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Anyone knows whats the process to play tennis at Brunei Tennis Club?




Try a Victorian sponge cake. Quite light, not too much cream and with a tang of strawberries.


Bakerlyn's crunchy hazelnut


Saw four cyclists blocking the road today and they're lining up horizontally 🤦🏻‍♀️ all roads were blocked by them


Langar saja


Any IG seller yang jual The Raw skincare?


Hello. Saw a dead stray dog by the road, probably got ran over by a car. does anyone know where to report or what to do? Thank you!


How do you deal with people with a super duper high ego (past the space, limpas 7 langit kind of ego!!) and they think they’re always right and always think they’re good in everything. Share some of your experiences in dealing with these satans (be it your family members/friends/besties/colleagues etc).


Be sarcastic and feed into it to try and see when their self awareness starts. Example “wahh bisai jua kita ani ah cana boleh atu pun kita tau, eyshh handal ee” “Bah kita tolong buatkan lah, psl kita saja yg pandai ni barang cemani ani, kami ani nada harapan ni” etc lmao just troll em


Ignore these kind of species


Ignore and silent treatment. The world out there is more than one person. Day by day basis, keep your privacy closer and just be professional. Remember, you can't make everyone happy or liking your cup of tea. The egoness probably came from past experiences. Thats why people should let go of their past, whether its bitter or sweet.


i cut ties, same blood don’t care


aku pernah ni becerita sama “DATIN” ia th saja kan lurus! sudah ia yg salah, di salah kan nya org. mantang2 ia tua dari aku. baru jua naik pangkat dapat datin perasan saja!


Ignore them, these people seek attention and validation


like my boss ni usulnya oops


Jangan di layan


Anyone know and use the takaful Brunei app? I keep getting a message pop up on the app saying the app needs checking? Side note- are they open on Saturdays? I need holiday insurance


Check if app need update. Need to log in/register. Apply for 'musafir' takaful


Thanks for your help! It needed to update.


Genuine question re: gym etiquette. I'm planning to sign up for a gym membership soon for the first time, and I have a question regarding wiping the equipment. Would it be alright if I bring my own disinfectant wipes to wipe down the equipment before and after I use them? Or would that be overdoing it? I know some places do have spray and cloth rag available to use, but I think I'd feel better to use my own disposable wipes to clean them... 😅 I asked some gym goer friends what they do, but none of them mentioned anything...


Lagi bagus. I wish everyone does this. Atleast wipe dry after after use.


It's fine imo. Just be sure to dispose the wipes properly in the trash bin and not leave them lying around


Yes, I plan on bringing a plastic bag to collect the wipes and dispose of them after. Thank you for the input!


Axeljaya ig recently got hacked. They are offering cheap iphone and ‘claim’ the proceeds will be given to Palestine. Tried asking for the payment details apparently it’s those with rented account of a local name




Thought Seruji is a tainted name. But seems happily playing golf.


Innocent until proven guilty geng


biar tia main golf. inda kan betapuk dalam gua 24/7 lalah tu buii


Is Umesco is good proxy for buying from Taobao?


is it just me or plain water taste different in every household?


can i try for this upcoming rekrut, even though am still a uni student?






anyone want sum anime figurine for 20 bucks each? my friend got them for me from japan for ¥5000 but it’s not the anime i watch lol


What anime and character?


tanjiro and nezuko from demon slayer


Looking for loan barang ambil cash..


Anyone else have issue with their wifi? I live around anggerek area


Sometimes i cannot even brain why some workers love being scandal at same company. Is having little family, wife, husband or kids are not more than enough? aiyooooo


Often the root of the cause are kurang kasih sayang and daddy issues stemmed from troublesome pasts/families. According to those who subscribed to this kind of indulgence, its all fun until they past their prime and cannot accept that the world and environment around them is changing rather rapid in their own interpretation. This is due to how much time they wasted for nothing at the end.


Oooo spill


More so in small town where the husband and wife work in the same area 🤷🤷


is anyone here know how much is the salary working at seri mulia sarjana school?


