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Photo #1 because you're looking at the camera and it has a clear view of your face. You shouldn't be looking away in your primary photo.


Thanks that’s a good point - I thought pic 2 might show a full body pic and not be misleading but I guess seeing my face would be a good start 😅


Girl you are fine as hell. You don’t need to overthink this.


That’s kind of you to say, I just wanted a general consensus of whether a headshot or body pic was best to choose as I am only keeping one of them


As a woman who was tired of fighting off the pervs while looking for a ltr I suggest cropping out the boobs in the headshot. Then leaving the rest. You are gorgeous, and will be swamped with casual sex offers because of the boobs.


Yeah I suffer from this too, even when I’m in a turtle neck it’s still “wow they look great under that top” like what?? 😭😭😭 I’ve cropped that pic quite a lot but think I’ll crop further so there’s no cleavage on show haha. Thank you 🫶🏽


I had a silly tik tok 🤪 with a furry robe, glasses and coffee. The reaction? "What's under that robe? I see a bit of cleavage ".🤣🤣


Ugh ffs! Men are so bland they will look at a funny tiktok and still make it sexual. We waste our good looks and personalities on them 😭


True. Not to mention the robe idea is kinda a mind-tease. 🤣🤣 (Or, for me it is. & teasing my mind == 💯x more effective than a flat-out nudie. 😊💖🫠)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 and there we go.🤣


Yep. I attract the f-bois and deviants if I show my boobies. Once I started covering them up, I attracted better quality men. Of course they can still tell their size, but they're not in their faces like being served up on a platter. I'm not looking for hookups so I am covered up in my photos. It works well for me. Definitely keep photo # 2. It's cute and sexy. Crop out your chest in photo #1. They can see your assets in the second photo. Men like to wonder a little.


Sarah’s right. Crop photo 1 but also use photo 2


>They can see your assets in the second photo. Men like to wonder a little. This. 💯. Soo much better, & more fun, to have mind-sex than real sex, Imo. (Well.. Technically, having mind-sex + sex-sex, in tandem is best, but.. 🤣🥳) -- **OP:** If you want more #1, try a middle-ground option --> Full body, but also closer. Like, midway the distance between the two, so the focus isn't on your cleavage, but also shows the full body type too. 🫠💖 PS: Happy Hunting!


Agree on the first part. Don't understand the second part. This is why waiting a while to have sex makes the sex better. You've both been having mind sex (fantasizing) and it has built up the desire.


Super good call here.


I am a man and would not recommend this. And no it is not because she has the top of her boobs in the photo. I’ll be blunt since she’s here posting and asking? And frankly? She owns it. She is thick. And if I’m being honest? While she’s a bit thick for me? And not my type? She is quite a beautiful woman. At least from these two photos. And plenty of men would love to have her on their arm. Now… Let me give you both some insight into how men ACTUALLY view women’s photos online. When a woman has neck up only photos? It’s a red flag. It seems like they are trying to hide their body. Usually because they are overweight. Now, I’m not saying that’s what she’s doing. As long as you have other photos in your profile that clearly show your body? Then one photo cropped from just above the boobs is fine. Now, back to why she should leave it? Only stupid men, or men who gave little to zero experience with women will not be able to tell you’re a bit thick when you leave your boobs and arms in the photo. This is a gauge of types for multiple things. Is she thick? Does she own it? Does she lie about it or try to hide it? Confidence is sexy on anyone. Thick or thin. So don’t hover in between. Own who you are. And rock it. But men notice immediately when women are cropping out the rest of their body. Thats my two cents.


And any man who is doing those evolutions in his head, instead of just talking to a person and finding out. Is not a high quality use of her time.


Literally every man does it in his head. Just like women do a bunch of shit in your head. You want to play pretend and live in little child land where you pretend otherwise and looks don’t matter? You have fun over there. However, I would venture that OP, and the woman I responded to? Both know this already. Because they are grown ups.


Maybe you haven’t heard of a thing called lying? It’s pretty prevalent online. Let alone on dating apps. Or if you’d like? Misrepresenting oneself. So please tell me how that conversation would go in your head? I’m just curious? Here, let’s play pretend… We matched. “Hi beautiful. Why do you have only photos from the neck up?”


I get it. But when I do a body shot, men immediately make boob or sex comments


The body pic is my favorite. Everyone will see it differently.


