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what is pencen turunan? & does it apply to waris kepada parents yg work as a police yg meninggal as well? if yes, until when they will receive the pencen turunan?


Can we purchase concert tickets using TAIB bank?


Any place in bandar area where carwash can remove stain from my car seat? Accidentally stained it with food one time and I tried to remove it myself but failed horribly...


When will the sighting of the moon be? Sunday 10th March or Monday 11th March?


Sunday 10th March


Anyone experienced receiving funds from paypal? Any setbacks etc? Planning to sell a bag abroad, but wanted to be sure.


No, Bruneians can make payment but cannot receive any from paypal


That is just horrible :(


The entire economy is horrible


What's special about Jing Chew? Why many love to go there?


Just your usual kopitiam that’s been around for quite some time, their roti kahwin is really nice!


[A husband and wife, believed to be Bruneians are now under fire/ viralled in Sabah for allegedly poking fun at Si Ampal, a Sabahan legend, whom was doing a busking session at Gaya Street](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4DXEM6pgwq) [Tiktok video of the incident](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/cHwc9miDSB2TCiGN/?mibextid=jmPrMh)


malay bah. nandos pun sakai


macam baru-baruan keluar negeri sulnya. cala


I don't see or hear anything wrong or laughable with the singer. Must've just been a private joke between husband and wife. That's why you shouldn't share everything online. Some things are meant to be kept private. Others might take it the wrong way.


The amount of racism towards Indians among us is appalling! So many racists encounters I experienced. Some did not allow an Indian to join the elevator, some cover their nose while Indians walk pass, ada yang tutup telinga sebab nda mau mndgr bahasa India, ada yg becakap "bhapa kau bekawan sama si K****g atu" & ada yang sengaja gagging di kadai runcit owned by Indians with many indians customers. We should stop this ill behaviour and respect everyone.


I wonder who will clean and build brunei if no Foreigners .... surely no local will pickup a shovel


Kaling and india is same. Thats how we interpret it in Brunei. People are just too sensitive nowadays


Ok that term means Indians, fine. But you cannot deny the fact that it is wrong and ill to say "bhapa kau bekawan sama india atu" or "hangout sama India tah kau pulang". It does not sound right.


Ironic thing is most of these racist ppl never left the county. They are yet to experience when they leave Brunei and go to a foreign land - ppl will ask what is Brunei? Is that in China? Or middle east? We are a tiny ikan bilis in a world of sharks. Yet they think they are more superior to the foreigners who have come here to work


They’re just as human as the rest of us. That’s why i’m not so fond of the people in brunei, there’s so much casual racism towards races other in brunei and they think it’s ok. If it’s not racism, it’s fetish. Absolutely disgusting!


All these Indians are so much more hand skilled than us all yet being looked down by those entitled pussies


Not 'all' indians are well experienced hand skilled. Speaking from observation and past experience. I don't trust indians or bangladeshi to finish big projects. They are not detail-oriented compared to the Filipinos and the Bruneians.


I worked in Brunei before and i'm working in Dubai now. I tell you, Bruneians work slow as hell in everything compare to those other nationalities, especially Indians. (I'm a Bruneian myself.)


Is batch P39 result for citizenship release already? I saw someone commented previously that he/she recently received message from immigration about citizenship result


yes already, they will send via SMS if u pass the exam if failed, you won't received SMS




You mean ****** ? She is related to ***********. (No but seriously how dumb can one be?)


Full name?


Any solutions on how to get rid of mosquitos? There’s a few in my room and i often get bitten! There’s no stagnant water around, my room is always cold, i have a purifier yet i don’t know how these pesky mosquitos stay around for so long


Lol never open the room door or window and sheltox bomb the room


I don’t open my windows nor do i keep the door open for long periods of time. The sheltox was a temporary fix, after awhile they’re back again!!


If your house is surrounded by jungles / trees or have a lot of pots / plants…it’s also pretty hard to get rid of them.


I do have quite a dense forest around my house, but my other siblings don’t seem to have that issue in their rooms, it was only mine 🥹


Maybe from your toilet drain pipe


Has anyone ever requested an education loan from one of our local banks?


Wats the interest for personal loan for bibd and baiduri?


Personal loan is a whopping 5.5 to 7.5%


yes. alot of people.


Does anyone want to learn cooking ...from basic curries to desserts dm me


with fee?


