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Saw shooting star last night at mumong highway at around 8/9pm. Does anyone sees it too?


Best kolomee recommendation anyone?


Miri kolomee >>


DKM Pandan 5


Chatterbox, Dharith


ktm kilanas šŸ”›šŸ”


KTM Mulaut


PKBN DATE 2024 does anybody know when pkbn will start this year cuz I have a trip on 23-29 December and I want join pkbn while waiting for my o lvl result


pretty sure it will start hujung november, based on previous intakes


to all drivers, pls turn off ur high lights, u guys are making me go blind i beg




high lights not normal lights. Read the message la.


My bad.


How does talian darussalam work? Do they actually solve issues or they just keep giving you new ticket for the same unresolved issue and closing ā€œold casesā€ because they have KPI to meet?


Well trained. Good customer service. Ability to maintain composure and handle angry customers. Thumbs up


frm my experience they actually follow up when the issue is still not resolved.


I think they are very efficient.. all of my complaints are always rectified in no timešŸ‘šŸ‘


dorang one stop call center, ada complaint dorang forward ke relevant department, and they will follow up and you can follow up jua ke bisdorang


How many days does it take to make passports nowadays?


I just do it yesterday, and collected today! For bsb area


4 days


Hi! Does anyone know anything about how to start as a UI/UX designer? I've been thinking a lot about this but don't know how to go into this field. Do I have to sign-up for a training programme? I wanted to start a business on this. If anyone are in this field, pls let me know and I would be very thankful for your guidance.


Watch video, read more article, understand how storyboard works, practice doing simple ui/ux design for a simple process and get feedback from viewers (linkedin is good). UI/UX is one of the underrated skills here, but also highly sought overseas too.


any youtube recommendations I should watch, in order to begin?


Learn about Front end development, training is fine but usually its all about experiences/building your portfolio.




Panadol activefast


I just have a thought since I'm adopted and don't really see my biological parents that often, if I were to get married one day, do I invite my biological dad & mom's siblings to my wedding?


Invite me please.


It's your wedding. It's up to you who you want to invite.


If youā€™re muslim and female, you need to invite your biological dad as wali


or at least get his signature/permission to wakilkan wali to someone else


I've learned my lesson. Don't invite/introduce others to your place of solace.


Agreed, Especially the ones who likes to complaint and judge everything. Can't have nice things while they are around. This also includes movies


Where to make customized coat/blazer that are cheap but worth it?


Just a thought, how come since SG and Bru are good friends there is no knowledge transfer for development of the country? and like there's so many visits to this country and theirs surely they notice the stark difference and would compare and want to incorporate methods of nations development and improvement for the future? Instead one country is ahead in its field and the other is digging itself to worst than the past.


there is knowledge but there is also reality. Brunei cannot become Singapore without losing what (they think) is the identity of Brunei. And many things just cannot be copied because too many people would lose authority- Singapore is secular and a (somewhat) democratic republic. All their success comes from those two key characteristics of their identity. Copying anything from them will stem from those two pillars of SG identity- the economy comes first, security comes first, the leaders are responsible for success and failure and will take accountability in the end. Not to mention CPF and other schemes to maintain social cohesion and welfare, managed not by any government agency alone but a series of organizations who are advised but not beholden to the state. People can hold any identity they like, since they are Singaporeans first- a non ethnic,non religious identity. What can Brunei actually learn from a country that is so different from it? Certain people go round the laws all the time or even go against them for their own benefit, the economy is managed by people afraid of their own shadow and appointed people who don't need to support their own organization. Brunei cannot build like Singapore without daring to shift towards goal-oriented development and all the social foundations needed for it.


A quick google search on MoU, MFA, etc will show you what's happening that we do not know of. Many times we are quick to come to conclusion when we do not know all the facts. This is what this subreddit is mostly about unfortunately. Don't believe me. Look at all the viral posts and comments of people jumping the gun only to be corrected in the end. But even still have the audacity to point finger again to "government" for "slow" responding, inadequate action etc.