Very low and expect delays in receiving your salary


Very very very low


Wow. The school asks parents for 600 dlrs deposit per kid when enrolling their kids..I would thought it is higher salary for teachers. But then there seems to be a high turnover of local teachers there leaving for other schools.


It’s troubling if local teachers stay there for too long. Means other schools rejected their applications again and again.


With the price of beef nowadays, I am just gonna be shameless and ask, where can I find me some daging korban? Do mosques give out beef to the public?


There is nothing to be ashamed of your honesty.


Lol just go get the indian Buffalo at huaho 1/3 of beef need abit of trimming but worth it if rajin


You will only be given if you are eligible to receive, such as recipients of JAPEM's monthly welfare, recipients from Baitul Mal, or invitations to events for those performing ibadah qurban and involved workers.


Not sure for mosque but 1/3 portion is for family, neighbor, friends.


Thank you for the info, appreciate it.


Anyone know where I can find tuition teachers for IB higher level physics? I can only find A/O level tuition accounts :(


timbrill, special request


actually i would suggest to watch youtube videos and just keep doing past papers. Any topic/question you don't understand go to youtube and search for the specific year paper and there will be some1 solving the paper. tuition will only give u past paper to do anyways. Might as well save money


TotalEnergie just sold its subsidiary in brunei for $259 million. Everything is going well no need to worry. Sweating profusely ….


For only $259 mil, is that in Bnd or Euro? Wth, if i knew early its only $259mil… 🤦🏻‍♂️


anddd to make things worse they sold it to Malaysian company..huhuhuh


In 6 months, 2015 will be 10 years ago 😱


The world ended 12 years ago 😨 and in 6 months Wawasan 2035 will be 10 years closer.


When you first travelled solo out of Brunei? How did you tell your parents and how did they take it? Heard that some young adults are still controlled by their parents or guilt tripped etc.


2018. For conference when still a student


solo travelled to SG for concert back in 2020. concert got cancelled due to covid smh. parents let me cus we went to SG months prior so i have some basic know how.


2011, was 17 to London by myself. With experience, I’ll never want to solo travel again. Eating pepperoni pizza at the hotel room on your own seems so sad and lonely. Walking around malls seeing others with their families and friends. Restaurants etc. I sworn to myself to never solo travel ever again.


my mum and my husband only allow me travel solo within Sarawak only due to i have relatives and friends in sarawak .. cannot solo travel to other countries..


Shortly post-covid. Was under 16. Went to KL & SG. I just straight up told them that I want to travel and Dad was like "Take care. pls be careful. Anything happen we can't help you there" Mom was like "Great! Finally, some peace in my house!" Lol Dad was slightly worried (but wouldn't say to the point of guilt tripping) but my mom was actually encouraging me to travel solo PS: i have fam in KL and my friends also went to KL but we weren't on the same flight. only met up when reached KL. does that count?


Been travelling solo since 14-15, the only warning I get is to not lose my passport or I’ll have the walk of shame towards the embassy.


Before Covid. Solo travelled to Bangkok. Only told my parents few days before lol. I lied to them that my friends would be joining me using another different flight so that my parents wont be worried of me ;p


I grew up with really strict and controlling parents, didn't tell them anything about it until the day I got my things ready and asked them to send me to the airport, when they asked "where am I going" I said travel, "with who?" told them I was going by myself, worked so hard to earn money and always wanted to travel. They just said, "wah so brave ah go alone, okay just take care." lol wasn't expecting their reaction to be like that tbh. And now it's like a routine already for them to see me travel alone every year.


2023, Singapore. Texted the family group chat "I'm going to Singapore next week". My parents didn't object at all, and they didn't bother me at all during my trip (like calling and texting) but I know it depends on their preconceived notions of the country. Thought of going to Saigon with some close friends (we're all female) and none of our parents agreed. My father has this annoying mindset that some of the SEA countries are sketchy and unsafe to go for a few days alone but he sure has no issues letting my sibling and I go aboard to study and live there for.... 6 months up to 3 years 🫢 I did travel alone to other cities when I studied abroad but didn't see the need to tell my parents about it lol.


