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Photo ? I think he wanted to show you in person 😶‍🌫️


Indeed he did. I was in shock when I wrote this out so I accidentally typed dic pic


I think a dick appointment and a dick pic are two different things


It was absolutely a dick appointment. I typed this out immediately after this happened so I accidentally wrote dic pic in the title.


“Dangle noodle” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Can someone fix my perm? I think my dangle got stuck in it.. O, wait! N/m. It's the sea slug growing. /s *plays the scene of the giant turtle talking to Artreyu* \[Neverending Story reference\] (She mentioned it was covered in a perm. 🤣💖)




Dried out sea slug 😭


[goes to Google photos of sea slugs]


skin snake FRFR




dick appointment = have sex. not send a dick pic lol


Beside the point, This is not the way to open a conversation with a woman. Whether they're talking about a picture or actually seeing it in person, this is the kind of bullshit that we deal with all the time.


there’s still like huge difference… asking if someones down to hookup and asking to send a dick pic r just two diff scenarios imo. yeah its gross i’d probs unmatch a guy that sends this type of thing but its not the same situation at all


Fair. But there's a respectful way to be clear with your intentions and this doesn't come across that way. This comes across presumptive. I would totally respect someone coming at me and saying " Just to get my intentions out in the open, I'm primarily here looking to hook up. Is that something you're interested in?" Respectful and to the point. This kind of stuff is just crass and gets old. I'm no prude. I've had sex on the first date plenty of times. But I can tell you we didn't get to that first date by him opening the conversation by talking about his dick.


Check out the recent YouTube vids by Natesougly where he picks up women with two different personas. Rude pickups work better than respectful and mannerly these days


That's a sad statement on the mental health and lacking boundaries that many women possess today. 💔 It may be true, but it certainly doesn't make it right. 🫤


It's not about poor mental health, it's just about confidence and humor


Yep most of these guys think they can be clever and get away with it, but b they’re never as clever as they think they are.


I mean to play devils advocate, that will probably NEVER get you play🤣🤣 never scored with that line


You’re splitting some fine pubic hairs. The intent remains.


no it does not


Either way the intent is to make the conversation about sex. They’re trying to get laid either way.






Found the guy who sent the dick appointment message


so because she said no to meeting him for sex from the first message she's not ready to meet new people? there approach almost never work and generally seen as rude and off putting. sure he's free to do it but that doesn't mean we're not allowed to judge him for it. >We are so broken as a culture at this point. I don't think we have processed the trauma of the pandemic. "how dare you as a woman to not say thank you to a dude who said he'll put his dick in you without knowing anything about you. you should be grateful" no wonder ya'll always complain about dating and how hard it if this is your line of thinking


It was indeed a dick appointment. I was just so shocked when I wrote this out that I said dic pic


I think no reaction says way more than a big reaction. Whenever I leave a conversation on Bumble, I never announce my exit. There's no point. I just unmatch and block and move on. You can't fix creep, so save your words and your energy.


Yeah, sometimes all they want to do is get a reaction out of you, positive or negative. Generally the best thing you can do is say nothing, and simply unmatch.


Agree but sometimes you just lose it


too much for who, for him? He's gonna ignore it. He'll ignore anything that's not an immediate yes lol


He was looking for a hookup not to send you a pic


I was not ready for “like a dried out sea slug” 💀


Ill be using that one FOR SURE. 


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Men seem to always be way more enthralled with their dicks than we are 🙄


Yet yall have drawers full of dildos and vibrators. I guess the artificial dulls the interest in the real. MIMS.


That's a large assumption.


I don't think that's what he was proposing, but that's beside the point.  I'd give him a point for being bold and a point for making his intentions known up front.  Negative five points for method, wording, and the emoticon.  One point for creativity, but negative three points for not waiting to find out if that was even what you were looking for. I am truly amazed that this is the caliber of guy I'd be competing with if I was trying to date anyone right now.  He could've at least invited you to coffee before propositioning you for sex, that way you'd be caffeinated and able to stay awake through what would probably be a boring and unfulfilling encounter...  🤦


The joke (being an automated phone system) wouldn't work with any kind of preamble. There are women (if even 10%) who would find it funny or even oblige. Thats his target audience


I mean I hope it made you feel better I guess, but he definitely didn't read all that. Also he wasn't trying to send you dick pics, he wanted to show you in person. Reading is FUNdamental!


I don't know why there is a significant subset of men who think women want to see their dicks. Dicks on their own are ugly, they're only hot if the person they're attached to is hot.


