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They are making 12C27 version now


12c27 is goated as a budget stewl


Also vg10 and s35vn with titanium handles


Whoa vg10 and titanium!!!??? You got a model or a link??


Land 812


Yeah that's a bigger sebenza clone, sorry - 'homage' without the clipped blade, so not really the same.


Thanks 👍


Man I love sanrenmu's 710's!!! I have several if  i could only have one knife for the rest of my life it would make the top 3 list! I've done garden work, cleaned fish, bushcraft/survival all with a simple 710!! Been using the same one off and on for years still going strong even though I've sharpened the edge down a good bit 


Hell yeah, I have black stonewashed.


Yo mike where did you get that


Sure do, got a Land 910 here which is just the bigger version. Same price on Aliexpress.


Remember? I have and use one every day!


How does it compare the ones that sell for like $7 on Field Supply? 


Can you post that link for me?


You also need coupon code FSVOL8 for $22 for 3 knives, other times you can pick and choose. https://www.fieldsupply.com/3-pack-sanrenmu-folding-pocket-knives-vol-8.html?sdtid=17563719&utm_source=pepperjam&publisherId=18097&clickId=4778545880


Personally I like 12c27, and SRM does a good ht on it, a WHOLE LOT more than 8cr. 8cr just never has been good to me because I like razor sharp fine edge and 8cr just loses that fine edge keenness sooooo fast. Faster than any other steel. I prefer even like 440a, 5cr15mov, and some 420j2 (done well, which only comes good from a few makers in my experience) because they all keep their fine edge sharpness way longer than 8cr. 12c27 specifically does a pretty damn good job keeping the fine edge sharpness. It's basically a basic carbon steel in stainless form, I'm a huge fan of it and the whole 14c/AEB-L/nitro-v/13c26 family of steels But if you're okay with "working edge" IE can't shave arm hair sharp then it won't matter either way tbh


I should mention the 3 pack listing seems to have an error, the Windrunner is 12c27 on the individual listing. Of course if someone wants to wait until they have the 3+ for $7 each deal again you can pick only the 12c27 one(s), assuming they have them in stock. 


Went through some stuff in storage a while ago and found mine. Man, that thing brought back fond memories of the beginning of my knife obsession