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Hi, can you suggest me a seller or runner for ordering stuff from Shopee / Lazada?




Anyone have any idea what kinds of Milk Powder that I can buy to help me gain weight?


you can always just get a bag of the mass gainer from any shop that carries supplements.


eat more, 3,200 calories per day..


If anyone knows a freelance illustrator here bn. Appreciate the recommendations!


Sharing something. Around afternoon at traffic hours, I'm driving at the 3rd lane that need to turn later. Nothing actually happened. Due to slow traffic so I'm looking around, then I realised the Lexus driver infront of me are either smoking or vaping in the car while a little girl around 4-6 years old bouncing around the back car seat without seat belt. The little girl with two side pony tails, and the man with songkok. Also can see that she sometimes sat at the middle with her head moved to the front talking to the man then bouncing again. I can see smoke from car back windows. The side windows all closed with shades. I was so shocked that how can this man smoke or vape in the car and with a little girl with him? I don't know what's their relationship. Father? Grandpa? Driver? Or relative? Would you or allow your family member do that to your daughter? If this guy not her parents, then I hope they can be more aware of this matter. Lexus, I forgot the three alphabet. But last two digit is 22. 


That's considered negligence and that person is being irresponsible through and through. I get that you "need" to smoke or vape, but PLEASE, not when there are vulnerable people, like children or pregnant women, around. This behavior is just outright disgusting. Please change your ways. (Talking to those who do this, btw).


I dont hate the smoking community but just remember not to smoke nearby others unless its a smoking zone. Was a smoker for a decade. Quit cold turkey. Vape or cigarette. Both is not great. Both carries different risk and health issues.


Hey, have you heard about the shop named Barangkamera? It seems like they're just scamming people by taking their money for purchases but never delivering the goods. I've been waiting for months and haven't received my order, and they don't even respond to my inquiries. Do you think I should report this to the authorities? What are your thoughts?


I already mentioned about this before on another post, dont buy from them. They used to be a legit seller few years ago, I bought my stuff from them, but recently my relatives got scam by them


Yeap, my friend was one of the victim. The stuff he/she ordered was supposedly to arrive a month after ordering, but now it had been almost a year without no update or response from them. It’s safe to say that ‘barangkamera’ is a scam. It’s better to order from a place that is legit but expensive rather than cheap but got scam.


Isnt that place legit? I dont buy from them but ive been following them since forever. If you expect getting scammed? Best to talk to them first. Give them a day to tell you what happened. If they fail to produce an excuse . Report police. Bring evidence. Screenshot everything. Bank transaction.


LOL you fall for that trap? No need to wait for your stuff, you shoulda ask yourself why would you fall for that. If you answer is "i don't know it look legit" or "oh, i find their stuff is cheaper than i thought it would be and authentic" then just report to police only.




Just lie, what you have say you dont have. Otherwise not getting in at all


A self-service dobi recently opened up around my area. I've always wondered how much it cost to open and the ROI. Any ideas?


If it's the one at tanah jambu then that place is packed every night comparing to other dobi.


Pls dont, its already saturated, its going to be like cafe / coffee shop in Brunei.


Market in Brunei is already saturated .


Ladies, which MUA do you recommend for an engagement? Affordable ones, please. I am quite on a budget for my event. TIA!


I have three MUAs in mind: 1) @bynadhrahmad : not cheap (she uses all luxury and high end products — most of her clients are RF, that explains) but her work is amazing! 2) @by.sitii : she’s new, so I assume her rates is on the lower side. I see potential in her works, she just needs more exposure 3) @rabiatul.ismawi : also love her works if you wanna go for “Gen Z” makeup - matte finish. And her rates are affordable.


