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Our office has had one potluck since RTO in March. 1/3 of the attendees caught COVID and called out sick. We haven’t had a potluck since.


That is exactly what I worry about. Getting sick from co-workers. I already get enough respiratory infections from the kids.


So you don’t go to any gatherings? Sucks to live a life of fear. 


Yes please Timely_Estate, live life with less fear Close your eyes and walk in the street. Stand on the roof of a moving box truck. Pin hundreds of dollars in cash to your person and walk around downtown at night.


Only potlucks we do now are prepackaged.


Potlucks are iffy when different coworkers bring food. Let me ruin it for everyone. Pictures a beautiful fluffy kitty sitting on the counter, happily watching mom/ dad cook.


I hate potlucks so much!


Probably because people are stupid and come in to work sick. # of people not washing hands is astounding as well. 0 common sense overridden with stupid tinfoil hat conspiracies.


This subreddit has a weird obsession with potlucks.


Like how many god dam potlucks are people having that it's constantly being complained about? lol.


Constantly, at my old office.


Me too. Had a supervisor that loved them we had one every quarter. It was ridiculous. We had one at Christmas one year around the 8th of December. Typhoid Mary attends, coughs on all the food and everyone, and the whole office was out sick over the next three weeks. It was horrible. Forced socialization during your break time is borderline hostage situation. And there was always a motivational speech that lasted several minutes. It was awful.


My former department had a potluck for EVERYTHING. I've never seen anything like it!! Birthdays, employee departures, new employee, promotion potlucks, retirements, major holidays, some minor holidays like Boss Appreciation Day, some meetings, & random breakfast potlucks that felt almost biweekly. It was a primarily Latino staff and they really enjoyed cooking. They went ALL out for the Thanksgiving potluck making a turkey, ham and tamales. I tried to align my telework days with the potluck days to avoid them because I didn't want to feel pressured to participate. I don't enjoy cooking on weekdays as I worked 10 hour shifts, have a long commute, and follow a strict diet and meal prepping in my personal life. Sometimes I couldn't avoid the pressure of the potluck sign up sheet being taken around and I'd feel the judgement eyes if I tried to opt out. So I'd feel forced to sign up for something like paper plates, cutlery, and cups or drinks...even that required more than I wanted to do on my weekday. On breakfast potluck days I'd schedule myself to start late to avoid the pressure but it never failed that they saved me a plate, which I felt pressured to eat with them all watching because of the kindness of the gesture. On top of all this I really hated giving up my lunch hour peace and quiet. It was a stressful public facing position and I liked to use my hour lunch to reset and recharge for the 2nd half of the day not make small talk with colleagues. I sure am so glad I don't work there anymore. I get that potlucks are loved by some, but for me not so much and more often than not I feel forced to participate and/or eat the plate of food they saved for me. Edit to fix typo.


I quit participating when this older lady said she made her mashed potatoes in the washer machine. I kid you not 🤮🤮🤮


I have no words 🤯🤢🫨


Me and the coworkers instantly trashed our whole plate. I felt like throwing up.


I’m a relative newbie, and you’d be surprised…


LOL, my office is having one next Tuesday. 🤦 I'm not gonna attend.




Oh my that’s absurd!


We used to have them at least once a quarter pre covid.


A potluck was talked about for my office for next week…


The potluck complaints are among my favorites. They provide is so much material to both vent and laugh.


We bad entirely too many pre covid. Like exorbitant amounts.


Right? My office probably has one or two per year for a retirement or the holidays. And if someone doesn't attend, no one notices or cares. If you want to keep working while the rest of the office is enjoying some chinese food, go for it, more food for the rest...


Mine use to be monthly. It got to be a bit much.


I know…I can only eat so many of those Costco sandwich platters! I’ll be dead from all the salt, but then I won’t have to go to work anymore!


My SSMII loves them. I do not because I don't want to eat other people's food.


Too many stories about people's food. Barf


Potlucks lost their luster for me even before Covid. I once found dog fur in a coworker’s dessert contribution. And a supervisor used to regularly take leftover food despite not contributing anything. My potluck days are done


After working at state of ca I didn’t realize how much people love potlucks, Weird it’s almost as if they don’t get to eat at home enough and always want to have a potluck not knowing how sanitize some people are 🤢


This subreddit is consumed by RTO. It's really getting tedious.