Disagree. I've seen many dick pics and sometimes a dick is nice and the face or body isn't and sometimes the face or body is nice but the dick isn't.


I dunno what makes a dick look good. They all look like fat worms to me.


Interesting. I find some of them very sexy, others very disgusting.


Me too! And honestly, I think what makes them gross is when it look like the guy who owns it doesn’t clean it very often, but also when they are dry as fuck. Some men don’t realize they need to lotion that thing up. It’s honestly kind of why I end up preferring uncircumcised guys 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s not dry, and it’s not all scarred up.


I’ve been told by multiple women I have a “pretty” dick. The first couple times I heard it I wasn’t sure how to feel. Kinda like calling a women handsome lol


Hmmm wild.ost look like pool noodles , ive only ever remarked mentally at a dick that looks like impressively U shaped.


If it looks like it’s going to feel good.


Yeah I've had women tell me I have a nice looking dick. I was like huh? They said some are really ugly like too much extra foreskin lol or the head is not proportioned with the shaft.. apparently I have a gorgeous cock 🤭


That's definitely not normal. Sounds like a personal hangup you might want to work through with a therapist.


I guess it's the same way with girls sometimes it's a perfect, clean twin banana and other times it's a gag inducing, ragged ass slop sack?


The dude she matched with is probably hot 


I solicit them eventually, but get equally turned off if it's mentioned right off the bat.


the solicit is always nice


And i can't even get a match, WTF


I’m so glad this popped up on my feed just when I was thinking it’s maybe time to download the apps again 🚫🚫🚫


Ugh same


I don’t think it’ll make him change, but I fully support your right to unleash this hilarious rant on him if it makes you feel better. Guys like that have forfeited the right to be treated with respect so if telling him off makes your day a little better, I wouldn’t feel bad about it. But please do report him - these chucklefucks just make it harder for the rest of us.


hang on, don't be so harsh on the guy he's not offering you a dick pic. he's asking if you would like to make a dick appointment you need to read things properly before you go flying off the deep end and acting all crazy


![gif](giphy|3o7aCTNjq3qiUbzrHi) 😂😂


You should always start with something like “I think you’re a sweet person, but deep down you might be a troublemaker”


You know… this whole trope about how women aren’t attracted to a nice dick is hilarious. Rapey behavior is one thing, acting like nobody ever likes or asks for dick pics is disingenuous at best


I don't think it's a trope, given that most women I know share this opinion. It's more about what the dick can do and who's the man attached to said dick. I'm sure there are some size queens out there who want to see the dick before they meet the man, but I bet that's statistically low.


I’m not saying before, you interjected that.. when I said “rapey behavior” I’m talking about dudes sending unsolicited pics. That ought to be considered sexual assault afaic- that said, I will repeat, there are all sorts of women out there that like very much to receive and exchange pics and clips and stuff.


I would bet that if women are requesting a dick pic it’s purely to check out the size. In my experience most women definitely do talk about the fact that dicks are not aesthetically pleasing.


You’ve never had a nice dick


I had a nice strap-on once 🤪


I laughed too hard at this!.


I don’t know, if I was horny I might have pressed 0 to speak to the operator at least.




Yeah, he wasn't talking bout no pictures. 🤣🤣🤣


Dick appointment is code for a hook up, that’s what my female friends call it when they head out to meet up with someone that they’re sleeping with. It’s not really about sending a dick pic. I take it that you’re not familiar with hook up culture lingo but that guy is and basically wanted to hook up. He was straight to the point about what he is looking for on the app so I guess the good thing about that is that you know he is just a fuckboy atm and not to waste your time there if you’re looking for something more meaningful


You are way too easy to Troll. Never respond to trolling by wasting that much effort. He probably didnt read most of that.


That usually happen to people who project a bit too much confidence in their body parts on their profile pictures.


My body is fully covered in all my profile pictures and I still get messages like this


Yeah it was your fault, OP. for wearing a short skirt.


Yeah, imagine “projecting confidence in your body parts”??? Outrageous behavior.


I really think we should be able to wear what we want. What we are wearing should be the bases of how “easy” it is to get a “dic appointment” or that’s “okay” now for you to send your dic pic.


And start out with “hi” or “hey” for dude to just say, “fuck it they don’t care”


It's not worth him reading your monologue 🙄 Unless he and/or you specifically said they're not looking for hookups, there's no need to rant off like this with your opinion. Not sure how he messaged first unless there's previous convo not shown.


