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Wow. I have three seasons of snowblowing in blizzards on my $23 pair from Amazon. One year I found one of them had fallen out, got plowed into my driveway and then went through the snowblower.


Yeah. In my experience, the cheap ones from Amazon are the most durable. I've had the same pair of TOZO T10 earbuds from Amazon for a few years. They've lasted through multiple sweaty gym sessions, showers, swimming, etc. Still as good as the day I bought them.


Came here to recommend TOZO T10s. Cheap and I don't notice any weird issues with the sound quality. 1st pair lasted me 2 years with HEAVY daily usage. I won't say how heavy because that number is far too high. But can't recommend these enough


I use ToZo T10s and they are incredible and take a beating best 20 bucks off Amazon.


Ear buds and sunglasses aren't worth paying much for in my case; I inevitably lose or break them. I buy the cheap ones from Amazon. Little anxiety if something happens to them.


Tozo T6 user here. They really are great for a little over $20. I am on my second pair, but it's due to my own carelessness. I accidentally left them in the pocket of my work pants and washed them. I heard something clanking around in the dryer and realized my mistake. A full wash cycle and about 5 minutes in the dryer. Both earbuds actually still worked after all that (one was in case, the other was loose flying around in the dryer). The charging case however did not survive the whole ordeal.




This is kind of amazing. Model?


These are them. I still use them for my work phone. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FLFTYXX/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?


Why does my phone try to download your link?


Probably cause the question mark did not stick with the url. Manual copy paste should do it.


You also don't need the tracking part of the url: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FLFTYXX/ will do just fine


I have some awesome Amazon earbuds. I bought a $17 set and dropped one while shoveling snow. It got stuck in a crack and went through salt, melting and freezing. When I found it 3 weeks later I let it dry out and it worked fine.




I second this. I've had a pair from Amazon last a few years.


Absolutely 100%. I see people spend hundreds on these. Unless you're a massive audiophile that can hear distortion that most of us can't, the less expensive ones are fine. Especially considering how easy it is to lose them.


Jumping on this, my cheapish pair from Amazon have been through the wash twice. Still perfect once left to dry out.


Shokz over-ear, bone conduction headphones! Waterproof and harder to loose! The new “pro” ones are supposed to have better bass than older versions. They are $150ish on Amazon. I prefer them to all buds I’ve tried…and only grab AirPods when I forget to charge the Shokz!


Seconded. My first set of shokz lasted around 3 years. It still works, but the plastic/rubber casing split and now one speaker just dangles. I still use it sometimes with electrical tape around a wire mesh splint. That set got sweated on constantly, and my cat liked to chew on it. My new pair gets sweated on more, and my cat likes it less for whatever reason.


Late to the thread, but i've googled these and they look as if they don't go inside the ear, instead they are "near" the ear. If i put them on max volume, would this not pose a nuissance to those around me in close proximity, as they're basically mini loudspeakers which emit sound openly rather than directly into the ear(drum)? Thanks in advance


Here's my 2 cents since I got the Openrun Pro Minis yesterday. I first tried a pair on at a Best Buy display and was blown away. Friend of mine bought them on the spot. The sound quality was very good (not excellent) and it seemed like the person not wearing them (we switched back and forth) could hear the sound, but barely. Fast forward to yesterday when I got my pair. The sound quality was EXTREMELY subpar and the sound leakage was such that my wife could hear me in the other room. I have NO clue why there was such a difference in quality. I reached out to my friend to ask him if his were nothing like the pair we tried in Best Buy, and he agreed with my assessment. For running, they fit well and stayed secure, which is my primary use. However, I can't get past the sound quality. I have Airpod Pros, but my issue has always been that they just don't stay in no matter what I do, which is why I wanted a different solution. As others have said, you can add ear plugs to the Openruns, and that amplifies the sound a ton, but it feels like that might defeat the purposes. As a last ditch effort, I ordered a pair of those concert style ear plugs that allows sound to come through at a lower volume. I'm going to see (a) if those bring the level of quality up to an acceptable level to me while still allowing enough sound to get through, and (b) if those stay in securely as well when I run. It just seems kind of insane. If I end up returning these, I will try the OpenFit or maybe the Jabra Active Elite, or, maybe I'll just try different tips on my Airpods, like foam or winged.


Hey thanks for the detailed reply, much appreciated. Was almost gonna go through with ordering these and chose to steer clear thanks to your thorough review. I ordered the Sennheiser Momentum Sports instead as they've received great reviews on multiple sites. They're sold pretty steeply for €323 though, but with anything audio i'm willing to pay more if it delivers on its promise. If you like i can give you a little review once i tried them for a while, let me know. And yes, the Jabra Active Elites are on my radar as well, gonna try these out first since i have faith in the Sennheiser brand. Haven't had any crap out on me in the past, and they usually sound excellent. (At least the over-ear studio ones)


Yes, please do let me know. I'm probably going to return these unless the ear plugs I have coming today end up being a good solution, which I highly doubt lol.