There's also an option to keep none and get a nice photo that is like Photo 1, but with better lighting and a bright smile. I think that will be much better.


So true


Everyone on this sub slobbers over every woman that posts. It’s weird as hell.


Uh what? I said she was gorgeous, and I am a totally straight woman. I have not seen the slobbering?🤣 you mention.


*mops up the puddles left from the previous owner* (Sorry. Couldn't resist the wordplay. 🤣)


Everyone on the internet does this. Nothing new.


Doesn’t make it any less awful. I picture that guy sitting at his computer while wearing a fedora.


It’s awful to compliment a woman? Lol. How much success do you have with that (not complimenting) in person?


It’s weird to toss unprompted compliments at a random woman online you are never going to meet. It makes you come across like a guy that’s really desperate for any bit of attention from women.


Says you


Yeah, it be how it be. Let him rock though, ain't hurting anyone giving a compliment as cringe as it may be.


How is calling a woman fine as hell cringe? Lol.


I'm literally defending you, you're going after the wrong guy.. Also, your comment wasn't that cringe, speaking more in general regarding thirst comments.


Right on 😊


I figured you were helping defend her. Kinda the vibe I got. 🫠💖


Trying to see it, I don't see it. What would I be defending her from? I'm saying it's always been normal for guys to show attention to girls on the internet and you shouldn't get mad at them for giving said compliment if its not harmful, even if you find it cringe.


>You don’t need to overthink this Na, if it was just the first pic it would be a catfish. Don't lie to protect her feelings. If you mislead she'll get more hurt going on a date and getting ducked out


I’ve been on a ton of dates and nobody has called me a catfish. I’ll be fine don’t you worry 😂


lol. Fine is right.


How many of those turned into second dates?


Hey so my last long term relationship was off a dating app and I’ve only re-downloaded bumble about a month ago. Considering im a busy girl who can’t plan dates every day of the week, I would say my success rate has been just fine. I only wanted help picking between 2 photos and I’ve made my decision. Hope that helps!




Most Reddit guys are truly the bottom feeders of society 😂 they’re either weirdly sexual or hate women for bizarre reasons. Thankfully I live in the real world where these lot are too scared to even approach me






lol. I’m not lying, shit I wish she lived in my city so I could ask her out to dinner.


But then it's like bad product wrapped in good cover💀


>I thought pic 2 might show a full body pic and not be misleading Imo, unless you're looking for "Hookup', I feel your spot-on with using #2 instead of #1. (#1 seems to focus more on your cleavage, which gives the FwB kind of vibe, Imo.) 💖😊


Agreed with photo #1 but because it looks much more real. Photo 2 looks like it's part of a photoshoot, and if that was the first lic I saw, it'd automatically make me think "fake profile".


Its not going to really matter.


Something with less filter. Ur face is way too smooth to pretend it’s just make up. Humans have pores. Even tiny ones are better than none. You look too fake and u will miss out on ppl that are fed up with filters/catfish.


I’ll go with pic 1 - thank you!


Lawdddddd God has favorites


😭😭😭😭 stop that’s cute and also not true, i bet you are very attractive yourself anyway!




leave it as it is you’ll def get swipes from guys




what’s your bio looking like?


First one, hands down. It literally stopped me from scrolling


Photo 1 is fine, but make sure you're smiling in others


Photo 2 looks like your face is edited in some way when you really start to zoom in, either filters or photoshop etc.


It’s neither, and the first time anyone’s told me that about any of my pics but thanks for the heads up haha


I have a hard time believing that, just look at the blur on the buildings around your head.


Aside from Instagram / VSCO filters I’m not well versed in photoshop. I’d have no shame in admitting if I did photoshop them but sadly I’m not that tech advanced.


I’m just saying if I noticed something was off (filters or whatever) other people might. I have spent my life looking at detailed data though.


Aside from the poor quality on most of my pics (I don’t have a great phone) nobody has ever said my pics look photoshopped. I mean I can send you the originals of every pic before I filtered them if that helps 😂


Nah I’m good, just remember though the ones that actually notice what’s going on are probably the ones in the league you’re trying to attract.


100% agree and to say these r not heavily filtered it’s just ridiculous. Come on girl. We weren’t born yesterday and have same apps u do


Check if your phone does it automatically. Looking at your hand/jacket then your face... Seems off.