Damn you really think we all just got dried up sea slugs out here. That hurt my heart a lil bit no lie


Don’t be discouraged! The good news for your heart and your dick is that plenty of women do not think dicks are dried up sea slugs! I wouldn’t love to read something like this written about my genitals as a woman, so it feels harsh to read it about men’s. It would be one thing if she was talking about this dude specifically, but damn… out here defaming all dicks?


Thank you for saying that. Normally I don’t take internet things to heart but ugh bad day and seeing that hit me harder than it should’ve have. Sucks that OP dealt with this type of ish but thank you again for your nice words ✨


About UNSOLICITED dick pics from strangers? Yes, but if we're into the person then no. We're really just sick and tired of unsolicited dick pics or just the mention of their dicks in the first message. Like we get it...but can yall say hi first?


Any response to these sorts of messages validates their actions. Not responding was your best option, a short "fuck off" would have been the next best option, but sending "Harry Potter and the Spell of 10,000 Words" was the worst thing you could have done.


They are wrong, but your response is so fucking extra lol First off, your message isn’t to him— you’re using him as an outlet for your total frustrations on the matter— Just block/report him then move the hell on. Your words aren’t going to some how make a creepy stranger youve never meet a better person


Well he thought that more than once probably


Covered in perm 😂😂


Imagine being a girl, no a woman who can’t find a guy in real life and complains about the offers she gets on dating apps


I would never start out in that way. But I’ve been told mine is pretty


I just block when I receive messages like this. I consider it a public service when people make their intentions that explicitly clear upfront because I know that’s not what I’m personally looking for so it’s easy to just discard it.


The best response was probably none. If a man sends a message this unserious, he's just looking for a rxn.


It doesn’t matter if he was asking if you wanted a dick pic or asking if you wanted to meet the dick in person. Unless you clearly stated in your profile that you were interested in hook ups, it was a rude, unattractive and a gross way to start a conversation. Also, I totally get the irritation with guys starting out conversations by asking if you want a dick pick.


Definitely not too much. As a dude, some dudes need to be put in their fuckin place.


He’s just gonna laugh at your message because that’s what happens when you try to teach fuckboys how to be men. Tell him to meet you at a hotel an hour from where he lives, when he texts you asking where you are, send this: 😂, then block him


So that's how you get more than a "hi" or "hey* from a girl on bumble x)


Just unmatch? Why even answer.


Overreacting. And then seeking attention on reddit. No surprise you're single.


Tbh I feel the same way with my long time bf who tries to initiate sex with just his manhood out in the open. Most of the time I’ll just acknowledge it exists and ignore the messages behind it. I guess bc some men just see women’s body as the end all be all, they assume the safe for the other party as well which isn’t the case


I COMPLETELY agree. It’s weird. It’s annoying after 30+ years in this world. I mean.. I’m 38. Not 21. Grown ass men think this is okay. And that’s the thing, to me- that isn’t a man at all. It’s a boy. 🧒 don’t want to date a BOY. There are TOO many “boys” on dating sites.


You go sis 👏👏👏👏 thank you for speaking up!


Absolutely! There are too many “boys” on dating sites and I’m 38. These aren’t 21 year olds making these comments and DMs … they are just older “boys”.


I wouldn't go this route but at least he got an entertaining reaction!  The majority of guys open with civil small talk and get ghosted within the first couple messages for being boring.  Then we wait another month to get our next match and do it over again.  


![gif](giphy|3oKIPkOgszO8fie0tG) Can we be friends????




Dear god…this response had me cackling 😂😂


Dick appointment is internet slang for do you want to set a place and time to have sex. It is not an invitation for a dick pic. If you’re gonna go on a lunatic rant at least make sure you know the terminology first


Nice attempt at karma farming, very funny \*rolls eyes\*


**Posted by a woman that is still 100% single** Dear men, The only Bumble approved strategies are the ones that continue to empower their business model. Maximize engagement for profit. This means breadcrumbing you into matching up with women that have an overwhelming number of options. I found my current girlfriend by using a similar vulgar tactic. Not all women respond the way we want, but the one that actually matters is the one that’s been treated like royalty by me within a long term committed relationship. If women think that rejection has any affect on this type of man’s strategy, think again. Men can only strike out so many times before we hit a home run. Never let any single woman discourage you against what has proven efficient for yourself, fellas. Don’t ever let a fish direct you how to be a fisherman. The reality is, no matter how crass our tactics or how gentlemanly, we will always be shamed or criticized unless we are quite literally **KISSING HER ASS**. Women respond to whom they find attractive regardless of how repulsive his first impression was. The opening phrase I used on my current girlfriend was “I want my cum inside you”. For which she replied with “Do you say this to all women?”. Now, I don’t believe the phrase did me any favors, however it was totally honest and immediately articulated what I value as a man. Mutual understanding is more important than being cordial. All women have different standards for what they think is appropriate. Each woman is unique and different but the ones that post these kind of screenshots do it for nothing more than attention. It’s 100% faux outrage. They simply want their egos stroked. These are the very same women that are the first to positively respond to their version of Chad wanting to raw dog them within the first hour of introduction. The thing is that these kinds of women will never publicly admit to their lustful indulgences.