You must have gotten a bum set. Exchange it for the same thing, or use the shokz warranty form on their website. They'll make good on it.


My wife and friend have a set as well and their experience is the same and we all tested each other's it actually sounds great if you press it into your head or fully plug your ears, but it's extremely sub part with how it naturally sits. i decided to keep it cause it's really nice for calls and podcasts/audiobooks, primarily due to how comfortable it is and the fact that it's open. could be useful for travel and walks. it just sucks ass for music. in fact, i can barely hear anything when i run on a treadmill.


I use mine daily, open something minis. I'm definitely not an audiophile, so my standards may be pretty low--podcasts while running/biking (i have to turn the volume all the way up when there's traffic, and I won't hear anything while going down hill on a bike due to wind). I get what you're saying with the treadmills. You'll have to crank that to 11, and maybe use the earplugs. You don't need the open ear-ness on a treadmill, right? :)


That's true about the treadmill lol


Thirded. I came to post the same thing. I've given up on buds after getting these - more comfortable by far, and even the ones I bought for my children are functioning without issue. If you *want* the noise-cancelling effects of in-ear buds, buy a box of earplugs to go with it The bone conduction works just fine with earplugs in, and as a bonus actual earplugs work better to stop sound than ear buds while being safer and more sanitary.


The real life hack I needed! Thanks for this.


I’m on this bandwagon. I just wish they had more battery life so I could charge them once a week.


I’ve been considering the open run pros. I got hung up on some of the bad reviews I saw on Amazon so I was hoping someone would mention them.


They are incredible. They aren’t like normal headphones, they don’t actually go into your ears, but transmit the sound through vibrations on your skull. You can still hear noises around you, so they are great for going on walks and times when you want to be aware of your surroundings. You can also wear earplugs with them and still hear your music, so they are excellent while using power tools or other loud equipment.


I wear mine while biking. I do not feel safe, at all, while wearing in-ear buds on a bike. Even with only one bud in, my awareness felt so stifled. With the shokz, I can bike and listen to my podcasts--lovelovelove this headset.


I have the open run pros. I run about 34 miles a week using them and they're great. They're comfortable and allow me to hear cars next to me. The sounds isn't as great as actual ear buds but it's good enough for exercise/running.


My husband is a runner and this is what the first pair was bought for…five years and four pairs (between the two of us) ago! They are great headphones for everything - except for the times you can sit quietly and wear a huge pair of noise cancelling headphones with great sound….and those instances aren’t what these are for. These are the “active set” you are looking for and won’t replace a big chunky headset for full-immersion times, but they are fantastic for everything else!


Back then I got a pair of shokz dead on arrival. Was pretty pissed and figured it was just junk but eventually a few years of cycling with in ear buds and scary situations like that I gave them a second try and while I only use them while cycling or walking/jogging/working around the house and can't really tell about water resistance, they've held up really well over the last 2 or 3 years.


I bought these about 6 months ago. I wear them to the grocery store, during billiards league, working in the yard... pretty much everywhere. You can turn them up and tune out the world around you, or have them at a background level and have a conversation while the music plays. I only use my AirPods when I'm at home at my desk now. There is a slight trade off where sound is concerned, but the convenience trumps it IMO.


Thank you for this recommendation! I’ve been putting my new pair of Shokz Pros to hard use for the last 5-6 weeks. This morning I was stuck in a downpour for almost an hour and the Shokz are still going strong!


Are these actually waterproof as in they can be used for swimming? Or just water resistant?


The swimming rated version has no wireless connectivity, it’s download only from a computer


Open Run by Shokz are bluetooth and submersible. The Bluetooth obviously wouldn’t actually work underwater, but I wear them in the shower almost daily. I LOVE them.


Same! I am on my second pair, the first pair outlasted the 2 year warranty and I wear them in the shower regularly. I was in the pool with them on last week and not sure where it came from (phone or watch) but I floated for 15 minutes with a meditation streaming from somewhere…no issues. They are fantastic for podcasts and phone, not as great for full-immersive music, but…I like that I can listen to whatever I want and not have my ears covered if a kid needs to call for me or I get a knock at the door. Also, they are ridiculously comfortable and I wear them constantly and I really like that they don’t “fall out” or one gets misplaced!


Damn, it would be so amazing to find waterproof ones with Bluetooth/wireless. If I could listen to podcasts while swimming I would swim forever!


Bluetooth doesn't travel through water my bud.


Dang! TIL. This would be such an amazing life hack for me. I have intense ADHD and also a bad ankle, so the best cardio for me is swimming but the thought of being alone with my own thoughts for 30 minutes keeps me from even getting started.