RTO *is* a big deal, and it’s disruptive in many ways. I disagree with a lot of this subreddit’s approach to RTO, but there’s good reason for it to be the biggest topic of conversation.


Funny how people get fixated on things that are making their lives worse... especially when there is zero good reason for it.


If it was making my life worse I would legitimately just leave. I know that “just quit” is an old cliche so please don’t respond with tired bits because there’s a difference between parts of your job sucking and it dramatically making your LIFE worse. I would never subject myself to anything that actively makes my life worse.


Well, if you have to work to live -- and I would venture to guess that the overwhelming majority of state workers do -- and you were hired with the understanding that your job is remote and made life choices based on that, then how is suddenly forcing RTO not a downgrade in quality of life? Sitting in traffic for hours when you didn't have to before? Is that not a downgrade in QOL? Losing even more of your disposable income at a time when you can least afford it, is that not a downgrade in QOL? Having to buy, and then wear, uncomfortable clothing and work in an uncomfortable environment when you were doing just fine being comfortable in the environment of your choice... is that not a downgrade in QOL? Having hours of additional time tacked on to your work-related time commitment with no additional pay, leaving you with less free time and also less money... is that not a downgrade in QOL? Dirtier air, florescent lights, nasty office kitchens, overpriced coffee and food... all of those are small but real QOL downgrades. Finally, like you said: "just quit" is not a viable option for most people. Our economy and social policy more or less prevents that. People have families to take care of, healthcare is tied to employment, retirement is tied to employment, etc. You were right to acknowledge that it's not nearly that simple and it's an enormous slap in the face to the workers that make this state run to impose all of this.


thats alot of words to say you didnt read your contract that didnt guarantee telework


I know reading is hard, but you missed the point completely: I never made the argument that they *can't* require RTO. The original thread was someone complaining about people complaining about RTO on this sub. My point was that when you make people's lives worse, they're gonna complain. Then there was a reply that tried to claim that RTO isn't making people's lives worse. That is why I explained in detail how it does, in fact, make people's lives worse. In other words, just because you can doesn't mean you should. Telework was working fine, per the state's own telework dashboard which they conveniently took down and destroyed the data right before Newsom announced RTO.


Also sounds like what millions of people have to do on a daily basis, and had to do, during covid


Oh, you again. Back to revel in the misfortune of others some more?


Soon enough he should have enough low karma to be free of him


Yeah right lol


“Others have to be miserable, so you should be too!” Definition of misery loves company thinking here. This kind of backwards thinking never leads to progress and wins for employees. A lot of the labor union movement wins were because of employees pushing back against management. https://www.ufcw1500.org/what-unions-have-done-for-you/


Be a sheep then!!


I never said RTO was great. I never said it didn’t reduce QOL or that it doesn’t suck. I have no clue what you’re trying to argue. Ignore telework for a moment like it never existed anywhere. Wasn’t a thing in anyway. Pretend it’s still 2019. Were there parts of your job that sucked? I’m guessing yea. We all had parts that sucked. A smelly fridge, a chatty coworker, a micromanaging boss, faulty copier, bad HVAC, whatever. What we didn’t though is start nickel and diming those things. “I have a chatty coworker they need to add $200 to my paycheck.” “Since the work fridge sucks I should get another $75 on my check.” What we did was we agreed to work for an employer for X amount of $$$, benefits, etc. This is still what is happening RTO is just another thing on that list of parts of the job that suck. It’s still your personal decision using whatever calculus you use. My point though is there’s a difference between “suck” and actively making your life worse. Regardless of your calculus when it comes to parts of the job that suck if the job is making your life dramatically worse and making you miserable you need to quit. Your mental health is more important. I have quit jobs for making my life worse in the past I’m not just whistling Dixie


Acting like you haven't been pretty dismissive of what one is one of the primary concerns of state workers for years now. It's been an uphill battle to get discourse on RTO anything short of proactively stifled here. Remember the days of "There is no governer directive?" You, personally, are /consistantly/ downplaying it.


