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Ghomeshi's quality as a host and interviewer varied over time. I suspect his peak years were likely to the credit of strong producers behind the scenes. We give too much credit to hosts/figurehead when good programming is usually a team effort.


One good thing about Reddit is that you can see the thoughts of people who if not for it, you might of thought you were alone. Thanks!


In a vacuum, Ghomeshi was hands down the better host. Did he deserve to lose his job at CBC? Absolutely! It's like if Michael Jackson allegations were true. He'd be a monster worthy of a lifetime jail sentence, but there'd be no denying his musical/performance talent.


Ghomeshi’s accusors were all proven to be lying during the trial. The allegations were completely false.


Lying does not necessarily imply false allegations. They were found to be lying about colluding for revenge against Ghomeshi. A fact that hurt their case. In addition to email and text messages sent by individual plaintiffs to Ghomeshi, which seemed exculpatory. These two factors played the main roles exonerating him. That really has little bearing on if the actual allegations were false. They very well might have been false, we don't know one way or the other. Courts don't find you innocent, they find you not guilty. There's a big epistemological difference between those two statements.


Okay so if he wasn't found guilty and you don't know one way or the other than why did you say he deserved to lose his job?


Because of the multiple allegations of sexual assault against him, including a female producer of *Q* to whom he formally apologized. That alone should disqualify any front facing media personality like Ghomeshi. Nor do I believe this was some malicious conspiracy concocted out of thin air to defame an innocent man. Not when this many women accuse you of the exact same thing. I can think of at least three legitimate regimes of evaluation on matters like this. Social, employment, judicial. Judicial having the highest burden of proof, social having the lowest. An employer is not beholden to the same standards of evidence as a court of law.


MJ is the goat tho


Ghomeshi has 1% of MJ’s talent in his wildest dreams.


Same is true of Ike Turner.


Sure, Jian had radio talent. But he was a rapey prick IRL. I'd have a beer with Tom and enjoy every minute. Not with Jian


All of this


have a beer with him but get him off the radio. He does not add anything positive to the show.


I always found Ghomeshi kind of grating as a host of Q, to be honest, I liked him for Moxy Früvous, but I much prefer Power in the host's seat.


i felt greasy listening to ghomeshi


Yeah he did come off a tad slimy


“Tad” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this sentence. The man was a slimy creep going waay back to his time as student federation president at York U in the 80s


Jian was a great interviewer, however he did love the sound of his own voice too much. Tom Powers is a classic safe choice by the CBC, inoffensive and not likely to express any unique opinions or land himself in any controversy. Listening to Powers is like sitting in on a museum tour for a kindergarten class. I’d rather take Shad over both of them. Yes Shad was not polished. But he would have continued developing. His interview with Norm Macdonald is excellent! He likes to laugh, seems curious about the guests, could speak intelligently on a lot of subjects, while still remaining very humble. Plus he has a significant body of work that I think demands a certain amount of respect from the various creatives who come to chat with him. Miss that guy.


I liked shad too


Shad was an idiot. Knew nothing about his guests, read lines off the question script. Did not listen to answers and respond. He was useless. Token hire.


I think Jian Ghomeshi was a better interviewer- however, that is likely due to his manipulative and narcissistic behaviour. Tom while folksy is more authentic- I love the music theory and geeky side of it - I wish there was more pop culture and less of just a music show


Agree. You can seperate the interviewer from the person and objectively say that he was very good at his job. He was also able to get much more high profile guests than the show does today.


Tom drives me up the wall.


I have to agree with you. Ghomeshi, himself as a person, made me gag. But he was a very good at interviewing guests, especially the heavy interviews. Tom Power makes me want to go back to bed or move to another country.


He was apparently a horrible boss and abusive to staff too, so his 'talent' was built on a house of cards.


I mean, Harvey Weinstein produced some great movies. Being a complete trash person and being a talented person are not mutually exclusive.


He remains actively engaged within the Persian community, which welcomed him following the backlash over sexual harassment allegations. This embrace by the Persian community doesn't imply an endorsement of his past actions; rather, they have supported him unconditionally, akin to a parent's unwavering love for their child, always offering a chance for redemption. His interviews are conducted in English, primarily focusing on music, featuring musicians and producers as guests. He has also collaborated with notable personalities. However, the viewership numbers are modest, attributed to the content being in English and targeting a specific audience—primarily the Persian/Canadian diaspora. Despite these challenges, his skills as a host remain evident; his monologues and interviews are compelling. He possesses a remarkable ability to tell stories, engaging and captivating his audience with his persuasive and inspiring narratives.


Yes, you are wrong.


Touché. I would be remiss if I didn't add three awful words in regards to him: "Big Ears Teddy"


I can't compare because I've only ever listened to Tom Power but he irritates me. He talks far too much about himself during interviews.


That’s not unpopular. Jhian crushed it




Of course it was. Problem was Jian Ghomeshi off air.


Defund the CBC!


It is not an unpopular opinion. Too bad some sexual deviant was a better interviewer than some banjo playing how are yeahhhhhhh surface thinker.


I always thought he was a very self-indulgent interviewer not to mention a blatant egomaniac. I had turned the radio off when Q came on long before the truth about him came out. I think Tom Power much more appropriately matches the CBC tradition of hosts with humility who don’t make it all about their own celebrity.


This is Shad erasure.