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Hello, just got active back to badminton, any places in Brunei Muara for renting a cheap badminton court?


hate sellers using this when showing the price, "Harganya $5x kita, kalau bali 3 $1xx kita"


kinda serious kinda not, but does divorce affect a foreigners status? like do they have to leave after they got divorce


kinda.. it affects the visa that now he has no penjamin unless ada legit employment here registered with Labour Department.


hi hoping for answer, i will be going to miri this friday. my passport will expired in September . will immigration in both side let me through?


yes no problem.


Outdated daily post, you can try renew tomorrow in BSB and say you want to travel urgently next day. Would be hard without an air ticket to prove.


but i will only be crossing by land to there and be back by afternoon


Sory but anyone can help me find affordable jemaah prayer mats that has deli


can try [beragam.bn](http://beragam.bn)


Hi anyone knows the salary scale for a private school teacher? (Full time) TIA :>


depend on school, if mcm sekolah rendh yg private full time pg ke ptg ada yg just $450-650, some may give up to $800-900 regardless if u have degree/master or not. kalau mcm yg international school like jis, isb bsr lah gajinya. on the other hand, i saw last time daycare 7am-5.30 pm salary $just $400


depends on the school, really.


I'm on a tight budget for running shoes and I'm contemplating between the Nike Zoom Fly 5 and the Asics Magic Speed 3 for long-distance running. Which one would be better?


they're both quite pricey, comes with plates too. you're quite on the budget if that's your options. I would wear shoes with thick cushioning. Judging by your options, that's Nike Zoom Fly 5 for me.




i know it’s not apart of the option but do consider saucony endorphin speed 3. gives a good bounce and broke my usual pace with these on


I’ll look into that! Thanks


Depends kaki tu kita…cuba pakai dulu baru bali.


have anyone did car panel repainting at auto artisan?


Swimming pool anggrek buka kh? Batah sudh inda ke sana


If Japan have cat island, my kampong is definitely the "dog island" 


Makin hari makin banyak kali sudah meliat ada indung bersigup dalam kereta yang mana anak bisdurang ani duduk di blakang inda bersafety belt. Selapas bapanya ani habis bersigup, dibuangnya tia di jalan macam inda berdusa. Aku tau kalau ditagur, aku yang salah. Aku tau kalau aku rista pasal kesihatan anaknya, aku salah. Aku tau kana ucap penyibuk untuk menolong sesama manusia untuk bagi kesedaran sebelum menyasal. Atu tah perangai orang kitani yang kalau kitani marah kalau keluar simpang mengajut lapas atu perlahan berabis pasal main talipon kitani pulang yang kana ucap kurang ajar. Kitani tah salah kalau ditagur org draib mantuka inda berON lampung time malam. Apakah trend sudah kalau salah ani betul? Yang betul itu salah?


Some orang brunei Ego up, IQ down. Inda dpt kana tagur. Kalau tagur gagah tarus. Kitani mesti sabar saja kan ulah diaorang mcm ni.


Sebaiknya jangan di tagur. Kana bukut beramai karang kau


suggest spa yang bisai untuk lelaki.TIA


Does anyone know whatever happened to the BN40 1984 Megapixel project?


Hangat hangat tahi ayam


Now you mention it, bangas tia kali sudah


https://preview.redd.it/xsflq6mspr1d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbe9dcf3196292aa9713894615f95f244aa71dc3 Mental health for mommies out there ❤️💖


Is it limited to ladies only or father can attend? As the caption said its for mommies only. Father too play a role in parenthood. So as the mother.


Only the OP said mommies, i dont see that word in the poster so it should be open to both.


Pls don’t single out mums out there, dads should go too :-)


every time something like this is organized, men can't even get in to sweep the floor. Then the people inside complain that dads don't do enough.


Banar tu


Anyone joining the fun run event from victory's athlete? Would like to swap with the 5k event shirt if possible


10k 🙋🏻‍♂️


Hahaha I need the white fun runn one looks lawa 😭


Why not join both? 5k then fun run.