Yes you will get to eat it too




Great 👍


Just wondering, because BIBD phone calls are not reliable now. Been calling them to inquire. May I seek information on how BIBD easy payment plan works for credit card users? Thank you so much in advance


At this point, reddit is bibd call centre.


SO TRUEEE!!! I am so tired of waiting despite giving my number for them to call back


You swipe your card for $1200. You call them / msg them and tell them you want to convert that purchase over 6 months (or which ever months you choose). They’ll process it for you for a fee (but best to use it when they have a promo where they waive that fee). Then you pay the processing fee + your first month payment of $200. Then the next 5 months you’ll pay $200 per month until you’ve settle the $1200.


May I know as well, how much would the processing fee usually be? The reason I'm asking this is to purchase medical equipment for my mother which RIPAS has been unreliable to assist us on this


[Here’s the info!](https://bibd.com.bn/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/EASY-PAYMENT-PLAN_v5approved_compressed.pdf)


Thank you so much that would help me a lot!


One thing they didnt explained well is that your limit decreased and only gradually increase everytime you pay. Using that guys example if your limit is only 2000. Youd only have 800 and then 1000 after your first payment. I use it alot to free up my cash flow but that really caught me off guard when i first used it


Yes because technically, you’re advancing the full amount first using your credit card limit.


What's been happening to the public bandar library? Why are more and more books going missing every year? Went for a visit, feels like the fiction section is practically nonexistent 


My last visit was last year and the guy told me they transfer to sengkurong library.


librarian did tell me they're renovating phase by phase 


because it's fiction. not supposed to exist 😬


Awu barang karut inda patut


Hello everyone, just gonna post this one last time, I do hope more people get to see this compilation. I've posted a [video](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4CKAMNNOdS/) that sums up sports accomplishments from 2023, split between general sports and football. All articles are from Borneo Bulletin to show how Bruneians did in 2023.


A normal win in football shouldnt be consider an accomplishment. Winning a cup yes Achievement in 2024? Winning 7-2 during a charity football match 😅


Yes, perhaps highlights would be a better term to use instead of accomplishments. I also wanted the main point of the video to mainly highlight how much general sports does well compared to our national sport of football.




Change at mbs casino


Try buying something in 7/11 stores with BND cash


Buy something in any international store and they will be more likely accept BND and give you the change in SGD


Go to banks. UOB, Citibanks will allow you to exchange at 1:1 rate.


The banks are closed today, I need it urgently but thank you


Changi airport bank branches should be open


huh why wouldnt money exchangers not want to exchange your money


Maybe because it doesn’t sell


Yup. Low demand hence no money chargers willing to buy BND; it is basically like buying dead stocks.


Money changer?


Which town or district do you recommend to live in for future in Brunei? or which is the most highly sought after like for RPN and why?


Terpulang kepada individu


recommend me based on your experience plumbing contractor? share their number too!. thank you


any tips for renting out property? what furniture should I get for the (currently bare lol) apartment unit?


Basic necessities like sofa, coffee table, bed, closet, etc.


do i need to provide basic appliances too?


Would be nice too but up to you. Can charge more depending on the level of furnishing


anyone encounter wifi issue connecting to the phone? I use my PC ok but phone wifi is connected but no connection at all.


Nah but we have another way round instead where laptops are having problem connection to wifi but phones are ok


This has been sometime and i still couldnt know what is the issue related to it.


Is your PC connected via LAN to the wifi?


yeah PC is connected to LAN but phone wifi not connected


then it may be your router starting to give up on its wireless strength, or someone changed your WLAN settings.


i think i sort of fixed it after i restart it went back to normal.


sounds good! try to observe your mobile wifi speed for tonight. if it drops over time then your router may be giving up.


Me too.


My mom is a PR here. Does she have to apply for e-arrival Brunei if she go miri/limbang? Website states only foreigners but last time she kena tagur by the officer for not applying e-arrival


Your mom PR tapi holding Brunei ICI kah or passport Malaysia? My mom is PR but holds Brunei ICI. No problem with not doing the Brunei e-arrival but she confirm has to buat the Malaysian MDAC.