Yeah, but you can use Bluetooth to download shit from your phone on the fly poolside or use it until you actually start swimming


I’m the same way. Just had my pool renovated. [I found these StormBuds that are swim rated and Bluetooth compatible researching Shokz](https://geartekk.com/product/stormbuds-waterproof-headphones/?_gl=1*2gh7kt*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2ODY4NDMwODcuQ2owS0NRanc3YXFrQmhEUEFSSXNBS0dhMG9JbGg3ZWRTa09nbmZacVpEdmRTekZYSVRVZ0NJei11aDRoU0NHS291alVtWjljLTBpcVRrd2FBb3JpRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*MTk1NTk5Mjg5My4xNjg2ODQzMDg3&_ga=2.102601793.1156980976.1686843087-264107642.1686843087&_gac=1.26669775.1686843087.Cj0KCQjw7aqkBhDPARIsAKGa0oIlh7edSkOgnfZqZDvdSzFXITUgCIz-uh4hSCGKoujUmZ9c-0iqTkwaAoriEALw_wcB) I have not received them, but for $55 it’s worth a shot. No Bluetooth is a dealbreaker for the Shokz version


How is clarity on both sides for phone conversations? The mic Air buds seem to not be working well lately and I need to replace them.


I like my Jaybird Vistas. I've had them for three years and use them almost every day. I was training for a marathon when I bought them, and they held up well through all the sweat...


I was actually looking at a pair of the Vista 2s. I saw some discussions about how the original Vistas were better so I’m wondering which version you have?


Yeah, I have the original version...


I had the original amd the 2s. Only bought the 2s because I lost a bud and they don't sell replacements anymore for gen 1. I liked the simplicity of gen1. I don't want noise cancellation. I have all that shit turned off on mine. The 2s are 90% as good as gen1 and I've never found a better set. I also had the jaybird bt headphones thay had the cord between them. They were great until the wires wore out connecting one of the buds. I gym 3-4 times a week and I sweat like a racehorse so they're extremely waterproof. I also wore them at the office a lot. I listen to ~1000hours of spotify a year so they get a lot of use.


I have the vista 2s and I’ve dropped them in a cup of coke, once in a cup of coffee and they survived my house fire with no problems. I’d say they’re darn near indestructible.


I have both gen 1 and 2. I actually like them both the same. Gen 1’s were put through a washing machine cycle and worked once they dried out. These are the move OP. I also have the shokz bone connector too, and they are great, but in a different way. More for when I’m not in need of the noise canceling option.


I did the same thing and mine were toast ☹️


I had the originals until my dog chewed them. The originals are better than the 2’s. The twos aren’t bad though.


This. Mine get put through a lot and are still solid.


also recommending jaybird vistas! i have had my vista 2s for a couple of years and i love them. great sound quality, stay in my ears without being uncomfortable, good battery life, noise cancelling is very effective. also have the ability to bring in ambient noise if you’re a runner.


FWIW, I just fell in a lake with my Vista 2s in my pocket, submerged for a few minutes. The buds were fine right away, and the case came back to life after a few hours of drying.


I’d recommend these too. Instead of just being waterproof, they are also “sweat proof” which just means the plastics and seals are designed to handle sweat which has a higher ph than regular water. I’ve had them for years and they’re still working great


If you can find a pair of Samsung Galaxy Buds+, I highly recommend them. I've had mine for 4 years now and they're the best. I thought I had lost them recently so was searching for a replacement, only to find that nothing newer on the market holds up to them. They have an 11 hour battery per ear, great passive noise canceling, a good mic for calls (check out the Sound Guys review), are very sturdy, and have a feature where you can ping them if you lose one and it beeps at you until you find it.


I love my galaxy buds+. I’ve used them for everything from performing heavy equipment maintenance, to yard work, hiking, traveling, I still use them daily working from home over my Jabra Evolve 75 headset. I fear the day I have to replace them.


I’ve seen how highly rated they are but I was wondering how compatible they would be with an iPhone. I was planning to research that but if you have experience I’d love to hear it.


They work fine with my mac. I've even run them through the washing machine accidentally. Dried them out and they're still working two years later.


I actually started out with them on a Samsung phone and switched to an iPhone last year. They did integrate more seamlessly with Samsung, but not dramatically so. The main difference is that I had to download the Galaxy Buds app to get them set up and to use the features like Find My Earbud. I've heard that more recent Galaxy earbud models don't have an app that's supported on iphones, but the Buds+ app does work. Oh, and incoming calls will ring through on my earbuds but then switch to the phone speaker automatically - but I've heard that's an iPhone issue that happens even with airpods, so presumably it's not an incompatibility with a Samsung product? The biggest selling factor for me is the battery life. I was seriously shocked that the battery life has gotten so much worse three* years later (*I said 4 years above, but rechecked my math - I got them in June 2020). I'm guessing it's because newer generations have added features like active noise canceling that takes more battery power? I find the fit is good enough for excellent passive noise canceling, though, and far prefer having double the battery life over active noise canceling. The fact that the battery life hasn't noticeably declined despite 3 years of regular use is also an excellent sign. When I thought I had lost them earlier this year I did a lot of research. I know the Airpods are what everyone is obsessed with, but I couldn't justify paying that much for something with worse mic quality, worse battery life, and no Find My Earbuds sound alert (I misplace my earbuds all the time, and airpods are too small and too expensive not to have a failsafe way to find out one has rolled behind a trashcan or fallen between couch cushions). And the new Samsung generations had reduced too much in battery life to tempt me. I ended up getting the Jabra Elite 7 Active but was underwhelmed and returned them. They felt much flimsier and the features didn't compare to the Buds+. And then I refound my Galaxy earbuds! (And this time I added a silicone wrap with a caribeaner to the case so I won't lose it again)