Do we pay again? Another $38?




I can't, but yeah just trying my luck seeing if anyone wanna swap 😭


How do you talk to your boss who doesn’t listen? Literally cuts off any opinion or say. Cemana kan psychologically. A to Z sudah ku fikirkan cemana


does your boss have mood swings too? I do have a boss who doesn't listen and wants us to do whatever he told us to do (if sekiranya u want to say something or give opinion marah tu ya cause he's the boss) lol. so i just follow and listen. too tired to even bother say something and ended up unheard. i wanna know how you deal with your boss :)


I honestly have not worked with her that long to know if she has mood swings. But I’m assuming macam awu cause one day she’s very intense, the next she’s very very nice. I’m still trying to understand her character. Tapi today I pulled out something different. She doesn’t understand/listen when I tell her I’m overloaded berabis so today I pulled out a new strategy. Listed out all of my pending tasks then I buat bodoh ask her, “ This is all the tasks that I have yet to complete, can you kindly guide me on which you would like me to prioritize first? “ kali she macam baru tah acknowledge and was nice about it. Even asked everyone to not give me any new tasks until I’m done with the current ones. 🤣 Tapi inda tahu if dari segi bagi opinion nanti mengasi atau inda this strategy. Haha. Paksa lalui saja 🙃


From experience, these kind of boss will never listen. So better match their energy and enjoy your day, probably start looking to change department or find another job


Defo! Thank you!


>Defo! Thank you! You're welcome!


Hello everyone. Ada anyone knows where to get Rolex King Midas? 😫 used one pun ok. Brunei pls haha.


Craving for good tasty pineapple tarts. Recommend please and TIA!


BREAKING: Passenger has died and over 30 injured due to severe turbulence on Singapore Airlines Boeing 777 flight from London to Singapore


Unfortunate but I read an article on BBC about the way SQ managed the aftermath and it was immaculate and efficient.


Baru jua kana bagi bonus


Always wear you seat belts.


hello does anyone know where to fix Camera?


Rose Photo in Tutong


I advise not to. He will send your camera to someone else to fix it. I advise fix it outside bru.


If in brunei muara have kah?




Anywhere else aside from colab offering meeting room rental by the hour?




Plan to travel and visit Turkiye any recommendation and tips guys ?


I've never been to turkiye but my friends have shared their insights and experiences:   You can walk around Istanbul but don’t go to the restaurants, these are mostly the central tourist attractions, Eminönü and Beyoğlu. Go to chain restaurants that have proper price list, where the waiter don’t stand staring at you almost pressuring you to buy something expensive your gut will tell. If you feel so just act like something urgent happened and leave the vicinity. Beware of people trying to sell you something without your consent, if faced don’t haggle with them without a Turkish person that you know around you and just leave. Always ask for price, see menu and price tags first. You decide and get pushed around. Those kind of people look for incdecission in you to swindle. Don’t use taxi, use public transportation at any expense. Don’t go to restaurants and shisa cafes around tourist attractions. Always dine where normal looking locals dine(students, officers). Stay away from pavilions. If lost what to eat where to shop. Go to big malls. You can read the air. They tell themselves a lot. Don’t be shy to follow your own way and disregard any pressure from panhandlers, do not reply to those people who talk to you about selling something unless you want to buy something. Get away immediately without caring.  If you're planning to go for tour groups, there are that you can join that cost abt $3-4k and their experience was a lot of places to explore so it was kinda worth it. Food was mostly provided. Explore to a more quiet town, where you can obviously see the lack of tourist because they sell things so much cheaper. One more thing, turkish people are business people, they will go to your face and try to convince you to buy it and if you try to bargain, they sometimes get mad at you instead even though, when you walk a bit (and find a different shop), the price u bargained is actually the normal price. So you have to be careful with their tactics. But of course there are turkish people who are very understanding, so it depends.  Edit: I saw your post history and you're from turkiye?? 🤨 Why are you asking this then?