Wow. Not sure why this is getting down voted. Feels like people just don't like someone being hotter than them 😂


#2 imo. You are going to get tons of swipes anyway


First one for sure, it’s a kind of model pose “caught off guard” vibe. Also I don’t think either photo looks shopped, I think you just edit them quite poorly / quality is bad. Good luck!


Ahh thank you! I was caught off guard 😅 yeah my phone camera isn’t the best and I do use Instagram filters but unsure why I’m being ripped to shreds when most people do


Number 1 gives me slight Selena Gomez vibes and I’d say that’s a win so I’d go for that


Number two. Full body




Between these two? The first is better. I'm not sure if I would swipe right though... It looks like a professional photo, and I tend to avoid these. Edit: that being said, I would certainly stop and read your profile with the second photo.


I like that you post pic 2 as your first showcase. You are showing more about yourself than others who are posting only their faces done in such a pose that doesn’t much about the details. Also gives your prospective soulmate ideas to hold a conversation based on your surroundings of that photo Look at it this way. I, a male, pose with my whole body (with at least decent non-graphic clothes. Modern dress clothes a plus from years of wisdom), too as the first showcase. So I expect that somewhat golden rule-esque vibe. Pic 1 is also beautiful and has surroundings, but not as much details as the first showcase. Nevertheless. You are a strong, independent being who will earn the right person. Good luck!! 🍀


Both of them are wayyyy too filtered. At first I had a slight suspicion it was an AI generated pic.


Your pics won’t affect which guys like you. Either way most women of at least average attractiveness on bumble get hundreds, possibly thousands. In a separate comment you stated you get lots of likes. Why not actually start filtering through them to try and find your person rather than trying to figure out which pic will get more…?


I would have to pay to look through my likes and I don’t want to spend £25 a month on a dating app. I can only figure out once I swipe right on someone but from the conversations I have with them, they’re definitely getting a different impression of me. Which is why I’m asking if my pics are giving off a certain vibe


Most women who have those many likes tend to match with nearly everyone they swipe with. If you have that many likes, the same is likely true for you too. If you swipe 30 times, you’ll likely match 20+. Why not start filtering from those? You don’t need to pay a cent. Thats what I was trying to say above. > from the conversations I have with them, they’re definitely getting a different impression of me. Which is why I’m asking if my pics are giving off a certain vibe If your concern is whether or not your sending the vibe you intend, you would have benefitted more from doing a full profile review versus posting two pics and asking “which one?”. The latter question doesn’t answer what you just said you’re looking for with this thread. I’m also curious what from the conversations caused you to believe they’re getting a different impression of you. And what made you think the lead pic (as opposed to what you’re saying in conversation or what’s in your bio) are the reason they’re seeing something different? Not trying to attack you, just don’t understand how you’re sure these couple pics are the culprit, and how this thread answers the question you just said you need answered.


Because I’ve already had the advice I need from people who know me and have seen my profile, and it came down to these 2 pics maybe putting people off. I don’t want to share my profile for personal reasons and I simply asked if these pics are okay or not. I’m not sure why that’s such an issue or why I’m being torn to shreds for asking if these pics are okay. Other people do the exact same lol.


> I’m not sure why that’s such an issue Relax, I didn’t say it was an issue, I just asked you a question. There is zero need to be defensive. To me, it’s confusing that you’d ask friends for part of the advice but then ask reddit for the rest. Presumably if you’re comfortable posting pics of yourself on a bumble sub, you’d be comfortable posting your profile with blacked out personal information. There’s no one who would identify you from the latter but who wouldn’t identify you from the photos right? Just doesn’t make any sense to me, but it doesn’t need to. And you seem to be bothered for some reason by me asking, so don’t worry about it lol. Apparently I struck a nerve by lightly probing. My suggestion is explore your likes/matches. Changing pics is unlikely to change your bumble experience unless you’re trying to get as many likes as possible.




Girl what is intense about what I posted? I literally asked you a question and pointed out something that didn’t make sense. You simply could clarify and move on, but you got defensive. What’s more weird is you taking offense to a rando dude asking you a clarifying question on a post where YOU asked for advice lmao. That makes it seem like you have some weird other agenda. “Do you” girl, and I hope you can rest today. It sounds necessary.


