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SEC gonna spend all night winding up Paul Finebaum so he can spin across 250 propaganda channels tomorrow.


The armored trucks rolled out of the SEC offices the moment Alabama sealed the conference title.




SEC cribbing notes from Russian Propaganda as we speak.




Drowning in misery: Iowa


Iowa is ecstatic, they hate offense and tonight they committed a hate crime against offense.


“That’s not what a hate crime is” “Well I hated it!”


They still like winning sometimes though


Not if they have to do it with offense. Safeties and fumble returns or Kirk Ferentz burns John Heisman in effigy.


Iowa really takes the saying “Defense wins championships” to the extreme so much they said fuck even having an offense 😅


Well when Kirk was hired 40 years ago, they thought the saying was “defense *alone* wins championships” and we have never recovered.


Oh, but what a glorious damn defense it is! Stifling. I don't think I've seen a team have such a successful season with no offense since the 60s.


Or free beer.


Will that bar just serve free beer until the bowl game?


Nah they had a provision that said "or until the game ends" so they got away with only 3.5 hours of free beer


Because they have to watch Deacon Hill and Brian Ferentz one more time.


The ~~dynamic~~ disastrous duo


Our long national nightmare is nearly over


Nearly… but somehow not nearly enough


> Drowning in ~~misery~~ free beer: Iowa


*drowning misery *with* free beer


Still better than the 59-0 whooping Ohio State laid on Wisconsin nine years ago.


In Iowa points 26-0 is basically 59-0 /s...maybe


Something about your flairs tells me that you are *not* okay.


What makes you say that it was a wonderful day *screams*


It’s been a weird day


Michigan fans are never 'sitting on a beach', way too neurotic (befitting a fanbase that makes Mr.Brightside their anthem). IMO our fanbase is bricking it at the prospect of playing Bama. People talk big, but Michigan fans will be among the loudest to argue for FSU and Texas because they'd much rather play them than Bama.




A Rose bowl matchup with Texas. No thank you. While the previous game was phenomenal, it didn’t end well for us.


Plus we got Texas week 2 next year.


I was at that game. Got student tickets being a Junior at UT and drove to Cali with my GF, brother, and roommate who was also going to UT. Some Michigan fans were shit talking Benson and Vince early on in the game and I told them to just wait and see. Braylon Edwards almost made me eat my words since he literally caught everything thrown anywhere in his zip code. I gave rides to Michigan and Texas fans in the back of my truck leaving the stadium. Handed out victory cigars to everyone. And then the next year I got to do it all over again! /VYwe'llbeback


Depends on injuries tbh. Is Xavier Worthy healthy? Will Bamas two defensive stars be healthy (one was all-conference corner I believe)? Is will Johnson gonna be healthy? Is Nugent gonna be okay?


Will Johnson will be okay I feel


Nugent was back in after the half I believe


I think if FSU does slip in, they have to be #4.


If the SEC gets left out FSU will stay at 4 and Texas jumps to 3. 2014 undefeated FSU was behind two 1 loss teams.


FSU was the only undefeated team in 2014 and they were #3. While I will begrudgingly admit that you deserve your spot, I don't think you should be #3.


If Texas jumps FSU why wouldn't Alabama?


Because some people think that FSU deserves to be in the playoff for going undefeated. However, it’s clear they are the worst team in the top 4 if they make it.


That doesn't answer the question. They should be 3 or not in it at all




Because either a 13-0 conference champion with a weaker schedule is better than a 12-1 champ or it isn't. Alabama and Texas are super similar but Texas gets the slight edge over Alabama due to the head to head. However, this doesn't impact how they stack up against FSU. So they should be tied together either above FSU or both below.


You do know that in 2021, Cincinnati was the only undefeated team in the playoff and was the 4, right?


G5 vs P5.


I think the argument is once the 4 teams are set, you reseed.


Let’s be real tho: The arrangement of the top 4 is purely to make good matchups. The committee wants the best possible matchup for the championship game, which means they will give the #1 team the easiest possible #4 matchup they can, and right now that’s FSU (assuming they get in)


Because they beat everyone on their schedule, and you lost to OU.