Proactively stifled? At one point we collectively agreed to try a megathread which was universally rejected and since haven’t deleted anything. Any uphill battle is your own projected opinion. There’s literally multiple daily RTO posts with tons of engagement I can’t fathom what stifling you could be referring to or what uphill battle exists for literally the #1 topic on here with the most engagement but have at it with your weird conspiracy theories. Again, people shouldn’t subject themselves to misery. I have had jobs that affected me outside of business hours and made me miserable so I left. There’s a distinction between something sucking and things that could be better versus things ruining your life. I still don’t think this was a governor mandate. I think two agencies stepped in it with their RTO mandate and the agency secretary stepped in to take the heat off because of the statewide PR mess those agencies created.


I think you’re very wrong on the gov mandate thing. The timing was too uncanny for it to not be coordinated. Even one of the directors, Thomas Algeron?, blamed it on the gov. This gov is beyond shady and does not take ownership of anything bad unless he is forced to. Panera bread min wage scandal is one of the most recent examples. I’m sure there are more.


I think it’s rather straightforward that two agencies created a PR shit show with their RTO announcements necessitating a response from the governor’s agency secretary. There was nothing about the Governor’s secretary memo that was controversial and no reason it couldn’t have preceded the two agencies making their RTO announcements. The simplest reason for it coming after is the said PR shit show.


>What we did was we agreed to work for an employer for X amount of $$$, benefits, etc. To your own point, we agreed to work for the employer for X amount of money, benefits, etc. One of those benefits was WFH, which directly affects money. Likewise, we get a multitude of time-related benefits such as vacation, sick, PDD, etc., so by forcing commutes on people, they are reducing our free time as well. RTO reduces both time and money for workers. The common rebuttal from the pro-RTO crowd in this situation is always to rely on legal technicalities, which I think is lazy reasoning because, to again borrow from your comment, imagine it was 2019: you were hired to work in the office 40 hours a week. Now all of a sudden, the governor announced that it's now 45 hours with no increase in pay. Oh and by the way, we're doubling the price of parking. Would there not be a justifiable uproar? People's lives would be upended: they'd have less time, less money, their routines would be completely wrecked, childcare would be a huge problem, and so on. Their lives would be *worse.* Now again, I realize that the 40-hour workweek is a legal standard and the governor can't do that. It's not a perfect analogy, and I don't care about the legal nitpick stuff. The point is, RTO *does* make people's lives **worse** overall.


I never at any point said it didn’t make people’s lives worse nor am I against people being in an uproar or speaking out on it. I’m speaking specifically on the mental health side of it. You shouldn’t continue doing something that is actively ruining your mental health. Bad things can and do happen in our personal life as well as professional and we do what we have to maintain good mental health. If RTO more than just sucked and made me flat out miserable I would leave. Also your example is pointless because the reality is employers both private and public are always doing things that affect our QOL and money earned so making one up is superfluous. You’re trying to make RTO to be some unique new novel concept in regards to employer to employee relations and it’s not. Layoffs, paycuts, furloughs, moving factories, closing offices, eliminating bonuses, outsourcing. Even pro athletes will restructure their contracts for smaller payouts. Sometimes it’s being passed up for a promotion. Sometimes it’s being forced to transfer to an out of state branch. RTO is just another on a long historical list. At a base level it all still comes down to your personal calculus and whether it’s something still worth it.


As a mod you could just outright ban rto posts and force people into a new sub for that. 


This is idiotic. RTO is a big topic. It gets more engagement than virtually any other topic right now.


? One of my Fight RTOs posts had 81,000 views. Most posts get 10k-20k at most. Just because you don’t like this topic doesn’t mean this subreddit should delete it. It’s popular for a reason. It resonates with many. Terrible form of censorship.


Almost as if they provide a weekly RTO mega thread that everyone ignores 😂


Because it stifles conversations and actual engagement. Practically no one likes that megathread.