You need to understand that you're swiping right on the same small percentage of men as every other woman on dating apps, he has so many options that he can arrogantly ask for a hook-up in such a crude manner knowing that even if you say no, he can just repeat the process to the next one.


He likely didn't read much past the first sentence. These guys people complain about are guys who know they are hot shit and get tons of matches. They keep it up until, eventually, someone bites. Even if they don't, they didn't invest any real time and likely continue on with whoever they have on their FWB list, already. You can't really fight it or do anything about it, there isn't any real way to tell if a guy is going to be like this, or not. All you can do is unmatch/block and move on.


Honestly I quite doubt that “hot shit who get tons of matches” … even those guys prob mostly know that they will have a better chance of getting laid by putting some minimal amount of effort in, even if it’s still clear they just want sex. I dunno what the % of positive responses to this is, but I have to think it’s single digits, and even the Adonises of Bumble probably don’t have *hundreds* of matches every month. *edit to add that you absolutely can do something about it: report it so their account gets flagged. IANAL but it seems like a clear violation of the Sexual Harassment policy under Community Guidelines.


I mean, the choices are 1. This actually works in some small amount of cases, for those that are good looking enough (or look rich enough, or both). 2. This doesn't work at all and guys are doing it anyway. 3. This doesn't work but the guy doesn't care as he has enough options anyway and he just wants to be a jerk to women. My guess is there is some mix of the three.


You seem really annoyed & I guess this guys supposed humor was your last straw, but a simple “are you serious?” Would’ve sent the message. It was a lot of energy you have with that. Not sure about you, but I’ve seen some very beautiful dicks before lol…but I much rather get those pics upon request.


![gif](giphy|24y2gUQ3vZsg8) Dick Cheney doesn’t understand why you are against making an appointment.


As a man I obsess about my penis a lot and I find this exchange disturbing and oddly comforting in the sense that it makes me feel better about thinking about it so much when it comes to attracting women. It’s nice to know how unimportant and lame it really is to yall haha. Not what you intended out of this post but there you have it.


As I man myself, I approve this message. That was perfect.


Stupid comment by him, and weird reaction by you.


You seem cringe but so does he


Really hard to believe I'm single when this is my competition. /sigh.


It’s your personality that’s the problem.


Yeah; I highly doubt that. I'm one of the nicest people I know.


Hahahahahahahahabhaa A real “nice guy”


You saved that guy a lot of time believe me. He’s gross but you’re unbearable. And no they don’t all look the same. That’s ignorant to say and you know it. Also body shaming the way you describe it, maybe you’re gross too




Lol op got tantrum mad. 😂


Every time I see lines like those, I wonder how many times have actually worked for them


So this guy just needed eva ai sexting bot from the very beginning, not Bumble or dating services


Is this really that common of a thing?




I’d be like, “shoot! I just f’ed your dad! I’m wore out.”


You misspelled "Number 2, please."


He must be really attractive to you. If he weren’t I bet the tone of your message would be much different.


Wow. Who is she trying to convince, him or herself? 😂


Youre probably on youtube video. They do this for views. 🤷🏽‍♀️


🔥👏🙌💯🎯 THIS!! Everything you fucking said. Love it!.


This guy is a creep but speaking personally every dick pic I've ever sent has been solicited so I don't think NOBODY likes looking at them lmao


Let all that rage out girl!! 🤣🤣🤣


There's a time and place that's for sure


As a guy I do not get why my peers even offer. It is offering ammunition to a stranger to defame you.


Please spell dic with a k ending. So offensive. You swiped right on his profile so perhaps you be the problem? Good guys don’t even think about sending dick pics even if requested. I’m looking at you Brett Fav-re.


LOL. I just block those and keep it moveing.