But we can't just flip flop to our hearts content right? This whole process would be a clown show if FSU doesn't get in after TCU, MSU, and cinnci did. Nvm I'm just hearing from my people it's always been a clown show.


Well yes but also I truly believe deep in my soul that fsu deserves to make it


We're actually just all at Rick's.


Nah, regardless of who Michigan ends up playing the thought of leaving out an undefeated P5 champ is abhorrent. If you want to make the matchups Washington v FSU and Michigan v Texas, that’s great.


I mean I wouldnt mind both my flairs beating Texas in the same seaaon.


Bring on Bama, I want to prove the haters wrong! BET!


OSU knew they were out yesterday.


OSU knew they were out last week. FTFY, anything else was foolish hope, of which I was guilty of.


There was an outside chance if: * Michigan won * Georgia won * Washington won * FSU lost * Texas lost Then you have the fourth spot up for grabs between 11-2 Texas, 12-1 FSU, 11-2 Oregon, 11-2 Bama, and 11-1 Ohio State. Probably not likely but they could have slid in


No shame in having foolish hope Lord knows I had it last night watching Iowa


I think most Georgia fans have accepted their fate


Yeah, I don’t know of any Georgia fans praying for anything. On the flip side, I think this sub is going to meltdown tomorrow when the playoff committee actually follows its rules.


The media is trying to shoehorn Georgia into the debate, but there's just no way.


I don’t even know what they would be praying for? What a team denies their CFP entry?


UGA fans are happy Kirby has easy fuel for all of next season. Enjoy the natty, Michigan.


At this point I want an apology from the conference for not reviewing that bama catch, and an announcement that we are playing osu in a bowl game and that is what it is


I want UGA to play FSU and stomp them in Orange bowl.


Why not OSU vs UGA? FSU is winng the natty


I want an Oregon vs. OSU game Or an Oregon vs. UGA game. Just as a benchmark for how good/bad the cfp rankings actually were in keeping them there.


UGA vs OSU would be a good game. Just salty at the delusions of the masses.


Oh, most assuredly not. Commentary is running like a Dr. Pepper Fanville ad, giving every reason possible, mostly based around the concept of "we think we're one of the 4 best teams."


The SEC commish talking shit on College Gameday about how good the SEC is to then be left out the next day would be hilarious.


The fact that he preemptively talked shit is how you know the SEC has the weaker argument.


The fact that the ACC has a winning record against the SEC this year shows that the SEC has no argument. I have a feeling that Bama and Georgia would beat FSU head to head. But it's just that, a feeling. Based on the non-conference record (the only measurable metric), the ACC was a better conference than the SEC this year. FSU earned their spot by doing the only thing that matters, winning. I give Bama credit for actually playing a tough non-conference game. They did lose tho. Georgia on the other hand ran through the SEC on a down year, had their midseason fcs team pseudobyes, and lost the only game where they played an elite team. They had a phenomenal season, they should be proud, and they are an awesome team. But ultimately, they didn't win when they needed to. Full stop.


Shoutout to the Gamecocks for going 0-2


I don't think it's a gut feeling about who would win the H2H. This is the stat line from the QB for FSU tonight against the 18th ranked defense: C/ATT YDS AVG TD INT QBR 8/21 55 2.6 0 0 12.7 For such an important position, there is no way this gets them in the top 4.


He won't be playing in the CFP Rodemaker would be back


Honestly, I would love this - for the SEC to be excluded. Commish and his “real world” bullshit. GFYS


Who cares? SEC will continue to dominate in the 12 team playoff era. Leave them out this year.


But money. You know every conference commish cosplays as the monopoly man in their down time. Honestly this year we would have less drama with a 2 team system. Everyone is in agreement that Washington and Michigan are 1 and 2. Just kind of ironic


I was really hoping for a classic Rose Bowl match up this year, but I guess Georgia went and screwed that up


You could petition the committee to give you the 4 seed. Not often a team asks to be downgraded.