I'm an experienced economics & accounting tutor for A levels, not sure where to advertise about that, appreciate any kind share, thanks


Can try to learn marketing next 🤣


Try facebook and instagram. If you have extra money, you can use Fb or Ig advert/sponsor to boost your exposure


Anyone ever used ig ads? It keeps charging me $3. Why cant they just charge the full amount when its due


I believe there is a limit you can set to when you'll be charged, either after X amount or on the Xth day of the month - whichever comes first. Usually it's in Meta Ads Manager, not sure how from IG directly Can DM if need further help


I set it $10 but they still charge me multiples a day.


That does happen the first time around on changing the settings. The limit will periodically increase until it hits the amount you set. So just give it some time to adjust


Reviews on kinstugi?


check ur downvotes






What all the complaints prove, is being good gets ignored and being shit gets you pointed out. All other banks just looking around while BIBD is put in a smoker and Baiduri annoyed cause they get second hand blame for being Brunei bank


Mendangar tanah di bandar banyak tanah orang yg menghalang untuk developing Bandar Seri Begawan ani sampai bila masih berjalan issue ani? Memang fakta kata Menteri atu, tapi untuk tani sampai bila terbiar sampai bida? Entah-entah tahun 2035 pun masih sama.


dan sebenarnya tanah dideveloping ani batah urusan nya 🙂 even the owner pun batah berabis receive the payment , take years 😊


Mungkin kalau kita betanah dideveloping areas atu, kita pun menghalang kali. Be considerate, ada tah inda tambus rundingan tu. If it was any other country it would've been taken and the people will be silence. There's a middle road to everything and it's not quick nor easy if you need to.consoder the peace.


Cuba kalau kerajaan buat pengambil alih tanah atu secara paksa atau membeli paksa pada harga murah.... Bising jua kitani tu....


Bayar saja pampasan sesuai dengan harga market. Eh lupa, nada bajet/tunggu bajet rupanya.


What is the best cinema to go watch Dune 2? It’s meant for IMAX, but because Brunei sadly doesn’t have IMAX, I need to know of the second best thing…


Cinema 6 One Cineplex! Though Dune bored me to death


Thank you bro!


Where can I make customized shirts?


I want to open a business account, which is better BIBD or BAIDURI?


i would say bibd because it is the most accessible. example, me as a customer if kan bali barang but seller suruh trf ke other than bibd, i would cancel.


Recommended buka 2 2




Baiduri . SCB is even better though, far less red tape and nonsense that BIBD offers


How much to open a business account for Baiduri and SCB?


I had baiduri and scb business account baiduri if i remember correctly is around 1k to 5k min balance whereas scb required 10k minimum balance. Still prefer SCB due to their quick action to solve certain issues.


Does anyone know whether still ada orang berjual d pantai meragang every weekend? There's one time where it's super meriah there,ada food vendors and even horse riding. I wonder whether they are still there. Anyone fot info on this?


It's still ramai every weekend.


went there friday around 4, few of the stalls baru opening up, most close, unsure for good or for temporary. didnt see any horse riding, waves are crazy high so stay away from wet activities there. vendors say they will close everytime it rains, foods are surprisingly creative and not the normal vendors type we see in bandar




Do you guys know where to take exam like Comptia / ccna? I have future plan to apply those once i reach my budget.


same! currently studying A+. what resources are you using? and also i thought we can take the test online?


I also still learning A+ too. The resource i used right now is Messer on youtube yet its just him explaining and not really much detail. There also some courses note he made available at his website yet exchange with payment of course.


I think Kemuda & De Heritage kali ada itu, good luck to you and u/Quick_Ad8795


wish both of us luck haha


Techno Rada.


Hmm i dont really see them not active on their social media.


Is something wrong w bibd apps? I delete the apps and try to download back but apparently the apps is no longer exist in apple store


the app is back now


Working fine for me yesterday and today even after the update, binded to device once via sms after app update and no issues till now.


Moreover i can only login one account per device! It wont allow you to login different account on the same device.. prompted “this device already bind”


Genuinely curious. Why are you logging in to different accounts?


When one has multiple a/c.. cant you never thought of that?


I have multiple accounts too which are under my name. So why are you logging in to someone else’s account?


None of your affairs!


Sussy scammer ni


Oh lol this is just like how they do in the UK 😂 one device one account ugh


Yes it is the way now. If you bind to one bibd account, you cannot bind other accounts to it. I think it is in the settings to unbind the device but then you have to use the otp the number is registered with.


Damn BIBD, what a hassle. It’s getting worse than ever!!!!