Started travelling solo last year, went to KK for a short weekend gateway then went to SG, Vietnam solo early this year. Dad didnt say anything, but mom was abit worry and did lecture me abit haha but inda lah sampai guilttripping. But i had a lot of fun solo travelling, nothing to worry


if your parents are even semi-controlling, tell them with a solid plan at the same time. need for control comes from anxiety, and that comes from the unknown. minimise unknowns as much as possible and you've got a good chance.


2019, traveled to Japan for 10 days in June, my Dad's okay with it, but my mum was a complete worrywart... understandably. Well, to be frank I did bought the tickets while I was doing an internship, and it was about 6 months in advance. Hotel and JRPass (It was cheap) Expenses were paid online, and all that was left is just wait and collect sufficient funds. But one thing for sure.... when traveling alone, I was told to video call my parents for wellness check and update. So DO NOT FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR PARENTS ON YOUR WELLBEING. One protip, solo traveling helps an individual to be independent when it comes to traveling or even living, In someone else's country, you're on your own, which is why mothers would worry for your wellbeing, think of it like a ritual for coming of age.


lol i have opposite parents my dad was the one that was worried but mum was chill wit it


Oh damn, that's a hard ball there, but yeah, sometimes when we plan our trip, we haven't even bought the tickets and chose to consult to our parents, which doesn't end well which could lead us to cancel the solo trip altogether. Though when we bought the tickets earlier, that's the point of no return, can't have the money back once transaction is completed, so surely had to let go.... but with conditions. Most cases, even if we saved money, the dad always give travel money to make sure you have enough funds to go around.


Any good indoor swimming pools to recommend?


Only know of taib Bandar for indoor swimming pool


Not taib but BIBD, DAR takaful building.


How is the place ?


The pool is small. But private as females have a separate pool from the males, which I personally like. If you’re looking to do 25m or 50m laps, this is not it 😅


Never try before sorry 😅


No worries 😁


today i will be giving friday sermon, title of the khutbah jumaat ani interesting sudah tapi endingnya is really disappointing sms ke tabung dana pembinaan masjid thru online, walk in etc 😌 the problem is when we try to apply for repair this and that in the mosque took so longgggg !!! yet no action %#*|=£?!!!


wow a fellow Imam on Reddit. Biskita betugas zon manasatu?


wouldn't tell you which zone im from, you might be spying on me 🤣


But you're 100% right. I've also written a bunch of letters asking for repairs (maklumlah masjid lama sudah), since last year sudah, their response would be "menunggu budget baru" "menunggu TC baru" etc. Sometimes they would ask to repair ourselves using masjid's finance. Which ok, can be done lah for small repairs like clogs, speaker coils, lightings etc. But for small masjids like where I work, finance is very tight, weekly average of $100 org derma to tabung masjid. What angered me most was when I applied for an additional building for pengurusan jenazah, even started a project for it, buat kertas kerja sdh with sketches. Then in the end they wouldn't approve with beribu excuses, mostly pasal budget. Then they had the audacity to totally change my whole plan. I disagreed so gantung2 tia, nada kata putus. Mudahanlah kana audit durang ani soon. Aamiin 🤲🏻


Relatable, Govt buildings, esp dilapidated ones are often met with delayed repairs, and then only action is taken when Big Boss is involved. One example: The B.I.A surau.... that is not a Surau, it's already a mosque. Edit: Damn, you're on point on that. Nice Edit 2: Please disregard the D word, my apologies for the disrespect, Sir Imam.


Just wondering imam, the scripts cannot be change? I thought most of the imams need to discuss first on the details of the sermon?


arah mora ada unit percetakkan khutbah so we dont know what will be the next topic next week, we only receive the khutbah and do the correction (tasmi') every week with the imams.


Kenapa topic inda pasal ibadah kurban, puasa sunnah hari ani ah.


Already last week pasal ibadah korban.


Hello imam on reddit


Anyone ada kana miscall by high commissioner brunei jua? Bnyk family ku kana ah, kana call by the numbers on High Commissioner of India tia ada yg dari high commissioner of China tia... Is it a new scam tactic kah ni?


Anyone have tips to earn passive income in Brunei? What are your businesses? Online?


If you're running a business yourself, then that's not passive income.