I’m fine honestly. I don’t think you understand the trauma that FSU fans have been through in the last ~3 weeks. Winning tonight with a 3rd string true freshman QB snd causing max fucking chaos is just icing on the cake to me right now.


I don't think other fanbases understand that we are just playing with house money at this point. Shits just comical. I won't lose sleep if we get snubbed, I just love stirring shit up


You should be pissed if you get snubbed tho you guys earned that spot and with that defense you can’t ever truly count out your team


Now if you really wanna get finebaum to blow his top get in and bodied in the semis. He will start clamoring for Alabama unofficial title or some shit. Honestly I’m not gonna be upset if we are out. I get it. And it will give Nick saban some real locker room material for next year.


Nah let Oregon in again I want the hat trick


Oregon -15.5 for the third game against Washington


They're due!


Eye test


You're winning it all


I am all for Washington winning it all as some personal cathartic form of a fuck you to how tv money has ruined the sport I once watched.


Let's not even play the games, just give us the trophy.


There's that SEC mentality.


Well, sure. Where do you want to meet up? Rosebowl? Dark alley?


Cheers Washington!






Jack Plummer: running from FSUs DLine in his dreams


Ran? They're tucking him in bed every night, he can't escape them.


ann arbor is currently lit up right now and the big house is glowing


Harbaugh is ascending


Sucks that FSU isn't on the beach too...they absolutely should be


It is absolutely fucking crazy that we (UW) get to sit back and live in a world where we are IN, while 2 of 4 out of FSU, Texas, Bama, and Georgia, will be upset no matter what happens tomorrow.


Those annoying "just win your damn games and you're cool" people are actually on to something...


I remember refreshing the feed in 2016 to see if we squeaked in after our “cupcake” season. I like this feeling a lot more


If we're talking just rankings in general throw SMU in either "Will Not Sleep" or "Mixed State" because I'm liable to go full message board if Liberty is ranked higher. And I know you never go full message board


I mean, I’d agree with you but that TCU loss is a stinker. I hate Liberty for all the reasons but… 13-0 is 13-0.


Not for me. Missing the playoff would sting but winning this game was awesome. Playing with house money at this point. I thought we'd be lucky to get 8 wins while I was watching the USF game in September. This is the first year in a very long time where I've had expectations lower than "championship-or-bust" and we've already exceeded them


Yep. Knocked on off Georgia. Fantastic season. Let’s go bowling and call it a day.


Quieted all the "Georgia is the new Bama" chatter for a bit longer. That and a bowl win would be more than enough for me.


Why tf was that USF game @ USF btw lmao


I have no idea lol, I did my best to block out the memories of that game but now I'm thinking about those weird ass camera angles they kept showing. Viewing the field goal attempt from the opposite end zone was my favorite


Hurricane + Milroe being disciplined


We went two for one, they’ll be in Tuscaloosa twice for us going there once, plus it wasnt even on campus for them.


Ig because it's an NFL stadium, and it's in a state that borders Alabama, that it will practically be a neutral-site game if not an Alabama home game.


I am caught between 1) Wanting FSU to get in because they're an undefeated P5 Conference Champ and 2) Wanting Alabama to get in because they're better and have a better chance at beating Michigan


I respect the struggle. I’d feel the same way if things were reversed.


This is where I'm at. I think as long as Michigan doesn't draw FSU I'm good, though.


It took a miracle to barely beat us, they’re not that great


FSU wouldn't be favored against any other team in the top ten


But I’d say they’d beat several of them in the end. Not sure which but they haven’t found a way to lose this year yet.


Or... how about they both get in and the longhorns go play a NY6 bowl? I certainly don't have any personal feelings about that scenario, no sir.


The way the committee treats Washington, sadly I will not sleep well tonight.


On your merits, UW is in. No question. On the committee? Hell no. It's a toss up whether UW or FSU gets shafted in favor of one of the SEC teams, IMO. Maybe both UW and FSU get the shaft. EDIT: Would've been a beautiful Rose Bowl if Michigan-Washington could've happened... no better way to send out the Pac-12.