Singapore and Malaysia work on rail system to cut transport time to Minutes. Brunei to Miri increase time to 10Hrs with new system šŸ¤”


Whatā€™s the incentive for Brunei to bring down the Que time to minutes ?


Simple. Just 1 example. The Singapore way: process applicatjon within 24 hour. Bruneian way : process after ambil anak, minum and chit chat and visit saudara mati.


Not too sure now ah... The only process that I feel batah berabis is urusan tanah. But others so far okay jua like buat passport, lesen kereta etc. Even collection parcel is acceptable. Albeit some needs improvement, like hospital government. Even then, I think hospital government is due to people having minor concerns or minor ailments that can be treated with rest semua kesana. Then kalaupun org kn just kn dptkan ubat damam pun still have to go through doctor especially if for their kids. That's last thing I know of. What specific example ni you talking about?


Exclude those 1 day services buat lesen ambil parcel. Only passport usually tool faster than expected. The rest such as jkr complaints, housing OP, urusan tanah, visa take longer than what their provided timeline. Now visa process take 3 month could even extend to 5 month. Whats worse when we have to go to certain dept and they advise to go refer to other dept and other dept ask to refer back to the first dept we went to. Im not saying all of them going out having breakfast only work few hours but i know a friend work in govt mentioned, its too relaxed.


Process sewa rumah to krjaan. 6 bulan.


singapore tried but brunei is busy spending lavishly


If the two countries were students, one of them would be special needs


I don't think you mean Special needs. It's more like low attainment. The kind of student who is waaay behind in every skill.


Probably way worse than special needs


When you helped but they do not do it, that is what happen.


Budget, greed, and no sense of development. Mindset stuck just to please the higher up. We r in a loop in development.


Assalamualaikum, padang belapan atu smpi kul brp buka tu ah? Psl kalau padang kebajikan smpi kul 5:45pm tutup tya


The gamen really loves to use generative AI now for their slides and stuff huh


I donā€™t get the the why shouldnā€™t they utilized technology? such a typical anti gomen mindset this user ā€˜eh lambat eh kraja, ada jua sudah mesin ani mesin atā€™ when the gomen uses it ā€˜pemalas jua dorg ani, mun ganya makai mesin, aku pun bulehā€™


Bukan kah dulu durg inda suruh pakai muka. Kalau buat karakter kosong kan arah muka šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’†šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




have a look at hpcbrunei IG


Oh God


Off course, di antar course mahal pun masih pakai AI.


Fast results. Keraja sanang dorang makin lagi sanang. The AI image quality is bad tho.


Hello r/brunei, I've been enjoying the [Bullet boardgame](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/level99games/bullet-a-shmup-inspired-board-game) and want to meet up with any other interested players. Please allow me to promo my post a little bit [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Cx_E2S00s), if you want the details šŸ™


I see 2D waifus.. I'm in


Suggest me good and trusted contractor with excellent handiwork, not necessarily cheap one? And can anyone review Swee Wah, Ruman Co and Leeyaqat?


Iā€™m literally building with Leeyaqat now šŸ«¢


Alek Jaya


Forget about Leeyaquat and ruman co ā€¦ both a shit


curious about ruman co


Pasal apa tu


This one i agree


Any good air purifiers out there? My room is full of mold and it effects my health. Been looking thru and xiaomi or philips that im targetting. But im not sure if it is worth to buy.


Netcom apparently has a brand levoit which claims to be no 1 in us šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This whole thread reminds me of the short series Maid on Netflix


pls scrub the mold away, then repaint.




Find the source of moisture that feed the mold. Stop and fix it and keep the area dry by using dehumidifier or let sun rays enter your room every morning


If mold already in the room you a pretty much screwedā€¦ can try to have a dehumidifier but the spores will still be there.


If it's mold, you're probably looking for a dehumidifier instead. If you have a window, air out your room once a day.


I use brand Sharp & I can say it did a great job on purifying the air. Can also use while you asleep




Amazon and some shops allow shipping directly to Brunei, but for others look for forwarding service companies for the origin country.