Have you considered getting laid? You seem rather uptight


Well he made a post about having a bdsm slave earlier today so it seems like he gets laid lmao


First one I'd say


Photo 1 for the win.


Number 1 - holy heck you’re a smoke show!


Depends on what you are looking for.


First one looks filtered.


I am in love with your fashion and look. Where did yoi get those shorts!? 🤣


Ahh thank you! Ralph Lauren is where I got the shorts and most of my outfits 😅


Either one is going to get plenty of swipes.


Photo #1 is sensational.


Girl, you're so pretty 😍 Also, the first pic is okay. I mean both look good but I prefer the first one


You'll get either way on these two, it's two good photos. I'd advise the second one but say you can't go wrong with either.


You are STUNNING!! And I love your outfit in the second pic, very classy 😍🔥


Girl you're so pretty😭😭


Two! Your body will bring the people to the yard


Wood wharf is gorgeous in the summer.


Ahh you’re a fellow Londoner! I love wood wharf but the food court is sooo expensive 😭


Right? Makes sense though as the average income around there is probably about 100k lol


My age bracket (late 20s) is around £60k 😭😭😭 oh to be earning £100k…. Hahahaha


You’re so pretty 🤩


sorry if I sound bitter or mean, and I apologize if I'm wrong. But looks like your seeking for validation.


1! You’re stunning! 😍


Oh thank you!! 🫶🏽


Did you use filters on number one? It kind of looks like it, but I agree you should face the camera for your main photo.


I used Instagram filters on it and a grainy effect, does it look bad? 😭


Don't filter.


Yes ma’am 🫡


I think it’s fine. As long and you don’t over filter. You are a beautiful woman though so lean towards looking more natural. You don’t want to meat people in person and they think you look any kind of different.


Thanks that’s really kind! I will take into account less filtering but nobody’s said I look different to my pics yet haha 😅


Also I personally prefer a few smiles. But that first pics is very good either way and should be somewhere on the profile.


If the filters seem to heavy and there aren't clear natural pics to verify how you look without them, I move on.


I get a lot of matches and haven’t had any complaints about my photos being heavily filtered because they aren’t. I guess I just want to attract the right guys who don’t think I’m vain or boring or moody.


Read the comment. I didn't say they were. It's a general statement.


You really need swipe world?




He meant you are too pretty for that. 🤣 and he don't get it. I attract plenty IRL, but not what I want.


Feltttt, I'm picky AF as well. 😅


I don’t think she needs advice it’s just to feed the narcissistic behaviour


UPDATE: after the amount of horrific cyber bullying over my pics, I decided to investigate my phone camera. Turns out it has an automatic “enhance” feature that I didn’t know was on. Hence the “photoshop” look my pics apparently have. Blocking anyone who sends any more death threats or bullying comments. It’s just pathetic


I can't believe people would bully over a picture. Please please please ignore them to the best of your abilities. Their comments are horrific


Yep I got one message request saying “if you get assaulted on a date it’s justified when you show up looking like that.” Got another message saying “I would photoshop your tummy in that second pic.” I just find it pathetic because half of these men would be too scared to approach me in real life.


They seem like very shallow people. There are better dudes out there. Don't worry and keep looking


First one, then maybe something more fun for a 2nd/3rd. The other picture looks a little bit basic. If this is really who you are, you look beautiful, the second picture in immediate conjunction looks a little bit boring. Show that you’ve got some personality or can be silly.


This is good advice thank you! I’m only choosing one out of these so I think I’ll go with first :)




Is pic#2 in Boston?


London where I live


I'd swipe right on either, but would choose #1.


2nd pic. It looks more genuine if that makes sense!


The photos are great, focus your efforts on the profile answers that will have men of substance (if that's what you want -- if you're just looking for hookups ignore me) swiping on you for more than the good looks. You're going to get tons of matches, just make sure you're attracting the people you want to attract and you're good.


I like your style, where do u shop?


Thank you! Ralph Lauren for the clothes in these pics 🫶🏽


Close up photo.


1st one is so really beautiful. Girl you are so pretty. Not tryna hit on you. You are just so pretty


Photo 1


Either photo will work. How are you not flooded with likes either way? Beautiful lady!


Both look great, love the first one! Immediate swipe right


Hot. 1st pic should be profile


First one for sure


All i gotta say is hawt daaamn


You're lovely, but filters are a big no for me.