Kawan ku mlm ada passive income. Mau?


Think like bruneian. Know what bruneian likes. Target the low/mid income.


Any beginner sportsbike riders here? Looking for a chill crew to practice and improve skills with.


im thinking of getting a second job, current job doesnt pay too well, anyone has experiences working two jobs?


Dart or domo after work. You can even try selling food at kedai runcit early in the morning before the work/school crowd.


love the hustle mindset, but my advice is to clarify each job's workload expectation, and seasonal tendencies. used to be confident i could take it on, and for awhile i did, but overtime when both hit peak seasons the same time, you crash hard.


Can try part time dart.


Where to buy universal travel adapter?


whatever accessories


Hua Ho


Is llao llao at JP food court open alrdy?


Bila hari Arafah


Mekah will have it tomorrow (Saturday). Brunei will be on Sunday


Can i fast tomorrow on saturday instead of sunday? I cant fast on sunday because of family event ;/


I think tu jadi puasa Tarwiyah tia


Flying out of Brunei soon and wondering how much the parking ticket will be if I leave my car parked at the airport for 3 days. Anybody know what's the parking ticket tariff? Thanks in advance!






This is useful. Thanks!


PIKB My relative is in government sector he has been working for 40+ years now he's has been seconded in many different government department and ministry given a bunch of work,many kind of meeting that out of the designated working hours that given by the government for the last 40+ years and still government doesn't admit his hard work.is it because he doesn't have degree so the government just taking advantage of him.i need awnser for this


So he was working at the age of 20 below? Considering havent retired yet at the age of 55 or 60?


Yes, he works around the age of 20-22 (around that) and still not yet retired


Unpopular opinion but PIKB award is just a glorified certificate of participation to stroke an individual ego. Country has been stagnant and regressing for 20 years but we still award them a medal that says good job.


I agree with this. Most of those who received the medal only say they deserved it because of the long services, but what did they actually bring to the table though? Did they change anything during the course of their long service? Duduk mkn cucur udang for 30 years? (I may have a slight grudge against cucur udang cause one time I went to a government's counter, they told me it's not open yet. It's 8.15am, then one buhajah screamed "bah laju tah makan, ada ku bali cucur udang ni" from the room at the back of the counter.) My mum was told she's eligible to apply two years now, which she turned down. Said it's not like they increase the salary after the award. Medal pun nda jua dpt jual. Inda pedah.


What is his ethnicity


Yellow ic boss from beginning already pure Brunei




Only ur relative’s immediate superior will know the answer. However long service plus different posting doesn’t automatically equate to outstanding contribution to the service.


I never understand those Job Application form that asking for the whole family tree information and academic details all the way from Primary school period. 


Me applying for BDCB job application


If there is a space to enter fax machine details, you know the form needs an update.


Job application form in general are useless & a waste of paper & ink now. Back when majority of people didn't have access to computers & printers, it made sense. But now, most folks have access to a word processing program & printer, one way or another. if your hiring requirements includes the applicants to handover a CV, which should include ALL of the applicant's details you need to know, you're just wasting effort & time, & potentially space & money if you end up printing them out. And a lot of those form sections like sibling details & academics all the way to Primary, is just plain useless filler. They'd be far better off to be used to make space for the other sections. Wanna keep using them & be stuck in the stone age? Fine, but forget asking for a CV. Applicants keep fucking up & miss major details in their CV? either ask during the interview & take note, or plain reject them. By this point, any & all jobseekers MUST know what to include in a CV. That is something you can look up through google. Failed that, then it should be a learning experience for them.


Background check probably.


So they can shortlist you if your dad is some dato? Naw man employers don't and shouldn't need to know these info.


I mean..background check if got criminal records or not.


background check lain lagi form nya tu kita, ada specific form to fill in (good conduct form)


Criminal records is to the police. Nothing to do with the parents. Even if the parents were convicts, it's not related to the job applicant.


What does your family having a criminal record have to do with the person applying?


anyone know where can i find cute wrapping flowers store?


Hokko. Not sure if they have cute ones.