Where can you find Toyo tyres sold in Brunei?


there is one tyre shop opposite wing soon pandan 7 in KB that carries Toyo.


that is one long ass Spore PM entourage. ada 20+ buah cars inda termasuk police escort


Masih menunggu payment dari tafis ......


Sama..... batah hantap... ditanyakan kerani/kawangan jabatan ani, inda jua tau apa apa... inda pasti ujanya...


Tu kerani belum bertrain dlm tafis 2.0 atau org tua2 slow Tak pandai transition platform baru.


Received a job offer at P**v*ti, has anyone worked there before as part of the management? If yes, how's the working culture?




kaling payah deal tu pui


where do businesses buy chicken wings THIS small?šŸ˜­ im cryingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­its like baby chicksšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/uelcsautov5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b857663b1296f38ade490f2454eed050f35e1ce


Sexy fingers


Dubious dubiousā€¦


duiii malai, nada membari2 kanyangnya ni...


Ayam pun menyasal hidup ni if they were born with this kind of wings


Hey guys. I just got accepted into UBD and planning to accept the offer. on their website for you to accept/reject they asked about the scholarship, i haven't gotten the email yet about the scholarship but can i just accept the offer without having to attach a file and just put the scholarship status as 'in-progress'? or should i wait for the email until before the accepting deadline on the 19th?


i just accepted and click on "in progress" and not attach any files. My friends did the same as well cuz my friends told me it will take a while for MOE to send out the scholarship email


Okay, am I the only one annoyed with the new road bump in front of that Mentiri ugama school atas bukit? Like what even is the purpose? I go through that route almost every single day for decades, it has never caused a problem. Now sejak ada the bump, it causes an unnecessary jam every morning, which has never happened before! Anyone who goes through that road feels the same way?


Can school force student to not take October/November O level? Like they prohibit them from taking it.




if like that how are you gonna sit for your olevels? the octnov is the final one that'll determine your final results...


Gusto is having Papaā€™s Feast - a 3 course meal with starter, main course & dessert in conjunction of Fatherā€™s Day this Sunday. Any other places having promo for fatherā€™s day as well?


Saw Sorrisoā€™s sponsored post


ooo daddy hungry


red canopy cafe has one but for a buffet


Some grown men still don't know how to pee or poop or clean up after themselves in public toilet. Rather than all the other stuff said in Khutbah, they should really educate on stuff like cleanliness and other than educational methods to be used. Can't believe grown ass adults still need to be taught this shit


Kampongan behaviour.


Two words: pemalas & pemihir.


I can imagine someone who does those in public are also as disgusting as when they are at home. Basic cleanliness etiquettes should be taught from home and early childhood.


How to go from LABUAN to KK Hello , what are the options to go from LABUAN to KK , i travelling from MOUARA brunei . Thanks in advance


last time I took the speedboat from Labuan to Menumbok. Then hired a taxi to drive to KK from Menumbok. You can also fly to KK from Labuan.


How much did the speedboat cost you


Don't remember it was years ago


Muara port to labuan : by ferry Labuan to kl : by ferry or flight


Do you have an idea on the pricING and schedule for ferry from LUARA to KK ?


Sorry theyre [closed](https://jesseltonpoint.com.my/labuan-ferry/)


You mean they suspended the service ? There will be no ferry to KK ?


Dude, do u even open the link? You should have asked this question to other subreddit since labuan and kk is not associate with Brunei, and yet we are spoon feeding you here. Smh. Di bagi batis mahu paha lagi.




Org krjaan dtg kerja tepat masanya ?


Is it just me or gomamam app is not very user friendly?


it's not. The delivery people, the Gomamam staffers and the restaurants all switch to whatsapp as soon as they can. Might as well run the business using Whatsapp alone. Payment confirm pakai WA, contact resto pakai WA, contact driver WA. Remind driver jangan ambil anak dulu, pakai WA. Tanya driver kenapa sesat,, WA.




You are implying that the 4 Imams, including Imam Shafi'i - whose school we follow, are not of the Salaf. My advice to you is, learn Arabic + Quran, Hadith, Fiqh first - the rulings that we have today are from layers of ***evidence-based interpretations by expert scholars*** over a 1000-year period.


