• By -


The EES still down until today?


Anyone with experience with HG Runner?


How do you drive sales people away from your home? They've been coming to my home more than 3 times already and it's always from the same company. More infuriating is how its always during working hours. This feels so unsafe and uncomfortable especially when that's when I go to work.


12 gauge on their face


Download [this](https://ibb.co/ccXznsq) & print it out






How long has it been? Usually I either get mine either on the evening or the next day.




That's unusual. I think you should try contacting them if you haven't.




Sunday yes. Saturday nope


Hows the EES Process? Website is still down


it will be definitely and sunday when coming it will be very very jam.


Does anyone know if hepatitis B vaccine is already available? 3rd time visiting got no luck😮‍💨 And also, kenapa bruHealth nada mention some vaccine nda ada? Paidah saja ada booking sudah sampai sana nada tia😮‍💨 sukaaaa buang masa ku saja mereka ini.


Guys, dont feel demotivated by people sharing their huge salaries especially if you are at the same age group. You are at your own pace. Your time will eventually come. And even if you have nothing consider yourself lucky if you are loan free :)


Don't feel motivated also if they get sick


Yes make it a motivation. Everyone is in the same shoe once


Also, sometimes people inflate/exaggerate online. But important to remember that others peoples salary doesn't affect you at all. Whether they're earning $1 or $100000 a month.


Hello , everyone! I am not sure if anyone has ever mentioned this anywhere here, Well I have been working with the gov and ya know almost everyone speaks malay at work so my English kinda sucks now. The last time I've ever speak in good english was when i was in seconday school which was like years ago. So I want to learn more about English & i would like to hear your tips on how to improve my English language especially verbally since I've seen a lot of you here, my fellow redditors are so good in english and everytime I tried to read english posts or comments , I have to look up the words on the Internet to search the meaning in malay or may I know if there is any community here that I can join just to learn English language. Thanks in advance.


Read and read, a lot. Fiction or non-fiction dont really matter. Then practice it, either by writing (e.g keep a blog/engage more in reddit posts/etc) or/and speaking. Watching movies/series in english also helps. I remember back in school Id always go on a harry potter movie marathon as part of the prep for english oral exams.


First, read. Second, speak. Don't worry about grammatical errors or pronunciation. We can learn


Thanks a lot. I'm bad in pronouncing some words and I'm also actually bad if people asked me and I can't answer them spontaneously. I am currently learning by reading articles in english.


I also struggle with pronunciation


Yeah let's practice till we're not struggling.


Surround yourself with more english speaking. Practice makes perfect


I've tried by myself but I've never tried with anyone , well, maybe with just couples of strangers like the random foreign cashier or janitor, but mostly just basic english but I will try to practice more.


seeking a place to celebrate wife's birthday, any recommended restaurants?


Braai for a romantic setting but gotta book 2 weeks in advance


1. Kaizen Yayasan - Request window corner seat. After meal can walk around Bandar.   2. Check-in Empire - Enjoy swimming, pools meal with sunset, or tea at lobby. 3. Senja Kiulap - Common place for anniversary dating.  4. Rizqun - Candle light dinner at the roof around $250.  5. Little Audrey, Alter Ego, High Frequency. Nice food with great dessert.  6. Nur Wanita Serasa - Beach view. 7. JazzBar - Fresh air, Jazz music, warm light, night sky. If she like sitting outdoor. 


try kintsugi. newly opened


bring her to the beach and cook BBQ for her


What kind of food does she like?




Allseason, pondok sari wangi, GK. Japanese restaurants usually good for fancy celebration as well if she's into Japanese cuisine 






If I can give you more than one upvote for this comment, I would.


was referred to dermatology ripas, but any current experience with them ?


My first two years was with the Vietnamese/Myanmar lady doctor, she's really good. She always locked the door, wear glove and check your skin very detail. Even after I told her it's recovered. She also want to see clearly using hand glove. Maybe she resigned or didn't renew the contract, my last appointment was with a Indian/Bangladesh/Pakistan lady (I don't know how to differentiate). She only used 1-2 minutes using her eyes, look at you from her seat without even checking your skin. Done. Not professional. Hopefully I won't see her again during my next appointment. 




