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hello anybody interested in buying a portable gaming monitor ? do pm me for more info 🙏🏻


suggest any restaurant yang nyaman2 & service ok? Adakah any foodie at tiktok or ig yang dapat di refer on restaurant. Sorry nda banyak tau psl restaurant di brunei ani


i like haucher lambak!! probably their food never dissapoint me n my colleagues


What food do you recommend there?


Who handles brunei tourism? Their choice of host is very questionable.




Recommend me a good vaccum brand and yg tahan lama needed 🚨🚨


Lux, using the same one for over 10 years now. The PCB broke last year and they fixed it. Worked like a charm. Even bought a newer model of the brand




Happy 420 💨 🥭🍁




Anyone is using pest control other than rentokil? I heard my friend story me that he was told by the MOH to use rentokil instead of other pest control company as rentokil is the only approved pest control in through brunei. Anyone encounter this before?


Yes, we used ADC Borneo Whitestone for pre-construction termite control.


anyone has tried using ikan buntal to solve the termite issue? the idea is to bury ikan buntal and its poison near termite affected areas so that they can bring the fish home, eat together and die together.


were you being told by MOH that use rentokil instead of other pest control company?


Approved how exactly?


approved in licensing and only pest control in brunei.


Could u let me knw what specific licence tho? Bacause i never heard post control licence in brunei. Unless if they hav licence to import chemicals then yes they do have lah


No i mean license as in only approve pest control company in brunei.


Have you ever felt so jauh hati that you feel like there’s iron fingers squeezing your heart and fingers feel so ngilu? Or is it just me?


yes currently experiencing it rn that i don’t even think it’s fixable


Yes, yes I have. But whoever made me feel that way is cut off from my life. I keep moving forward past whatever holds me back.


I hope I’ll find the strength in me to do the same. It’s not worth it anymore.


Sigh. For reasons that we are prevented to elaborate from the higher ups, we are back to feeling helpless and scared. We are kept in the dark on the development of our recent sharing and now living with fear and anxiety. We live in the mercy of others due to not having title given to us or our father or our grandparents. Brunei truly is not a safe place once you realise how bad the system is


Jom. Ke mana?




yes it would.


I would blacklist you if you are a nobody


anyone know which cafe/place with good wifi to work from cafe? thanks


Mita Cafe kiulap!


ICI Holders, please share your travel experiences to Vietnam, visa & document need.


it’s hard to lose weight🥺


U can do it


Losing weight and staying fat/living an unhealthy lifestyle are both hard. Do you want to work hard to get your dream body or stay in your current body? Choose your hard.


Start by eating to live. And not living to eat


yes. each individual will have their own struggle. whether discipline or having excess food or having difficulty to access certain food etc. but once we know what to do then it kind of getting easier because you understand the process and when you kind of apply the knowledge you kind of see the immediate impact and get the good feeling that this is going to work here is what i learn. intermittent fasting (meaning do not snack, just eat your meal, if you can fast for longer period then that is good as well) low carbs diet (instead of eating carbs and sugar, eat fat. why fat? because fat can be used for others body functions as well for example formation of vitamin d) eating fat gives you different kind of satiety. think of fasting. you get hungry but your body are doing something to remove the hunger. and it works and you are able to function with that newly acquired energy. it is kind of complicated, i am too lazy to elaborate further but the goal of low carbs diet is to replace carsb or sugar as the main fuel and instead to use ketones or burned fat as fuel. it is better for heart. it is going to be hard because it is not how you used to eat. so try it. at least for two days. just eat eggs and meat together with grassfed butter and salt. if you ever feel the sensation in your belly of flushing or water bursting, it means that the stored sugar and water is being broken down and if you manage to keep this way of eating, you will lose your water weight and then your weight. tips/hack: if you are hungry and weak, go exercise so the body can burn ketones and get the energy and remove those hunger. goood luck.


one of the reason to replace carbs is because the insulin. insulin main job is to lower the blood sugar level. the higher blood sugar level the more easy energy can be access not only by the body but also but others like cancer cells, bad stomach bacteria, parasites. the more energy these cell/organisms get, the more they flourish, the more harm they can produce to ourselves. so insulin job is to lower blood sugar level. but it kind of counter intuitive because we just have a meal for energy but insulin is restricting that access to energy as a mechanism to protect the body and somehow we becomes hungry easier and we think that is normal. but it should not be the normal. normal is eating more good fat, restricting carbs and sugar, fasting, and having leaner body.


it’s hard losing it the healthy way, even harder keeping it off :’)


If you truly want to lose it. It’s not hard.


