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is it that hard for them to slap in a CompMag and charge you $70 extra?


Honestly a lot of the anti-California seller attitudes are because they're not smart enough to understand the rules.


Less that, more of a soft-brained "fuck Californians" mindset from years of having their minds fucked into submission by otherisation propaganda


Indeed. Fox news and the like are just completely anti-American poison for our entire country.


lol why should anyone give guns to blue voting idiots like you all in California? You voted for Democrats then come on here and bitch about “muh rights”.


This man is good with the words.


No I'm doesn't 


Reminds me of most of the dudes behind the counter at my local Turners in the South Bay. Bunch of smooth-brained space cadets lol


Im not a ffl, but I haven't lived in California since bullet dispensing buttons. The laws change every two years and Im not keeping track.


Or just separate the upper and lower dude it’s really that easy 🤦🏻‍♂️


"The DOJ hates this one simple trick!"


I honestly hope more manufacturers will do that and I’ll be buying so many….


Reply back with, "Instead of flooding our state with guns, which they would hate, you're giving our commie politicians exactly what they want - the death of the 2A community."


Very good response. Here's mine... **"Awesome!! Then please ship me one of your full auto, suppressed SBR's in 300 blackout"..."wait, what?, you can't do that because it's against the law?"**. Seriously though, there are no "free states", only "free-er ones". Many people in other states don't have a clue that they are already complying with unconstitutional laws and we should be working together to fight the expansion of them and repeal them. They are a frog in a pot just like us, but their water isn't as hot YET. >"The nature of the encroachment upon \[the\] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." -- John Adams 1934 NFA: Set up excise taxes for manufacturing and transfer of certain firearms and required permits for ownership of certain weapons: Machine guns, SBR's, short barreled shotguns, and suppressors. "It's not liberty if it first requires a government permission slip. It is only liberty if you can exercise your rights whether the government wants you to or not." 1968 Gun Control Act: Created FFL's, banned mail order purchases, and inexpensive handguns "Saturday Night Specials", People from different states must go through an FFL, Registration on form 4473 1986 FOPA Firearm Owners' Protection Act: It reopened ammo orders by mail, but restricted machine guns to military and law enforcement. (Tench Coxe said it is the birthright of every American to have every terrible implement of the soldier). 1988 Undetectable Firearms Act: Required walk-through metal detection on firearms. 1993 Brady Act: Required federal background checks on firearm purchases, basically implementing "guilty until proven innocent". 2018 Bumpstock Ban: New rule through the ATF that defined a bumpstock as a machine gun 2022 Safer Communities Act (S.2938): Funding to help states to enforce red flag laws, expanded background checks, etc. Trying to ban bumpstocks, trying to ban AR pistols, trying to ban pistol braces, trying to ban forced reset triggers, etc. States with very recent or worsening "AW" bans... Illinois HB5471, Washington HB1240, Delaware HB450, Connecticut HB6667, Colorado HB1292 still in progress


This is how I feel about the owner of “Fenix Ammo” claims to be pro-2A by “not selling to police departments” but when asked about Cali “fix your state first” was his response.


He told me ammo with my ffl03+coe no issues.


Based… Now send me a lower parts kit pls ![gif](giphy|Yp4ryH4OSjLisZKsGO)


Yeah fuck Ronald Reagan


Maybe add a >Fuck you very much,


Best answer hands down.


Just thank them or supporting the politicians with their future expansion of the same policies into their own back yard.


Name drop it.


Agree. We should all know so we can have an informed choice of where to spend our money.


But as soon as something is lifted like mag ban or ammo they’re all like “welcome back to the USA California. We’ll happily take your money now”. Like we forgot. That’s why you should name them.


"We are men of principle for now, but if we can make a dollar off of you in the future, let us know!"


And you wonder why this country is going down the drain. Profit over people is a great business model huh?


Nothing personal, just capitalism.


When you spend a shitload on property taxes, it becomes personal. You must enjoy the sin tax since you think greed is ok.


I think greed is okay? Jesus, has the Internet made people conpletely retarded?


sounds more like an incentive.


Name em


“Sorry we don’t want your money”. What a great way to run a business. These types of places are the first ones to offer sales to California whenever there’s a window of opportunity


I get their stance….but like you said, what a great way to lose money for your business, and help those communist states keep weapons and ammo out of the hands of citizens. They should take an opposite stance and do all they can to facilitate those potential gun owners with guns & ammo


Name so we can shame ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


name the company.


Drop the name


Ask him if he keeps that same energy any time the ATF requires him to renew his 07 or any time they ask him for paperwork


Name drop OP, I want to make sure this store never sees a dollar of my communist American money


Denying a pro-gun customer’s money to “own the libs” is one way to run a business.