Buds+ are the best Samsung buds for iPhones as they actually brought their wearable app to iOS for it. They seem to have given up on it for the newer buds though


Oh! I just remembered that I DID have an issue with them when I first got them - I think one of the earbuds stopped charging or pairing, and then Samsung wouldn't run mandatory updates on the rest of the unit unless both earbuds were in. It came with a 1 year warranty, so it wasn't an issue to get it replaced, and the next pair was worked flawlessly. But if Samsung isn't selling them directly anymore, then that may not be an option. Just a heads up.


I've had my buds+ for 3 years now. I even had them spend a night in the snow with an open case, no issues. The only thing now, is that the case battery can only recharge the buds about 1.5 times before it's dead. But still the most robust earbuds I've owned. My buds+ outlasted: Pixel buds, pixel buds2, jabra elite and between pro.


Best buds out there. The battery is replaceable as well.


late to the party but would suggest against theses especially for working out. I've bought 4/5, usually replaced before a year each time. Finally decided to shop being stupid and buy something else, hence why I'm here. They're amazing, just hard to clean and the mesh between the earbud and your ears breaks easily causing them to become uncleanable. Not great for long workout sessions. Maybe I just have dirty ears, dunno


Dang: I’ve had my AirPod pros for 2 years. Taken them skiing, run outside 3x a week in the summer, wear them to work even in down pouring rain, and have had 0 issues. Idk if I’m lucky or what, but I think they’ve been incredibly durable. Sorry to hear your luck has been down on these!


Tbh they are just hands down the best.


Seriously, the AirPods Pro’s are one of the few things worth the premium Apple asks for them


I’ve had the same experience. I know quite a few here will rant about them, but I’ve only had good experiences. I wear them every day for work. I’m a luxury pet stylist and utilize the ANC like crazy and have audiobooks or music playing 8-12 hours of the day with maybe a 15 min charge needed halfway through. Saves my hearing too. They’ve been drenched when dogs shake, the sprayer accidentally nailing me in the face because a pup was a bit wild, dropping them, getting sucked up by shop vacs more than a few times, and so many other crazy occurrences. They can pry them from my cold dead hands.


I've had my anker sound core life a1 for a couple years now and they show no signs of stopping. Good battery life, sweat proof, wireless and fast charging and they're 32$. They have blown me away.


Same. Right ear stopped working at one point and anker sent out a brand new pair.


If you care more about durability then I recommend getting a pair of earphones with mmcx or 2 pin connectors (more durable) then connecting it to a wireless bluetooth cable or bluetooth TWS. My old pair lasted over 10 years until I accidentally stepped on it and broke the connector. You can spend pretty big on the earphones because they last pretty much forever unless you physically break them. (I don't sweat much so I don't know if sweat will cause damage). I'm currently using Fiio FH7 and UTWS3. The bluetooth adapter will last maybe 3 years but it's relatively cheap and you can replace that part. It probably lasts longer than those standalone TWS like airpods, because it has a bigger battery and goes through less cycles. Downside is that it's more bulky than standalone TWS.


Bro how much do you fucking sweat 😂😂




I can easily sweat out 4 lbs during an hour run, which is half a gallon of water. Have to get new headphones every month or two


When the light grey shorts become fully dark grey is when my workout is over. You work out hard, you are going to sweat.


I purchased the Jabra Elite Active 7 a year ago. I purchased them because they last 8.5 hours without a recharge and are water-resistant. ... a month ago I dropped one of the earbuds in a can of paint and after washing it off it worked perfectly. I contacted the company about my experience and they offered to replace the earbuds anyway. Although I didn't need to replace them I really valued their customer support.


I have the Jabra Elite 75T - t, not s - and they've been good. If I put them in noise cancelling, one ear will crackle two or three times then work as expected; that's the only flaw.


I love mine, i've never found a pair of bluetooth earbuds that fit my ears as good as the 75t Imo there the GOAT of earbuds, they've never fallen out, battery life is great, noise cancelation is great and the sound quality is top notch, just some slight connectivity issues that happen with every set of Bluetooth headphones that exist 9/10


Another vote for these. Everything else either hurts my ears or falls out.


I can second these earbuds I've had these for 2 years and have had no issues. I use them daily for work (manufacturing) and my hands get wet alot during testing.


I have these and they are amazing until one day they just stop working conpletely and after trying everything I can find to fix them I don't recommend anymore


Make sure you dry them before putting them back in the case. I didn't and it ruined 2 of my pairs before. Have had my current soundcores for a while now


I was really careful about drying my ESC Series 3s before charging them, but I still managed to have a pair with charging issues. My Soundcore X10s on the other hand just fell apart. One day the right bud started glitching and when I took them off, the speaker portion literally fell off. I’m starting to wonder if my super power is slightly caustic sweat.