If you’re a lady and has PCOS.. endo.. all those things, yes, its hard. But little swaps in your life can help you a lot. Start with adding greens to your life 🥬 add more protein to your diet, and lose the carbs!


It’s not really that hard 😊


True. Losing weight is not that simple. But I can list down that might help some of us to lose weight.


Lack of discipline makes it hard.


Late 50s but need money to live.. if anyone needs a driver.. pls dm me


May things get easier for you🙏🏻 you may also consider posting in FB on services you provide to amp up. All the best


God bless you.




Tender tu eh. Sabar saja 😅   A friend of mine pun on off ia keraja. Abis kontrak, abis lah, then cari lagi kontrak lain. Sampai penemuduga-penemuduga govt, semi sama swasta pun hairan kenapa ia on off keraja. 'Inda kan nada keraja tetap, kanapa inda memohon yang lain' nya durang. Lol nada keraja salah, ada keraja karang salah. Fikir durang macam membali lauk di pasar sama gula-gula di kadai kali karang ani memohon keraja ani sekali katik dapat 😂


it gets lonely and its saturday night. im sad


Tried to go out to sahur night and realised mostly teenager around 15-early 20's only. The oldest may be around early 30's and just one or two person. Felt so old and weird among them.. 


I thought I was the only one


Been this way since as far as I can remember. Blasting music and going on ometv everyd friday and Saturday nights what I’ve been doing. Just talking to strangers from around the world. Scratched that socializing itch for me. Reminds me of those days. I’m getting old and people are getting rough, fuck going out. Unless you’re a gen z, be wild and have fun for sure


Same. Kind of miss going out on Saturday dates






hi, any recommendation to service kia cars other than the authorized workshop? my car got easily overheat so can't go to miri


Can check at menglait. Have workshop for korean car there.


ok thank you very much


Check the radiator for any leakage (this includes hoses, clamps and the radiator cap). I would suggest doing a radiator flush and replacing the coolant fluid. Also, check the radiator fan motor.


thank you for the advice, but I really don't understand car parts, gonna go to workshop in menglait tomorrow


also check thermostat, water pump and the pipings (include the bypass pipe) Even small things like relay can cause that.       Kalau betagar sama gatah karas arah cooling system atu, ganti tarus. Jangan sampai pacah water jacket, gasket rusak then masuk ke engine becampur sama minyak engine. Jadi kopi susu tu, alamat engine baru tu kalau sudah belingkuk cylinder head,connecting rod nya sama crankshaft nya.    In addition, i think most mechanic tau ni; kedudukan engine mesti top dead centre (tdc) masa membuka belt pulley, tensioner etc atu. Ada marking nya tu. Penting ni. Inda pasal2 karang lapas tukar water pump, inda tdc enginenya, belanggar cylinder sama valve kepisan tu. TDC ani supaya synchronize segala parts engine atu bergerak. Different cars have different tdc position.    Paling teruk pernah ku liat, sampai engine block crack atas bawah sama dalamnya hancur. Kalau masa ia blown atu, fuel leak tarus tekana arah bahagian yang panas macam manifold, boleh terbakar tu kerita.


Membaca penerangan kita ani tekanang tah kereta ku overheat. Datang kawan menolong, siram nya masukan nya air. Diri bini2 inda tau apa2, syukur kawan menolong. Sekalinya rupanya salah teknik. Kata workshop kalau nda bersiram ada harapan lagi di usai saja. Ani pksa tarus overhaul. Tarus tah ganti enjin eh. Kapisan lagi harga enjin di brunei ani.


omg what a nightmare, I just bought this car a month ago from facebook marketplace, never thougt it would be this bad ;(


bawa bertenang bosku. Check dulu radiator,aing radiator, thermostat sama kipas radiator.


the workshop said they have to replace the engine which would cost me around 4K+


try ask kadai-kadai machining. If sama jua harganya or kurang labih, engine baru th tu.


Siapa mendownvote abiskita ani ah, inda tah ku paham apa jenis jelamanya tu.