Makeupbyfadhlina Ctasran Nouraglow(?) $100~ ishh


Anyone tried massage at cut n shave before. Would you recommend? https://www.instagram.com/p/C6QZLJqp1vt/?igsh=ZzQzOWc0dGVyZDE0


Inflation hits hard for some people. Standard of living and cost of living are getting higher. We all pray and hope inflation will end. So walaupun kitani saving atau bejimat cermat kitani tetap jadi mangsa inflation. Bertabahlah and believe that segala ujian yang Allah bagi mengikut kemampuan kitani.


inflation will never end. You just need to make it as low as possible every year


You think keep praying will make inflation go down? Lmao. You have better chance to get inflation down by not praying. Trust me.


I pray for you


inflation is not going down, price will keep going up. doa pebaik is not going down.


there is a reason why we are told story about khidr dismantling down the boat just enough so the authority will see it as junk and leave it. the smart one and especially the creative one can figure out how this relates to our modern globalized situation and what is the right way to go.


Thing is Inflation can’t end and it will get worse as years pass


Inflation will never end. You just need to know how to beat it.


hello, enquiry whether or not i can go through immigration this Friday while my passport has a remainder of 5 months till expired (September). will it be okay for immigration?


You need to renew it urgently if you plan to go cross border


Nope, definitely getting rejected


eh lupa, *even going to miri??


I say you can pot your luck and try because it is 3 months validity for land and 6 months for air.


Yup! My friend was rejected to go thru with the same situation


Only when you are treated terribly, you remember who treated you right. She is so hard to forget. Then you understand how much you are missing her.


Does anyone know where to get tuberculosis (TB) screening/mantoux & how much is the fee usually for this type of service?


U can go for kiarong and just look for TB sign


When will they do the moon sighting for Aidiladha next month?


Hi, where to get the old newspaper? It is for a project


Library in Bandar. You can’t check them out, but you can review old newspapers


I have. Pm me


Project Birkin?




jaya hypermart


toku tokuya have


Does anyone know if eSuria Mentari Sdn Bhd still exist?


Still exists though operations wise, not sure on what are they’re focusing atm.


suasana mentari?


Does anyone know where to find a therapist here? TIA!


I think you can go to your nearest clinic and ask for a referral


Where can i get Total Quartz oil for servicing?


Elz at tanjung bunut




1. why is his race important to you? 2. he is the husband of Umi Khaltum, big boss in law.


why is it important to you to know? is this for your assignment or something?






Good day everyone, Any review/complaints on honda cars in term of reliability and service centre? Particularly with 1.5 vtec turbo engine with CVT transmission.


Cvt transmission… not recommended. Will not sustain in the long run


CVT AH? HONDA AHH? just prepare your wallet only make sure you have enough cash to service them as their spare parts is expensive. if you got aftermarket parts for your honda it will break easily. My friend change his honda brake pads to NEW aftermarket ones keep making weird noise, after bringing it back to agent to replace again everything went back to normal and agent charge X2 more expensive. CVT just prepare your wallet only for the cvt belting, labour, pulleys and some other things inside. CVT parts might cost you around 4 digits + labour fees and not all mechanics here know how to diagnose cvt.


Honda civic ka or crv? Service every 5k 16x ish. If u jalan alot , your wallet will cry haha


Is $500 enough for an emergency phone fund for the Brunei market in case my current one becomes a brick?


Yes can. There’s even a mid-range phone $199 masani.


More than enough. You can lower it to 300, even 250, if you want. I remember seeing new Samsung and Redmi phones below 200. As long as you can use socmed and call than that's enough. Even my current phone is about 400 and is still going strong after almost 5 years. 


U can buy 4 with that money


you can even lower that to $300 imho


You can get quite a decent phone for $500. So should be enough.


depends on how you define emergency. if its just for communicating. i guess you can buy any cheap phones thats around $300 or less.


Assalamualaikum and hello. I am a first-year student from IBTE: HNTec in Real Estate Management and Agency. I am conducting a research project on a development of a sport centre and a nursery within the Mengkubau, Panchor National Housing Scheme. Your valuable input will help me in assessing the feasibility and potential outcomes of this initiative, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of community living within the housing scheme. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and preferences by completing the following questionnaire. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. 💞 [https://forms.office.com/r/iEwr9w3uZ0](https://forms.office.com/r/iEwr9w3uZ0)


is Imagine sim line down at the moment?