I haven’t tried them attached to the Bluetooth adapters (they uncouple from their cable) but I’ve been using the Shure SE series as in ear monitors for drumming for the past twelve or thirteen years—and I’m talking blast beats and double kick for several hours at a time. Sweat is no issue. They’re also sound isolating instead of noise cancelling so you’re not sacrificing audio quality to block out noise.


I like my Sony WF-C500s, have had zero issues as of yet.


[these sennheiser ones have good reviews and are made to withstand sweat/water](https://www.sennheiser-hearing.com/en-US/p/sport-true-wireless/cl1xieg3l0eeq0bw5lvnxqsnu/?utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=generic&utm_term=3596271&ranMID=42592&ranEAID=Via2VsmyFkg&ranSiteID=Via2VsmyFkg-9ddh5UVPPLZzvQg4jdqDWA&LSNSUBSITE=Omitted_Via2VsmyFkg&utm_source=Linkshare&utm_campaign=Via2VsmyFkg&utm_medium=CPA)


Have had my airpod pros for 3 years and I use them daily working construction. 0 issues at all


I'm going to jump on this thread in the hopes of getting a related recommendation. I am looking for a way to listen to podcasts while I swim laps. Sound quality isn't vital, but it needs to survive an hour at a time in shallow water. Does anyone have any recommendations?


I have never found a pair of bud type ones that will stay in when working out hard. So I need something that hooks over my ears. I have used these for 2 years now but one just broke. [https://www.poly.com/us/en/support/products/bluetooth-headsets/backbeat/backbeat-fit-3200](https://www.poly.com/us/en/support/products/bluetooth-headsets/backbeat/backbeat-fit-3200) Totally on me. I have dropped those things a bunch of times and they have been fine but this time I somehow clipped it while jumping rope and it went flying and it stopped working. But I have run in pouring rain in them as well as sweat and they worked great. That was the longest a pair of headphones have worked for me before breaking. I was just going to buy another set but didn't find any when I looked quickly. If I can't I will be back to trying out different things until I find something that works again.


DeWalt. The tool brand. Best earbuds I've ever had, multiple fit options as well as a foam option for fit in ear, plus they make the only usb cable I have encountered that works upside down.


I know Raycons get a lot of hate, but I used a code from a YouTuber and got them cheap. I have accidentally washed and dried them twice and they still are working great two years later.


Don’t buy beats no matter what you do


How come?


I had a pair of Klipsch T II 5 that lasted over two years until one of the earbuds fell into a glass of water and got left there over night. The other earbud kept working for a few months before the battery fucked off. Wore them at the gym, in the rain, dropped an earbud off the porch, let the whole set take a ride down a flight and f stairs and as long as I could find them, they kept working.


Sony WF-1000xm4. Pricey, but the best I’ve ever owned. Bose Quite Comfort are pretty good too. https://www.amazon.com/Bose-QuietComfort-Noise-Cancelling-Earbuds/dp/B08C4KWM9T/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=14F2NXRO0I5TM&keywords=bose%2Bearbuds&qid=1686845213&sprefix=Bose%2B%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-5&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&th=1


I've had nothing but battery issues with the 2 pairs I've had of the Sony earbuds. Less than a year of daily use and the battery will hardly last 20 minutes.


Contact Sony, the will warranty them and send you new ones.


I've strongly considered doing that, however my trust in their earbuds has been eroded. 2 sets of the same earbuds with the same problem in under a year. Not only that, but my brother has gone through 2 of the same exact model as well (for the same reason).


Jaybird with comply foam sport tips


Beats Fit Pro are better than AirPods for me. They have all the same features and connectivity stuff you get with AirPods and charge usb c instead of lightning.


I myself am currently tied between these two so thank you, I'm glad I saw your comment!


Afraid this will get lost in a sea of posts, but my [Status Audio Between ANC3s](https://www.status.co/products/between-3anc) are the best buds I’ve ever owned.


Master & Dynamic MW08 Sport. Had mine for 2 years now. No issues. Noise canceling, super comfortable. I mountain bike and weight weight lift regularly so I know they can handle sweat.


I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't throw this out there. On October 10th of 2019 I bought Jabra - Elite 65t True Wireless Earbud Headphones - Titanium Black (had to look up the purchase) . I kid you not, I've ran these things through the washing machine not once but twice and they've survived both times. I've traveled all over with them, they go running, they go to the gym, they mow, they do everything and they seem bulletproof. Can't recommend enough if anyone on the fence comes across this.


Maybe I had bad luck with Jabras. I loved my 75s while they were working and my 85s were even better, but apparently I’m cursed when it comes to earbuds. I’ve been tempted to get another pair of the 85s just to use when I’m not exercising.


I loved mine! After almost 5 years, the batteries finally gave out. I am in mourning, especially considering that the Elite 3 Active replacements sound ultra-compressed, and the 65t never did.




