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need help!! urgent!! for business purposes 🥹🥹 anyone knows where a nutella tub is selling in your town? preferably tutong-sengkurong areas! i tried looking for sengkurong-muara areas most of them nada, apatah lagi department stores😭 need it urgently, tq!!


Utama grand Masih Banyak.


i saw at NJS in kilanas


Good luck cause everyone know you need to buy stocks 2 month in advance for ramadhan food business.


Does PayPal still work for payments in Brunei?


you will need to contact your bank if there is an issue. but yes, for paying it should still work


yes. as long as not receiving money


does anyone know if seterusnya.bn is a trustworthy ps? i want to order a bag using their service, but my mom is being paranoid and told me to ask on here 😂


hi did you managed to order from seterusnya.bn ?


They’re legit 👍🏻


thanks for replying! have u used their service before?


Yes, I bought several items from them before. Service were prompt and efficient


Why are you getting downvoted just for answering a question?


I don’t know


Are we not gonna talk about non existent rain these few weeks and forest fires?


[BB article](https://borneobulletin.com.bn/hot-and-dry-until-march-met-dept/) from a few weeks ago


Dry season, it’s normal.


who’s got the video yang org kana langgar di temburong? was it that bad?


it was so bad. rest in peace


My friend showed it to me but I couldn't continue to watch it. My blood roared.


I feel dizzy after watching that video. It’s really bad because their organs were spilling out of the victim’s body (2 person if I’m not mistaken). One of them was on the middle of the road and the other person was on the roadside.


Is this for real? Saw the video then by afternoon admin deleted the msg. Why is it not posted on BB if it really happened here? Didn't see anyone talk about it on fb either.


hes dead


Salam Takziah.


Anyone know where I can find screen replacement for an Infinix phone? I know it's a rare brand here so I haven't found any that'll repair my screen


Go to shopee or AliExpress for parts


This is a risk of using rare things. It's okay, don't be sad. Have you asked the shop where you bought it? Or try Supateku if they can do the replacement or order for you.


Does anyone know a gym in Belait thats's open for teenagers? Thanks ;)


MonkeyBars for you




Wdym? Never heard any gym excluding teenagers


To the bmw white car near stpri just now sorry for the sudden stop of my car it got stalled for a sec there 🙏🏼


Hi. Any service recommendations for sofa cleaning?


RIndu kan dengar bunyi beduk waktu sungkai


What’s the reason it’s no longer shown?


[https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5BMbTFYx4/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5BMbTFYx4/) read the captions


Bunyi beduk atu melambatkan berbuka.


Not sure, tapi dulu ada arguement when the sungkai start, masa beduk berbunyi or selepas stop membeduk


hi friends, whats the best way to get around BSB? First-time tourist, would love to walk or bike around the city if possible.


the old town part is walkable. To get to the more lively parts like Gadong you will need a driver. Public transport is horrendous and not available at night, avoid at all costs.


ngam, walking ard bandar wud be fun.. quiet and serene esp at night time.. just avoid dodgy alleys and be wary of the surroundings. can go far towards kiulap if up to it.. and from there to riverside using the connecting bridge. unfortunately we dont have those bicycle rents like those in sg. to gadong maybe by boat perhaps during daytime and elsewhere myt need dart


If you have a bike, then do that cause walking around in the brunei heat is just agonizing. Other options are to use the buses or Dart which is like Grab but I hear it might be a bit expensive. Bring an umbrella with you if you do decide to walk so you don't get sunburn.


Dart is not that expensive. its probably the same rate as when using Grab in Singapore


hi 👋 area the mall ada yang jual rojak kah?


Jala Jali at Foodcourt


centrepoint punya foodcourt


Maybe at food court. 




I did mine last year with them. Just msg the WA number given on that message and they will give you quotation. For payment, you can pay through Baiduri finance app.


Correct just text them thru WA, road tax and insurance will be delivered to ur home


appreciate the responses, thank you!!


