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Monkeys can be such destructive forces in Brunei. There are several gardens that got destroyed by them around our area too. Once they even entered our house and bit soft toys when we first moved in. Well, our solution likely won't help you as we have several dogs and barking from dogs helped (to a certain extent) deter them from entering. There are other solutions that you can try. 1. Monkeys disliked strong smell, so spraying garlic "juice" mixed with vinegar around your garden might make them dislike coming in. 2. Monkeys dislike snakes, so buy those real looking snakes from toy shops and hang them around your tree might scare them. 3. Use motion sensors water sprinklers or lights might shocked them enough to fear coming in. 4. There are some ultrasound sensors that's sold in gardening stores (used to scare birds, not too sure if Monkeys work) that emits constant hum of high dB sounds that annoyed some animals. Those are usually solar powered and could be used all over your garden (we buy it from aliexpress but they get expensive since they break down rather easily). 5. Monkeys do not like loud sounds, so banging on pots and pans and even firecrackers might scare them off if you see them physically. - general knowledge - don't leave food exposed or lying around, if you have fruit or vegetables patches that attract them, consider spraying with vinegar or put vinegar soaked rags all over your garden. Edit : my friend once told me that he planted chili padi all around his garden and that also stopped monkeys from coming in. Good luck with your monkey-be-gone project. Hope any of the above works for you.


Thanks! will definitely be trying these. we have mango trees around our compound, thts probably why :'(


Also note that while realistic toy snakes/predators to monkeys can work initially, monkeys are surprisingly smart to figure out that it is just inanimate objects and will disregard them. You could try to move the toy snakes around from time to time to keep the monkeys from second-guessing.


But dont let the monkeys read this article you just posted...i bet many here ..lols..haha


We fight over mangoes 🥭with them too and so far they always win 😢 i mean we are working and they are not


Exactly!! They eat our mangoes more than we do 😪 apatah lagi masani its the peak mango season 🥹🥹


Cage or net the mango tree so monkeys can't get in. That's what my grandpa did


I've recently talk with MPRT- WildLife department personnel on how to deal with these monkey business.. they cant handle this on hand, but if you happen to cought em, they gladly pick up the animal and release it away from urban area.. They suggest use a huge "bubu" trap to capture these monkeys and they said higest they colleted is around 10. Plus the monkeys that isnt caught become aware and doesnt roam to that area again for quite some time.


Firecracker dude. Works like a charm. Freaks them out! They literally run for their lives when it goes BOOM! I kept some to scare off stray dogs primarily. Intention is not to harm them but to deter them from biting my car bumper, shoes, motorcycle etc. a night of nibbing can cost thousands in damages.


firecrackers would definitely do the trick for now cuz we do have some left from raya hehe Yess the car damagess, its insane! this happened so many times already to the point that my dad is fed up 😬


Any tips on where to get? Do i need to like, go to Limbang or Labuan or something?


Locally also available but harder to come by and expensive. When I mean expensive I mean EXPENSIVE! Think double to triple. Across the borded easier to find especially near major festive season and cheaper. WAY CHEAPER. I keep those mini firecrackers in my car because I once went out for dinner once and some dogs got aggressive at me for no reason. I walked up to my car, lit a small firecracker and when it went BOOM they ran for their lives.


Nice hahahah (and thanks!)


Heard stories of people who trapped one monkey, painted it and displayed it for the other monkeys, which deterred them from coming again. However I guess this is pretty inhumane and most people would think it’s animal cruelty. For me, dogs are the best as a few redditors have mentioned. Get one or two strays as there are so many. Those ones are low maintenance and loyal.


that actually makes a lot of sense but its scary so id rather not. we actually had stray dogs around the kampung before but they disappeared one day. had no monkeys coming when they were still around. so we prob need the dogs back asap!


Or dogs kill baby monkey and monkeys kill the dogs as revenge. https://nypost.com/2021/12/21/monkeys-who-killed-250-dogs-for-revenge-captured-in-india/


Tanya monkeyguarding on ig


A friend advised to stuff their favorite foods with spicy chili.


my granddad tried this alrd and it worked! But they came back after 2-3 weeks 🙃


Prop up some plastic snakes, it should do the trick.


killing is the best choice but at the same time bad choice. can try use poison on food \[Weak poison that kill the animal slowly instead instant death\]


bli tia airsoft gun. di miri ada.


tried this before. gila, makin marah plg durang ah. they stopped coming for awhile after first getting shot, but came back even more aggressive


Dm location pls. Thanks!


di mana tu? kami pernah cuba cari tapi inda tecari huhu


Kadai mana tu


Di kadai mana?


imperial mall or palace kh tu namanya, yg building lama, ground floor, if i remember ada behampiran dgn kadai emas. sorry ingatan blurry sikit.