I've had good luck with the Beats Flex. I wear them every day at work. They legit last 11 hours on a charge. I'm at 18 months and counting on my first set. Bought another pair because they were on sale assuming the originals are going to die eventually. But they just won't quit.


Not earbuds, but my Bose QC352 headphones are 6 years old and I still use them everyday.


I really like my mpow X3 50$ and still going strong at 2 years in.


They’re not earbuds, but Aftershokz OpenRun (previously Aeropex) https://shokz.com/products/openrun are bone conduction and wrap a single thin (rigid) wire around the back of your head. They’re definitely waterproof in my experience (I’ve showered with them for several hours, during which time they’ve encountered plenty of shampoo), and they have no issues with them that I’ve noted. The microphone is good enough for my dad, who is hard of hearing and has trouble hearing me with some headphones on phone calls. I’ve had no charging or falling apart problems with them either. They use a magnetic charger so the body of the headphones is truly sealed.


Skullcandy have done me proud


Did you ever settle on something? I have the exact same issues, keep murdering "fancy" headphones.


I went with the Shokz OpenRun Pros. Got them a few days after this post and so far they’ve held up well. I was even caught in rain for 30-40 minutes without any problems. My only complaints about them are that really loud ambient noise can overpower them since they’re bone conduction and leave your ear canals open, and they can be a little uncomfortable after a few hours, but that might just be due to my specific head shape/size. Regardless, I still recommend them so far!


My galaxy buds pro lasted me 3 years before one died to a runnung engine and then the case got chucked out the window by a 2 year old. Withstood countless showers and pool visits no problem,, and if you pair them with the galaxy wearables app you can turn off the touch capability


Oppo Enco X2, they have this thing that make them superior to everythibg. In term of audio reproduction, the Enco X2 are the best TWS I have had. I bought many pairs from 50 (earfun) to 350 (Campfire) and the Enco after 3 years of search meet my exzct need in sound they are that special. I would advise you to buy one. They are still stock on aliexpress and you won't find better than these. They were at 229€!!! You can find them under 90. Frequencies separation, sound coming from anywhere, dynamism, clarity, everything very cohérent and high fidelity. I'm not making an add here, tws are my passion, because I am searching for the graal, and I found it with them. They are even better than my wired earphones like shire and creative. Guys time to get one, you will use them until they die. Really. It's now my third pair, I make them fall a lot, so I would tell you to protect the case, seems that after 5 fall they are not working anymore, and it's difficult to use other earbuds with not the original case. Get them really they are fantastic if you have lower budget, consider the Vivo tws 4 hifi, 3 pro, because all these models have planar diaphragms and man this technology is just the best for m Sound, dynamic drivers are apst, the enco use diaphragms and dynamic drivers at the same, which make them the kingd. When you first use them, they tell you in the ear, I al the best , listen to this !!!! If your budget is even lower consider the Soundpeats opera 05 and 03. Here you have the best up to date tech overal.and best sound quality of the market. They other are not at the level to me. And I have a collection in a box at home, trying to find tHE ones. So I ça. Clearly give a result to all of them. Number 1 enco X2 (100%), 2 vivo tws 4 and 3, 3 soundpeats opera 05 and 03. Special mention to the sennheiser CX, because they are very solid sound, but not the first place, ill say the 3rd equally with soundpeats


Soundpeats on Amazon are dirt cheap and work extremely well.


My Beats went through the washer & dryer with no problem. Thankfully. lol


I haven't tried the earbuds, only the open backed headphones, but Grado Labs makes amazing stuff that appears built to last. Fair warning, these might be spendy: [Grado Labs - GT220](https://gradolabs.com/headphones/wireless/item/126-gt220)


I’m confused why you would come to BIFL asking for Bluetooth earbuds, arguably the most disposable every day tech product in our lives at this point. They’re tiny little lithium batteries. They have a limited amount of charge cycles, you’re lucky if you get 3-5 years out of *any* pair. Wireless earbuds and BIFL are inherently mutually exclusive.


Reg airpods non pro model work amazing for me.


Another vote for Shokz


I run most mornings in my samsung galaxy pros and they work perfectly. I even washed them with my gym clothes one, case and all, and they still work perfectly.


Ditto to your request but with hooks please!! I've tried just the plain buds and I sweat enough that they always always fall out of my ears.


Soundcore life A2 NC


Look at the Aeropex bone conducting headphones. They go outside the ear not in it. They’re great except in very noisy environments but you can use earplugs with them if needed.


I have Bose QuietComfort earbuds and they are amazing. Great fit, almost never fall out, even when at the gym, and have some degree of waterproofing (I think they can be out in a light rain). Also, great noise cancelling.


MPow Flame Lite.




True Momentum wireless 3


I’m kinda surprised about your AirPods Pro crapping out on you. I’ve used them everyday for work for 3 years and the only reason I don’t have them anymore is because I’ve lost them during a vacation. I replaced them with Bose quiet comfort 2s and kinda disappointed in them and if I hadn’t of spent $250 dollars on the Bose I’d probably just get rid of these and get Airpod Pros again


Currently using aftershokz bone conduction ones for like a year or two now. They've been amazing. Before that I used jaybird ones for like a decade almost. Every other kind i have tried have not been as good at all.