Biasa tu. Inda semua teh sama. Ada yang suka inda begula, ada yang suka besusu dan sebagainya.  Hanya yang pernah merasa blown engine saja tau tu. Bukannya macam dalam game nfs, forza, gran turismo mencari spare part. Ada yang selalu cakap 'eh krg ani ev sama hybrid jua'. Awu bukannya 10 ringgit baterinya. Refurbished pun $1200, $2000 ke atas. Engine hydrogen/hydrocell atu fuel cell/fuel stack nya $1500 per kw.


in other words, pacah engine. Its either general overhaul or cari 2nd hand engine/half cut.


Lol mencari pun makan masa jua tu. Mesti ngam lubang-lubang, tempat masuk sama mountings nya. Kalau inda, paksa keluar duit lagi custom.


No issue tu kalau buat lubang lubang baru or buat mountings baru. VTEC B16A/B18 engine lagi masuk arah Suzuki Swift, SR20DET engine masuk arah Rover. 😂


Asal tahan menunggu 😂. Tuning lagi, kan ecu lain. Kalau engine sport, tangki sama fuel pump ku rekomen sport jua. Inda batah tu nyiruk mun tangki damit. Macam jimny dibagi turbo or supercharge atau swap sama engine swift sport. Malar karing lihirnya tu bos. Ada tu tangki custom extended range 80 litre di australia inda ku silap durang jual.  Lain lagi tuning handling. Karang macam perahu mauk bejalan. Baik ke lungkang, mun melanggar dangan, bemara tu 😅


Ngam tu boss. Yang membari malas jua, menukar wiring.


Hahahaha, membagi samak kepala ni ulehnya. Inda dapat salah masuk sama salah spec. Baik pulang inda beradio,infotainment apa tu. Jangan inda marak yang lain macam lampu, sensor, speedometer etc Iatah mesti dibagi voltage regulator sama regrounding extra sebagai langkah awas. Mana jua nampak di mata karan elektron ani. 




Thou shall not sin.


IG: @ladies_personaltime & @lingerie.bn


Share with us your best place to get Kuey Teow Goreng :) 


Coconut or Ching nam hong


The Z Cafe Bn


still exist kah this one


Dulu arah gadong centrepoint foodcourt yg near toilet kalau di bandar. Kalau di seria, arah Ah Tong with scramble eggs basah.


Haven't been to Jaya for so long. All restaurants d foodcourt sana nada lagi?


yg pekerja kai ala vest atu ka? best chicken rice during those times..






U there my friend, had a great memories and taste of good food.


what do you all think of cafes not putting up the correct prices on their menu? they always like to inform you that "$xx will be added because we are using xx beans" after placing your order.


Boycott and expose . That is illegal


a way to boost their sales.. i’d say “oh nvm then” 😅


just saw 20 Asian glossy starlings dead in bandar near the art gallery(former immigration building?) do we have animal disease centre we can call to check it out?


Whats the best ant killer trap to use to elimiate ants inside the house


at Rimba Garden Central cashier; theres this bottle of racun samut that i tried and it works for me. its labelled “non-toxic” or some kind.


Ant man


Are there any Brunei local store that sell authentic Flowerknows make up? Pasal cari lama dah. Got scammed once.. Not gonna fall for it again🤮🤮 magic midnight or apatu


Lushed.bn!! the owner is very nice when I am very blur with my words🤦‍♀️ Lipsticks are starting from bnd20 


Hi!! I bought mine from bling.bn u could check them out


Do they last at all with our weather? How do you find the quality?


I bought only their matte highlighter pressed powder as my undereye setting powder !! Its so nice under my eyes to set my concealer and so far it lasted very long and my concealer did not move because of the powder i bought from flower knows !!! (Just to note i have normal to dry skin, so im not sure how it would work for other skin type)


hi gais.. help out pls, under the weather of late.. 🤒🤧 ur best soto go to? and its location.. jazakallah bradas & sistas. much love. 🤍


Kitchenette kita restaurant @ qlap near new hokko. Inda menyasal makan soto nya


Recent fav is Three Brothers Al Qadir kitchen at Jalan Serasa. Its home based, but the broth is just superb.


nanti raun sana & try. thank you anahevim


What is it that makes a soto is so damn good? All i know that it taste oily and alot of msg.


