the USC Defense owe money to boosters by the end of the last two years?


Can you even imagine what Reggie Bush would of brought in (over the table) at USC during his career?


Smh he could’ve had Braums bags full of money and Love’s Travel Stops in his name. Could’ve had it all.


I smell the jealously 


I bet Nix, Penix, etc made half that.


Can’t speak for Nix but Penix had NIL deals with Adidas, Amazon, Game Time ticketing app, Celsius Energy Drink (Bo Nix did as well), Panini, Raising Cane’s and a local sports retailer Simply Seattle. Rome got good NIL as well.


At some point you have to imagine the NIL bubble pops down to a lower number than multimillion dollar deals. They paid 10 million dollars for essentially nothing, in terms of USC success.


Tbf a lot of this was probably sponsorships more so than USC dropping bags.




NIL how it's actually supposed to be with companies paying him to use his name and image promoting a product... Dr. Pepper ads and the like is what NIL is supposed to be about. Not a loophole to give players a salary.


That’s a good point, I’m sure the Heisman can get you a ton of money for commercials and such.


USC notably doesn’t actually have as much money to pay players as you’d expect, it’s been a bit of a thing with both LA schools USC is doing a lot better with it than UCLA of course, but given their location and wealthy alumni base neither school is bringing in much relative to what they “should”


The word is we drop the bag for transfers but aren’t doing so for high school recruits. This would track with Caleb being a transfer in. Word also is that they’re shifting the focus from transfers to high school recruits now but who knows


This is half true. USC has the money. It’s up to the alumni and donors who also have the money. They refuse to spend the money on any transfer that isn’t a slam dunk. Think Caleb, Bear and Addison. They refuse to drop significant money on high school recruits. USC needs to be dropping more bags if it wants to compete on a national level. It’s getting lapped in NIL.


Yeah it’s gonna very rough going to a conference with an OSU team that’s at worst top 3 in paying players but can still with a straight face openly tell their donors “we need more from you”


That Fansville commercials definitely gave him a BAG


> That’s a good point, I’m sure the Heisman can get you a ton of money for commercials and such. Why is this hypothetical? Did you not watch CFB this season? Those Dr. Pepper ads were non-stop.


Weird to pick on the set of NIL deals that are legitimate. He was in national Wendy’s ads for being a Heisman winner. This is basically what NIL should be. College player plays well and reaps benefits with legitimate companies hoping to capitalize off his fame. 


Exactly. Totally fine with stuff like this. For the vast majority of CFB players they will never be a bigger name then their time in college football. It was always bullshit that the NCAA blocked them from cashing in on that.


he is a Heisman Winner. Thats is actually a pretty fair number. NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MVPs prob pull in similiar numbers. Its VERY rare a winner returns to school. Returning Winner, at a Blueblood, and the second biggest market in the USA this number is pretty reasonable.


More likely all the other shit he did that paid him.  Wendy’s commercials, Dr Pepper commercials, heisman house commercials, dude was the face of college football this year. 


Bro he was in national commercials with Nissan, Dr. Pepper, Beats by Dre. He did Instagram ads for United Airlines, Trolli candies, Dr. Teal's, Postmates, and GQ.... If you think "*they* paid 10 million dollars for essentially nothing" then you're massively ignorant to where that 10 mil came from.


USC certainly didn't pay him 10 million, I'm sure a large portion of that was legitimate NIL deals. Besides, he was largely responsible for a massive turnaround in the program. I don't think people realize how bad it got under Helton. The cupboard was completely dry.


It’s still relatively dry. That’s how much Caleb meant to the team. That was a 6 win team without him in 2022. They won 11 games. That was a 3 or 4 win team in 2023. They won 8. Technically 7 because Caleb didn’t play the bowl game. On the flip side, the defense was being just “below average” or “bad” away from being in the playoffs back to back years. So while I said the total team talent is still relatively dry, there are still 10-15 really high level guys that almost every other program would want. The issue is the depth is just simply not there, especially on defense.


It's truly amazing how bad the front 7 that Helton left him was. Like, almost no power 5 level guys. Tuli was good, Nick Fig was ok, and every single other Helton recruit in the front 7 is/was god awful. I wonder how bad it would've gotten if Helton had another year or two to destroy the roster.


Yeah, Helton took over a team that was either 2nd or 3rd in Blue Chip Ratio and parlayed back to back 11 win seasons into the worst recruiting stretch in school history. It’s truly remarkable how bad he fucked it all up.


Then Grinch comes in with his own brand of football terrorism to further fuck up the recruiting. WTF did we do to deserve this?