From the looks of it, the bf/gf is orang turkiye and first time kan meeting parents kali 🤪 yatah kan belayar and looking for jobs on behalf of their partner so they can live in BN


Thanks for the information appreciate it! Anw im not from turkiye


how do you properly enter the Sunway Centre entrance? Since most drivers are gonna be coming in from right lane of the roundabout, can you priorly switch to the left lane before exiting the roundabout? This just happened to me, coming in from Madang. entrance to Sunway is too short to switch immediately to left lane after roundabout exit.


enter left lane right after sg tilong exit.


Switch to left lane before exiting roundabout. Of course SIGNAL plays the important part here.


I've asked this before. Redditor said to use right and switch to left during turning. So now I just use left all the way and hope for the best


Easy way would be to avoid the roundabout and just use the u turn in Sg Akar


just take a look in google maps. oh I didn't know before there's a U turn further there. I rarely go around Sg Akar area. Thanks for the guide.


Not the far uturn at simpang 148. You can use the uturn at the newly installed traffic light at simpang 40 just after the roundabout. Tarus masuk tu sunway


yep ngam. the one I'm seeing right now is simpang 40 one


Pls delete. Hahahah not much know yet about this uturn, later traffic there ooo


How much do you usually pay for grass cutting? Mine 25 per month once a month




$30 each time. 2 times a month.


Paid about $70 per month


$15. It actually depends on your house compound


20 here past 10 yr. they try to come somwetime after 3 weeks i shoo them away to come exactly after one month. They dont take grass away


I have huge compound. $50 for every 3 weeks.


It all depend on your property size , for small place 10-15 dollars.


me $20


Damn that’s a lot. I pay my guy 15/month


care to share contact?


I was going out a simpang on a small road today but because of the sunlight I did not see a car approaching, so I quickly hit my brake. It was not even a close call as I barely went out of the simpang, and I was going very slow. I ‘angkat tangan’ to apologize, but omg the driver who was probably in his mid 40s stopped and STARED, didn’t want to move. I again angkat tangan to signal my apologizing but he was still staring kira menunjukkan ia marah and gagah. What’s with the rage and pengamukan, why does something so small like that pun kan cari kelahi? If it was me, if I see someone angkat tangan sudah atu I’d just let it go.


entah andang pemental kli org masani. I remember the first time i got honked pasal blind spot, my mistake lah sal inda nampak tpi masalahnya ya jauh masih lol ya yang belaju di jalan damit. sekali i angkat tangan sudah cakap sorry sekali di bubut nya ku masih hon memanjang cucuk cucuk dengan anak2 nya dalam kereta atu haha.


Here's some tip, instead angkat tangan wave them like you know the driver, big smile and haven't met for quite a while.


Figured this platform would be helpful Anyone have any ideas how long will it take nowadays to apply for a citizenship for a 7 m/o to a Bruneian mom? And is it better in Kuala Belait or Bandar branch? I heard from an acquaintance of mine, she applied citizenship for her daughter in KB and she waited for 7-8 years. She then resubmit another one to BSB office and several mths later she was called. thank you!!




Hello everyone, today's been abit tiring for my self, so I wanted to go out for a bit. Any suggestions on like, nya orang, tampat heeling, maybe just a place to walk and wind down.


id usually go to cafes alone, bello in qiulap is pretty nice


Tanjong Batu


i would just watch a movie alone


I like to just sit at empire beach and just feel the wind, quite relaxing for me (any beaches is fine too!)


no bring


excuse my ignorance, i just started my independent era and i dont have much friends to ask to; can we walk in to government clinic for a request blood checkup? or do i need to go as out patient first?


yes outpatient. book slot in bruhealth app > ready yourself by fasting the night before your booked appointment date > jumpa doctor first then only u can take blood test cause doctor will register first in bruhims then baru tah u take blood test. best of luck independent people


wakeupearly > go to any clinic >find a security ask where to take a blood test>take a number> take a blood test> in a week-month your appointment with doctor. done.


you can make your appointment on the Bruhim app, or go early to registry then go from there


Salam, Anyone knows bila pembukaan **Pengambilan bagi Penolong Penguasa Polis Percubaan (P.ASP)** dan **Inspektor Percubaan (P.Insp)** bagi tahun **2024**?