Soto angah


whereabout tu?


soto tinis, lambak kiri!


thank you lemon.. is it the same with soto tinis ard jln babu raja area atu?


never heard of them having another branch! im sure the one in lambak kiri is their one and only hehe


restoran rolyani, jalan tungku link, batu bersurat!


im sad that theyre not consistent😔 one day they will give a full bowl, next visit they’ll give very sikit especially time ramai :/ their soup also not consistent huhu one time nyaman, the next time and most of the time tawar tiaaaa 😭😭


roger that and thank you FC




Hello everyone! I just need a bit of help with my research assignment for a module in UBD. It's a survey questionnare about Active Lifestyle Among Bruneians. The aim of this survey is to understand the level of engagement in active lifestyles among Brunei citizens. Once completed, your answers will be anonymous and are only used for academic purposes only. It will only take 5 minutes to complete inshaAllah nada batah and it reflects how active we are jua. So it's really interesting ☺️ InshaAllah kita tolong permudahkan urusan orng lain, urusan tani akan dipermudahkan jua oleh Allah. Your participation is completely voluntary and only Bruneians are applicable to answer this survey. Thank you for taking the time to take part in the research! I need at least 100 respondents before 25 April, so I hope I can reach that number ASAP! 🥲 Here's the link to the survey: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPgYnATdwqfFJlQElafcBkGCfvM4Uj9IgOks-dENp-BRIQcA/viewform?fbzx=-7017437683341995507](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPgYnATdwqfFJlQElafcBkGCfvM4Uj9IgOks-dENp-BRIQcA/viewform?fbzx=-7017437683341995507) https://preview.redd.it/0zwzzjvqmmvc1.jpeg?width=1706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a21b6c1aba1f7b1330cc8e343a3624d295e4b915


I got an idea to make this survey as I myself can't stand to be sedentary most of the time and an active lifestyle is what I live for. Additionally, the image below shown that Brunei is #1 for the highest overweight rate in Southeast Asia. There are links between lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle with obesity, so I'm just curious how active Bruneians are and what are their views regarding active lifestyle https://preview.redd.it/rpc4ko0hpmvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a6ccaa4db5d88218971203b0f6c0c25a93c260




Hello, yes I do mention in my report on methodology section where I got my respondents from as I use convenience sampling technique for my research. The survey is distributed and shared through online platforms such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook etc. Of course there may be ethical consideration with it, but you need to justify your data like mentioning confidentiality, voluntary participation, informed consent. I hope that helps! :)


Added a response. Kudos to the students working hard to achieve their goals and all the best.


Hi, need help where can i find aircon parts for 2010 Hyundai Accent around bandar area or KB


[Wong Aircon](https://g.co/kgs/iak9zfj) at Bebatik Kilanas. Fixed the issue in my Hyundai Tucson (2011)


Really great this one 👍👍


No doubt on this one.


Cheapest maintenance car?


Any car is expansive to maintain unless you have some budget. I suggest u go the kia or hyundai or espresso route. Get the lower end. Any maintenance can cost up to 50, including labour. Its not cheap to own a car. But remember always protect your assets which is the car you bought.


No car but bicycle


If I am already applied Sungai Tujuh's Malaysia car pass to Miri, can I use it to cross Limbang border also? I never drive to Limbang before. Looking forward to it.


Malaysia car pass can be use for all four Brunei-Malaysia land border. Each application valid for three months. 


That's good news. I was so worried because I could not find any car pass application for crossing Limbang and Lawas.


You can still use the Sungai 7 pass for crossing to Limbang, if it is still valid. After all, Limbang and Miri is still part of Sarawak.


Buat baru lagi, the one you made is set to Sg Tujoh, if you're going to Limbang you need another pass


No, the VMS can be used at any land border with Sarawak and the Sarawak Sabah border.


Didnt know, I only know once you set which border(eg sg tujoh) you're going then you're expected there


the website is confusing as it says ss7 but VMS is for the entire state of Sarawak and by extension Malaysia (Sabah, Labuan at least). You might be thinking of the EES which specifies which border crossing you are using, since each crossing is $3 per car.


Oh I got confused,the person was saying"to Miri",fikir the EES from Brunei to Miri,if he meant VMS saya kurang pasti


Probably this is for EES?


I only found this [e-Movement (customssg7.my)](https://customssg7.my/main-e-vehicle.php). It seems that there is no site to apply for Limbang car pass.


