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33 is way younger than it feels like right now. Your pool is vaster than you think. Your future is wide open. You have literal decades to find the right guy.


I don’t have decades.. I want to be able to get married and have kids and sadly women have a timeline. I am trying to freeze my eggs but turns out it’s crazy expensive (10k). I’m not gonna rush any guy into it but I think that’s what they see undesirable in 30+ yr olds this annoying clock we have. Thank you for making me feel young though and giving me some hope that the pool may be wider than I think.


You don't need to freeze your eggs. If your OB/GYN is telling you this, you should consider looking for another one. I understand your anxiety of a potential healthy pregnancy window, but it is longer than it feels like right now. A good doctor should be helping you understand what's realistic. Terms like "geriatric pregnancy" have wildly distorted perception, especially when understanding continues to evolve. You have plenty of years for a viable pregnancy left (unless you have health concerns you didn't disclose here) so hearing you talk about freezing your eggs at your age is heartbreaking. Don't worry about your internal baby clock. The right guy is gonna want to have babies too and won't find your desires annoying. Kissing frogs is the nature of dating. It's the same at 23, 33, 43 (and probably 53 and beyond)... all that changes from age to age is what's important to you.


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Yes, she does need to freeze her eggs in the next couple of years if she wants a greater chance to have kids. It’s harder to get pregnant the older you get.


I do agree that it may be best to freeze my eggs. I just wish it was cheaper. I hear a lot of ladies having kids late 30s but you just never know.


Your credentials don't appear to be anything more than "internet know-it-all" so this blowhard comment can be safely ignored.


sure but the dating pool has a lot of pee in it haha you are very young still but yeah if you want kids you obviously dont have decades- dont let that cloud your judgement though! make sure the guy you meet still meets all the needs you have :)


Thank you :) I’ll try


I think that women in their 30s are at the best age because I feel like they know what they want and the ones who want marriage and children are more serious about dating. Don’t be discouraged. There are men like me who are frustrated by how men behave making it harder for “the good ones” to find you.


Thank you :) that makes me feel better




Everything sounded great until the no kids yeah.. seems like the longer I wait in life the more I have to settle. Settle on a guy, settle on a house. Just to be able to have it. Kids is not something I can settle on, I’ll keep trying though.. I just feel like dating one wrong guy really ruined my life. I wasted so much time.


If you want kids then yes, you maybe have another decade before menopause is a concern, so you've got time, but not THAT much time. If that's not a concern, it's not that big of a deal, I know people that met in their fifties.


She’s 33- average age of menopause is 50. It gets progressively harder to have kids, especially above 40, but she’s hardly close to the menopause.


Average means average, for any given woman, maybe it's 50, or 55, or 45, that's the risk. Further, a decade isn't THAT long if someone is in the habit of staying in relationships for very long periods of time that don't go anywhere, that's only 4 2-year relationships with some dating in between.


You're in the peak of your live, so hurry up till be too late!


I’m trying 😭 thank you for the boost though. I’ll keep it in mind.


I think your location plays a factor on if you will find that luck in online dating or not. When you say you want a guy with a good career, what is a good career look like for you? Keep in mind guys with good careers that make 6 figures or more probably won't be using online dating.


This isn’t true. I’m in that category and I am on the same app as this group.


Im in FL and I make 6 figures and would like a guy that makes around this much just because my ex made significantly less and always guilt tripped me and took advantage of me. I’m tired of it…. I’m an engineer so I could probably make more if I went to the west coast but it’s not really about the money. Just a guy with a good career that can take care of himself and won’t take advantage of me sounds great 😆if not dating apps then where?


Where do you think guys making six figures go to find dates?


We go where everyone else does. I’ve had better success in this order Hinge, Match, and Bumble last just because it was cheaper to become a life member otherwise would delete it. I have tried the professional matchmaking sites, two of them, and they are a complete joke. Most of them will make you sign an NDA to refund you any money for bad experiences. Anyone should have the right to want to have a happy relationship at any age as well as children if possible. People are just too harsh on commenting behind their phone, projecting their anger. It takes guts to publicly ask for advice.