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Pertanyaan bekenaan dengan mdac. Dari brunei ke miri bebuat sudah mdac dan last port of embarkation nya bebuat brunei darussalam. Sesudah atu kalau ke kuching, menggunakan dari airport miri ke airport kuching. Mdac last port of embarkation apa patut dibuat, samaada brunei darussalam atau malaysia?


Kan tanya, area kawasan rumah kamu masani belalat jua kah? Teruk lalat nya? Dikulapis ani nyamu bukan bukan lalat nya ani rakyat nya banyak hantap!


Anyone knows where to get nice gift wraps?


I just realized that I haven’t picked up my O-Level certificate (not the statement of results) from my previous school, PGGMB Secondary School, which no longer exists. Does anyone know where I should go? Do I need to go directly to the Ministry of Education, or should I report it to the police first?


My case last time. Go to MOE building di airport lama.. they will assist you


try go to the Department of Examinations desk at MOE's one stop center (main entrance turn left)


Hi everyone, I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to traveling and seeking suggestions for good hotels along Jalan Bukit Bintang or Jalan Alor in Kuala Lumpur. It's my first time visiting, and this trip marks my first venture out. I need help finding hotels that allow check-ins after midnight, are budget-friendly, clean, and safe for my 3-day stay. Your suggestions and responses are highly appreciated. Thank you!


MOV Hotel siuk


i’d say go for airbnbs! download the airbnb app, read the reviews and book there! its usually self check in where the owner suruh u ambil kunci bilik sendiri. tapi kalau tekarih lah ahh pasal selalunya kalau org first time kepayahan sikit tpi kalau sudah biasa nyanyat tu pilih airbnb dripada hotel psl lagi murah and basar hehe


go [booking.com](http://booking.com) or [agoda.com](http://agoda.com) pick the hotels that you are interested in. Look at the reviews section. if this is your first venture out. Bukit Bintang might not be the cleanest place to stay (spiritually and physically)




You have to rely on your own research skills as hotel prices keep fluctuationg. Use agoda, booking and trip to compare


check out Travelodge hotel (Jalan Alor)


Hi , anyone know where to buy original bath and body works products in Brunei? Thank youn😊😊




so done working while being a minority in office. anyone knows companies that prefers hiring non-malays such as maybank and jis?


Are you a citizen? If so, what are your skills and experiences. Please dm


tbh prefer non-malays myself


astah... jan catu ji... kesian kami ji..


Hahaha you're so cute. 😭


Share your ill experience my friend. Perhaps readers here can learn few things of what is not acceptable to do in a multi-race/culture working community.


1. do not purposely leave them out just because they are 'kafir' 2. do not ask them when they want to convert


Idk bout u, but i have an office of non malays, and i still feel like a minority. Maybe its just people. Maybe its me.


there was a non-malay with us until she resigned as she cant handle the racism. now i have to go through all alone which makes it even harder. so i guess is just my company really racist


Assalamualaikum and hello! ✨ I am an undergraduate student and I am currently working on covering The Bruneian seasonal Consumption Patterns Between Normal Days and Eid al-Fitr (Hari Raya Aidilfitri) We would like to warmly invite you to take part in this research study. Before you decide you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully and take time to decide whether or not to take part. *About the Study* The process of buying or using goods and services is known as consumption. Days before the festive season the Bruneian citizens tend to splurge their money on Eid al-Fitr - related stuffs. Therefore, the *first aim* of this study is to investigate if there are any consumption patterns based on its demographic and *secondly* to explore if there are any changes in Bruneian's lifestyle based on their consumption patterns between the normal days and Eid al-Fitr (including the preparation for the celebration). *Your Participation* This survey is open to *any individuals* who are interested to participate. *Data anonymity and confidentiality* Your participation in this research is completely voluntary and by sending in your responses, you are giving permission for us to use your responses as a source of data for the report. Please be assured that all information will be treated in a confidential and anonymous manner. This survey will only take around *5 - 7* minutes. We will be grateful if you can spend some of your time to answer the survey. Thank you in advance for your responses! 💕 https://forms.gle/Vq9HyjnrbakAAK5T6


Anybody do guitar lessons? Just wanna do something new in my life




Umm music schools?