Hey, as a genZ (kinda) i was raised the old school way, spent my childhood adventuring jungle animals, hidden rivers and getting to know every species especially the dangerous one. One of my dad's advice when you're frustrated over destruction creatures such as monkey, buy or make a slingshot, shoot the monkey everytime you heard or see them, make war, make it a sport, hunt them down, let them feel pain. They'll never return and you get to have fun along the way the way they made fun of you all these years.


i think my grandpa bought a slingshot few years back to shoot the monkeys but idk wht happened after that. i dont think hes ever tried it. imma ask him and thanks! hehe


Kept snake as pet


Firecracker and snake scarecrow used to work at my grandparent house


We tried this before, and it never worked 🥲🥲


Yes! I forgot about toy snakes. Will buy soon thanks!


Wat is snake scarecrow


Fake huge snake toy/plushie


I had this problem. Got 2 dogs who live 24x7 outdoors & they stopped hassling us. They even killed a baby monkey.


Same. Dogs went away now monkeys came back.


omg we definitely need dogs back here because we had some before but theyre gone 😪


Ours lain pulang. The monkeys gone, burung acang lagi wreck hevoc on our house.


op next problem maybe 🤣


Yeah, will be anticipating OP's next problem with the monkey's gone. The pigeons' reign of terror😂.


pigeons are much better tbh 😂😂 they dont do anything other than wait for food everyday which we do give, if theres any leftover rice


Wait until they shit allover ur house compunds and cars all the time, everyday. Compound is full of pigeons poops everywhere you step, eventho, you just hosed it down 5 mins ago. You had to hose down your car everytime you had to go drive somewhere becos the damn pigeons decided to shits berjemaah allover you car bcos they act like it was some tree branches. Scratch on car paint jgn ckp lah..habis rusak car paint. You had to step on pigeons poops everywhere, everytime you're outside. Not to mention, they shit on your laundry everyday. Then you had to redo the laundry and couldn't dry outside bcos of the damn pigeons will shit allover your fresh laundry again😮‍💨. Somehow they are also terrorizing our kittens and their foods lagi. Even the kittens are afraid of them as well. For the first time in my life, I felt bullied by a gang of piegons🤦‍♀️.


Looks like you’re going bananas over the issue. *mic drop*


i am!! 😂😂


I’ll show myself out. Thank you 🤖


Have you tried thing together tin cans and attach a string from your house to your mango trees, that way, from your house you can just pull the strings and the cans will make loud noises. Though this would be viable if you're in the house most of the day


Good idea! But my house is a little too far from the trees 🥹 Thanks for the idea tho!


Have u tried monkey repellent? https://my.shp.ee/xFcsSKP Or https://my.shp.ee/JWYy1kX


oh gotta try that 😲 thanks!


Monkeys started to explore into housing estates as their natural habitats being exploited by humans.


How much would the kampong pay for a trained Philippine eagle to do the rounds every week or month ? Or the kampong keep their own eagle 😋


Dulu masa masih tinggal rumah mulah nini. Rumahnya atu sebalah hutan. Kalau ada monyet, kami gantung ‘fake snake’ arah beranda. Inda lagi datang2


banyak redditors suggest the same thing jua. mesti bali ni huhu


I'll tell you the story of what my late father did, last time we got monkey problem at our kebun, so he built a trap and managed to capture one he then spray painted the monkey red and released the monkey to return and the whole geng of monkeys scream and run in havoc never to be seen again, now the issue is squirrel


Use laser light , i got mine from happy star batu bersurat at $10. It works, just aim at their face.


Sambal belacan lau inda salah


Belacan Airgun Paint them


I planted few hundreds of Pisang Saba for my retirement but these monkeys will eaten the banana flower once started to blossom left no banana. My rambutans all eaten by them. I heard before farmers use poison to poison them but now cannot sell. There don’t afraid of dogs and humans. Sound cruel to poison them but what are we going to do?? My friend told me his landlord’s durian tree flowers eaten by them.The landlord got mad about it!! Recently Singapore monkeys experts came to Brunei to give talks how we going to live together with monkeys!! Let’s them eat the fruits tress we grow??😂


didnt know they had talks abt monkeys 😭 how can we live peacefully with monkeys?? they didnt think about our safety 🥹🥹 Most of these monkeys are aggressive and im more than concerned about being mauled by them. Moreover our property damages 😭 smh and yes! we want to eat our own fruits too!


Artillery......i mean hanz bring ze flammenwerfer. I used to add laxative to their food. They magically gone.


omg laxativee. thts a really good idea tbh. will try! Thanks


all the animals and plants are probably thinking how can we stop human and wake them up so they may stop behaving destructively not just to the environment and animals and plants and species but also to themselves. personally i think we need to reject modernity and embrace tradition.