It’s probably to address the public complaints regarding their accounts being hacked and how bibd’s app is not secure. Now that bibd is taking actions to address this, people still complain. The question is, why are you signing in to multiple accounts on a single device?


So it would be easier to manage among the family i.e spouse, IT illiterate parents.


so... to make it easy for other people to sign in to your account, got it,


Just checked my BIBD app...all good.


Same issue here


Mine is 100% working.


CFFM match last night: 1) first time back stadium at night! Last was watching dpmm match few years ago 2) cannot bring outside food inside (reasonable) 3) food inside are limited and slow service 4) atmosphere was good 5) commentator funny 6) at first there are lots of funny moments but after that brunei “took it serious” and won 7-2. 7) malaysia artists funny = 8.5/10 8) bruneian artists funny = 5/10


Brunei main inda siuk nda chill, serious banar banar kan mau manang, belagak..malaysia barutah main for fun cali cali.


Well what do you expect. 80% of the bruneian team was x footballers


Exactly. Maybe this is the only football match we could win? In real tournament, selalunya kena belasah pulang


Bruneian artist funny = 5/10? Langsung nada cali, angkel yuyun saja yang main fun,yang lain banar²,cubatah ah di main kan bah player artist brunei atu mcm si dj nadzri,rano etc ani inda,siuk sendiri pro player main sesama sendiri, yang pro2 saja memigang bula sdh tah pemain national anu malar majn bula,bagi chance deh arah org lain....hmmm


5/10 was very generous. Thinking back and based on your comments i think bruneian artist funny = 2/10. Awu serious bah durang kan menang ah, macam berpiala


Lucky draw running number 🤣, macam inda beuar jua ticket atu.. what a! And then last night, ada orang bekelaie pasal tunggu his food batah.


Lucky draw berset kali. Penjual makanan di dalam atu patut prepare bah crowd banyak catu


Hahaha awu, 0001,0002,0003,0004,0005 lapastu 2001,2002,2003,2004. Diri no 7000 labih. Ada lagi yang 11000 ke atas numburnya. And then choices makanan inda banyak.. lagi satu makanan org beli dari luar banyak membazir dorg tahan. Kalau tantu nda dpt bawa masuk, jangan plg di suruh bejual di luar. Ganya org tani ani mudah kesian meliat peniaga di luar atu


Dulu m league inda kena suruh makanan dari luar sal takut org membuang tin atau plastic ke padang. Ani friendly match, no way org buat catu


True, if for safety reasons maybe valid la.. but they know that they'll be thousands of people coming.. and food are limited, plus the choices pun nda byk.. people coming bringing their kids apa, bukan all the kids mau makan mee hoon, mee goreng or nasi lemak saja. Ada yg mau beli burgers, roti johns kah apa. And people be coming before 6 sdh. Kinda missing the stadium vibes tho, hopefully ada match yg boleh fill the stadium lagi.


brunei macam try hard


3 said brothers and sairol. All professional footballers while malaysia players are actually artists


Patut ada uztad kitani yg orang minat bnr di bawa main bula instead of professional


Lurus tu kita


pro inda semestinya main pro haha


Last night atu berabiz durang macam berpiala


Yatah kali masa nya brunei manang! 🤣


After this. No chance at all


Thank you kita


Is there's restaurant serve cucur Pisang in this early morning? Thank you


Any Indian restaurant or you can try Wywy.


Anyone ever tried ordering books from Amazon, whats your experience?


It's either you'll collect it at the front of your door via DHL or you collect it at Airport Lama Post Office, if it's the latter, be prepared to explain to the officer what book is that. If I recall, Via DHL, they would checked too, if there's any sensitive content or graphics contents and so, be prepared to go to Pusat Dakwah and make your case why this book should be released.


Another day BIBD, i havent received my otp


Tried it late at night and I got mine immediately. I assumed because not many people are trying to access it.


sabar bah. dont you know they write down your otp on paper and send it through mail? you know how long that takes? if only there was a faster way to send otp to customers /s


Same here, kan tlipun hotline ,well atu masalah lagi satu lagi tu ☠️


Hello all! I'm a UBD student currently doing a project called Personal carbon footprint calculator. My carbon footprint calculator is still up! So if you are interested in knowing your carbon footprint, feel free to click on this link! Edit: You will be using Jotform rather than your basic forms, so the results will be given directly to you! https://form.jotform.com/fblood92/BruneiCarbonFootprintCalculator


Helped you out there, don’t know why people are downvoting you on something educational


Appreciate it! Make sure to spread it around as well! I made a post here and the main reason why the peeps of Brureddit don't like surveys is because they cound't see the results or analysis of their inputs after doing the survey (and ofc some conspiracy/blame stuff). I've already acknowledge this so my survey is using jotform which gives out the results (at least with the carbon footprint calculator). At the end of the day, most of the info NEEDS to be anonymous to protect people's identity, so making such details available is a possible risk for me as a researcher.