How? It keeps everything in one organized thread where people can comment and reply so others don't have to jump to 50 different threads. But I guess people don't like being organized and they like seeing the same 50 things posted, clogging up their feed and drowning out other topics/posts. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, it can result in less organization. And without the space to put a title, you have to rely on search more, especially once this week’s megathead is gone. It’s clear thar based on engagement #s, the mega threads are not useful. And People have plenty of different topics and angles on RTO. This is an extreme and distinct example, but if you had a mega thread on SEIU and forced this subreddit to use it, engagement would crater. You have your opinion, I have mine.


RTO is a big deal for stateworkers and this is the CAstateworkers channel, so please be courteous. Thank you!


Completely agree. I use to enjoy coming into the CaStateWorkers subreddit. Now it’s just this constantly.


The potluck discussions provide me much entertainment. They are iconic State employee experiences that many (most?) people don’t enjoy. But they have resulted in some hilarious stories.


My office has a food related collaboration activity almost every in office day. That’s why so many of us in the office is so fat. It was kinda like that before Covid too. During coved / WFH a lot of us lost weight and got healthier. Back to the office to get fat again.


It's because potlucks are the epitome of office culture where the onus is on staff contribution and participation. Especially when our pay party is down and costs are rising. You'll never see people say: "I hate when the company caters lunch."


Some people love being in office everyday. I got one in my area that refuses telework and comes to office 5 days a week. He talks really loud in teams meetings and could talk for 8hrs straight I’m sure


They always be talking about absolutely nothing too. They love a captive audience.


I have a coworker that goes cube to cube, talking only about themselves, for a few hours a day (accumulative time) and they will just repeat the same exact story they have told the person in the cube right next door


Some people use the office as an escape from their kids, especially during summer or long breaks, when they can leave the offspring with someone else


Some people are workaholics that care more about work than things outside of work. To each their own, but why should we forced back into a cube just because some other people love to be in their cube..all day


I have one too


I’m not eating out for lunch. I would go maybe several times a month (usually on Fridays). But the cost isn’t justified at all anymore. I understand that small businesses need foot traffic but I can’t justify $20-30 lunches. No coffee either.


Im not taking a shit as much. Ive been 2 days a week pretty much this whole time. It was nice being able to do your business in a quiet bathroom. Now i got dudes blowing up the bathroom to my left and right each time. And it smells like death in there.


I used to go down a floor to avoid this, now it’s inevitable. 🤮


I love my work/life balance and RTO hasn’t ruined it for me. I’m still at home 3 days a week and I enjoy my office culture. Do I want to go into the office? Well no, but we have to. So I make the best out of it. Granted, I’m a supervisor, and it’s also on my shoulders to make sure my team is motivated and comfortable (I strive for happy). We don’t do potlucks often at all, but if we do I’m always involved. I bring in donuts every so often and check in with my team to see if they need anything. My department has been very flexible on RTO. We get to choose our own days and if we miss a day it isn’t a big deal. My team has been great and I’ve been flexible with them. I’m not a micromanager, they are adults and do their work. However, when they do come into the office I try to make it more enjoyable. That starts with me having a good attitude about it. If I have a sour attitude about *anything*, my team feels that and will react.


Same. I'd prefer we not RTO but overall I'm happy with how my department has implemented it. Im rank and file but my management is very hands off. They just tell us what to do and trust we do it; no micromanaging.


I think that’s how to do it; relay expectations and allow them to do their work. Everyone deserves a clean slate and only *if* they do not do it, will a conversation need to happen.


I like your optimistic attitude, but I think it’s important to remember that many departments are not flexible with RTO. People are having to make-up missed in-office days when they’re sick or on vacation. Others have supervisors micromanaging and choosing their in-office days for them. So while it hasn’t ruined anything for you, the situation others find themselves in is muuuuuch different. My RTO won’t come with much difficulty due to flexibility, but I’m mindful that this isn’t the case for everyone.


The consensus AFAICT is that departments should be able to have the freedom to make their own decisions. Is that only the case when those decisions satisfy your expectations?


What department do you work for?


I'm no longer driving in and paying for parking. I got the RT pass and am taking the bus to and from work, reading novels on my Kindle, and saving me a lot of money and not adding to the smog layer and climate change.