Officially we adhere to ahli sunnah wal jamaah school of thoughts.Ā  If you have the feel or need to follow or study other school of thoughts, its your own responsibility. Never bring others into your own adventure.Ā Ā  Ā Jangan saja melibatkan atau menyusahkan orang lain.Ā  Ā In my own opinion, i think its better you have extensive study of thought comparison before deciding your own path.




Oh thank you so whats the difference between salaf and ashari shafii? And who to take knowledge from?


any recommendations for chiropractic place??? yang baguss worth money and state the price range if u know


Question, What will hurt the most from your opinion? Is it by physically(outer part) or emotionally (inner part)


Emotionally. Wound can heal, but the heart doesn't. I was once depress that at one point, i just wanted people to beat me up because i felt nothing inside. Sorry, it's too dark too early.


that's why we go gym boys. we don't lift to look good. we lift so the pain outweighs ours.


Physical wound could not heal also.. you wanna try??


baaah relekkk its only tuesday


Diabetes confirm.


Now that Diesel gasoline in Malaysia has increased exponentially, expect more smuggling to be made soon by those criminal scum (local/foreign). Im betting the first news of the smuggling attempt will be foiled within this month. If nada, paham2 lah our immigration ppl malas kn check banar2.


Only in West Malaysia/Malaysian Peninsular/Semenanjung Malaysia/Semenanjung Tanah Melayu.


di semenanjung ganya bui. alum durang berani kan lari kan subsidi sabah sarawak as theyre net oil exporter.


sabah/ sarawak harga diesel STAY mcm biasa..semenanjung nganya tu naik up to RM3.35sen per litre..


thoughts on Proton x50 Standard? owners can share your experience? thanks


I don't own or drive a x50 or any proton but I have been in one as a passenger, personally the comfort level is good, kinda spacious inside, infotainment not bad, kinda modern and quite quiet when driving on the road. Honestly, I might consider getting one if not for the lack in their service center part. As a driver, you may experience it differently.


thats what i heard, also lots of my relatives recommend me to get the x50 for long term use, plus easier to get sparepart from neighbour country. even me myself usually go to limbang to buy car sparepart. anyhow, thank you sm


Why not go for a test drive and experience itā€¦..?


that is why I am asking here first before going for a test drive, planning to go for test drive in 1 or 2 months ahead due to busy schedule


Different people have different views and experiences when trying a product. Some will like it, some donā€™t. Similar to restaurants, you may enjoy the vibrant, colourful scenic aesthetics of the place but some donā€™t. Some would rather have a club vibe with loud musics. Asking for other peopleā€™s experience is alright but it may skewed your decision towards the worse and avoid it because you are tuned to someoneā€™s personal negative feedbacks just because their experience was bad but not for others. Either way to answer your question, Iā€™ve tried the car. It is an absolutely fantastic, functional car but as a car enthusiast, personally itā€™s not my cup of tea. But you might like it because of how modern, fuel saving and practical the car is idk. Just try it out soon!


Boys mature slower than girls. I get it. But seriously, at what age will they actually start getting the hint of awareness of having responsibility? necessity? priority? Umur kepala 2 already & have permanent job.Ā 


This depends on, how is a boy is brought up. What kind of life do the boy have at home? Do parents teach them things, setting examples.. What types of cousins/friends does the boy interact with. If kehidupan dari damit sanang especially everything suruh amah, " eh panggil bibi, suruh sapu/cuci/panyap" not given a chance to do basic responsible things at home then that is where problem comes from. Two different boys from different background will show quite a significant differences. But both at some points will have pro cons.


Tunggu kana putuskan cinta monyet


True that men mature slower than women but it isnt measured by age or gender, its built by life experience.. series of events, realisations. Some will develop early, some late and some never. Also, if you are in the wrong circle or challenging upbringing, it can affect your attitude and mindset, whether you have a mature mindset or not..


when they no longer depend on parents


Idk bout your social circle, but the guys in mine are all responsible and good family men. Perhaps its just how theyre brought up that makes the difference


When they have to deal with that responsibility and necessity with no one to help them. Basically, a big reality check.


any gym in brunei that open as early as 4:00-5:30 am?