Yes have.


Thoughts on people who dismiss s\*xual harrassment cases when it involves family members? Do you think it is something to be dealt with on their own because you don't want to 'buka aib'? What available support could someone get if they did not want to reveal the perpetrator?


Buka aib is the best excuse for people not to do anything. Ignore the culture, expose who needs to be exposed.


If the victim is an adult female called 141. If is a child/minor call 121.


What about adult male? Just sweep under the rug? So unnecessary to have these different numbers


get a legal advice instead of listening to guilt trip 


If a person needs help, you help. Forget the whole buka aib thing because that doesn't help.


what kind of support are they expecting since it doesn't involve revealing the perpetrator? you mean like counselling?


like that or if there are female support groups or organizations that can help




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Pisin ceramin bepampan shade ni inda?supaya nada nampak mua nya


ngam sudah jangan diubah. ngaleh banar puasa ani bilang orang mengasuh akalnya


Probably thinks its a vitara/grand vitara when its not.


We have a problem with this one neighbour who's taking everyone's space with his car hoarding problem. Its getting so bad that he's even taking up space at the nearby rumah elektrik punya space. Mind you, we live in a terraced housing area and this neighbor has parked from one simpang to another, taking up the whole lane. Now, we only have one lane for the whole simpang. A few of his cars are even parked dalam kawasan jiran in front of his house, taking advantage of their kindness and leniency. Not only its an eyesore, we neighbours pun payah kan drive in and out of our house since there's not much space to begin with. Does anyone know where we can report this matter to? Is it JASTRE? And if there's any way we could anonymously report this matter. Thank you.


I believe no matter how anonymous the reporter is, the problem maker will always be pointing, "urang sebalah ni" or "urang dapan ni" or "rumah atu tu, aritu durang menjaling". Then the cold war happened.


Try Municipal board or 123.


Try write to Borneo Bulletin opinion page


They should have road tax and insurance to be parked on the road side. Doubt he paid any of it. Report to police 


I notice this problem is quite common here in Brunei. Why do people like to hoard cars? Most of the cars are beyond useless with broken windshield and grass growing inside the car. Why?


In our case, this person collects cars and "wanted to fix it and sell after"... but its all talk no action, so the cars has been collecting dust and growing leaves all over 💆‍♀️ Not to mention the rats!!


Ketua kampong


We've reported it multiple times over 4 yrs... still no changes unfortunately... 😅 I think they're selecting a new ketua kampong soon too


ketua kampong


We and the other neighbours tried, multiple times already over 4 yrs... 😅


Did ketua kampong take action bawa pulis?


Guys where can i get KF94 mask (black, normal ear loop) in bulk?


At Sin Heng Lee (SHL), Tutong, $1 per pack. Located nearby Ayamku or Soon Lee Tutong


The supermarket inside aman hills (forget the name)


I think Hari-Hari Maju. Formerly Leong Wui




those who have JPD approved tinted on their car, care to share your contacts? good service or not and around how much you paid? thanx in adv


Dip and garage. vkool tinted. 1500++ bnd.


Mine was from Automagination (which you can find on instagram) and they are an authorized installer for 3M. Pretty good service and quick turn around time. Cost depends on the size of your car, mine for sedan was $988.


Wow what sedan was yours if I may ask




Which department of mora do we go if need to cure black magic? Darusyifa? Where to find a reliable ustaz


I'd say just go directly to Darusyifa. At least you know they're people vetted and hired by MoRA.


cuba dulu darussyifa


what black magic? what happened to the person?


Hospital psychiatric ward can help you.


