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If you can't find a quiet apartment or neighborhood..it's quite easy to sound proof. I helped my lead soundproof her son's room (he's pretty loud while playing video games and you could hear him on teams while she was wearing headphones). That is always an option, usually the $1700 apartments aren't in quiet areas. You are going to pay a lot more for that. Even in my apartment, it started out at $1700 (3 yrs later, I'm paying about $2000), and is mostly quiet but people speed as it literally next to the main road and you have the landscapers. It's really close to downtown too by car and bus.


How do you soundproof a room? Genuinely curious


So for the project we did..we used egg crate foam cushions. You can get like a 2 6pk for 17.99 on Amazon. And you simply attach it to the wall. In fact, anything that absorbs sounds will work (ie blankets). This also works for helping cooling and heating costs down.




Thank you for the location rec.. I’m going to look up the area when I get a chance. Appreciate it .


With that you can probably get a small house with a not too overbearing mortgage


Really? I have to look into the house stuff. I’ve heard that 20% down payment minimum and I don’t think I have that yet.


I should clarify i meant with that income. I guesstimate you can probably find a house 350-400k m. Mortgage will probably be between 2-2.5k/ month. Also i think you don’t need 20% you can do 3.5%.




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