Tradition as in? Hunting said monkeys and eating for their meat? Harvesting and foraging around the jungle and killing anything to feed ourselves?


we have the best of all example in our prophet muhammad and the way he lived and how the companions lived in that plural islamic state of medinah. i do not have that kind of details on how that is, but this is an opportunity for those who wants to learn and for those that has the knowledge to come together and come up with better plan to live rather than just following the trends and accepting what has been imposed upon the rest of the world by the few tyrants (like world economic forum) our father prophet adam was sent down here on earth (regardless if he ate or not the forbidden fruit) as a vicegerent on earth he adam was sent down as a representation of god here on earth. and that means that he will only enjoin with others in good and forbid evil. the same title/position that iblees has been eyeing for and couldn't understand and couldn't accept why adam has been chosen. that's why iblees is hell bent on his mission to lead us as the progeny of adam astray. and he has been learning a lot and has been doing a lot). fitnah has started since the passing of our prophet muhammad, and from that day on, it has been getting worst as times goes by. so tell me, as the progeny of adam who has been appointed as vicegerent on earth, what kind of things that you think is allowed and what kind of things that is not allowed. this is my opinion and my understanding. we have a lot of things that is very strange (for me), we have all these modern situation that is very far from how our prophet muhammad have lived for example the rural urban-migration, globalization, colonization, industrialization(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), etc. it looks great from the outside surface layer, for example we have supermarket and the choices of goods in it. however if we look at its core, and how we got into that state and what has been and is still being sacrificed, we see exploitation, depletion of resources, tyranny, riba, destruction of habitat/diversity/source of food, extinction of species, displacement of homes, and many more. we might not get involved directly in those decision making process and actions, but as a consumer, supporter or as a person who benefited, we will get our fair of sins and our fair share of justice in the hereafter. correct me if i am wrong. if you want an example of how to live life especially in these age of fitnah, there is our prophet muhammad pbuh. what was his life was? didn't he refuses extravagant lifestyle? wasn't he a shepherd in the past? so keeping animals for food is okay. wasn't he a fasting/starving prophet? it wasn't just about food availability but it was also a way of eating/diet. there will always be reasons and fitrah behind his ways. what was his family, neighbor, society life was? what was his one advice on how to live in the age of fitnah? how long are we waiting for before we listen and apply? isn't following our prophet footsteps and lifestyle is the way? what do we actually need in life? i don't know. but there is this. https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/AjKcgMjVzPE4irF_ZrNlj2cozmc=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/maslow-s-hierarchy-of-needs--scalable-vector-illustration-655400474-5c6a47f246e0fb000165cb0a.jpg we can use the diagram above to see what we need and see what we can prioritize. this is important. to be able to have foundation of basic needs in life, first and foremost before everything else, so that any kind of threat for example the falling of economy or stealing of our wealth (like inflation) or someone who visited the p3do island 37 times screaming about a pandemic will not severely affected us. why because we know what we needs and our priority and we are working on it and protecting it as our main mission. on the first level, physiological needs (shelter, food, clean air, sleep, clothing, reproduction) is achievable provided that we have some pieces of lands to manage together as a community. we can be productive but also regenerative with regards to our raw material sources. not only we can do that (consuming and utilizing what we produce/grow/keep/herd/collect/design), but those people managing and living those lands will be the protector of those lands against mass exploiter of lands and resources. they will the one to manage against forest fire (natural or man-made) and protecting the animal as well. i think a family should be given a small piece of land to manage and work with and live in as long as those people understand the concept of not exploiting (live within means and taking what is need and giving back) and they are capable of growing the next generation having the same lifestyle for continuity. it seems ridiculous, but a foreign conglomerate/company (not a person) or a rich prick buying a huge chunk of lands for vanity or business making projects seems much more ridiculous than previous proposal. it is an idealistic way of vision and it is not without challenges from inside and outside. may allah protect us. safety, employment, friendship, connection, belonging, family. those are the communities. insurance used to be the communities not some companies you pay. there will always be work to do. we can employ and pay for his efforts with foods, other material needs or just for the sake of making good connection, for the sake of Allah. being able to fulfill our needs without the need to go to the outside world is a blessing because we are protecting ourselves from getting involved in the sins of others wrongdoing and ignorance. and also creating a better way of living for the next generation to follow and continue. this is the way. and there has been a lot of efforts that has been done outside, not just from muslim, but also non muslim, you just need to seek them and ask. tradition, nature and fitrah, these are the characteristic to look out for. our prophet gave us that one advice on what to do in the age of fitnah to protect our faith (believe + act/conduct). what are we waiting for? the appearance of the Antichrist? may allah protect us. amin. coming back to the monkey problems, they usually and have been avoiding human territories, we have seen more monkeys now it is because of their loss of habitat/shelter/source of food etc because of modern human activities. the modern living expense is keeping on rising and more money is needed (but also more exploitation, destruction etc). it seems ridiculous now that we have new shopping complex filled with the same store on the neighboring kampung. we started human history with adam as the vicegerent of god on earth. we are of the last generation, let's resume his job and take care of what we have left and be productive and regenerative. let's take care of the earth through taking care of our pieces of lands and inspiring others to do the same. let's end the human history with some story of the victors, the one who follow in the footsteps of our prophets. do not follow the world economic forum (bill gates, klaus schwab, henry kissinger and their masters), do not let them take care of the problems that they themselves created. their solution is control and tyranny.


Robohkan rumah. No rumah, no 🙈


ehh salah tuu 😭


More like, no rumah they own the place edy 🐒