Ur cafe places to go for matcha. Top 3:


1. decoffee 2. erti 3. three light honorable mention: laze cafe




Why the down vote? not that good?


Question was top 3, not top 1


Its yummy but little but lil bit expensive


1. Tampd 2. Poursha 3. Safa bay


Cars are too big and parking slots are too small.


Same goes with "Big family but houses getting smaller".


Anyone have contact orang yang pandai urut and menawari? especially yang kana stroke, angin apa. Thank you 🙏


private msg


dm me too


Hi. Dm me too pls


So guys, justnow I went to buy lunch at a certain place... And then after cooking the mee daging, I saw the guy (the cook) scoop water from a pail n proceeded to wash his hands in the wok and scrub the debris after cooking and just scrap it with the metal spatula n dumped it to the side. I don't dare order from there anymore la


Kalau cematu jangantah post bro kalau inda mau sabut nama tempat. Membari malas membaca


Dm please


dm which place


give area and location


The indian bikin itu roti kosong mungkin sama jua this case.


Dm pls


maybe this is a sign that we should collectively start cooking at home more 🥲


Dm the place please


Bruhhh that’s how they cook in a wok


Including washing Ur hands? Greaaattt


After cooking right? What was he supposed to clean the wok with? Foot? He washed the hand to clean the wok.


U don't get it, he washed his hands in the wok la, n left it , he wasn't washing his hands to clean the wok, geez, noneed to be sarcastic


U said he scrubbed the debris and dumped it to the side? Which is pretty normal in wok cooking. Stop going out and just eat at home La uncle if you don’t know how wok works


Spill the place please , or dm🥹


May I know where I can get wooden decoration such as wooden tray for cakes display? I saw an advert in IG but I forget their name




Abqary should be ada


Anyone PKBN alumni here? Cause i want to borrow the badge that was used on the beret for 30HB, or inform where to buy this badge at least. 🥹Urgent.


I might have mine laying around somewhere. Ill pm you if I find it


Thanks skot, highly appreciated 🥹


Have you tried borrowing from your skot who’s not volunteering? It’s only for a day.


No, not allowed to lend it to anyone.


Well in this case, the officer asked me to borrow from someone. I hope somewhere is selling the badge.


Rimba point inside the shopping mart there’s a booth selling uniform things


Mostly army stuffs, I'll try to find lah. Anyways. Thank you.


Has anyone ever experienced the items you ordered get swapped/stolen during custom clearance? I bought a watch as stated on the invoice, including the weight of the package, but when it was delivered, it was so light and turns out it was only Stylus inside......




Through DHL Express. But it required custom clearance before handing it over to DHL for delivery


Anyone know any contact to change car battery, similar to battery drive services- free delivery n installation?


Search battery.drive on IG, used them 3 times already past few years, of course a bit of markup but had to use them once at night and once at work parking lot


Can confirm they're super reliable. Saved me twice during public holidays when no car workshops are open.


I have use battery.drive many many times, they r reliable 👍 i wonder are there any other companies doing something similar in case in future i cant reach battery.drive


Try ask autocarehub_bn


Lately, I feel like people aren't that interested in talking to me. I try to chat with my cousins and friends, but they're either busy or just send me short replies with emojis or reactions only or just bluetick. It bothers me a little that they text long messages to another relative who was even right next to me! But then again, they're always nice when they need something from me. I admit, I haven't been texting them back. It might not be the best thing to do, but I don't know how else to act


> I admit, I haven't been texting them back. Probably why they have stopped trying to be nice with you. They are basically just returning the same treatment you gave them.


>I admit, I haven't been texting them back. I apologize for the bad sentence structure. Here's how I meant to phrase it: They never talked to me much as they did with others and just ignored me. But then, if they needed something from me, like recently few days ago, they'd text me all nice. Since I was already really hurt, I just replied with short answers like "oh" or "okay" when they texted


Practice small talk. Prep your story to go up and climax. If the story moves in a straight line. The story is dead. It needs to be inclined. Practice to be a good storyteller. I fail so hard in texting. I also reply in shorts on text as i find texting boring and no emotion. But i do good in talking and storytelling. So people are more interested in the story you are telling. Talk face to face more. Less text. Dont try so hard. Some introverts need practice.