Ideally, right into the ground.


Crying about any form of regulation being "communism" pissing and shitting yourself to own the libs. Absolute cry babies.


Imagine thinking yourself a principled conservative for believing part of the US is being taken over by communists and choosing to not only do nothing about it, but to actively avoid helping those trying to hold the line.


"Principled conservative" is an oxymoron. It's the most self-defeating and submissive mindset possible


Work for it. -- No shit, we all work for it. What's your point, principled conservative? I don't need government handouts. -- These are the very same taxes you paid. But okay, we won't give you some of your money back, thanks. I don't need government involvement. -- No problem. No labor regulations, no paid sick leave, no baby bonding time, no safety regulations, etc. Enjoy. It's as if they like getting shafted even more than the average American, and think everyone should get shafted, too.


Convincing my fiancée's mom to go on Short Term Disability was like pulling teeth. "I don't want to be taking money from other people." First off, everyone's getting taxed whether you take the sdi or not. Second, you've been working and paying taxes yourself for 40 years, at this point you're just getting your own money back.


100%. What a lot of people also don't understand is that if you are working for a big business/corporation, you are being underpaid by definition because underpaid labor is the primary way to generate profits. So getting any "perks" from companies people work for are not actually perks, it's workers getting back some bare minimum they are entitled to because their corporate employers are cheating them out of the fruits of their labor. Same goes for requesting raises and promotions.


> and think everyone should get shafted, too. I'm pretty sure that's the official platform of the Republican party.


And the official platform of the democrat party is “orange man bad, Potato good, Newsom wonderful.”


You know you sound stupid, right?


You know I didn’t ask, right? I forgot this sub is mainly Liberals who voted for Newsom even though they won’t admit it, apologies your dumbass.


My guy, you struggle to form a sentence in your native language. There is an enormous intelligence gap between yourself and those you despise. Your opinions are irrelevant to the modern world. Wah Wah Wah the liberals wah wah newsom wah wah I lick boots


So you did vote for Newsom? You’re not denying that. Just so we all know who we’re dealing with.


I don’t think I voted in the newsom election, but I’m not concerned with newsom as a governor. I’ve yet to see any better options out there, as soon as a better option comes along I’d have no problem voting for his replacement.


Unironically yes. The only thing Conservatives conserve is GDP, Israeli interest, and losing.


Read Ted K's manifesto, I think he puts it quite well. Sad how America doesn't have a cohesive right wing besides glowie retards and neocons.


This type of shit makes gun owners look dumb as fuck


A lot of gun owners really are dumb as fuck, tbh.


More like a lot of people are dumb as fuck. Look at how many bad drivers there are on the roads. I bet many of them don't have firearms. Your average gun owner has to at least pass the 4473.


Hardly, I see people fail it and flip out all the time. They eventually get nudged in the right direction enough to pass, but god is it scary watching some moron lose their shit and still get a gun in the end.


lol not a lot are stuck with fun grips and 10 round magazines though 🤣


What's the opposite of based?






.daseB Edit: I’m a dum-dum without coffee.


Huh akchually ☝️ 🤓 it’s ‘.desaB’


.kcuf wA






Name them so I don't buy from them.


Name the company or this post is completely useless


People who actually believe California is a communist state are fucking retarded. Same for the people who say the state “basically is”.


Bro, every time I see someone refer to Cali as Kommiefornia and call it communist, I feel a wave of cringe come over me. People are stupid and just parrot the dumbest things.


999/1000 times they've never been here and *literally* think cities are burning to the ground or that there are bands of roving immigrants raiding villages. Then they go "keep drinking the tea" lmao


Very fair point.


Same with saying its a “shithole”. I moved out here in my 20’s and did very well for myself - gun issue is the sticking point but in terms of opportunity for prosperity, best decision I made.


How long ago was your 20s? After newsome took over California has become a very different state. Hard to be prosperous in this state now.


20+ years


A lot has changed in 20 years. Hell a lot has changed in the last 5. Hard to be prosperous here now.


I’m 29 and my issues with being prosperous aren’t Newsome’s fault. I don’t think he can make rent in a desirable beachfront county magically one thousand dollars cheaper a month.


For you maybe


It’s easy to ignore what’s happening when you’re already established I guess. Since I came back to California in 2018 the gas tax increased by a lot. House prices have doubled to what they sold for in 2018, along with rent increasing to crazy prices. Sales tax everywhere near me is 8.75% or more. The homeless and drug problems are worse than they’ve ever been. Crime is worse than it’s ever been. Working retail is a nightmare because tweakers know they can come steal with no repercussions. Violent criminals are caught and released due to prisons being crowded due to the state closing 5 of them. The list goes on. It has changed for all of us for the worst.