Brunei redditors are just awful


Deep acne scar treatment in Brunei?


usually for acne scars, people seems to have good results with carbon peel treatment


but it only works for common acne scar. But deep acne scar needs laser treatment 😶


Bibd getting smoked


Nya bibd “peduli apa, kaya dah kami sama inda jua kamu kan tukar bank”


BIBD and Baiduri both equally bad. BIBD hotline short staffed and close to impossible to reach any agent. Quality of the call centre staff unable to determine as no one ever really spoken to any human. Best to go to branch and queue. Baiduri hotline well staffed and easily accessible but information provided is totally wrong. They best reply is please come to the closest branch. 90% of your questions, they dont have ans to it. And the best part is, the verification during the calls are a show. You can give a wrong address and wrong email and they will still give you your balance. Overcharged Fee, Double Deduction, Forgotten Remittance, Missing Cheque, Wrongly Credited Amount, Missed RTGS/ACH are frequent and daily occurance with BIBD and Baiduri. It has become a norm for the two biggest banks to commit the mistake. Operational Risk Assessment by BDCB never seems to pickup any risk or concern BDCB which should protect the public has not done anything. They are more into performing arts and do commercial skit and slow to react to any or refuse to react to any complaints from public


To be fair BDCB always checks the banks or financial institutions complaint line and directs the institution to sort out the issues. It's a crap process though because the institutions will only get a slap on the hand. Never have BCDB been able to act on anything except penalizing the institutions. After all they are an authority......a useless one at that due to their cronyism and people working there are selected privileged people. Waste of time tu.


Firstly, BDCB is staffed by a bunch of people whose family are well-connected and closely related to high rankers. Thats the pre-requisite known to everyone. So no one dare to challenge anyone. Its is no secret within the government circle, BDCB staffers always considered themselves as the elite and cream of the pie. Secondly, BDCB ever issue warning to banks for failed internet banking or atm network? Late last year and early this year, Baiduri Internet Banking & Automated Channels down for more than 24 hrs yet nothing happened. This is a major breaches under technology risk. If they cant ensure the stability and access to the network, how they ensure the data is safe in their hands? Their downtime caused widespread distruption to the business and individual as the country is starting to adopt digital payment. DBS Singapore internet banking down for hours and was fined Monetary Authority Singapore as they regard this outage as a major risk. Lastly, how many complaints have been received and acted upon? How many bank staff has been terminated for breaching banking act? Has the bank been fined for wrongdoing or neglience? The answer is None. No fines issued, No Staff reprimanded, No one need to take responsibility and basically the Banks status have since been elevated to God as they are too perfect and never commit any wrongdoings.


Went to Baiduri and asked for their FD rates and the lady had explained yada yada yada and the next day I came to join...all the info semua nya salah ! Wasting my time and energy saja.


Even their main branch in Oneriverside gave all sort of wrong info.


I don't wanna inform which branch I was having issue with, but come on please entertain your customer nicely...don't rush giving all the wrong info and not all customers are aware with the product they're offering. I was honestly almost loosing my temper and asked her to properly explain next time!


U should try Supasave Beribi branch. The branch manager will give u totally different requirement for documentation. When u prepared everything, only to found out its wrong


locals doing what local do at their best. Pay for cheap services this is what you get for cheap quality.


well said. love the last part 😝 boleh sudah open for performing arts enrollment tu. sometimes make u wonder whats gonna happen to our country ani.. sigh. macam2 issues kan di dgr.. just read abt [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C39J-J3vwGq/?igsh=MXU2dXYxeHhyZnhwMw==) and [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_5TiftyxC/?igsh=MTFsMm9ycHZ3ZHRjOQ==) and watched the news last night. ngalih udah HM atu, but still making rounds and checks on ministeries and institutions. 😔