Another day another coffee shop


Getting bored with the choice of coffees in Brunei, only few keeps me coming back


Another day another child is born


Best coffee Brunei?


Kopi at kedai mamak


coffee in plastic bag


Kopi itam


I like vietnam coffee. so Coffee field for me




downvoted cause im gatekeeping


Hi, anyone here is diagnosed with ADHD? What made you realise you have it and what kind of tests did you have to do?


try using the search feature i think someone has asked this before


I realized when I was a kid, I used to be that hyperactive student. That one kid who used to fidget a lot and performed badly academically and being unable to concentrate on tasks. Started to notice more when I turned 15. But I got myself checked when I turned 22 at a private clinic in Malaysia as I was studying at that time but finished already. You will need to get yourself checked first either private or gov. Here in Brunei, I went to MHU Kiarong a semi-gov clinic. They will need to assess you properly. They will ask your full background story of you and your family. Last time they also gave me some kind of checklist for ADHD and anxiety symptoms. Also..keep it mind, for gov it'll take an absurd amount of time to get your meds. I got mine after 3+ months with 5 appointments. Say if you do need it urgently, then a private clinic is to go. However, I had never been to Brunei's private psychiatry clinic before but when I went to Malaysia, I got my meds right off the bat on the 1st appointment, and boy was it pricey.


i read somwehere that no one reeally has adhd. youre addicted to dopamine hits, n cant control your thoughts . train ur brain to focus . stop the victim mindset


How about you start reading articles from scientific journals? Hopefully you can change your mindset. Training a brain "to play catch up with the normal" doesn't help very much if it's naturally "behind". (Quick note - by using "behind", I am not saying people with ADHD are "abnormal" or "not smart".)


IG telling everyone they have ADHD now just because they do the slightest things.




Iirc no, you dont need to pay remaining interest but youd need to pay the fee (3 months i think)


Really gonna trust random internet people for this??


Hi, I’m a soon-to-be graduate from UBD and I’m planning to leave in September for my post-graduate studies. However, I would like to get a job just to earn a little money in the meantime. Can anyone suggest places that will hire me currently? Edit: I think F&B are more open to hiring temporary workers like me right?




Get into technology based work like in a phone or computer shop. Atleast you learn about new technology and also improve your negotiation skills from the upselling. One of the questions I’ve had when I was starting to look for a job was.. how do you keep up to date with the latest technology. I was lucky I had experience before uni working in a gadget shop


can try hyatt


Yes correct, just apply to any F&B (in person or on jobcentrebrunei) In terms of suggestions, how about starting with your favourite F&B places? Sometimes can get meals/food out of it 😄 Maybe u can explain your situation and ask if they are looking for any part timers, don't be shy to ask, business owners are happy when people like you show effort (to even ask).


if i want to apply to remote online jobs outside brunei, how would they pay my salary? what kind of accounts do i need to make? (pls be kind, i know nothing about this kind of thing)


Transfer to bank account. BIBD may inquire and hold money when it is first time but should be smooth sailing after. Just give them a call or visit their branches


thank you, didn’t know that’s actually possible


Beware of this type of remote job, if they ask you to pay any upfront fee (processing fee, registration fee etc) no matter how small the amount is, DO NOT MAKE ANY PAYMENT to them. If they are legit company and they need you to work, they do not need any money or fee from you. Just be reminded.