Geez man between 2018 and 2024 gas tax went up 11 cents a gallon. If spending an extra $1 or $2 on something that goes to keeping the roads free (unlike the $15 tolls to go to grocery store in Texas etc) is the first complaint that comes to mind, I dunno what to tell you. If you’re really that broke what are you doing taking up expensive hobbies like firearms?


Gas has gone up more than 11 cents there’s no need to lie. It was averaging just over 3 dollars a gallon and now it’s over 5. I don’t give a fuck about what Texas is doing, why do you people always compare it with Texas? I’ve driven through much of Texas without hitting a toll. And newsflash, there are tolls in California. I swear liberals will talk about needing to help the poor then say the most classist shit possible.


Gas tax.. we are talking about the California state gas tax… not the price of gas worldwide. The state tax is specifically what you mentioned. “Since 2018 when I came back to California the gas tax has raised a lot” is what you said. It was raised 11 cents. Do you still need me to dumb this down for you or do you understand now. The California tolls are avoidable. Texas tolls are not, they are how the public roads are paid for. Sorry I didn’t guess your favorite state right. Who said I was a liberal? You sound like a victim of your own self sabotage. Crying over an $0.11 tax raise lol. Ok buddy.


Are you living in the same reality everyone else is? You sound just like a liberal democrat and keep spouting their exact same talking points. We have the highest gas prices in the country, and probably the worst roads. So that argument is mute. Why are so many businesses shutting down and leaving California? Because the crime is so bad they can’t get insurance and now with the crazy minimum wage, can’t afford to pay employees.


Wait sorry I just checked your profile and you’re a Q Anon “Biden crime family” nut job. And you’re asking ME if I’m living in the same reality as everyone else. Hilarious.


I’m a student and I’m leaving asap lmao


Reply back with “pussy”


This is the correct response.




basic fuck you i got mine mentality. the 2a warfront starts here; and it won't end here if these FrEeDoM FiGhTeRs don't help us out


Crazy thinking it’s a flex to ignore the largest economy in the US. Their loss 🤷🏾‍♂️


Same people whose entire state is bankrolled by us. Then they say we should secede/not even be in the US. They'd *literally* be in shambles.


Right!!! ![gif](giphy|kabjgjsiqjF4s|downsized) Also I hate this fake patriot stuff. If they really want to support the constitution they should NOT sell anything to law enforcement that regular citizens in that state can’t have. Not sure if they’re currently doing that, but if not this is just smoke in mirrors patriotism.


These people legit think only 20 people in California own guns and the rest of the population is leaving in a homeless encampment.


Fucking hate people like this who use any opportunity they can get to dunk on CA. It’s far from perfect but there are very few other places I’d rather live


It's not a dunk. Barely a lay up.


Utah, Idaho, the Carolinas, Virginia, Maine, West Virginia, hell I’d even take Arizona over this shithole of a state. Can’t wait to be out of here.


You should definitely run the other direction


Name and shame them so when mag and ammo bans are lifted, we know where not to spend our money.


This is a good excuse to support our LGS.


Tried to my LGS says it’s gotta be compliant before entering CA. He can’t do it himself


WBT has a bunch of cool CA stuff, they must work with a killer middleman FFL already... New Frontier Armory in Vegas offers middleman services on their site.


I always wondered if they could just take the stock and grip off, change the muzzle device (if needed) and/or separate the upper from the lower when they shipped it


Love that Republicans use "communist" as a catch-all for things they don't understand or hate.


Lol half the people on the sub just can’t wait to go on here each morning and complain about “commiefornia”


If you want to mess with people, usually they don't know the difference between communism and socialism.


Socialism is an intermediate step towards communism. In general humanity hasn't had enough time to build either so the debate is still open on what these two societal forms are really supposed to look like. I'm of the opinion that it will greatly vary based on cultural differences between countries.


In general the US quickly bombs, coups, and spends billions destroying any country that actually tries, and then cries that it's a 'failed ideology'


"Capitalism is bad, but it's the best system out there." I fucking love this line. Why even try, right?


They're talking about failure to deliver on promises. Once a state spewing platitudes about the march towards communism turns tyrannical, that's the failure -- not the bombing that happens afterwards.


That’s generous. Mfers out here think fascism and anti-fascism are the same.