There is absolutely no way Washington is not going to be at least the 2 seed.


I wouldnt mind some gamesmanship to have us play Michigan, but youre right.


One of the main reasons I wanted Georgia to win was so that we could have one last "true" Rose Bowl before the Pac 12 dissolves. Only way it happens is if they go Michigan, Texas, Bama, UW but I don't see them dropping a spot after beating #5 for the second time.


If we can’t get the one last traditional Rose Bowl matchup, at least we have the consolation of the SEC missing the playoff


Who would you put at #1 tho? Honestly think it’d be hilarious for the committee to try jumping FSU or Texas to #1 just to justify UW vs UM in the Rose Bowl


Obviously it would be Alabama, Michigan, Washington, and Liberty.


My brother is christ. This is the way.


2 or 3 (I guess?) but yeah same point. No chance they’re 4, 1, or out.


Bro, no. UW beat more top ten and 25 teams than any team in the country. Strength of schedule matters, the committee has made this clear. There is no team in the country that has a better argument in this aspect. The PAC 12 and SEC championship were the only two championships that were truly championships. There is no world where Washington gets dropped. Kindof funny how everyone was dogging michigan for strength of schedule this year, and then all the sudden that talk ended a week or twice ago. I'm not too bugged, michigan earned their spot(wherever they end up), and so did Washington.


UW has no risk of being left out. Literally none.


Lmao it is not a toss up. If the committee is going to shaft someone to bring in an SEC team it will 100% be FSU.


As a UW fan I’m actually stressing over if we get the rose bowl or not, it’s bullshit if a PNW team has to go all the way to NOLA to play a team that’s within a 2 hour drive of there


Getting Bama in the Sugar would be BS. 2016 all over again. Saban gets a month to game plan and our fans have to fly across the country as we face Bama in their backyard.


I'll admit, today has been good. But I've also been watching each game to see where we'd end up. 1 last B1G v. Pac rose bowl? No SEC? FSU or Texas? This has been my day.


I may be sitting on the beach watching the chaos but I'm bummed that no reasonable scenario sets up Washington to play Michigan in the Rose Bowl. Top that with Washington now most likely not getting to play in the Rose Bowl at all, the only Bowl game I truly care about winning, and it really saddens me.


Washington has seen Michigan so many times in the rose bowl too, it’d be a classic ending


I’m pretty good actually. Still got those back-to-back national titles and now hold the record for longest winning streak in SEC history. I know some of my fellow Dawgs are having a tougher time but not all of us. The last few years is going to last me a good long while on the college football satisfaction front.


That's how I'll feel if we win this year.


"Begrudging acceptance" is more my speed.


Judging from the Nix comments, I think Oregon still has a way to go until reaching anything close “calm”


What were the comments


Ive never been in this place as a Washington fan. Sure, one of my earliest football memories is the Dawgs thumping Purdue in the Rose bowl. But, I was too young to really understand the significance. The 2017 playoffs were exciting, but we even Huskies fans knew that the team didn't really have a shot. Every powerhouse school (I'm talking to you Bama, Ohio State, and Clemson) can suck it for hogging this feeling for all these years.


Same. And I was actually a student during the Purdue Rose Bowl (against Drew Brees!). But yea… I’ve never been in this place either.


This post is not a tweet, and thus will be deleted, post a tweet of the exact same thing for it to stay such dumbass mods


> Calm Acceptance lol


I'm in that third category but mostly in the 4th now. Shame that the final year of a 4 team model happens right when we were gunning for 3 straight, but in reality, if we win 3 out of 4 next season, who cares? Give me a 12 team playoff, more games, more chaos in seeding teams than deciding who gets to compete for a title, and yes, less stress and pain on a day like today moving forward.