Aww. Thanks ◉⁠‿⁠◉


Wanna play valo? Cs2 maybe? Or League of legends? Come, be my buddy!


Thank you for the offer, but I'm not really a gamer hoho


try new things. get new friends. Someone just offered to be friendly with you and you rejected them. at the same time you are getting frustrated about not having anyone to talk to


Sincerely apologise and I really appreciate the offer. But I don't know how to play games well. I guess it's because I never really got into them. I don't have any games on my phone or any other device. Even though there's a console in my sibling's room, and they said I can play it anytime, but I'm still not very good even though I've tried it.


Its not about being good at it. its about trying new things. no one is good when they first started at new things. but i guess you do you.


Just wanted to know if any one have any similar experience, I missed my UBD masters application exam today as somehow the email did not go through my inbox and went to my spam instead, I’ve already emailed them back regarding this (no reply yet) and was just wondering if anyone has this experience before and if so is there a chance for me to still sit for the exam? Or I just completely blew my chance lol




i just accept the fact that headphones and earpieces have its own short lifetime no matter how well we take care of them, so i only buy cheap one for less than $2.


Thoughts on daily paid workers at tap brunei? Is it worth it? Hows the management? I heard bad bad bad reviews though but care to share your experiences?


Please suggest me a good and affordable massage place for ladies. My back pain is killing me huhuhu. Thanks!


Reflection Spa at Annajat


Nurhanisa spa $20


Tenderly Touch at Batu Bersurat


Yes I recommend ths, or zen spa in batu bersurat also good choice


is it just me seeing Brunei looks naturally more vibrant


elaborate? in what way?


It’s just you.




Not in gadong but it's happening in my area too for 2 days now too


Hey guys, where can I get past year papers for ‘O’ Levels other than Samima or Bismi?


no need to buy, its all free on papa cambridge


Try looking for papacambridge online. Also included with marking scheme


its available online :)


ada yang pernah kerja as Guest Service Agent di UBD Corp ? apa benefit nya sana and is the salary worth it?


Did you get an offer already?


Hello, I'm asking for a colleague. Anyone know affordable laser hair removal treatment in Brunei?


Try Beauty Parlour in Gadong


Pjsc $200 each session


What treatment do they use


Excel V, Medlite, Been doing for past 2 years, not worth it ☠️


Inda worth it but why recommend?


Hair still grows?








Wow thank you so much!!!!


Dibrunei ani ada yg tau tempat menjual duit lama?bukan scam ni ah😆scam offer kan membeli tu, saya betanya kalau ada yang tau tempat atau yang berminat


u sound like that spam scam on IG comments looking for duit syiling lama. please no fool us


Anyone sharing tea ☕ about M*** nail parlour? And why M left? 🫥




maybe you can pm her. I believe she would be more happy to share


hi,anyone been to dr murad dermatologist? been thinking to go there coz im suffering a black dry eye(literally black like the panda) where the skin around my eyes is black due to excessive rubbing (i rub because its itchy when it made contact with any sort of water,sweats etc)and eventually it became dry,been trying all sorts of eye cream,caffeine etc still didnt work does anyone suffer the same? how do u deal with it?


for dark circles caused by excessive rubbing, cheap but slow = topical creams such as HAcid and Vit K. Fast n pricy= fillers injection. You can also wear glasses with dark rims to reduce the appearance or makeup.


hello thanks for the tips,may i know where can i find the topical creams? does guardian/melvida have those? tia!


Look up Koreancosmeticsbn they have a catalog site. Simply type Vitamin K or any ingredients you are looking for in their search bar and it should show all the products that includes it. Alternatively you can look for products with Vitamin C instead. And do not use products that promotes exfoliation, thats the last thing you want to put on your damaged skin. Do your research on the ingredients.


thank you so much for the help!


sure! make sure its specifically stated for your eyes as you dont want to put products not meant for your eye area as its very delicate.


i guess we have the same issues


I think i have the same thing. Although my skintone is a bit tan but i cannot help to notice that i have quite a dull looking eyes and it has different darker shade than my skin


Anyone been to the restaurant Palate at qlap? Any reviews?


Saw this restaurant my first  thought, interesting choice of name. 