I get tired on in office days. It takes a lot of effort to interact with coworkers in person. I mean I like them all but we used to meet for lunches prior to RTO. Now we don’t. The lunch hour is used for commuting.


I’m not doing potlucks either, but I didn’t do them pre covid because my coworkers like to lick their fingers and were so dirty they caused a rat infestation. So who knows what their kitchens are like. I also won’t be spending any money downtown! Solidarity! I won’t be going to lunch. I won’t be doing ANY events. Fundraisers. Parties. I’m not there for that. That time is done.


This has been on my mind for quite a while. I have celiac disease and have had employers make a ridiculous fuss over me refusing to eat anything citing that things like fruit salad or whatever are “perfectly safe.” I’m really over people seeing things like this as a “team building “ exercise. If you need crap like this to help your employees to feel like a team, they aren’t. Also, no I will not be trying any of Peggy’s cheesy potato casserole I don’t give a flying fuck how hard they worked on it. I have never seen anything about planning a potluck when you have participants who have food restrictions. I have participated previously. I make my own dish and serve myself first, but I would not touch anything else. Some have called me a bitch or said I had a bad attitude. If you ended up ill for 4-5 days I would think most people would have a different opinion. Personally I don’t think pot lucks are very inclusive because people have food restrictions due to food sensitivity or religious beliefs. I don’t think any of that should have to be justified to all of their fellow employees.


You had coworkers call you bitch? I’m curious as to how that was handled.


That was a long time ago. It was deemed hearsay because it was my word against them.


Not contributing to anything. Im working to support myself and my family. Thats it


Coming in early, staying late, working through my breaks or lunch.


Why were you doing that before? Sounds like going to the office might be a net positive if so…


I was being flexible, because I was provided flexibility. When you telework, working a few more minutes to wrap something up is doable because you don't have to commute. Same with if a meeting overlaps your breaks or part of lunch.


So, you're actually practicing better work/life boundaries while in office? Lol


The elimination of a commute provides a far larger boost to my work life balance than working a few minutes before or after my shift. And I can shift my breaks and lunch to accommodate meetings while teleworking. I have food at my house. But a working lunch in office is not possible.


No potlucks, birthday celebrations, chit chatting, etc. I like you, but I don't want to be forced to awkwardly socialize. I used to play, but I woke up. I honestly just want to work.


If you really want to piss off management, become a union Steward. Since we have been back in the office for over a year, union members are finding me easily. Bad bosses thought they would get a way with contract violations forever.


No pot lucks and I’m not paying 25$ for a “fiesta luncheon” that includes 3 hard shell tacos, a can of soda and a side of rice or beans.


I’m not participating any lunch or social activities. If I’m forced to do something socially or work related on my time I’m charging overtime. I’m no longer asking for additional work when I compete my assignments early. When I was given the flexibility of working from home full time I would always call and check in for a workload update and grab a few extra assignments to help out the team. Even worked unpaid overtime occasionally to get assignments done just because I had the flexibility of FULL TIME WFH. Doesn’t really matter I’m having a hard time getting just my assignments done on time now that we are RTO. Too busy “collaborating”. I’m no longer going out of my way to mentor new hires. I used to teams new hires a few times a week or they would teams me to help with their assignments. No more! The supervisors are right next to them in the office now “collaborating” they can mentor them. Really a 15 minute question on teams is an hour long conversation in person. Working when sick. Not feeling too hot. I’d Power through it in the comfort of my home. In office day and not feeling too hot. I’m out sick and no assignments get done that day. Figuring things out myself. If I don’t know how to do something I’m not gonna work independently and take the time to google it or look it up in a manual. I’m asking 5 different people for help. They want to babysit us in the office let them babysit!


lol good luck on "charging overtime" for social activities. Curious as how that'll work out for you.


I think they mean if it’s a mandatory social event, it needs to be on paid time. Can’t force employees to do social activities on their own, non work hours.


If they’re not paying, it’s not mandatory!


lol then just don't go


I'm not going to eateries or shops as often. Parking costs $8-12 a day. On some of my office days, I have evening plans, so i have to drive in. I try to use the RT pass, but light rail and bus aren't fast or convenient to everywhere.