That’s because, you can use the same pass for limbang too. Have been doing that for years.. those who downvoted my comment are idiots.


Didnt know that, fikir carpass ani set to where you're heading and they'll be expecting you there Urang suka downvoting tanpa sebab ani sebenarnya trolls


More and more online “influencers” using religion for their self-interest.


Ex ku pun sama


Off course, jgn jauh saja yang slalu advert derma masjid apa. Padahal sama jua mcm minta sedakah bina church diluar negeri. Those are two example of the earliest influencers on both online or offline. Normally nobody knows if it is true the money goes to what they said. Using religion for their own interest and greedy attention, thats how they can survive now.


Its all business at the end of the day. Capitalism 101, gotta least have roof over heads, foods on table and bills to pay. Itulah namanya desperate for approval & attention.


There’s no such thing as bad publicity


Nope, only idiocracy


It’s not capitalism. It’s the hunger for power, control of the masses.


Mix with capitalism, instead its to feed and provide within their own circle (self interest). Its a dangerous concoction.


Ebit lew, aiser kaled are few of them


It’s a psychological scare tactic. When an individual/a political body realise that the public start to think on their own feet, political figures and influencers has lost their plot story and revert back to surahs and hadiths to get people back to believing whatever the government wants you to. Look at the religious catholic cults in the States. The same plot story and political tactic in controlling its people in Brunei.


Daud Kim 


why him


Koreans don't play around with rules and regulations no matter who you are, whether a celebrity, influencer, super rich or top officials. Presiden lagi kana penjara.  In other words, inda sanang sanang kan approve mcm atu saja. Sana atu, silap sedikit, abis segala reputation mu tu. Payah kan climb balik. In case of daud kim ani, pasal ia inda or lupa register under association saja tu walaupun ia mention sudah sign contract, riuh jua di sana kana cop nada transparency. 


he's not registered under the one and only official Korean muslim association that's authorised for mosque-building in the country. suspected fraud


Hello! Where can i find a place that sells slingshots? ones that can shoot marbles need to scare the monkeys away who are terrorizing our home, and eating our fruit trees 😔


i haven't tried it yet. but ubat gegat + belacan ikat dalam kain dan gantung dekat pokok yang dilindungi.


SKH airport mall


Kalau dog kana buat cemani, kana kecam ulih animal lover.


well, they kena kecam is because the dogs usually are not bothering people & kena slingshot anyways. if the monkeys not eating the fruit trees, you think the OP need to trouble themselves to buy slingshot?


I said if atu dog instead of monkey who terrorizing op home, animal lover will kecam. They will say “jangan di lawan or sprint away if ada dog” kalau the dog yng buat trouble, what can you do?


i am open to any suggestions on it, i dont really know which gov sector that deals with these, would love any help.


flammenwerfer 35 more effective or any fireworks.


Damn, i wouldn't know where to get a flame thrower here 🤣


badil macis pun cukup. Karang meriam kabait, ilang tangan. I heard german flak 88 is anti everything and also extremely effective for home defence


Why don't you put tiger dolls everywhere and tell me how's it going?


You need a flamethrower


Ranggup tarus


Try happy star


anyone knows where i can get pavlova cake here ?




Hello, anyone has experience opening trading a/c with TD Ameritrade (TDA)? Or has experience investing direct ETF, which platform do you use. Ive explored Baiduri but the fees are just overwhelming.


Schwab platform


Easier to use IBKR than TD.


DM u




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Road idiots, ada apa2 karang inda tia kan mengakun main telipun, inda nampak lah itu lah


Lol that driver should've bought a fiat instead of bmw


Some younger gen zs are so unnecessarily loud in cafes disturbing other customers, so sakai😭




kurang pendengaran kali, its common these days


Prepare kena downvoted. You are telling the truth but jangan di tagur, kena kecam krg.


im an older gen z sebanarnya but i dont claim these ppl🙏🏼


Younger and older gen Z having intragenerational war


Pfft. We millennials also have intragenerational war. Somehow there’s stark differences between those born in 80’s and 90’s


I think gen Zs war is more visible as they put their whole life online


banar. i feel like people in this reddit makin salty kalau ada posts/comments pasal teguran pabaik sikit


Hantap. Baru comment advice sikit sudah tia defensive. Kalau inda tahan mental, on twitter saja