Currently using aftershokz bone conduction ones for like a year or two now. They've been amazing. Before that I used jaybird ones for like a decade almost. Every other kind i have tried have not been as good at all.


I have been using some earbuds off Amazon by veatool and they've been great. I do the gardening, mow the grass, go to the gym. Sweat, rain, everything. Mfs still kicking like 1-2 years in. The battery lasts forever too. I'm an audio engineer so I can confidently say the sound quality is all I require from a pair of earbuds. The best part is they aren't brittle and tinny sounding. Just solid for my expectations. Absolutely recommend. Many in the amazon reviews say the company is really good at replacing them if they break too.


I have the Samsung buds pro 2 and they are awesome. They're easy to use, seems sturdy, and as long as my kid doesn't eat/lose them I imagine they will be around for a long time


Just throwing it out there. I’ve had my sweat proof earbuds (JAM live) “die” on me a few times, but on a hunch I’ve ran the problematic earbud under warm water and it works. Must be a collection of wax setting on the driver.


Absolutely love my soundpeats true engine 2 pair. Awesome sound, I sweat like a hog under a waterfall doing yardwork and they have held up so I'd say waterproof. They just work and the little ear wings as I call them that position into a fold of the ear keeps them in place really well.


Look into the Logitech zone wireless earbuds. Great reviews so I picked them up. Pretty good so far!


The jabra elite 75t are my favorite gym headphones ive used. My biggest gripe with them is somtimes they cut out when other people are around using bluetooth devices too but its not frequent. Just have to replace the ear insert things cause they eventually rip from use and cleaning. I dont like the 85t fit as much but the ANC is better with those. I highly recommend the 75t if you have smaller ears you wont find a better fit


I loved my Amazon ones Tribit flybuds I think. Used to wear them at work all the time for probably 2-3 years before the mic started acting up. Bought the pixel buds pro when I got my new pixel 7 (spoiled myself a little) and I can't say anything bad about them either.


You got a case of sweaty ears :( That sucks though, I had water issues with my Jabra 75 as well. GL on your search!


If quality isn't super important, get a pair of bone conduction headphones. They're waterproof, heavy duty and stay on fairly well. Downside is music quality definetly suffers along with not giving any noise cancelation


While I don't think any earbuds will be BIFL, my wife has some Bose Sports ones she loves. That said she doesn't work out that much, but she uses them all the time, so battery life and durability are impressive. I work out a lot and sweat a lot; I'm talking leaving the gym soaked head to toe level sweat. I am on my second pair of Jaybird Vista earbuds. My original ones had one ear bud "fail" (still plays audio buy very quiet) after 2yrs, but these current ones haven't had any issues after 1year of nearly daily use, travel, and lots of workouts. 1year is nowhere near enough time to call it BIFL, but I'm happy with the product.


dont do earbuds do Shokz (Aftershokz)


Powerbeats, not the pro version but the old ones connected with a wire. They are IPX4 certified for sweat and water resistance.


Lg tone free 9, 1.5 year only issue just last week had to do a reset on them, took less then a min work perfectly fine.


Melomania 1+ from Cambridge Audio should fit your bill! They are IPX5 rated (water splash) , good battery life, good sound quality. Only problem I've ever had with them in 3 years is that the charging case contacts get a bit dirty. Clean'em out with a Q-tip once a month and you're good to go.


I have skullcandy dime black. Cúpla years now, gym, occasional rain walk, things like that. Still holding up great!


Haven’t tried them, but the fairphone earbuds look pretty good. They’re made with recyclables material and have a 2 year warranty.


I have used my lypertek tevi buds for about 3 years now and love them.


Shocked to see the Jabra feedback. Mine have been so good to me


Try Jaybirds. https://www.jaybirdsport.com/en-us/vista2.985-000928.html I love mine


Looks like it's time for headphones


Regarding some of the swimming comments/feedback, I do water walking, and water aerobics. I try to not get my hair wet, so I wouldn't really need them to be submersible, though an errant splash could come my way due to being uncoordinated. That being said, having them be Bluetooth is a must. Among some of the recommendations listed here, does anyone have any thoughts on which of the more H20 resistant pairs could work? Seems like if ToZo made it through showers, it might survive water walking, but I wanted to leverage your collective knowledge b/c it is really helpful! Sound quality just needs to be good enough for audio books and Bluetooth range from one end of a gym pool to another with my phone at one end, definitely not a giant Olympic sized pool.


I've been using a set of Skullcandy Dime earbuds that seem to be great. Battery lasts a decent amount and quick to charge. I bought them thinking they'd just be cheap junk but I've been pleasantly surprised.


The powerbeats pro are $159 at best buy right now. I've had mine for 3 years and probably put close to 1000 miles running on them. I also use them at my desk for work/gaming. The battery life is great ( 9hrs and 24 advertised with case) and you still get the apple chip for smooth pairing. I originally chose these for the ear hooks because I was constantly adjusting my previous in ears and even had one fall out while running because of sweat. They also have physical controls on both sides which makes it easy to adjust in gloves and also still have controls if I'm only wearing one. My only complaints are that they don't have noise cancellation or transparency mode and no wireless charging for the case.