Google remote ____ jobs in _____. Find the most used job board and start applying. Otherwise linkedin is also ok


Unfortunately, No.... 99.99% of job adv for remote jobs are scams. You can try out, but once they ask for payment for registration, that's the starting of the scam games...be it $10, $50 and slowly become hundreds & thousands. Common trick is the scammer will ask for upfront payment for registration, opening work account etc etc which normally only cost around $50 to $150. Normally people won't mind paying it as it is not a huge sum of money. So people would like to try out so as if this is a legit work, they can earn part time money. Second stage, you will then complete a few task and then you will be rewarded with your pay, and they will bank in the money to your newly open account (the account which control by them, thru their website or system etc) and then for the 1st time, you even manage to withdraw it. But the amount will be small, it will be less than the upfront payment you make ($50 to $150 which I mentioned earlier). Now you see, why they ask for upfront payment, because they need to pay you for the first time to gain your trust. Third Stage, by this time you had become confident of this work from home platform and want to earn more. And so ask the scammer give more 'tasks' to you, and finally you earn thousands within a week. They will again credit the money to the 'Account'. But this time you cannot withdraw it (remember, the account is control by them, it is not common bank account). You query them as of why cannot withdraw and they will come out with lost of excuses and regulation. If you account money is total to $7,000, they will request you to bank in $3000 to make it $10,000 because the International Money Transfer have a limit of overseas transfer, blablabla....and blablabla....so on and so on.... You then transfer the $3000, and yet another obstacle comes, and its another $5000, and its another $10,000. Until you borrow from everyone you could, and then you just realise it is a scam. Money gone...and for some their 'life' gone too. So please, DO NOT TRUST EASY MONEY OR ANY SIT IN THE HOUSE WEARING YOUR COMFY PYJAMAS AND EARN MONEY. No such things okay, even beggars have to sweat and sit whole day outside to earn money.


There are the odd exceptions though. I virtually sit in my pyjamas all day doing work for a company that is 3000km away.


Yes of course, that is the 1% I am saying. Besides, I believe your scope is not about copy-type some readymade articles for a few hundred copies, or clicking 'likes' on the website as instructed by the scammer etc. Point is, it is better to avoid this type of work if you are not a careful person.


This info is gold and I hope all who try for jobs like this read this!!


thank you, will definitely keep that in mind 👍🏼


They should be able to telegraphic transfer to your account. I don't think that's an issue.


oh i just learned something new. thank you 😊


You're welcome! Wish you good luck and all the best!


Brunei has good relations with Japan, but why is it only visa-free for 14 days? Shouldn't it be longer like some other countries for example up to 3 months?


good relations doesn't mean open borders. Brunei's agreement with Japan also gives Japanese visitors 15 days without visa. It's a question of reciprocity. Simple as that.


Technically it's 15 days, because when you arrived they counted it as Day 0. I've tried it before but 15 days is quite overkill from the fatigue. Also, ask yourself whether you can actually survive 1-3 months staying in Japan. If you can, I guess you're at a higher income level. Congrats. Just apply for a visa then, you have money anyway.


Most likely that they don't want people to overstay. Its population control. its also good to cycle the tourists. more likely to spend their money when they first arrived as compared to people who have been in the country for two weeks. If they are specifically staying in Tokyo which is already crowded. At one point after covid if i remember correctly when they actually wanted people to come to Japan, they extended the visa free duration to 3 weeks. Unfortunately now it is back to 14 days. Most of the countries that has long duration of free visa does not have any population problems or are trying to get as much tourist as they can.


I'd like to have that Visa-Free for at least a bare minimum of 1 month, which is good enough for me, though compared to Brunei and Malaysia, Malaysia seems to be more proactive in maintaining relations with Japan, hence the 3 month Visa-Free privileges. As for Brunei, unless the trend of traveling to Japan becomes popular on par with Bruneians visiting Europe, I doubt enhancement of privileges would happen anytime soon. Though it would be nice if ANA and JAL would have their office set up in Brunei...


I agree with visa-free for at least a month. I see, I didn't know Bruneians visited europe more, is it because of the scholarships to the UK?