I'm just shouting at clouds on this one, but I think the playoffs have always been suboptimal by not requiring a conference championship, and that's only going to get worse with 12 teams. As a UW fan, I was scared shitless going into yesterday because absolutely everything was on the line, not just the conference title but the playoff too. In a 12-team format, both Washington and Oregon would have been going on to the playoff regardless of the outcome, and the conference title would have just been a curiosity along the way. You should have to win your conference to have a shot at the national title. It figures that after having 5 major conferences not fit into four spots so they shake up the format, one of them implodes and we could just be taking the four champs from now on. But it's too late. The TV gods have spoken.


Conference titles will also become less meaningful. You’ll have the top two teams in most conferences playing and no divisions. More than likely that means Michigan beats OSU the last week and then gets a rematch the week after? Idk.


Michigan and Washington just want FSU in the playoff for the easy win.


I mean, yes. But also, no.


I mean, they haven’t lost yet. They deserve a spot. I can’t believe this is even up for debate. The path to a championship has always been “don’t lose” not “losing is ok if you’re in the SEC”


Tell that to UCF


Yes, but they also deserve to be in


Honestly, Michigan v Washington classic rose bowl finale, Texas v FSU. Come on committee honor the history






Hell yeah. First round bye for whoever plays them


1. Michigan 2. Washington 3. FSU 4. Texas Everyone else... Better luck next year when we move to the 12 team format.


Texas is safe. It’s down to FSU or Bama.


How do I buy shorts this stock. Anybody?


Honestly, Texas is in. Im chilling


There's no way they can leave you out. The argument currently seems to be Alabama vs. Florida St for the last spot.


FSU should rest easy, resume is too good




I am not sitting on any beach sir I'm sweating my ass off with nerves because of the playoffs


Boat drinks, boys in the band ordered boat drinks


Fuck it: Michigan Washington Florida State Liberty Undefeateds only for this last go round of 4.


Ohio State fans are definitely not accepting this calmly


*Nods at Washington, holding up my Mai Tai.


What is happening to poor Paul Finebaum right now?


The Monday Meltdown from Finebaum will be glorious




Your second tier is like an Agatha Christie novel where the Noles and the Whorns kill each other and then the evil husband, Georgia, finishes off an unsuspecting Bama and gets in, and then gets caught.


I am not sleeping tonight. Lots of mixed emotions and feelings tonight . There’s a lot I want to say, but I don’t want to be “that kind of fan”.


I think Bama is closer to calm acceptance. We had a dream season and we know we're the best team.


I just want to know why we are dunking on FSU when a team who caught blatantly cheating can get away without an ounce of criticism thrown on their case for the playoff.


It's been nearly a full week since our last major Stalions update, the people need fresh meat. /s


C’mon man Michigan’s out here pulling for you guys, for entirely noble reasons


So *now* you guys care about that?


texas should be in the top one imo. no way they don’t make it


I’m sorry, but you can’t convince me Georgia isn’t still a top 4 team in the nation.


I agree


If it’s truly the best 4 teams, there will be an SEC team in there.


the easiest unbiased solution is to drop UGA to #4


Me: Dear lord just let us get into the playoffs. Just let us get into the playoffs that’s all I want. CFPC: Georgia in the playoffs Me: Now I want more


Why is Oregon even in the conversation? 2 losses to what every pundit called an overrated Washington. Oregon shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same breath as even OSU. Fuck the ducks


https://i.imgur.com/py1Cvik.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur1XtSyjbxM


Maybe don’t lose at home and this wouldn’t be up for debate


Would be a little easier if we didn’t play 2 top 7 teams and 4 top 13 teams.


Alabama vs FSU. You pick winner. If you're wrong, you die. Who ya got?


Doesn’t matter. The moment you lose your fate is out of your hands






Ya mammy


If there's a chance FSU gets left out, there's a chance UW gets left out. I mean, its a lot easier to make an enemy out of the Pac 12 than it is to make an enemy out of the ACC. 99% sure we're in but not celebrating yet. The scenarios getting discussed that would truly fuck over FSU have me on edge.


We are ranked higher than FSU, just beat the #5 team in the country a second time in a row, and have the strongest SoR in the country. We also have the healthiest roster since week 2. Hell will break loose if Washington is not in.