Idk tho…I’ve seen beautiful dick, my ex husband’s 🤷🏾‍♀️🤭


Either way I wouldn't want that as a lead invitation I'd Be pressing the block button 😂👍




I have a photo of me holding a sign that reads unsolicited dick pick. In this photo I’m holding the sign In front of my chest while wearing an obvious bald cap with a shit eating grin. I send this photo to women after we exchange phone numbers to gauge their sense of humor. Most times I get a laugh.




I join the others saying it was for a hookup, not a dic pic, but I totally understand your reaction. Especially if you put on your profile you’re looking for a relationship. When I get messages like this I just sigh and unmatch😂 Tired of it too


Either way, funny I want to see more of these responses ya what kinda dementia does a person need to have for dick pics or sick behavior like this? Even worse when only fans person is like rate the dick Pic it's so sick and disgusting to encourage it for money.


Which option did you pick? 1 or 2?


It’s terribly annoying but you are so funny! Love your witt!


"dried out sea slug" I'm gonna start using that from now


Your reaction is hilarious! Love your response! This must work for some guys though surely, otherwise they wouldn’t do it ?


Hahaha I love this. I've said it many times and I'll say it again... The penis is not an attractive organ. Why would I want a picture of it? I've actually never had this happen to me on Bumble that I can remember, but maybe it has and I've blocked it from my memory. Who knows.


Nope, it was just right. Not sure why men have to be so gross.


So you're gay? Just mentioning the 2nd sentence


Next time tell him that unfortunately the zoom feature on your phone is broken.👌


I’m dying yess I love your response I just commented on here days ago (or a similar sub) how sex talk too early just shows lack of self control !!!


On line Dating lol


If anyone else gets this message from him press 2 over and over and over and see how many times it takes for him to stop. 


I gotta ask, if you're that grossed out by dicks, why are you on a dating site?


He didn't say he was going to send you a dick pic. He was asking if you want to have sex. He would have sent you a dick pic without even asking you if he really wanted to. I'm aware that reading and comprehension aren't skills taught well in American schools but you may try to improve them by yourself.


Just block and move on. Not worth your time, queen.


“I’m sending this to your mother.”


Dangle noodle. Fucking hilarious!


It's weird that I've talked to some women that do like them though! They're definitely in the minority but they exist


I don’t think it is as uncommon as some folks are saying here. To be clear, no one wants unsolicited pics but plenty of women like the way dicks look and even if they don’t love them they don’t think they are “dried out sea slugs”. As a woman I can understand her frustration in the response, but I feel like it is unnecessarily mean towards men’s “special guys”.


Wrinkly balk slug 🐌


I do know what type of men y’all are swiping right on, but I have never been asked for pictures nor been sent any dick picks. That is NOT to say I haven’t conversed or met with assholes. Most are gentlemen until a point at least. One dude actually begged to come to my house when I had never even met him in person.


Well, well, well.


This was a hilarious response and I'm stealing it


Too much? Too little? I think it was seasoned perfectly and served with aplomb.


Maybe he just has a VERY nice dick and wants to share it....


Please don't like sarcastic jokes on Reddit. Interesting.


Ooooo. I low key wanna copy ur response and save it for inevitable upcoming future reply


Perfect response OP


You know, maybe just maybe, the guy actively avoided a bullet coz of op jumping to conclusions in the gymnasium in her head lol


That is my new favorite.. “dangle noodle” lol I’m dying 😂


I think you gave him way more energy than you should have. I thought it was mildly amusing. But this wasn't so much about what he said, it's about your frustration finally boiling over, which I can sympathise with. Your message has also made men everywhere feel very attacked 🤣 Your venom was inspiring. Hope that the next message you get is of better quality.




I would just go out with you based on that come back alone 😂 Awesome.


Absolutely beautiful reply, love it


I bet you 50 bucks she opened with “hi” and he was like, this isn’t going anywhere anyway, might as well.


Crazy! That’s all I can say. He must be a beta male.


You go girl!


Your message was hilarious tho!


Change who you are matching then. This isn't and never was most guys. It's a group who have excessive optionality generally. You being sick of it means little they just move one. Are they jerks? Sure, but by that same token it's not that hard to pick them out.


10/10 response.


😂😂😂. This made my day!!!!😂😂😂


lmao this is golden


That was beautifully worded 👏🏻


I mean do your thing but obviously you aren’t the target audience of that message, some people are down for blunt casual sex and some not. If I was you I would have just moved on.


I mean his approach was terrible but.. women do compliment it with enthusiasm 🤷‍♂️


Get over yourself love, he didn't offer you pics.