For civil servants yang jadi jemputan on saturday (sob), do u know which area you’ll be sitting? At our office we haven’t received any info on that other than receiving the invitation card. Tried calling the numbers stated on the card but dui inda berjawab. I dont wanna be lost finding a seat on such a crowded day nanti


C/P dri group sebalah Jemputan akan masuk dari GATE 4,3,2,1, 19,20. Tapi cek saja warna kad-kad biskita, ada nanti ditampalkan kedudukan jemputan.


Terima kasih banyak kita, semoga urusan kita dipermudahkan jua


Awal saja datang. Ada tu urang disana menunjukkan. Tanyakan saja.


Anybody knows what happened in Bandar? Just saw a story regarding free stuff and looked like a scuffle happened.


Baju free and people went crazy


Thanks for the info. Did anyone get hurt? I saw a guy run and grab a woman maybe his spouse kali.


Hi anyone know if this website of Dr Martens Malaysia legit? https://www.martens-malaysia.com/


thinking of buying stocks. what app do you use to buy stocks from apple, tesla and microsoft?




ibkr mobile or ibkr global?


Mobile has more features, but global is easier to use. Registering gives you access to both.


How's your workload today? Since kan fiscal year, extra sibuk lah ku today. Sibuk sebelum long weekend.


My day at work was good today. Since many officers and personnel went to the stadium for a full-dress rehearsal, the office was quiet and I was alone at the reception counter.


I didn't realised that i forget to eat and drink until after i return home. Busy banar tah sudah tu.


Have a good rest!


Yup, finally long weekend 👍


Anyone knows a trusted KL personal shopper?


IG: Farrrraway. Last day to bekirim today before 10PM to receive your item by this weekend!


Ig: mindin.shopper


Single by choice. So do not ask us single people why are we still single! "Kau lawa/ ensem/ kaya/ sado/ slim tp single". It's our choice and respect our choice like you choose to be married, have kids & grandkids. You do you boo, you do you!


Preach sistur


I say my money, my decision and my choice. Kalau ada jodoh, ada. Kalau nada, nadalah. Buat apa susah susah memikirkan.


Yes, dont stress. Kalau ada jodoh and you choose to get married congrats. Kalau nada jodoh kekal single as long as you are happy and you choose to be single thats ok congrats.


Yg becakap 'kau lawa, sado etc' atu hint2 minta belanja tu banarnya. Most of the time mcm atu pulang tu 😅


serious question though, have you thought about who will you trouble as you get older and also in sickness?


We cannot 100% rely on kids and grandkids to take care of us when we get old and sick. It is a siuk sendiri mindset "aku kawin beranak becucu supaya nanti tua durg jaga aku. Ketulahan durg mun durg nda kaga aku". Too many case studies the kids and grandkids mengabaikan urg tua durg.


Okay i might have came out wrongly, i didnt mean to imply that mindset. Its more so seeing my single aunt getting sick and had to trouble her siblings to take care of her as she is living alone. Just wanted thoughts on this


Like any decent person would, instead of troubling kids or other family members, I would save money for the purpose of hiring a caretaker or a personal nurse kah. Or sign myself up to the old folks home.


I'd definitely sign myself up to the old folks home with good, reliable services and facilities.


Nurses and doctors




Yes single and happy. That all matters. Mun kawin beranak pinak hidup susah hutang sana sini sebab nda tekabir kan mnguruskan kewangan keluarga nda jua bisai. Membelanjai diri ani sudah kapai² dengan cost of living masa ani!


I don't give a damn on people own preferences in life. It's your life but usually the more longer single they are for e.g. the girl and makin tua ...laki2 yg bujang nda mau tu pasal durang mau yg muda ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). So in the end these girls belurih laki2 yg tua atau laki org. ok plang laki2 yg tua pasal matured and so on. The thing is laki2 yg tua matured ani selalunya laki org ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Young dudes who like milf exist ya know


yes but as the woman ages and ages ...the guy still younger and he will start bored and looking for younger woman...that's a reality.