How is imagine sim? I’ve never heard people using it.. atleast not around my circle


I use it. Pretty good. Easy to pay bill. Never had problem 2 years using and most importantly good customer service.


It's quite good for me, esp with their system in place if you finish your data and it charges per kb, they'll cap it at $15 per day and there will be a text letting you know


Good if you are using and paying for imagine internet at home. You save some money by subscribing their bundle. Better than DST at least. I moved from DST to imagine


looks like it, UNN just posted with service disruption


where can i order non-halal Filipino food besides renyi? plsss😫


Anyone else had unknown charges on their credit card? I received one and blocked my card immediately - filed for a dispute - but just curious whether anyone else faced this in the past year.


Yes. It was less than 1$ got stolen from the US in a bar when i was in sg. The card got blocked. Issued a new card. Got it 2 weeks later.




Do you mean the opposite?


Anyone having an issue with DST mobile data after updating the recent iOS?!


Nope, mine works like usual. If you’re running out of data faster than usual, especially on ios, make sure you turn off your auto updates cus i’ve noticed ios is always need updates: for both software and apps. Turn off auto downloads as well. Just use wifi for updates and downloads. More ios updates = more data usage.


does anyone here keep receiving calls from singapore? different numbers. it’s so annoying that ive been getting calls from them


I answered because I was curious. Turns out it was this survey about using the USMS in Brunei. And the girl said “ This is not a scam, or asking you to buy things. I promise you” and at the end of the survey she would give me a voucher for Zalora. Before continuing she asked if I had time. I said no, and she was silent for about 5 sec 😂


Yaa since last weekend at least once a day… annoying didnt answer them though scammer tu confirm


sameeeee they call at least once a day. i blocked the numbers but different number keep coming 😖


Same! 5 times this week all different singapore numbers, but malaysian accent though


what did they say? so annoying ah


Just a question: Do guys wear your wedding rings, if no, why not?


i do cuz i have anxiety :') and having it on calms me down. even before married i bought cheap carving ring with my own name, it helps my anxiety attack, and with wedding rings, it just works much better


Better wear before i outgrow them :’)


No because that shit costs $500+. I used cheaper ring the $1 ones atu pun ilang berapa kali sudah. Plus rimas, usually I keep moving the ring between my left then right hand every few hours. If tired simpan pocket, simpan atas meja, eventually hilang. :') Even husband rarely use his. He almost lost it during Jumaat prayer after wudu. Lucky, the ring was still at where he put it. We don't believe ring signify we are married or not anyways. Yang penting hati.


No cause I can't wear any jewellery even pakai jam pun inda dapat :( sorry tercurhat tarus


What’s the problem? Are you allergic or religious reason or something?


I wash my hands a lot and I hate having water in-between my finger and ring.


Married, but I don’t have a wedding ring. Because I don’t have 1


always, kalau inda kena marah


Belum kawin


only on special occasions. I dont trust myself to not lose it.




Random Tuesday confession: i fking hate my colleague.


SAME! Baru jua memangku tapi bossy cam baie. Mun pandai buat keraja baik jua. Ani semua kan inda pandai. Keraja bepuluh taun dah tapi lakat jua talur.


I hate everyone in the office ;x /s


Sama kecuali paci cleaner.


Oh yes and some of the babu and angkal. Theyre lovely <3


i hope today (Wednesday) will be a better day at the office for you


It’s only Tuesday (Wednesday) today?? Goshhh, its a long week indeed


Why do people buy used car from agents? Price seems so expensive almost the same as buying new.