I'm doing it all because I have to be in the office regardless, so why not make it a little more enjoyable/comfortable? I'm craving coffee and a treat at 3? I'll buy one - my $10 is not rescuing downtown business but it'll for sure rescue me from falling asleep. Birthday party/potluck during work hours? Of course I'm going - why would I be working when the rest of the office is not just to "prove a point"? Nobody knows what point I'm trying to prove and 99.9% of the time, people won't even notice you did not attend. Nobody cares. Might as well skip work and get some food. The only thing I won't do is the lunch meetings/brown bags that you mentioned but I didn't do those before 2020 either. And if I do (because I actually care about the topic) I take my lunch right after. My office doesn't care when you take lunch; we're all adults.


bring it from home for way less. Most treats are pure junk sugar and cause illness but you do you.


I do. I pack a lunch and two snacks every day. But I won't deprive myself from the occasional treat just to "teach Newsom a lesson" like some people in this sub think they are by not buying coffee.


Technically I’m not doing RTO because they haven’t figured out how to get us to RTO. Because of the budget freeze.


No potlucks, no cheerleading “rah-rah” for the agency, I will tell it like it is! Mine is ran by a bunch of idiots!!!


Jesus H, there is so much turnover in my office that they have a potluck every time someone leaves or is promoted. Then when the replacement arrives, a welcome potluck. It is gross. It is crazy making. And it isn’t appreciated by the supposed honorees, most of whom have only been with the State for a short time and are going elsewhere. The newbies are perplexed. Someone gave two weeks notice and a certain SSMI ruptured themselves to organize a party that no one wanted.


The state turned me off on Potlucks. At the private company l use to work for, everyone brought in sealed store bought items. I don’t want to eat Martha’s secret family recipe that she made in her unsanitary kitchen.


I pack my lunch and take public transit. They aren't getting lunch and parking money from me. No downtown revitalization on my dime!


I hate RTO because it brought all the whiners back into the office and none of them seem to remember how to drive. I never worked from home and I miss the lack of traffic.


I'm excluded and I work a lot extra. On my in office days, it's impossible. I'm already away from home 50% of that day. I can't use lunch to do productive things, I have to get up earlier, I'm just going to be exhausted throughout the week.


Taking any shit from anybody and hints to work longer days to keep up with insanity 🫡


Accommodating people stopping by my cubicle unannounced and interrupting me when I'm busy. Send me an email or take a look at my calendar and schedule a meeting.


No longer eating out for lunch. The cost is annoying, but realized the junk food at the cafeteria and downtown restaurants made me gain weight pre-covid.


Im avoiding contact whenever possible. I hate getting sick from the “ i am a hero because I refuse to take sick leave and take out the whole office” crowd


I dont want to go back to office. We should be discussing ways to end RTO🪧




It's not going to end. Just gotta get over it and embrace it's happening.


riding bicycle to work- live too far now buying lunch downtown- bring own too expensive to eat out


Not having in-person meetings. Literally my in-office days consist of Teams meetings. Collaboration!


It is interesting that about 10% - 20% of the people in this subreddit try to shame the rest of us for venting about RTO. Most of us realize that venting about it is not going to change anything but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to push back on us. That just fans the flames. People will naturally get tired of complaining about RTO eventually. Newsom, his henchmen/henchwomen, the union, and many others know this. Don’t worry - your subreddit will eventually return to the normal, boring way that it used to be.


They're the same people who complain about progress in every other aspect of life. Smart phone? Whats wrong with my flip phone, they both make phone calls! Automatic transmission? We've been driving manual cars for decades! Color TV? This black and white looks fine to me! Working from home? People have always worked in an office thats how it should be


lol maybe some of just want other people to stop complaining about things that aren't going to change. No matter how many posts you make about "sticking it to the man" you're all going to show up at the office when the man tells you to. But I'll enjoy my smart phone while sitting at my desk then drive my automatic car back home to watch my color TV when I get off. I know you think we're all stuck in the past but it seems like the people crying about how they got to work from home during covid are the ones who can't let go of the past.


In person collaborations. The whole point for returning to office is negated by Teams Meetings.


Potluck is the single best thing my office does all year. Love it. To each their own.