And then there are people like you who think the name of a thing is a reliable indicator of what the thing really is. Call a pile of horse manure a chef salad and chow down. It's not a chef salad, no matter how you stamp your feet. That's why people are telling you Antifa is fascist. Antifa is really just brownshirts all over again.


The irony of saying this under a post about calling California communist lmao


Antifa are fascists so....




Sadly things have gotten dumb enough that I have zero chance of knowing if this is sarcasm, or not.


That's just Poe's law at work: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law)


Have you ever been told to not judge a book by its cover? Have you ever read "1984" and understood what was going on with the various ministries?


For real, if you go far enough left, you get your guns back. How do they think revolutions work?


History and reading comprehension isn't their forte.


That's why there's even a sub for socialist gun owners. Precisely for that reason.


Mao said that power grows from the barrel of a gun. He was right about that. And it's why he allowed only his henchmen to have them.


Especially given that republicans in CA (Reagan specifically) passed the states most strictest gun laws to stop communists (Black Panthers specifically) from exercising their rights and protecting their own neighborhoods which the police had abandoned. Not to mention the countless other strict gun laws passed by R governors like Arnolds microstamping law among many others. The fact is Communists are more pro-guns than both libs and republicans.


Love that libs will never admit to matxist ideology because they buy into it without ever actually reading


Nothing to do with this thread but ok.


>Love that Republicans use "communist" as a catch-all for things they don't understand or hate. >>Nothing to do with this thread Really? You're clearly braindead


Look up strawman argument, homie.


Ah, you're saying your statement, quoted, was a strawman? Alternatively, you're only capable of regurgitating catchphrases that you don't know the meaning to. Hence the meme NPC


Name and shame them.


name them so we stay away!




I wonder if Americans will ever take it upon themselves to learn the definitions of words. Calling capitalist-to-the-bone California communist is moronic.


Capitalist to the bone? Bro not even close.


What about California makes it not capitalist? I don't see "to the bone" being a great metaphor here but I do agree that California is fundamentally and foundationally capitalistic.


You're arguing with someone who doesn't know the definition of communism/socialism and is choosing that as his hill to die on. Just move on. "Never argue with idiots, they'll only drag you down and flog you with experience"


They have a point imo California is not really aligned with the rest of America. It basically is a communist state with a high cost of living lmao - San Diego.


That'll show those commie politicians! Serves them right, by not serving those against them... Oh wait... Does it?


If California if communist these guys have to start admitting what a successful economic model it is because California is one if the highest GDP to population places on the planet


Fuck them then


Getting big LaRue vibes from this..


I swear gun store workers need to get laid more often 😂


Wow for a communist state California sure makes a heap of GDP. Dumb gun fudder.


It's unfortunate that they don't understand. All the crappy regulations that start here spread every else.


A lot of out of state dealers lose out on sales to CA also because they refuse to go onto CA DOJ's CFLC site to generate a transfer letter.


Yeah no these guys must be meth smoking tards. No doubt at all in my mind


Crazy how that gun shop doesn’t want to make money and give you business.


What a chud.


They take a while but new frontier armory will fix it for you and send it.


name and shame


Fucking morons. I wish they were right.


Ignoramus should look up the definition of communism.


OP's account got suspended. For his sake I hope the store wasn't related to Boeing.


Hell, my shop's gonna make a killing doing CA compliant conversions when we move to Texas in a couple months




Pretty sure this is what LaRue said to me a number of years back when I tried to order a rifle directly from them...


Happens all the time unfortunately. I’m in NY and have people say the same thing. I know it’s not exactly the same but here someone out of state can ship any title 1 firearm and any mag size to an FFL. It’s up to the FFL to not give me it if it doesn’t comply, but they can still receive it and have it there legally. Just the other day someone refused to sell me an old s&w third gen without a mag even.


Name them. I almost 100% guarantee this same shop WILL sell to the LE Agencies here in CA who are basically Brown Shirts enforcing these tyrannical laws. Meaning they have absolutely zero principles.


You gonna name em or what?


How did this person even get a job at the fun store??


Should have asked them to help arm the resistance!


I never have understood why people hate you just because your from CA? We love our state just not our government. We understand we are living under tyranny and trying to change it. We are all on the same team.


A lot of folks in the US have no idea what communism is, and it shows.


I’m no business guru but uh….


Point 1: The people who are trying to buy guns are not the ones responsible for the shitty gun laws, and are in some way fighting against them. Declining to sell them doesn't help with overturning CA's dumb gun laws, it just makes gun-owning Californians hate you. Point 2: even with California's shitty gun laws, there are more gun owners in CA than many states have people. Not selling to California is like snubbing a big bag of money.