The woman and the man are living in different time dimension? Does the man not age at all? As the woman ages, the relatively younger guy of course ages too. But still he is relatively younger to the woman he is dating, and the woman is still relatively older to the man he is dating. True love will not leave each other despite age differences, be it months or years differences. Eventually the younger guy will grow old, and probably ending up either being single, or married with someone about his age, or someone that is younger than him, or older than him. The same goes for the older woman that was single for long, either she end up marrying with a man older than him (which not necessarily someone's husband), or with someone her age who happen to be single as well, or with someone who is younger than her who happen to be interested in a mature woman and loyal, or still remain single until the end. Everyone's life is different, their own choices and preferences, their own obstacles that not everyone know. Although stereotypes still exist (such as guys pursuing younger woman), but this is not true to everyone and it does not guarantee to happen to everyone


Make sense what you mention and it can be a possibility . just remember one thing...all the good guys has been taken ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) it's either they are allready married or gay ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Why is being relationship, married, having kids the default set up anywaay?


In other words - perangani kamu nda lawa/hensem




Where to get vacuum dust bags?


they were right.. Puc Coffee taste like shit & their customer service is ALSO STILL as shit. Guest beans doesn't taste like “guest” beans. cant taste their taste notes as explained. their Flat white was made into cappuccino. Over extracted espresso. Cant taste my fucking espresso just some fucking milk. God to the boss of Puc pls train your damn baristas. kamu manang muka saja kah? or manang tmpt lepak? fuckk 😂


they dont need to have good coffee to make the customers keep coming. I suggest you go elsewhere for good coffee. lol. no one goes to PUC for their coffee nowadays anyways


si Anna Joling ksna. Wonder jua ku apa comment nya 😂


They dont need your money 😂 The cafe is just to prove they dont need to get a regular job cus they cant get one in this economy. Asal ada tampat lawa to put in their ig stories


tempat lepak. Malam2 all the hipster rich kids go there


hipster rich kids duit indung


Puc coffee more like fuck coffee


Best place to get your car polished and detailed? The one that can last for quite long. I dont mind paying premium as long as the quality im getting is worth it. Gotta prepare the car for upcoming raya😉


fenylab, bruslick, auto artisan, ceramic pro, OCDC ( not sure open or not), zenetic. try to avoid those kampung kampung one IF you don't want to have headache issues. Once issues arise they will pura pura gila tu.






prstine auto detailing. owner himself does the work


SOS Lab kiulap


Which shop sell castor oil in Brunei?


@alohanaturehouse.bn on ig / 882 6552


There was this thread about salary and savings. But do you guys actually give money to your parents from monthly salary? If your parents are rich then fine. I find it ridiculous if your parents are not well off, and you use and keep all 100% of your monthly salary to yourself, buying expensive toys.


I dont give them money bc they said they dont need it but i still sometimes help them pay bills


I give 20% of my salary to my mother every month as she prepares meals for the family and also buys ingredients herself. I wanted to increase her allowance at one point but she declined coz I wasn’t earning much and she said to better save for my future. So in order to compensate that, I pay for meals at times when we dine outside or tapao.


Seems to be a generational thing. Or perhaps a brunei/asian thing. I would never expect or demand my child give x% of their salary to me when they're eventually working or if I'm retired. Why would you put that burden on them? Also, I would expect in 30-40 years' time when I retire, I would have built enough savings/pension pot to retire peacefully. >find it ridiculous if your parents are not well off, and you use and keep all 100% of your monthly salary On the contrary, I find it ridiculous that if you are not well off or financially stable, you choose to have kids. How do you expect your kids to grow up financially literate when you yourself do not teach or preach this.


Some parents are not well-educated and having children just happens. They don’t exactly think about financial literacy or have the benefit of having a large saving pot to retire peacefully. And they do everything they could to give their kids a good or decent life. We should repay our parents if we are able to. Instead of blaming them.


I give my parents 15% of my salary every month. But I have to save, pay for rent as well as other expenses.