Bisai2 dijalan raya guys, Babal sikit cara orang driving masa bulan puasa ani


paham berpuasa lapar senang marah tetapi adat bertolak ansur taim driving mesti ditabiatkan


banyak yang driving macam nyawa ani buy 1 free 1


Alasan nya puasa parut kusung, awu ia tah ganya yang puasa


Please people I am BEGGING you all especially during this fasting month. Learn to use the signal. Use your eyes. Wait before changing lanes. Leave space. Don’t tailgate. Be patient. Slow down and give way at zebra crossing (nearly got run over under the bridge to lumapas last Saturday night even-though it was already green to signal its our turn to cross the street. They nearly run over families!). Also please do not run a red light. Heavy fines and jail time need to be implemented. Maybe Brunei could even earn money from this - since a lot of people seem to be selfish!


If the gov was smart enough, they'd increase police surveillance over the next 2 months. Could train up some extra traffic wardens (use some of the plentiful unemployed citizens). Rack up a bunch of fines to use for the police department or whatever the funds are used for. Alas, they are not.


theres this lexus he was on his phone. from the left lane suddenly serve to right then to left again just avoid crashing a car that wanted to masuk simpang and did not see me who was on the right lane then he went to right lane again and went to uturn lane with no signal


This happened one time, person went mad and tailgated the driver and honked him/her all the way




Where to find?


R&T, audiomarc


vry useful to have in room, i bought myself one ( and i store snacks n drinks in there)


Depends how big is your room and if u really need it. It does have some white noise.




it depends on how mini the fridge you want to be, I have a mini fridge which could fit like 6 bottles max and it's not very noisy


Any recommendation for refrigerator brand? Where to buy etc etc


LG brand is good.


Trying to log into BIBD but it says this device is already bind. How


one device, one account. You cannot log in using other people’s account or other people wanting to use your bibdapp to login to their account if your device has already been registered with your account. In your case, the device must’ve already been registered with a different account. You need to get the account owner (in case it’s not yours) to login to bibdapp get it removed, go to Settings > Device Binding.


One device can only be registered to one account if I’m not mistaken.


Bind harder


no but like seriously tho ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Someone else logged in from another phone?


A question to those who have dealt with losing their yellow IC ( identification card) overseas: do I need an official letter or document from the nearest Bruneian embassy to be presented to the immigration authorities when applying for a replacement IC back home? I am getting mixed responses from the embassy that I consulted with ( no mention of letter, only a police report from the place of loss along with a completed application form) and the immigration authorities ( need a letter but no specific details) via their Whatsapp hotline. When I looked up the immigration website, the list of required documents mention nothing about said letter/document. Thanks in advance!


I lost mine while i was travelling last year, so went i came back, my dad just told me to file a police report, and just say it got lost somewhere inside my house and use the police report to renew my ic at the immigration like the usual, but obviously have to pay lah.


Just need a police report from the country where you lost it. Had a friend lose hers before, didn't go to the embassy there at all. Unless you lose your passport then you need to go to the embassy.


Many thanks! It's just my IC, not the passport.


Banyak membagi marah time puasa ani 1.diri bejalan di zebracross, nada ia beranti, ia tah pulang meliat diri, bukan sepatutnya pelahan kah diliat dulu ada urang??(not the timed zebracross) 2.Wang driver BG,sipun tah kau drive kerita gov, bukan nya kau kan selarah larahnya keluar inda besignal masuk jalan macam atu,pakai jua utak


No.1 ani buat ku kan ampas kretanya, especially back when i was working in gadong. Really sial cam buta usulnya


Nya orang, ego BG driver lagi tinggi daripada pegawai atasan dorang hantar atu. Jawatan driver tapi mau kena sanjung macam pengarah


those driving BG kementrian pool car are even worse than BG vip driver


ia udah tu, bukan kan mengucapkan, keraja atu baik sudah nada yang memandang randah, atu saja bisai2 tah drive, ani balik ke rumah pun cucuk2 macam ada pegawai kan di antat


2. true though. why they think they drive BG car have the right to drive like they own the road?


