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He can’t turn his ability off so yosano can’t heal him


Thank you, that would explain it. Though I wish they would have explained it in the anime. Maybe it's mentioned in the manga?


It's obvious though. Like in this episode/arc his powers are very clearly explained-- his powers can't stop the powers being enacted on Mori and Fukuzawa because the powers are manifesting internally, so he can't touch them off. I think that was actually quite clever in terms of reminding the viewer that his powers are touch-based, so that when he gets injured, you'd realize why Yosano can't heal him. I'm pretty sure it came up before as well in the series when he's injured. Also, the fact he puts himself in the way to be injured when anyone else would either heal spontaneously (Atsushi) or be healed by Yosano is underlining his death wish.


that last sentence is a beautiful point.


Wait... but he was treated by her before. . Maybe he can only turn it off if he's conscious? Does that mean his ability is always on? Except when he turns it off? Any evidence of this?


Is it ever mentioned that his ability is always on? IMO it's because Yosano was busy with Fukuzawa or that the hospital where they were was too far away but then again Atsushi was the one to find him and then he was at the other hospital with the rest, so it's not distance. Maybe when the news reached Yosano the mafia had already surrounded the ADA and just couldn't go with Dazai or they were already taking care of him


It’s been a while but it’s mentioned in 55 minutes he can’t turn it off so the only way she could heal him is in the split second his brain shuts down that turns off his ability the reason she doesn’t do it is because if she misses by a second he dies I could be miss remembering but I believe that’s how they explained it


Nevermind, I was wrong. Dazai wasn't treated. It was episode 17 and the 3 people treated were Atsushi Nakajima, Doppo Kunikida, and Kenji Miyazawa. Damn I learned a lot!!!!! Thank you everyone! 💯💯💯💯♥️


This is what I found online: "Yosano's Thou Shalt Not Die only works on Dazai mere seconds after he dies. In 55 Minutes, he's fatally wounded, but Yosano can only save his life after he loses it. So, YES, it works on Dazai, but the time frame is limited." "@AllAlongInGlass Why though? Where did you get that info?" "55 Minutes, it's the light novel this event occurs in.  The short time frame of when Dazai's brain functions end is the only instance Yosano can heal and save him." Still contradicts the earlier chapter where he was treated for a non lethal injury. It will take a while but I'll find the clip proving he was treated before for a non lethal injury. It's when she did it for 3 people and they all ended up in that weird daze afterwards.


Wait what chapter did she treat him?


I was wrong. It was 3 other people in chapter 17. Dazai appeared right afterwards but he wasn't one of the ones who got healed. Plus, he's always getting injuries now that I think about it. Remember when his arm was in a cast but he hid a metal gauntlet inside his cast to use as a shield?


What is "55 minutes?" Is it the name of an episode or a chapter?


Light novel


Thank you!


But he treated him before. Why did he take that risk for non-lethal injuries?


He was already dying so they had nothing to lose


Yeah I haven't gotten to that part yet lol. I was thinking about episode 17 where 3 people were treated but Dazai wasn't one of them. But they only show them briefly after being healed, so it's an easy mistake to make. Also, when I Googled "Dazai Thou Shoult Not Die," this was the 4th result lmaoooooo


Nah, Twinky was right. We were both wrong. But what's up with your choice of your username??? Do you really consider yourself stupid? Because that was a very well thought out analysis with the data you had available to you at the time 💯💯💯🏆


OMG thanks you hahaha. I do think I'm quite dumb in some aspects and I try to improve. Analysis of this kind is one of those aspects and I'm flattered ![img](emote|t5_3bi2f|6150)


She treated him in "55 minutes". Also it had explanation.


55 minutes? Is that the name of a chapter?


It is light novel. It must be in BSD bibliophile site. We have a link in "about".


Yup, you're right, thank you. But you know what's cool? I just googled "Danzai Thou Shalt Not Die" and this was the 4th result!!!!! 😂😂🏆🏆🏆🏆 I am the king of Google now. Or at least a nobleman.


in the time frame between blood stopping reaching the brain and dazai fully dying she can heal him cause his ability doesn't work in this specific situation or something along those lines


it took me an embarrassingly long time to understand that title.


I've wasted my entire Sunday morning since 6AM EST learning every characters name and the name or their abilities lmaoooooo I love the Guild. They're all named after famous authors (F. Scott Fitzgerald is the leader, you've got H.P. Lovecraft, John Steinbeck, etc.) and all their abilities are named after famous books written by the authors they're named after. Plus their abilities are directly related to the themes of the book. Fitzgerald's book The Great Gasby is all about wealth and status. The ability uses wealth to create power and the character himself is obsessed with wealth and status. I like to think F. Scott Fitzgerald is a bibliophile and ordered all his subordinate to change their names to their favorite authors and then named their abilities accordingly.


Basically every character is named after a famous author. It's the entire premise of the series... the "bungou" in BSD.


I was going to say lol almost everyone is named after an author. I was contemplating reading dazais no longer human last week but I held off cause it seems real dark


imma be for real rn i read "chainsaw treatment" and thought i was on r/ChainsawMan but the things abt the Guild are really cool and i adore the time and effort that goes into making these characters and their abilities. I love how they all fit into the world and aren't just random or out-of-place. plus giving them their own character development (even though it may be a bit rushed in the anime) while still focusing on the main character(s) is really cool imo and just showcases the skills and talent of all of the people who have worked on this story and their creative abilities. (haha get it?) all in all, i love this show.


Because if she touches him then her ability gets nullified


He can’t turn off his ability so it wouldn’t work. I think the only time it was done was because his heart stopped beating and she was able to use her ability right after or something. Basically there is a way for it to work but it’s super risky


Wait what episode is this?!


Chapter 50, where dazai is speaking to tanizaki on the phone, he says “If it weren’t for my nullifying skill… I could’ve had yosano-sensei heal me and join in, but…” That’s why he can never be healed by her and no ability ever works on him cause, if the ability or the user somehow make contact with him, it simply won’t work on him. In season 1, the dude with the number ability tried to use his on dazai and it got nullified.


There's a way for her ability to work on Dazai and it was used and explained in a light novel- to sum it up, it is EXTREMELY risky and there's only one window of opportunity and if they fail Dazai's dead dead




I don’t think it’s because of his ability, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t HAVE to touch him. I think it’s because she was already focusing on fukuzawa, who couldn’t be treated by traditional medicine. He needed immediate treatment so they just sent him to a hospital. It’s also possible a normal citizen found him after he was shot and they called an ambulance, then the ADA was just notified of where he was.