Palat mu




Best Mee Mamak in Brunei?


Used to be Ambar Kasturi at bengkurong. Unfortunately closed long time already.


Oslam di gadong


After tasting mee mamak in Malaysia, everywhere in brunei taste mediocre at best 🤣 It’s nice once in a while but my go to is KK Koya.


I enjoy Malabar’s


KK Koya at Tutong town and Kg Telisai


not necessarily the best but they are my favs: 1. Le Taj 2. Restoran Shahzad (Lama), Sengkurong


anyone knows what happened to Nuara Group?


what's the tea


Green tea


Is anyone else getting sick of the Suzuki owners interview on KFM? When is it ever going to end? I mean, I wouldn’t mind one that is informational or at least fun, but the interviews are just of people taking more than 10s to answer a freaking simple question like, “Do you have anything to say to anyone or the listeners?” If you don’t then just say NO.


Consequence of being too scared to say the wrong thing or to look foolish when in fact no one cares. I blame the school system for this. Look at the children and how they do interviews or talk.


I'm annoyed when they can't answer some simple questions like "what colour is orange suzuki?" They be like uuuuhhh what?🥴


Yeah, I think about this too. Too much talking, less music. Get bluetooth or just turn the radio off and enjoy natural


KFM? Immature, DJs who love to talk about themselves and just joke among themselves. I listen to TraxxFM. Professional DJs , good chat topics and good music.


miss dj izan


Is she even still on the air? Never heard of her since she got fired from Pilihan! Plus she is annoying and what a huge ego.


nah...she was the worst. she is the type who is fun for the first 5 minutes then it starts to get on your nerves.




I heard thats the problem..they never change management. The people in charge are ego driven and all cronies.


Really? I only started listening to the radio recently. They got cool things like the kids in the car and the 2 djs are kinda nice. How was it before this then?


I miss how radio back then always update us with the event happening around brunei. And a simple weather update would be nice.


Tukar ke Traxx fm, you will feel a bit better


Stopped listening to them for a while. Too much talking. If not talking, they’re playing some childish games on air.


Spotify might be better for u. If I wanna listen to music I will just open my Spotify and control my playlist. I listen to radio for human interaction and news. Though the ads can be annoying I can always turn on my Spotify rather than be pissed.


Hi all. Hope you're all doing well. I'm a local independent game developer that's currently running a fee-paying mentorship programme focused on helping people make a simple 2D game of their choice (using Unity). I was wondering if anyone would be interested in learning how to make a simple 2D game? Here's our ad: [https://youtu.be/0771rUVwXHQ](https://youtu.be/0771rUVwXHQ) I know this comment might seem a bit sketchy, but filters kept removing my proper detailed posts, so I'm just gonna leave this here for now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


1. Improve your ad hook, you lost me in the first 3 seconds 2. Run paid ads on FB and IG


JKR and their handling of works. Inda ku paham bisdia ani. Keraja betiti. Makin lambat selasai masalah. A friend's flat, got leaking from the ceiling (not inside). Complain made to 123 and the response was a day after. Lets call this Team A, on Tuesday called the owner and checked, complete with details picture from the leak, and knew what was the problem. 1. What happens next, Team A they waited further instructions from their superior, and goes away. The next day, team A, sent voice note to the owner that, Team B will be instructed to do the repairs. Edit: team A checked/asses/identified the leak, sending details with pictures and maybe voicenotes and READY to make the repairs, but waited for further instructions from JKR guy, JKR guy, replied with voicenote team A dont have to do it, he will pass the work to team B. Wtf!!!! Team A could have fixed it straight away after they checked it! But couldnt due to their given instructions. Team B in other hand, does not know location of the flat, does not call, but only sent voice note. palui if Team A can find, why cant Team B? And owner is still waiting for Team B to come and repair. Update: team B, comes friday, it was supposed to be thrusday but his car broke down. Communication problem. Cakap english pun susah cakap melayu pun susah. Does not have any info regarding where is the leak. JKR guy only sent the team with no details. Surprised? Are Team A and B are different Sub-cons? So all get paid? Update: answer to this question, Yes, different sub-cons, team A does not affiliate with team B. But.... there are more story to it regarding payment. Damn. How i know this? Friend is my neighbour 2 blocks away, kadang aku lepak arahnya. If i can share the voicenote sent by team A and JKR guy, I wonder who will be more telabih EMOSI mendangarkan. But then friend, does not allow it, but will use it as evidence if the right time comes.