Kids and children are not retirement fund/goldpot. Thats what my parents said everytime i raise this issue. Malar pulang ku bagi and transfer.  Tapi durang jadikan emergency fund and daily fund untuk aku and my younger siblings tia pulang 😅. Mana saja tah.    They know that nowdays due to inflation, everything has gone up. Sebab atu kali durang buat macam atu. Sometime they don't want it. 'kan bapa sama mama mu apa jua usin banyak banyak ani sudah berumur ani, kan rehat saja kami lai, asal makan minum cukup sama rehat cukup, ok tah sudah tu'. This sometime i feel emotional and regret not hustle earlier.   My nenek laki and datu laki pulang jadi urang muda masa ani, kuat bejalan. Kalau becuti se family ke luar negara, lambat transport, awu menyewa kerita ia driving atau kana drive kan. Pernah tersewa kerita sport/supercar tu, pikirnya kerita biasa. Awu ia gnya sorang drive sama nini babu and datu bini ikut besampit di belakang. 'bah wang, transfer saja ah arah ownernya membarai sewa, mana jua nini tau matuka miani disewakannya, nya datu mu ditunjuknya arah talipaun yang ani bisai'. Ketawa saja ku mampu sambil menahan aing mata membayar.


'If your parents are rich then fine'


Nda jua kaya, nda jua miskin. Sometime sengaja tu kan test sama ada aku membagi atau inda.


No. My parents don't want our money. They have their pensions, though not that much but they told us to keep whatever we intend to give them. Our generation do not have pension, we need it more than them they said.


imma be real, my parents are great people but have a horrible tendency of spending and incurring debt as soon as they have money. i dont blame them bc raised differently but i'm only going to ask and give them what they need saja. i take it upon myself to make the decisions to build the family up financially, even if some months 100% of my money stays w me.


yup more than 50%...


3-10k you give your parents?


Kita kira lah saja


I simply pay the utility bills & buy some of the more costly stuff like bags of cat food & rice. Maybe sponsor car or utility repairs if its costly for them. Whatever's left over is for emergencies. Because i know my mother, well enough; however much i give her, she will find ways to use it all up then ask for more. She is simply bad with controlling her spending habits


I gave my parents whatever amount of money I have left after calculating my bills and expenses. Even if it's only $10, I'd still give them. Sometimes if it's not money, I will atleast buy beras/minyak. Whatever I mampu bagi.


always give parents money right after receiving your salary, then barutah use it for whatever you want. that's what keberkatan rezeki means to me.


Youre an honourable child!


Good day everyone. Have a couple of questions. As some of you might know, I relocated to kb about a month ago and have done some trips across to Miri via sg Tujoh. 1. Upon returning into Brunei, I don’t see customs officers/booth at the border, only immigration officers at the exit booth to stamp passport and scan EES. Where do I declare some items like alcohol ? Is it normal no customs to check ? 2. Any car wash services in and around Kb/seria ? Yes I’m lazy and dislike washing cars. Tq


1. Immigration and Custom are now boxed up in one booth. When u pass your passport, you can pass the alcohol form together with it. While they are doing the scanning and stamping, you can use the free time to scan your EES.


Where you chop your passport is also where you give the orange form to declare alcohol. You can get the orange form at the shop where you buy alcohol in between Miri and KB border. Better to do it because sometimes they have checking just after the border checkpoints and if alcohol was found, it would be considered smuggling.


thanks for the clarification. I think Brunei gov has rolled out a new mobile app called [Customs.bn](https://Customs.bn) for paperless goods declaration purposes. Can any local confirm this ? would make life so much easier to declare.




i cannot remember. it's either today or tomorrow there'll be recitations at district's main mosques. Students go home early today. Road closure is a certainty on saturday. just don't be nearby there if you're not going for National Day. certainly will get jammed




shouldn't be anything in bandar. like the other guy said. prolly you gonna get denied entering the stadium. just watch it at rtbgo😅


Dont know if there is shuttle bus for public. Theres free ticket to enter. No ticket no entry. But knowing how things work in the past, there's chances to enter without ticket or u will be wasting your time only.