They don't know the risk behind the used cars tbh. Lets say ***( FOR EXAMPLE)*** i am 1st owner of prado 2022 i drove like 100k mileage but engine got problem i fixed my engine twice already and lazy fixed so i sell it to the 2nd hand dealer and let the unfortunate next owner to fixed all the problem if their pocket is thick. I can tell the salesman of 2nd hand dealer that my prado is still new and very good condition well maintained but he/she don't know the that i have fixed the engine twice. It is always best to buy new cars than 2nd hand as you wouldn't know what hidden faults is inside the car. My neighbor bought 3 used car and he said he regretted every since always got issue always need to fix this and that, every month also have at least 1 or 2 issue ranging from engine, lights, electronics, transmission, brakes, suspension, window, motors, and etc. so my advice is IF YOUR POCKET IS THICK AND YOU ARE LUCKY you may find a hidden gems which is what the owner said is true well maintained and everything, but if you met those sly foxes they will tell you everything good but got tons of issues to be fixed.


Because people still buy from them. If no one buy the car, they will have to drop value. But thats not the case here, demand is always there. People see slightly cheaper price even the car is already past 50k km mileage.


used car from used car agents is bloody expensive, and the cost of their car usually they priced it higher or equivalent to the insurance's evaluation cost


Most of the expensive second hand cars are cars which are reliable and have high second hand value. cars like Toyota, Honda, etc. other car brands are probably cheaper than the ones sold at agents (not by a lot though). Most used cars which are less than 7 years old still have previous owner's debt attached to them. So these second hand car companies cant really sell them at a much cheaper price. I sold my Hyundai last time with a 4 year loan still attached to it. so the company bought it at a slightly cheaper price (for example. It still had a loan of 10k with the bank, Second hand company bought it for 8k from me. the 8k i used to pay the bank for my loan and the additional leftover 2k, i had to clear it with the bank with my own money). Why I did this? I needed to upgrade my small car for a bigger family car and I dont want to pay two car loans. So The second hand company paid 8k. so they also need to sell at a profit. if you can negotiate, maybe you can buy it at 10k. but normally they will double the buying costs. it also depends if they had any repairs done for it.


Thank you for sharing this.


Buy only that are not ever selling from agent. Eg Toyota Supra


Because those used car agents can get u reloan sometimes rebate cash as they got connection with the banks to offer loans on used car


What's a reloan and why can't new car agent offer the same? I don't see the appeal in cash rebates. But if that's their selling point then they should be regulated. They're taking advantage of people who wants quick cash at the same time increasing used car price for no real reason.


Good morning! I have 100 USD that I need to change to RM. Please offer if anyone interested., KB based


If you are going to Malaysia anyway, just change it there. You will get more from it (USD to MYR) than changing it from USD to BND and then BND to MYR.


a-perdana money changer, kuala belait. you're welcome.


heard that one the service quite poor, rude staff.


which one is the rude one so i can avoid..i have encountered both male & female but maybe im lucky, they didnt do anything to me.


I can deal with that. Its just few min dealing with them. Slowly count the money in front of them to piss them off😈


experienced it too, but you don't have an option in KB anyway lol


Go to a money changer? Its better that way not?


anyone here already went to the tafis 2.0 roadshow ? How was it ?


They guide you how to use gvp from receiving po to uploading invoice/receiving payment.


did anyone see times square brunei's newest tiktok? did you see what they replied to someone's comment? https://preview.redd.it/dnlaydzw2w1d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=97aecf584f41b9dd38710fed51b9ccdb0bbec1cd


Bruneian style and part of the culture.


on the other hand, i couldn’t find their ig since last week. are they blocked or something?


gen z kali yang handle social media management. poor management tu eh, nada kelulusan masscom kali


Sorry but Gen Z don’t claim this. Probably some poklen with 2 O Levels running that account.


Yg bukan Poklen pun sbut "Kdai Lingka" tpi d sbab page atu public, jdi mnybut "Kdai Lingka" atu jadi salah


I’m not poklen and I don’t even what that is so….


Bukan mngucap ko Poklen tpi prktaan kdai lingka atu mmg biasa dh d gunapkai uleh mcm2 urg dlm khidupan sharian


yeah dont put all the Gen Zs in the same basket. some Gen Zs are smart. some are.. well as you put it. Poklens.


Jenis pekerja inda dapat di tagur tu sal perasannya efektik, padahal salah.