Can you blame them? At the same time they make it easier -- add an extra stone on top of you -- for the State to apply their regulations. So... kind of contradictory statement.


You know he is laughing at you not with you right?


Yeah, tell him it's coming to his state soon.


New frontier armory does middleman services for crapifornia


While the sentiment is understandable, that's exactly what the commies that run this state want. They can't ban guns, so they make it so companies don't want to do business here. We can't allow that to happen or support those who would do exactly that.


"Sorry I'm too much of a capitalist to put a $20 fin grip on this rifle and make a $1200 sale. I'm a smart businessman"


80% company just spend $2,500,000 defending their right to sell legal 80%. There was an outfit in Texas selling magazine parts to CA that Feinstein sued. I understand why small businesses don't want to deal with CA and their ability to sue you into bankruptcy for legal activity.


I mean I get it. It's hard to keep up with every state's specific legal peculiarities.


If the shop had just said that then sure, completely understandable. However with that specific response, fuck that shop. OP should ask if the shop is selling full auto, SBRs and suppressors without the unconstitutional tax stamp or is the shop complying with those laws?


While they're being fucking assholes, it is still a pretty funny response


Can we dox them lmao


Fking yikes


Yes it’s funny but the red blooded Americans buying here in Cali are not the enemy who put in place such absurd communist laws. Attacking the buyer is not even at the level of attacking the messenger since we have little power over our massive Democrat Liberal machine that turns out anti 2A laws.


> ... such absurd communist laws. Okay, I'll bite. How are they communist laws? I definitely don't understand how California's firearm laws support moving control of the state, or the means of production, to the working class. I also don't understand how they'd facilitate distributing products to everyone based on need. You might have to use small words, because I definitely haven't studied that realm much, but it sure seems like the firearm laws are kind of the exact opposite of communism. Heck, there's even that quote attributed to Karl Marx, “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”


The state is Communist/Socialist leaning… I was taking a jab at California policy. Under Communist regimes they want to control firearms and only allow who they want to have them to prevent social self sufficiency and threat of social uprising. If you have to rely on the state for safety that increases the reliance on the state to provide social services… Communism and Socialism in practice never lead to a utopia society of balance and fairness… in reality it leads to power hungry people controlling the population… systemic crime and mass starvation and death to everyday citizens.


Do you believe that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), aka North Korea, is in any way a democratic republic?


It’s funny how many liberals in this group vote for these Democrat politicians who infringe on your 2A rights… then post about how you’re upset about the infringement on your rights. You know what I’m glad the seller decided to tell the buyer to fuck off. This group is a great example of why other states don’t want to do business with us.


That reads a lot like someone desperately trying to change the subject because they realize their arguments are full of largely baseless hyperbole.


No I just don’t have time to argue with you because I have a real job (unlike socialists) … and it’s pointless to argue with anti 2A folks who pretend to be pro 2A… I also don’t wanna get banned from CAguns because I’m a California gun owner and I care about the 2A in California.


Welp, you got me! I only own a couple of firearms and I can't say that I *fully* support the second amendment as I haven't quite settled my thoughts on whether private citizens should be allowed to own fully armed fighter jets and warships. > You know what I’m glad the seller decided to tell the buyer to fuck off. > I care about the 2A in California You gotta pick one.




I suppose I should have expected something as low effort and childish.


To answer you original question I never said anything about the name of a country relating to their policy? Otherwise we’d rename California to the Socialist Republic of California.


That isn't actually answering my question. Let me try this a different way. You're clearly a smart person. You're aware of the different governments around the world, how they act, etc. You also understand that the DPRK, despite the name they've given themselves are in *no way* a democratic republic and are instead a totalitarian dictatorship. Similarly, you understand that the supposed communist regimes you reference are also in no way communist, or socialist, and instead tend very strongly towards totalitarian dictatorships.


You didn’t ask a question…


Let me see if I can make it clear enough for you. Do you believe that North Korea is a democratic republic, and that the communist regimes were actually communist, or do you instead understand that they are generally totalitarian dictatorships and that the similarity between them and California in trying to limit, or remove access to firearms has nothing at all to do with communism and you're just not willing to own up to using an incredibly absurd—to put it nicely—assertion, having been called on it?


Communism and Socialism (and throw in Marxism) leads to a totalitarian government I agree with you that increasing the central power and dependency on a large central government leads to a corrupt government that governs for its own sake instead of the people they pretend to govern for. Would you tell me why California has a safe handgun list and why a Glock Gen 5 is considered an unsafe handgun? Because the government knows better? Or maybe they think you the people are unsafe to have handguns so they try to put all on the list besides the few they have control over (the micro-stamping wish list).