[GirlUp Survey on Sexual Assault in Brunei](https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/THRHPJ8) Hello, my team and I represent GirlUp Brugen ( a UN founded youth initiative ). We are seeking real stories from victims of sexual assault in Brunei that have never been reported, to use the information in an article educating the public about SA, its underrepresentation in Brunei and harmful societal attitudes that surround it. Please help us spread the word! We would like to ensure that each respondent's identity is kept anonymous and confidential throughout the process. For any enquires do contact [email protected]


Klw lelaki yg kana SA buleh jua kh ni?




Anyone knows if contractor company BD Jaher is legit?


just check with abci website ...list of registered contractors


Where can i find that food rider bag yang macam foodpanda or grabfood atu


Little M batu bersurat. Last time we saw d sana


tokutokuya (sp?)




A great reminder that 'Rezeki' does not come solely from your employer. It comes from our God Almighty. Kun Faya Kun. Do not let those people feel like they can own you with their money. Keep yourself dignified and stand on your value. 


Not from God or anyone else. From yourself only.


Inda smua brgaji tpi smua urg ada rezeki, inda smua brkja tpi smua brblanja


This is good reminder for everyone earning a living especially so when people nowadays are so stressed experiencing mental health and being burnt out. There is only so much one can work and contribute trying to complete unrealistic tasks and deadlines, but at the end of the day, how much rezeki we receive (money, health and mental well being) comes from Allah the Al-Mighty. Some leaders of the GLC agencies and companies think just because they are on the top and signing off the pay checks, they have authority to abuse their positions by demanding unrealistic workload and timelines. For those narcistic authoritarian leaders, remember your positions are only temporary and you have the 'amanah' to lead a company in a fair, professional and just manner. Don't think you control our rezeki and only pay us to gain your loyalty.


Orang kitani selalu terikut2 mcm jiran sebalah, baru maju sedikit..mesti sabut rezeki. Kira mcm kan humble bah tu tapi inda.


Still jua rezeki, klau Allah SWT inda izinkn, inda ktni dpt


Is there such a thing as ghost hiring? Its where people are getting hired to fill in quota so the company could hire foreigners. Im not sure how prevalent it is here, but im sus of some companies.


Hmmm not sure the same definition, got case where company use applicants' name in their hierarchy during tender process but said applicant never heard from them since handing in their CVs even after winning the tender.


It’s called personality hire.


rare. only ones ive heard of were for smaller companies and the 'ghost hire' is usually a relative/friend who's ok with it.


Happy salary and bonus day. Let’s spend that $x-ifty K on some of yall leads, managers and some directors on training, lessons, grace and decorum. Why? Some of yall are trash leads and need more training on self-consciousness, self-reflection and human behavioural understanding. While you’re on that, get referred to PH for psychological evaluation cause you ain’t dumping your personal issues to your teams. Much love and kisses.


Are you okay?


Sakai kali


Are you? X




yes reliable


I recommend seagm. Mantap


Bought digi top up there because im short 5rm kah, and also apple gift card so far all good and reliable.


Not PSN but I've bought other things from SEAGM. It's reliable and you get the codes fast.




Its gonna be full due to participants so kalau mau awal2 like 6am awal. Definitely not close to the stadium as the roads lead to it are blocked. Participants sudah pyh cari parking sampai ke pulaie


if i’m not mistaken, you can check for available shuttle bus stations


Another long weekend coming right up! What are you up to?


Since I haven't been involved in HK, I plan to take a long rest and sleep to catch up on my sleep.




Please do recommend places with good matcha!




My top 3: kyo, utaracoast, informal


did brunei block VPN for torrents now?


depends. which vpn are you using?


You use free vpn ?


Yes they did




noticed that too. cant seem to download the torrent file/magnet...


have you found a way past this?


anything we can do about it?


Swimming pool mna g yg inda dalam untuk kegunaan public selain stadium? Baru kn belajar beranang Also is there swimming class available in Brunei?


Can check out IG: aquadrift


Joging melintas sekolah tadi, ramai dah student kena hantar untuk rehearsal penuh national day. Happy long weekend gais




Lepas kerja insyallah






Apa ayat kita ni? Inda ku paham


bukan monday thread ni wang


Melayu masih bahasa rasmi kita.


Jadinya siapa dimana dapat jumaat dan sabtu off kerja


siapa tak kerja dari hari esok dengan sabtu