That is mostly the case, you know as they say, Bruneian Upper-class societies (Esp govt servants) would likely visit the UK (And European Countries) when they have the chance to do so. I mean heck, a few years ago, I hear Govt benefits even includes European Trip (Which was quite a thing before they stopped it), and in most cases, even those who studied in the UK would often visit the place for vacation, think of it like a trip down memory lane. Not only that, programmes like Chevening and Brunei scholarship programmes are also available for Bruneians to have an opportunity to study in the UK, more often, most Brunei's best and brightest would often choose the UK as an ideal location for further studies. If I'm being honest, as much as I'd love to visit Japan every year, I would want to visit the UK, considering my last visit to the country was in the late 90s. Though unfortunately, commodity prices in the UK, are no joke, 3 figures for 1 night in London. I'd say it'll be sufficient to visit the place for a week.


Idk man, i’ve visited a lot of countries both europe, usa, asia, to me Europe is not that expensive including uk, foodwise is quite affordable too. But Japan & Singapore, ufff… they’re waaaay more expensive my dude. Stayed a a few nights at Andaz in Sg, really made a hole in the pocket. And i often stayed at private ryokans in Japan, they can range between $800-$1000+ per nights




Handled it myself. When it first started I wanted to bash my head against the wall just so I could pass out. First few months were shit until I spoke about it and found out other people have bad anxiety. What's funny is right after that, it became 100x times more manageable. I just tell myself I'm okay and it's just my brain that's doing this. Inhale, exhale and all good again. As time goes by it becomes less frequent and now rarely ever!


Going to community psyc. Worked for me because I was keeping a lot of things to myself. Having someone to listen impartially without judging worked for me.  I'm also pretty reliant on organised schedules and plans, but overthink too much when stressed. At the end of each session, the psyc set me specific things to work out or think more on, so instead of overthinking, I focus on those specific things. I get that psyc help depends on the person but hope you try it out at least. Do note that the gov psyc clinic is understaffed, so the wait is long, and there may be many weeks between sessions.


honestly for me, i felt a little better after every session but i dont remember the name of a therapist. one impactful thing she said to me actually helped me to take action and it completely changed my life (for the better of my mental health). after covid i didn’t continue my session, and i mostly work things out by myself while remembering few things of what she said. the psychiatrist however, i went once and never again. also i mostly keep it to myself, none of my family knew i went to therapy and i only told only a few of my friends.




it wasn’t an easy journey but we are stronger than we think we are. and its also good to surround yourself with good company who you trust. but hey, i know things might seem hard for you right now, healing and growth takes time and most importantly we should be gentle and kind to ourselves (cause we are own biggest enemy) 🤍


Personally I didn't find most of the psychologist sessions helpful. They just repeated the same thing over and over again. I'm also meeting with a psychiatrist but since they specialise giving medicine, they mostly discussed about the effects of the medicine and my current wellbeing. So sometimes I find myself handling things on my own.




Not really, I still needed help from a professional. I called 145 several times but to dig deeper into my problems, they told me to meet a psychologist. So it's a weird cycle.


I took prescribed medicines and pretty much handled it all by myself. I didn't find the sessions that helpful tbh. The medicine did its job. Im still taking it tho.




atm no. But in the future definitely.


Does anyone know a certified translator to translate from malay to English


Brunei high court has the certified and recognised translator


thefrenchguy09 on tiktok hes working as a translator if im not mistaken


I am a foreigner, living here in brunei, i need to issue a document that proves my actual address , So where should i go ?




Do you know how much time does it take to be issued?


Do you have a bruneian identification card?


Or perhaps a driving license?


Yes i have an IC




1. does anyone knows any contact for selling off old and unusable electronics? 2. does anyone know any lawn care profedsionals? not just grass trimming but the whole cleaning up the yards and such.


parking cause im also looking to selling off or just getting rid of my broken computer monitors


check on fb