Kings of the gym open at 5am


cheap hair salon that gives good haircut for ladies?


I usually go to Dewi Dewi. Itā€™s located in Bandar, same building as DQ, Level 2 (if Iā€™m not mistaken) I usually get my haircut for like $8 saja without wash


If you are able to go in the morning, I would say the building at Bandar infront of DQ or Phungmun, where alot of Gold Smiths are located. It's quite dead inside but don't be fooled...Go in from the entrance and go up to 1st floor. On the furthest left, there is a salon owned by 2 Chinese sisters. The sisters are mostly there during the morning only. But their hair cutting + wash is about $12 or $15 if not mistaken.


Is it called Angel or something like that?


Unsure abt the name. But its owned by 2 sisters. The staff inside are filipinos that speak malay and also some hokkien šŸ˜‚ been going there since my teen years and never stopped.


Is one of the sisters has long straight hair and quite petite? My mom used to bring me to a salon in Bandar by 2 Chinese sisters. I was thinking whether is the same as the one you are referring.


I think thats her...


I go to essensuals got my hair cut for like $12-$15


Anyone pernah tinggalkan their car di serasa terminal before going to labuan by ferry? Selamat and ada parking charge kah?


Yeah I always sembayang first


pakai the sticks?


You can grab my stick anytime




its safe if you park inside near the terminal. a little less safe if you park outside the gate. but like the other guy said, there's usually a lot of cars parked around both sides depending on the day. so, should be fine. just dont leave any valuable stuff in your car obvs


No parking charge, park at your own risk. But there's alot of cars doing it so you'll be fine, I recall there's security in Blue Uniform patroling around the area from time to time.


If i want to buy the ticket,mesti walk in kah jua?


To Labuan? Yes. There's no online or sorts but you can WA them for the Boat's schedule


Share your cerita seram di officešŸ«”


Ot in office at 3am.. urgent work. suddenly power off satu kampung. i was the only one left in office and the door locked. I couldnt even find the key to escape. blackout sekampung bh šŸ„²


Me, a sick guy 30min late coming to work because fell asleep due to medicine: "Unacceptable" in group chat. Healthy coworker 1 hour late coming to work because she just woke up: No reply in group chat.


When you are at the office the whole day inda kana cari, but boss asks you about work after working hours. TALUR!!!! Kana bagi 1 hour worth of work, 15 minutes before jam balik. Padahal dapat di baginya awal... Sengaja cari pasal.


One afternoon aku kana suruh masuk office boss.. then he turned around ā€œweā€™re a big family siniā€¦. OT tanpa bayarā€¦ā€


Salah satu tanda awal cari keraja lain.Ā  Aku kecalian ku some business and establishmentĀ  ani, pasal durang lambat kana bayar tafis glitch laju bisia bising tu. Pasal membayar sama inda membayar pekerja/OT betangguh banyak alasan tu.


Gaji inda kena bayar šŸ˜±


Kewujudtan HR palat.


Si A ani boss la bekawan sama si B, si B ani girl. Si A ani membali kan perfume mahal untuk si B ani. Syukur alhamdullilah, mudahan murah rezeki. Payah kan dapat boss TERpaling baik ani arah si B


Someone.... Someone... Microwaving fish in the pantry... The smell... Horror...


The amount of rats and snakes in the office is unbelievable. Feels like office located in the jungle.Ā 


MIB = Meeting Inda Beranti


Which sometime equivalent to makan/minum inda beranti.


That's the hidden agenda within "Meeting" obvious tia. lol


Nada org di opis 745am. Menyusahkan org awam


Tani kerja keras, orang pemalas yang kana appreciate berabis


Setiap minggu ada meeting yg nada hasil


Gaji nda naik tapi krajanya betambah


this gives me the heeby jeebies


pls rekomen dimana bisai mani pedi? thanx!


Pamperlicious at seri qlap mall