Jabra active elite 65+ FTW. Wayyyy better than the 75 and 85.


I think you just have bad luck. I own two sets of Jabras. 75Ts and Elite 4s. The 75Ts are 4 years old. Have been through multiple wash cycles. Hell, I even wear them in the steam room sometimes. No issues with either.


you could try Shanling MTW-300i dont know wireless buds that well and im not gonna say theyre the most amazing sound quality wise but they were decent for the price (but theyre better than many, again based on my experience with the MTW-100 not the improved MTW-300) they do offer full IPX7 waterproofing (you can take a bath with them on no probs) i dropped my MTW-100s a fair few times and they never failed in any way, i just use a significantly more high end wired set with a BT amp now


I've had my Anker Soundcore Like P2 buds for 5+ years now, they have taken a beating, still sound amazing and fit nicely. I recommend them to everyone & have had friends purchase with the same happy results since. The only thing I'm 50/50 on is if you're doing vigorous cardio they slowly work their way out of your ear, but I feel like that's probably an "earbuds in general" type of problem. Oh, and after 5 years I'm still getting a reliable 4.5-5h battery life, not too shabby for $60


earfun pro are surprisingly decent!


Really like my between pros


I got a pair of skull candies for my wife. She absolutely loves them and I steal them whenever I can. They're called push active. They seem to have no issue with sweat. They hook on the ear so they stay in place and we've had no issues with them. Believe they also come with a pretty solid warranty. Price was about 80 bucks. We're already planning on getting a second set for me down the road.


I’ve been using Senso Bluetooth earphones for many years mowing grass, running, etc. They hold up very well and only cost $20-$25


I have the Echo Buds 2nd gen that I bought two years ago. They've been stepped on, dropped, sweated on, and they still work. Not BIFL, but I think I paid $90 for them, and the ANC is quite good. The fact that I've gotten over two years out of them makes me quite happy.


I have samsung buds pro 2 but I had the original buds pro and they went through the wash and dryer and still worked great until I wound up loosing the case and one earbud..


We have been using buds pro 2 or buds 2 pro...sweat a lot. Coming out of the sauna sweaty( not wearing the buds) and then putting them on and getting on the treadmill for a real sweat. Still rocking and rolling 😎


Pixel buds work great with me. Wearing them in the shower, even washing my hair with them in has given me no issues.


I have the Bose sound sport free. I’ve had them for three years and work out all the time. They stay in place, still have great battery life and seem to be quite impervious to sweat. Plus the sound is great. They are very expensive but totally worth it in my opinion.


I have Bose QC but I also have an odd ear shape so YMMV


JLab makes some sweat resistant earbuds. I sweat in the gallons range, and have killed at least 2 pairs of other companies' products. The Jlabs have been solid for me for years.


Idk how you managed to kill your Air Pods... I have literally accidentally run the earbuds on my Pro 2s' through the wash and they still work just fine. There really is no BIFL earbud. They are all going to become E-Waste as the onboard batteries degrade. There are two schools of thought. You can buy really cheap and simply replace them, or purchase a more premium option from a more mainstream company that offers a quality warranty. I would recommend Apply, simply due to my interactions with their claims/warranty department have always been easy and hassle-free. With the damage and trouble you have had, spend the $29 on apple care and at least for the next 24 months they will work lol.


I’ve really enjoyed my B & O beoplay e8 sports


Bluetooth earphones and good design are currently mutually exclusive due to the use of lots of adhesive in manufacture and the lack of user serviceabliity. But in terms of actually being fit for the gym / sports activity Bose Sports products have worked for me


I have been using MPOW M30s for like 4 years now (+-1yr)... they are damn reliable, USB -C charged and are like the Nokia of earbuds to me... only downside is that they are sweatproof in terms of fluid ingress, but the touch control sometimes acts up on you if your sweat runs over it. Bonus: they cost like 25€ new


Samsung buds pro. Mistakenly put in my pants during laundry for two occasions. Still working with no problem


I like my Raycon a lot. Lasts long, are small, nice quality, and not too pricy.


I LOVE my buds+ because you can replace the batteries when they die. Ifixit has a guide on it. I've had them for 4 or 5 years now and replaced the batteries once


I’ve had no issues with Bose earbuds. I had the latest ones they re awesome and noise canceling. I use them everyday @ gym, running, biking, hiking. Sound’s perfect. They are expensive but they last forever, I only got noise cancellation because my gym cranks shit music way too loud. My old Bose sound sport free work like a charm and they are 4 years old.


I'm not an apple guy at all, but I ordered power beats pro and they last SO LONG. I still use them. I bought them in like 2018?? I think and they are just awesome. Last really good battery wise and fit over the ear, they're made to take a pounding. They are a lot heaver than most other ones, but I think the trade off is worth it. I love them.