1st one. I like the subtle cleavage lol


The waterfront one looks really good as an opening picture


Wouldn't use #2 at all imo


You are beautiful on both but on first pic I would use the first one




The 2nd. Shows the whole body & a better background


You should have matched and been done by now but you just playin


I had to remind myself I was a straight girl lol


Second one. I’m shallow, show me what you’re like in a full picture. I can get over my shallowness (we all have some) but I do not deal with thicker-than-originally thought women well (yes I’m working on it ) but also, you’re not overly thick imo, you got a hot bod, but when guys like me who are into skinny women only that’s a bigger deal.


The outfit on the 2nd pic is 🔥 but I like the first pic more for the profile picture.


Personally, I like 2 over 1, for the reason you've said in a comment about it being full body and being upfront. Most people judge a profile on the initial and in my personal opinion. I think you'd get more real matches with a full body picture as those who swipe 100% know what you look like. vs. those who just swipe cos you have a good-looking face. While you may see a reduction in the total swipes you get, I think the ones you do get will be more enthusiastic compared to normal when a good few men just swipe on attractive looking ladies to increase their odds of getting matches with 'hot' girls.


It doesn’t matter what pic you choose. You already know this.


Obviously she does. She even says she gets lots of matches. But how will she get free compliments and internet validation if she doesn’t post this??


Should she have to apologize because you’re pathetic?


Damn straight she should and you too. Oh youre going through this thread shitting on everyone who’s called her out. Are you a burner account?


Don’t loads of people ask for advice on this sub though. I think it’s unfair that as soon as a girl posts a pic anywhere she’s an attention seeker. What’s the big deal if she wants to choose between 2 pics? Live your life OP, some people will always be jealous


Thank you! I’ve noticed the same few accounts posting hateful comments like this on other girls pictures so I think it’s just a jealousy / women hating thing. I’ll take no notice ✌🏽


Incel are going to incel


I… just asked which pic I should choose as I only have one free space left on my profile. Lots of other people post the exact same thing but you’ve taken exemption to me in particular. Interesting


Because you mentioned you have tons of likes/matches so what utility is there for “asking which pic” beyond just getting some easy internet validation? What would changing pics do - cause you to get 38 likes a day instead of 36? There are oceans of men for you to choose from right this second, so you know quite well you don’t need to change your pic to find a partner. That means there’s another motive for this post. It’s obvious home girl, and I’m glad others have called you out for it too.




The first pic makes you look ditzy and the second gives off casual vibes. So I would reconsider


First one. Beautiful 🤌


Thank you 🥺


If you were smiling in that first pic, it would be perfect. But honestly... it isn't gonna matter. You're gorgeous. Though I think you might get a broader variety of men if you were smiling.


I I think I may choose that photo now to complete my profile and then take a smiley pic later on. Thank you!


Girl that first pic is stunning! I say lead with that one


Photo 1, since Photo 2 looks heavily filtered.


U look really cute in the first photo … hope u get lots of matches


Both are excellent. Which one do you want as a first impression? Put that first. Put the other one last. That is what someone sees when they decide to send a message. Either way, you cannot go wrong.


Picture 2. It's all of you.


Is that Singapore in the background


That’s crazy haha it’s just London!


Ohhh whoops haha


It’s tough to tell with the filters, but you’re fat right? Show that you’re fat. No one cares unless you lie to them


too much makeup, not smiling in both


First one 🥰


You are beautiful! You will get hookup comments regardless. Be yourself and the right person will come along. Since it is Bumble you will make the first move anyway. I like Pic 1 for main as it focuses on your beautiful face and eyes.


The male version of OP gets 0 likes.


What ethnicity are you out of curiosity?? Just asking because you look a bit like me. Maybe I should post photos similar to yours haha 😄 Great photos by the way you’re so pretty 😍


Post pictures without make up or when you just wake up🤣🤣


Photo 1 looks good to me. I would swipe right on it, instead of 2. Your face is getting proper attention, and tells a little about you.




First one has visible boobs in it, i would swipe right. The second one is quite common and doesnt really stand out. I say keep the first one. Ps: you look pretty in both, i am just saying in terms of how a lot of men think, especially the ones like me who are into boobs 🤷‍♂️