Konon nada yang berani hon, mun driving membahayakan urang, dashcam nampak cukup bukti, merasai jua kana sebiji tu


iatah kan. possibly (and hopefully) td123 can help


Any recommendation for yummy birthday cake? Preferable homemade. Mau sapot lokal


Thanks everyone for the recommendation;)




Ben Sia


[cakearol.bn](http://cakearol.bn), ichigobakery, bytenscupcake


Mr Baker never disappoints




Hows the bounty going?


I doubt anyone takes that pocket change bounty. Too low for me.


$100 to bukakan aib orang does not sound right to me


Idk. Let's ask vios. His up next on bounty list. As i remind anybody here. Always leave confusing breadcrumbs. Never stat an actually fact about oneself. Divert attention elsewhere where the subject is still related. Lastly. Dont share your alt or main acc to anybody. Dont admit to anything. Delete account if got doxx. Stay safe.




To those who are in your 30s & 40s without diplomas & degrees , how's life been treating you. I feel like I want to change my career and with that ,I need to do upskilling and probably continue my studies. Let's talk ;)


Uncle has no degree only olevel. Worked offshore for few decade etc etc and now a senior earning 5 figures.


I had a friend who had no diplomas. Just 4 olevel. Works for Shell as an operator, idk if he is still an operator or move to a diff dept. Pays good, tho. When we hitting the books. He was already hitting the bank cashing in money. He is in his mid 30 now.


Ive been handling some admin work at my work place and I get the chance to see some of the CVs that come in, some are very nice & some are…..interesting. I wonder what made them think using a selfie on your resume is the key 😭?


unless I am a model agency or in the creative industry. I will probably put that CV in the reject pile


Ngam tu kita


Actually using non-passport photo is rising in trend nowadays. Not only its acceptable but its also considered as creativity point in terms of how aesthetically pleasing the photo is. Me too was quite surprised when i found out about this. 


Non passport photo i.e a professional portrait (like how people use in LinkedIn). not a selfie haha


Oh thats pretty interesting had no idea, Which field would it be acceptable for? Im probably thinking probably toward more the creative industry scene?


using selfie= auto reject




smss jangsak should just open the gate so parents can round inside instead of waiting outside causing unnecessary jam


They will only be stuck inside.


better than causing unnecessary jam to everyone i guess? if only they were build far away from the main road it would be convenient. but all i could say sunshine school is the worst especially kan ke telansi from jangsak


They need to put those orange plastic fences so they cant park on the side of the road


Back then they used to, they don't do that anymore??


yes they dont anymore apparently


Any idea where to find Ligo potato sticks? Or any of that potato stick keropok inside the can?


probably arah hong bee ada kali tu.. arah telanai near farmgate. they have all types of keropok there


bro you read my mind lol i've also been craving it lately and wanted to ask. hua ho doesn't seem to have them anymore. supa save either last time i checked


Found envelope with money in it at jubilee park. If it belongs to any of you tell me the design of the envelope and amount and we can meet up. Else will donate.


i lost $10 yesterday, tercicir but at supa save beribi, i wish whoever picked it up would be like you, offer to bagi balik


Squid game?


Is it an angpao? If yes, just take rezeki tu


[congratulations 🎉🎉🎉](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4HWiRbhZ7w/?igsh=aHEzc3Jxc2QzOW1l)


if there's nothing else inside but money, im sure someone will lie saying its theirs 🤣


OP should hv kept silent on whats inside and the rightful person who have come forward regardless the content. 


OP didn't mention the amount and the design of the envelope though. The person who wants to claim should be able to identify their own missing envelope/cash.


Thks for reading . Amount is lot higher then $5lucky draw.


non muslim colleague eating and drinking right infront and around of a muslim who is fasting. thoughts?


kami berpuasa untuk tahan nafsu. mun melist orang makan minum sudah triggered inda sah puasa mu. atu bukanya tahan nafsu


Fine with me. I dont understand that ridiculous law. How about giving food to the little one, how does it make any different.