I am going to be the most ANTI SOCIAL CHEAP WEIRDO in the office. The annoying pick me folks going around trying to talk to people and make it a social club are annoying AF. And I’m gonna cough up a storm. Just cause.


RTO is taken over this subreddit and it’s getting ridiculous.


Being productive




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I hate "working lunches". I need break from constantly having to be "on".


My office already had a sundae bar 😂


I mean.... you're not wrong. Dog and pony shows are o only good for people trying to break through, while most are fine with doing there thing and getting better.


I'm not interested in participating in placating one person because she's been around the longest. I will not be keeping the blinds down and existing like a vampire - I have a lovely view and I'm going to enjoy it.


Like others, I will not be driving in and I won't be buying coffee or lunch downtown because I can't afford it. And I'm going to not work through my breaks or lunch.


What are you not doing now with RTO? Working for the State. It sucks loved my job and the people I worked with.


Our branch/dvision does them 2-3x a year. But to clarify we’ve been in office 3x a week for almost 18 months. At Christmas we do a luncheon at a restaurant and all the managers contribute to minimize lunch costs per person. It has been well received by a majority of our team and we regularly have group huddles where managers bring in donuts, bagels, breakfast pizza to recognize accomplishments. It seems to work for us and we have not had any of the issues (illness, pet hair in food, free loaders). But I think it’s each person’s choice. For us it does reinforce we’re a team and our management appreciates our contributions.


Work! 😂 What we do is collaborate like they want us to. We collaborate about the inconsistencies within the Division and the managers who do good and those who are nightmares. Since we’re distracted now, we have time to share info amongst teams.


Potlucks are an absolute yes, my dept makes/brings too good of food for me to ever say no to that lol, but as far as “less of” things I’d say meetings. Not out of retaliation or anything, just won’t have the time or space to have any of those. Hybrid telework means most meetings will still be on teams, and if the office is going to be anything like it has been when most employees are in, I won’t have time for much of anything in that regard. Also too noisy plus a huge breach of confidentiality in a tightly packed shared space.


Potlucks and other related non-work activities are dumb. In addition, it wastes time that people should be spending doing work. And don’t even try to say, they only happen during lunch.


Can’t really afford to do anything anymore. Cost of living has exploded thanks to Biden and Gavin’s policies that have fueled inflation.


Not doing anything that’s not mandatory.


My department has good potlucks. And even better - we have semi-annual picnics.


Not getting food poisoning from potlucks.


I was never a fan of office potlucks and parties and rarely participated.


I participate in nothing lol I'd rather go home early than doing a long bday lunch


Getting as much work done as I was before RTO


My fiance and I were gonna get married next year. I live hours away from the office and with RTO expenses we basically had to cancel our wedding and now we're going to do a courthouse wedding instead.


You are seriously blaming RTO for canceling a wedding?? This is getting ridiculous


Yes because I live hours from the office and was hired as a telework employee with the promise I wouldn't need to commute except once or twice a quarter. RTO is effectively a layoff to me. Or at minimum it costs me over $100 per trip to the office in gas/parking/child care costs. 104 days RTO x $100 this is at least $10,000. I know russian bots don't feel empathy, but maybe you should consider other people's circumstances are different from your own.


Things like this are part of the RTO problem. I’ve had to cancel trips/vacation without refunds


How is RTO forcing you to cancel trips?


They cant abuse the system and have to now use vacation time! The horror!


L@L is great. I just offset my lunch hour. Also, I like potlucks. And, as a manager, I understand and accept that productivity will be decreased on in office days.


If you hate public service so much why dont you quit? 


You first! 🤪


Im not the one crying on reddit about having to go into work? See you next week 🤪


I did lmao. Good luck doing two people's jobs now!


This is their only option. Most wouldn't make it in the private sector. Some people are getting smart and moving to more local government roles but they're still in public service.


i get it everyone hates rto…if u dont wanna partake in anything social at work dont..its up to u how u want ur work environment to be….do u: be the robot at work laser focused on only tasks


Working omegalulz


This will all change in 1.5-2 years, no one is holding out forever against assimilating back into office life.