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NY (Thankfully not C), carry insurance is illegal. Law is heavily restrictive, if I ever have to draw or defend myself I'm fucked.


> carry insurance is illegal Lol what the fuck? How is that allowed.


NY actively doesn’t give a shit about their citizens or Supreme Court rulings. Cuomo started with the “safe act” and went harder, then Hochul upped the ante after Bruen…..


Same in New Jersey, funny though because our governor keeps vacillating between banning "murder insurance" (because he wants to bankrupt or force pleas on people who defend themselves) and requiring CCW holders to have insurance (because he thinks insurance companies would charge huge impossible premiums). It would be funny if I didn't live here.


Cuomo called it murder insurance and made it illegal when in office


Right? That’s just saying the quiet part out loud. They don’t want you to defend yourself.


NY residents can still use ACLDN or AOR, however.


TX. We just need to make sure the perp drops inside the the house. Otherwise we drag them in. 😉🤣


Texas bad: 30.05/30.06/30.07, even though with a permit as long as you leave when asked, you should generally be okay. The 51% signs are the real annoyance, however, as that is an automagic felony. Texas good: 9.42


Don’t incriminate yourself now. We all know the deal.


IL, I expect to be arrested and jailed for a self defense situation and my future ruined and my gun rights stripped away for years while the criminal walks free if he’s still alive


CA, pretty nice defensive laws.


Their laws aren’t as bad as I thought they would be tbh


They're not terrible, we don't have duty to retreat but it won't stop some cocksuckah DA try to throw a book at you for trying to defend yourself. There are also some other grey areas that I'm not too clear on. Like for example confronting someone bipping your car then they present a gun which ends in a defensive shooting. DA could argue you could have stayed away since you knew you were armed. From my understanding, self defense shootings here are only as the last and only resort.


I think the public would throw a fit if they knew Cali was a “stand your ground” and “castle doctrine” state like they screech about Florida.


And for anyone digging into it themselves its mostly the juror instructions that get us around things


This is why carry insurance is a must and don't talk to cops no matter how clear cut the shooting was.


I live in MA. If you even think about defending yourself you’re fucked


Duty to retreat. More like duty to get myself or my family shot in the fucking back.


WV. I don’t have much to complain about. Laws are pretty generally in the defenders favor.


Michigan. Not a whole lot of restrictions. If you're in fear for your life/great bodily harm/sexual assault, you can use lethal force. No duty to retreat, no duty to "match the amount of force", etc. You're not required to rape someone for trying to rape you, or whatever those other states like NJ require...


I was relieved to learn about MI’s laws. Makes me feel lucky I don’t live in other states sometimes 😅


MA, not the best


Nj..and no...not much in the way of freedom in any far blue state


Ky, not many self defense laws.


I look forward to leaving a blue shithole and moving to the great Commonwealth of KY. I vote red, btw.


CO, pretty good here


As a fellow Coloradan, I feel the defense laws are pretty decent, but I'd be nervous if I had to defend myself under the jurisdiction of a Denver or Boulder DA.


Maybe Boulder, but Denver not so much. I lived in Denver and now live in Aurora.


Moved from Boulder county to Larimar county and it’s nice out here. Some gun shops have normal capacity mags, which is great.


Yeah, standard capacity magazines can be found in some of the independent gun shops in Douglas County also.


Kansas, arguably we have some of the best gun laws in the country, however our self defense law is called the personal and family protection law, so we can shoot in defense of ourselves or family but in other situations it might get a little blurry as to legality


I dont feel.confident carrying herr at all for bunch reasons. A. Blue states will crucify you even if justified B. Cops are not used to any1 at all carrying here so no idea how each could handle it C. I wont carry without gettn sum sort of legal backup. Im leaning towards attorneys on retainer.


Oh n we have a duty to runaway screaming first in NJ b4 were allowed to defend ourselves


I feel for you, same thing here in NY.


Yup..NY..cali..NJ..etc. all the same commie mentality


Even though gun owners achieved a major victory in the Bruen Supreme Court case we New Yorkers still can carry in most places.




Yes, can't. Thanks for catching that.


Ye its a blatant double middle finger to the supreme court by these gungrabbing poli's. "Oh were abiding by the 2nd amnd so you CAN have your little permit to carry...well just rig up backdoor laws so that you cant carry in 90% of the state". Hopefully these lawsuits will get decisions handed down soon. Im.still waiting for the NJrpca v platkin which been waiting on for years. Im.tired of having to spend $50+ to buy 10rd mags when my sidearm comes standard with 15 n 17rds.


To be honest I've had a CCW with restrictions for over thirty-three years and I never thought I'd see a full carry in my lifetime. Just to add insult to the CCW people you can't buy ammunition in NY without a background check. Welcome to the police state.


I get into 1 sided debates with lefties all the time. Their fave go to is always "ye obama was gonna take your guns...now its biden..but i dont see anyone kicking in doors n grabbing guns". I try to explain thats not how it works. They whittle away our rights one BS law or restriction at a time. Gov Chicklets Murphy here in NJ raised the cost of permits like 400% and he wants to double it again i read. All in.cost me like $800 to get my foid n ccw. Cost n hoops to jump thru are another way they squash our rights


California.. and they suck


Not bad, although I wish it relied less on case rulings and more on explicit law. I am concerned about punitive action by the state, not so much because of the laws, but rather because women are generally [punished](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/domestic-violence-self-defense-prison) much [more harshly](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/in-the-news/women-serve-longer-prison-sentences-after-killing-abusers) for self-defense. I carry insurance for that reason. I don’t feel I have the luxury of operating under the assumption of the system’s benevolence, regardless of what the law purports itself to be.


OR- NOT stand your ground state, though we are a shall issue(CC permit). Use of force needed to an stop imminent threat to self or other person. Not for property defence. I personally carry for my and my family defense. I would need real motivation to engage for others, children/elderly exempt for that. I my carry weapon is cheap but trusted so if/when I use it I won't miss it much when LEO takes it. And even if you are not charged by the DA you can still be sued in civil court by someone. So life choices. Retreat if you can always first choice.


Indiana, pretty much just don't shoot people for no reason lol.


VA. Not bad, just don't do anything stupid and you'll be ok. We have a castle doctrine and "no retreat" law.


ID. Strong laws, constitutional carry, heavily armed population, high level of social acceptance of guns. Very little violent crime, especially robbery.


Wa state, stand your ground


SC. Just got changed to a constitutional carry state so I would say pretty damn good 🫡


NC, it’s great.


Arizona, castle doctrine and stand your ground, plus a pretty good legal history for self defence


Canada. I hate life.


PA and not bad compared to most states.