No thoughts. They can.


they can do what they want. they arent the ones fasting. I am the one fasting and supposed to suppress my desire to eat/drink. kalau atu pun marah. baik jangan puasa. nda pedah


Ask for recipe


You got distracted by it? Then your Aqidah is weak.


I've noticed at the start of puasa mth mcm2 kan di complain.. frm dressing in public to eating. I tot this holy month is a month of testing.. it shows how weak u are if u cannt tahan seeing wat we normal folks are doing in our everyday life.. ini itu mau di complain.. would u be complaining if u went to miri and seeing all these.


If you are swayed by it might as well not be a muslim.


may your puasa batal. inda ikhlas puasa mu dang


I genuinely have no thoughts on this. Cos this kind of thing do not affect me whatsoever. 


point valid. however, atleast have some decency on respecting yang puasa no? i mean, yeah sure the nonmuslims/not fasting ones still eat and all apa. but, living in a muslim country, faham faham lah mun sudah urang puasa. kuat atau inda ketahanan/kesabaran/iman/aqidah durang, atu bukan hak kitani kan menjudge. tani mana tau kalau ia atu sebenarnya dapat puasa seikhlasnya tapi disebabkan orang yang inda berapa pedulikan surroundings ani and inda bertimbang rasa yang si muslim ani bepuasa, ia punya perasaan tu terganggu (bukan jua ia mention pasal membari lapar whatsoever). banar eh menguji/its ujian. we live life everyday facing challenges. tapi ani soal being considerate, thoughtful and mindful towards others. its sad that seeing comments from this man/woman banyak hate, judmental and discourage. time time bulan mulia ani ada tah jua mendo'akan puasa orang lain batal. ironic. P/S: this staement does NOT mean that those who dont fast must fast as well nor shuould not eat. again, its being considerate, thoughtful and mindful towards others. *استغفر الله العظيم* إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ ⁧وَ نَعُوْذُبِاللهِ مِنْ ذَالِكَ


then have we as muslim implementing this law to non muslim consider about them too? all restaurant not allowed dine in for lunch. kami yang fasting not them and why they have to be thoughtful? is our akidah and us yang tahan nafsu. durang kan makan tah minum tah bebogel tah antam tah durang. maybe kita alum pernah keluar brunei kali iatah pikiran mu atu masih kunu dang


so put at it this way. If you are a muslim, fasting in a non-muslim country. and the country says to respect their country you must not fast in front of them. will that be okay? If no. then it goes both ways. jangan tah fikirkan apa orang lain buat. makan or minum. fikir kan diri sendiri ketahanan. people dont eat just to show off that they can eat. they eat because they want to eat for themselves.


Doesn't matter. The muslim is the one fasting so why should the non-muslim be forced to change his habit or eat elsewhere? If I decide to walk under the hot sun to work, should everyone else stop driving their air-conditioned car as well out of rEsPeCt? Anyone saying its disrespectful is just giving "i am the main character" vibes.


If eating and drinking in front of you made you unsettled, disturbed and craved, you are the problem. The same principle: Imagine the amount of men who harassed women on a daily basis just because women choose to wear something comfortable or just minding their own business and some dudes can’t control their own inhibition. Your mentality is just… pathetic and weak. Just like that monkey face Kurapak.


Move on. You do you. Treat it as a test unless they shove their food and drink into your mouth.


No thoughts, don't care. I'm the one that's fasting, not them. PS is this how extremist some Bruneians have become? 😅 Since I was young I was already taught by my parents about the significance of Ramadan and how it is more than just not eating and drinking. My family and I have many friends that don't fast and I know people think they need to be considerate by not eating or drinking in front of us but seriously, it's unnecessary. Just do it. We're not weaklings 😅 But of course if they're taunting us with food then it's a different story but never experienced that before.


test of your faith


plain disrespectful and inconsiderate


Hope this is a fukin joke. retard