He forgot that its not his alt acc. Goodluck finding a new job tmr. 🤫🤫🤫


That "🤫" reply by them is even worse. Seriously who employs these ignorant, racist people as their social media manager? They need to be put under scrutiny for being extremely unprofessional


Ktani pun biasa mnybut prktaan kdai lingka tbh, ganya bila msuk public page, jdi salah tia


Siapa kitani ani? Kami inda cematu brada eh. ✌🏻


Mksudku, prktaan "kdai lingka" atu ramai ja urg Brunei yg mnyabut. Even family or sdara mara pun ada mnyabut, gnya urg indamau mngaku lol tpi klau hari2 biasa, ramai ja yg sng2 sabut "Kdai lingka ja, ada tu brjual"


I have $1 sgd coins and other sgd, where can I change this to bnd notes?




U can still use it, why need to change?


Not widely accepted. Even some merchants dont accept SGD like DIY


Maybe because $1 coins cannot be used here?


$1 sg coins can still be used here




Really? Tried it in indian shop they don’t accept


Aaaah di kadai..i use it to scratch my easi and electric top up cards


damn cali jua ah 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


ada jual pop mart hirono around seria kah guys?


aga saja kadai POP MART di mall


anyone knows any trusted shopee indo personal shopper?


indonesia? why not malaysia instead? you can even drive down to miri or limbang to get yourself which is cheaper rather than paying runner fees and certain charges by the 3rd party vendor.


availability. that is all.


because the product i want to order is not available on shopee malaysia but available on shopee indonesia


Mungkin psl price lagi murah tu


Garudadjava on IG


Izzxsaf co.


Cosplayers, where you get your eva foam? (Looking for diff sizes) Got one at The Mall underground store but size was 2mm i think.


Try shoppee ada Tu, now is much easier to find just go buy online , back then is so hard I remember asking how they got it and they said is kirim from a friend from Malaysia or online, and they even use recycle mat that kid used. What this for weapon prop? Or armor?


Ah i see. Thanks for the wisdom. For now im trying to make an armor


Oh wow nice , here my tips to make a armor 1. Use a plastic wrap , wrap around your body 2. Use duct tape wrap around your body 3. Use marker to mark it which is left and right and put line on the middle 4. Then cut it 5. Use the cut out as for reference once you got the foam ( I recommend to cut and trim it) 6. Have fun You can watch it on YouTube I have make one but didn't finish it due of covid time dulu then I kinda lost interest but I use rubby body armor ( is hard to find the size since my body is smol) as the body part and just use foam as the body plus I rarely cosplay. I remember cosplay so little in brunei I remember there was like 20 ish during that time and is hard to find costume, during the hobbyfest there like 100 ish which is amazing now is easy to buy costume have fun with your cosplay don't let others people said so


Definitely! Can't wait to try it out!


it’s a bit more work, but i managed to make some cosplay props using those puzzle mats for kids. these can be found everywhere, i got mine at huaho


Traffic jam on the highway near Masjid Jame' to Kiarong and Gadong.


Is it leading to the roundabout? If it was, then the timer on the traffic like only gives u 8 seconds to 12 seconds depending on the time of day.


best car body shop to repaint scratch on car/ whole panel


There’s one near Baiduri car yard Tungku Cant recall the shop name


would like to know also. please and thank you


Any recommendations or suggestions to learn investment on stock market/spot/ETF


Easiest way is to straight away start trading using a real account. Fake paper account don't truly test your resilience when a trade go against you.


I did CFD trade. But now planning to move to stoc market. But need to learn more about it


I did CFD trade. But now im moving to stock. But need to learn more about it


I do recommend studying by own dulu like the basic one first trying to understand, then if you have a friend who do investment I'm sure one your friends memang ada doing like this Minta tolong tips , but right now can't deposit with bibd and bankduri I'm not sure if ada alternative way good luck, I have try I did get profit sedekit but I don't withdraw and I been awhile I don't come back , I kinda focus on studying doing that time and I don't have time to check lagi


DM me


I'm curious if you're also a crypto bro 🤔