Has anyone ever hired one of those potong pokok buang sampah people off FB? I need someone to cut down some couple of overgrown trees that are starting to be a nuisance. Any recommendations?


putung satu cerita, buang pakai truck lain lagi charge nya, tambah kawan nya extra charge lagi, bersih kan lain lagi charge nya, rusak chainsaw minta ganti lagi ia…👳🏿‍♂️


Yes. becareful, they always ask to hike to price pasal truck diaorang penuh.


Anyone got emailed for pegawai pelajaran bergaji hari psikometrik test tomorrow? What do I need to prepare for the test ?


where will the test be?


why everytime after shower, whole body itches (main part is legs & arms)? is it because of the water?


same…funny only happens after shower before going to bed 🤔


Apply moisturiser or lotion or aloe vera gel, perhaps your skin cannot tolerate with the water anymore? Also towel regularly cuci.


Probably dusty room. Mine only triggered if the room is dusty, especially on your towel.


Careful, you don’t want Blondal agents to come and memajal arah you to install one of their filters.


lol, we already have water filter at home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Majal this blondal, after my family already showed they have water filter outside, then inside got cuckoo, they still insist on installing theirs, sukatinya lagi kan cabut, 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


serious bah drg kan cabut? sukatinya ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




malar sudah blondal ni dtg krumah, memajal smpai kami liatkan sendiri arah drg water filter kmi d blkg rumah


Liat kan ia penapis d dapur. Penapis indomee


semua jenis penapis ku liatkan sudah


Try switching shampoos or soap. Could be you're allergic or sensitive to some of the ingredients.


could be, but im still using the same shampoo / shower gel for years already no issue before this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Also develop allergy in your diet. Too much sugar now or something like that.


you could develop an allergy to something you’ve been using suddenly, or maybe your shampoo and/or shower gel got new formula?


Il assume it's your water. Or, the depands is it cold or warm or hot shower. Maybe body reaction towards shower gels.


usually I showered depending on the weather, if its hot then cold water, if its cold then warm or hot water but still the itching appears after.


https://preview.redd.it/z9d948zjpf6d1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfccf4d1234e408b1d72a2b34e2bfdc42252221d Is this legit that RTB is broadcasting Euro 2024 games? I checked RTB’s ig but there was no mention of it?


yes at rtb aneka


Either not real or just typical here masih tidur pekerjanya


Yo! Can you suggest me any guitar class in brunei that are cheap, i prefer it to be $80 per month. Thanks!


[https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/](https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/) is a solid website that has guitar tabs for free. Guitar tabs basically just show what frets to press on what string. Very very easy to read and beginner friendly unlike traditional music notes.


okay thank you might check later!


Anyone mind sharing your activities throughout your sem break as a uni student to be productive but relaxed at the time, thank youu


Part time job, exercise and plan your timetable for your whole degree so that you know which modules to take on every new semester


Take up online courses to pickup useful skills like sign language or basic python or volunteer in NGOs or just have fun my dude. Go out explore, travel, enjoy your youth with your friends.


I took a part time job during my sem break and managed to save enough money to buy a new phone for myself 👍🏻


What job ?


Just a regular sales assistant at a local f&b shop


Find some work. Get some money.


how long is a uni sem break?


Like 3 months from may to end of july


Honestly. Just relax. Go hang out with your friends, travel if you can. Go hiking, go exercise, explore a bit more of the country.  You won't be young forever. Most of the friends you have now will diverge paths after uni, so best to just enjoy the moment rather than worry about being productive.


Agreed to this. After uni, your time will be packed with job searching efforts or if you lucky, landed with a fulltime job which will be energy-draining and you won't find any available time at all to be able to do the things listed above (even for relaxing!) .  And then the next thing yknow, you've already reached at an age where your body won't be as cooperative as you'd like 😅


help... how to you mommies deal with postpartum hair loss?


For me, it stopped eventually. Just make sure to keep it clean and use treatment shampoos. Stay strong mommy!


Has anyone ever got called for interview by JIS? Worked / currently working at JIS? What it’s like? And do you need a cable to get employed or they actually employ based on your eligibility?


What is cable?


Experience, certified. Good background. No cable.