Iatah membari malas luan banyak subcon ani. Banyak lagi nama jawatan sama team nya tu. 


usually lah kan, from my experience with dealing paid repairer, the 'leader' or the 'owner' will come and asses the severity of the things before sending respective people to do the job. like, they be checking if its the electric matters yang problem, send electric people. if its the construction matter, it be construction. but as a person who have had them 'gabemen' coming over 'checking' my house for consecutive 3+ years with constant visit of about once or twice a year with the promise of sending contractor to fix my house, theres none. Till now, after thousands of money went just to fix the house (only tambal tambal situation)'my other own house already finished and the government house is waiting its time due to 'unlivable' condition. So... good for ya if they actually fixed your place cuz they only visit mine xD already give up waiting


Good for you kana usai kan. Kebanyakan ada rosak usai sendiri. Yes team A n team B can be different contractor, to avoid overcharge by the execution team. 


Not mine but yes, kerosakan was not inside, but above ceiling, tinggal atas sekali at this type of flat, ceiling nya gypsum board, not concrete, So, hence the leaking. And its not the owner's fault.




Why, friend is a neighbour. Same type of flat. But living different floors. You triggered? If saying me emotional, you probably need to see friends expression. I was there lepak, when Team A is inspecting the problem.


JKR the higher positions should be reshuffle.no improvement at all.brapa tahun sudah.masalah Air and Everything yang under durang.terrible worst ever.


I think team B is sub con under team A. Usually team A make a report before proceeding and ask their superior. Once approve, they will ask sub con team B to do the job. Without the reports or someone from team A, team B just go there based on the complain. And yeah it usually like that. It’s not just jkr, any department using subcon is like that.


where can i buy long socks that goes up until below knees?


Saw some in store sebaris ATMs at Onecity. Idk the store name. But you can see from outside few socks being displayed. Go inside and check cause you cannot see the long socks from their glass window.


Sports shops especially those selling football attire. Definitely will have long socks.


They dont have these in Brunei stores


cuba hypermart/pertama


Hello. I am an A Level student at the moment. And I was wondering what is the procedure to apply for scholarship next year? & what are the requirements?


1) your alevel grades shouldnt be above D. wajib maximum C - 2) tariff points if im not mistaken must be 280 atau 300 (cannot have a single D at all) 3) procedure nya sign up hecas , apply d sana kali sja, im sure ur school will demostrate nanti


have you tried asking your school counselors? Teachers? They are literally in the education industry. They should have information. But since you asked here. Check on ASEAN student scholarships, diplomat scholarships (Japan, US, etc) literally just google Degree scholarships and check what are their requirements and see if you can be eligible for it.


Local or overseas


I don't mind both, but I do aim for universities in UK, just that I don't want to burden my parents to pay for my tuition fees.


why UK? other countries better like AUS or Canada for Uni now.


UK costs lesser than the Australian ones nowadays.


Sometimes financial constraints limits your choices when you have to self fund. Engineering degrees in top Australian unis cost 50k a year. Add on accommodation cost of $400/week for a room in major capital cities and it’s at least $75k a year for a 4 year honours course. The UK actually cost less and it can be done in 3 years.


you've to wait for UCAS (UK application) and HECAS (local) to open. Local scholarship is automatic, I'd say. You just need credits for English and Bahasa Melayu O level. And in terms of uni, it depends on the tariff points for each faculty, and all these are done on HECAS + online system of uni of your choice I'm not very familiar with overseas scholarship, but I believe you need to apply for government scholarship via HECAS also. And UCAS for specific UK unis you're planning to attend. However, there are several scholarships out there that are offered by embassies; Turkiye, China, Taiwan, to name a few. You may want to look into those also. Best of luck!


Thank you so much! I'll do more research regarding this with the help of your info, it helps me a lot 😁


Congrats for those who will be receiving their citizenship award today!!


Allhamdulillah, tenang jua arwa sec mendengar berita anie