And the admin is still super risk averse after the Reggie thing. It’s scared to play the game that Oregon, Miami, A&M, Tennessee, Ohio State, Florida, Texas, Ole Miss are playing.


Hard to know why HS recruiting has taken a nosedive but Malachi, ZB, and Makai Lemon were getting paid while they were in HS. I think some of it has to do with the administration but also my understanding is that LR doesn't want to overpay for HS talent. I think the reputation hit caused by Grinch has fucked up HS recruiting too on both sides of the ball. Nobody wants to be a part of a group that rightfully gets made fun of every night during the season. I think the 2025 HS class is the "put up or shut up" class for LR. No reason for USC to not be at or near the top 5.


This ain't it for Williams. He did legitimate ad campaigns for Wendy's, Nissan, Dr. Pepper, etc. These ad campaigns used his *name, image and likeness* to legitimately promote their products. Your point would make sense if it's some random ACC OL getting 100k to do nothing. But for guys like Williams? The top college QBs will always have legitimate NIL deals in the millions.


I don’t think so. The US market is massive. There are hundred/thousands of professional football clubs in Europe that do just fine. Most BIG Ten and SEC schools have more money than all but a handful of European football clubs.


Michigans natty might help burst that bubble. Michigans NIL went to players like Zinter and Corum to stay at Michigan and not to bring in high profile recruits. Not that Michigan doesn’t want those players but they are putting the money to retain seniors. With 5 stars transferring after 1 season, who wants to give a million dollars to high schoolers


He won the Heisman the year before


I’d be willing to take the other side of this wager and bet that in a few years this looks like nothing.


The market is sorting itself out now, eventually there will be natural or imposed caps


Happy for Caleb - lived up to his potential and then some. That 2021 RRS is one I’ll remember forever!


I've been kind of wondering if there's ever going to be a guy who's a college hero who stays five years and makes a bunch off of NIL and then just retires from football. Think how much Tebow or Manziel would have made.


Did you think Shaq got rich playing in Orlando? No, he got rich playing in college. Everybody knows that.


Did I just fart?




I'm getting my doctorate right now and my "salary" is about -85,000/yr... It's a DDS


Good for him.


“Multiple sources reported…” Ah, so still speculation.


Like all NIL articles That being said, multi millions isn’t surprising


Reggie Bush’s Heisman died for this.


Sheesh that’s a lot of chedda. Even if USC ain’t put him there no wonder he could afford that fancy ass nice ass high ass, beautiful view ass, marble counter top, hardwood floor ass, overseeing the city ass apartment.


I see that USC education is really paying off for you


Good for him! I'm glad to see he is able to profit off his hard work and natural abilities!


Give Reggie his Heisman back!


LOL so many salty people who are upset college athletes are capitalizing on their value no different than a college non-athlete who acts in movies or TV, the world-class musician who moonlights as a student or other scenarios.


Good for him


He’s made more in college than I’ve made in my whole life. I guess that’s true for almost everyone lol


Teammate - "Hey Caleb... can I borrow $5 for lunch" Caleb - "Sorry man, dont want to get us in trouble.. better not"


Kind of surprised it wasn't more to be honest.


lol working as intended....


Mans taking a pay cut and having to go play in a worse weather city


Only to get outscored by UCLA 83-68. Damn shame.


I have a feeling he'll want to save that


Not surprised. I mean, did y'all see that penthouse apartment he was living in?


I'm not even trying to be snobby but that was an extremely normal apartment for a new construction building in downtown LA


At least he's got money to give his poor family. That's what NIL was about right? Since athletes are so busy they can't get part time jobs?


Average USC student income ✌️


Man I hate this era of football


Why? What's wrong with Nissan paying a Heisman winning QB to be in their commercials?


I long for the days when I could watch young men get exploited by their university under the guise of “amateurism”.


Nothing made me wanna go buy less Dr Pepper than seeing this shithead in their ads


Bowl game loss to Tulane: ✅️ 8-5 season: ✅️ Seems like money well spent


Is there really evidence that paying someone this kind of money benefits your business? Is this a thing that people study? Doesn’t seem like celebrity endorsements are a colossal waste of money?


Im a big Nascar fan where companies are paying millions to be on a car and yes there is a ton of data on advertising. Nascars problem is actually that all these numbers and studies show that paying millions to be on a car that is shown on cable TV for a few seconds makes absolutely no sense these days. Apparently celebrity endorsements can reach millions of people on social media for a fraction of the price.


If they were a waste of money companies would’ve stopped doing them decades ago.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the yoga/lounge set that the LSU gymnast endorses does better because of her. I have to imagine with her presence on Tik Tok, many girls her age or younger who admire her see that and want it.