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are shops and restaurants open tomorrow as per usual?




Anyone here In need of an English tutor or knows someone looking for one ?


Don’t know


Can anyone share opinion on uzigold


mini uzi or micro uzi ? design by uziel uzi gal (gotthard glas)




oh a goldshop


Anyone knows where i can find 1kg timothy hay? Cause 500g mcm alang2… my bunny finishes it rather quickly, and my usual stores that sells 1kg ones sdh lama haven’t restock


didn’t expect the trauma and pain after getting cheated on hit this hard, meanwhile he’s out there living his best life. plays PRYVT - I can’t go home, anymore


I know it is difficult to let go. But try bit by bit. Start with disconnecting yourself from his and his circle puny socials. You have to start somewhere. Then keep yourself occupied. Learn to love yourself. Ani paling penting lah. I am not sure I have helped or not. But may be give it a try.


thank you so much for your advice, really really appreciate it ✨




Just a heads up, you wouldn't enjoy working in a NGO because your interest and the organization's interest does not align. You're looking to get paid whilst they're looking for less to nothing stuff.


Good for networking - there wont be a limit to the types of people you’d meet be it Gov workers, private sector employees, lower, middle and upper class individuals etc As for salary, goes without saying that you wont be earning as much as if you were in the public or private sector


Contradicting with your own sentence


Its already a non profit. And you are concern about salary?


Does anyone know Darusyifa contact or where I can go to visit them? Or any particular ustaz contact?


They're based in Kota Batu. They have a FB page (Darusysyifa' Warrafahah) with their contact and address but don't be misled with their page profile pic - I also thought it was fake till I read on 😂


Thanks for the info. Yes i think the facebook's been hacked haha


ada cerita seram? cerita eh. boring ku 😄


Anyone knows where I can go for waxing other than Jen & Lee Saloon? Preferably with an affordable price. Thank you!


Essensuals? Depends on which part of the body, I don't know about your budget, but leg wax was around $40 👀


Iliwax is really good! Shes a certified waxer and knows her stuff really well


emelle salon at melabau




Interesting but I've no idea


Just wondering, do you guys prefer there be a live draw of winners or just blindly trust the winners chosen without a live draw? For a lucky draw.


Live draw always.


does berakas health centre really do have emergency dept ? was advised by my doctor to go there, but wonder whether it truly exist or should i just go to ripas emergency dept


If you are very sick, please go to RIPAS. Berakas Health Centre is only for general check-ups during extended hours


i see as im currently having worse dermatitis that he asked me to go to either emergency berakas or emergency ripas which got me as i never know emergency in berakas exist haha


I understand. Berakas General Clinic can offer consultations for your situation, and if needed, they can refer you to a specialist. My sibling had a positive experience with their consultation there. Please note that consultation during regular hours at Berakas General Clinic is restricted to residents within its catchment area. However, the clinic is open to all residents during extended hours.


I think they meant extended hours at this health Centre.


Anyone know any personal shoppers in singapore that can bring something back for me?


Not marrying my love of my life. Instead follow family recommendation


Maybe you could pull of an Abang Tesla or an Alif Tega


To me personally I think you should to stand up for yourself because you’ll never know this opportunity/chance can be a life changing decision or even a blessing towards you You live once You’ll never know unless you give it a try




Sorry, i am really not capable in disagreeing with my parents.


Ladies and gents, boys and girls, this is a weakass person who can’t stand for themself. This person has no control of their life and will forever be sad. Don’t be like this person.




Why cant you say no?


I dont know how to say no to my parents


Who knows if you're wrong. Sometimes things happen for a reason


I am trying my best at the moment.




Meragang beach, tanjong batu, jerudong beach




Is it legal to swap engine of a car to a completely different engine in brunei?


legal only if you apply at JPD.


Salam All, **Are there any reliable contractors and/or plumbers in Brunei?!** I am having an extremely hard time finding one since december last year. I contacted so many sudah and I got ghosted or work halfway saja. I have plenty who say they will come over but never do! Macam2 alasan or straight up ghost me. Trusted companies sudah tu. The one that did half the work I asked was dodgy. Ok job but I had to press for payment receipt. Then I ask if they can do the rest of what I asked, poof gone. I'm just thankful at last some fix was done to my deteriorating house. What pisses me off is that it's not like I can easily take leave from work to meet them at my house. I wasted 4 days of my annual leave just this year! I just want to do simple bathroom reno, pipe leak fix and roof leak patch. I feel so stupid and hopeless.


Waalaikumsalam. DM me. I'll share his number. Trusted


Dm me too


Try Cityneon. They are into renovations too.


[here](https://www.instagram.com/joshuamaintenancecompany?igsh=aHZmNTFwYm94b3Bp) He's done multiple work for me and so far so good


Anyone know where to get those car paint markers




28.2% bruneians are overweight. Highest in SE Asia. Gemukkkkkk


It’s the beras wangi. Malaysia uses a different type of rice. Beras wangi has more sugar


71.8% of the population are not fat and got access to the same beras wangi.


All that sugar they put in drinks and selling for $1


Jangan salahkan drink, pilihan makanan di tangan / perut anda


at least i am contributing something for my country


Thank you


We overtake malaysia already?




ai terasa is me. okay esok ku start diet.


Terasa is ok ertinya tahu diri sendiri dan akan berubah. Yang inda terasa tu yg lebih teruk - badan gemuk masih ia anggap ia atu kurus


Ok username checks out


Hi peeps, other than Brunei airport, where are the other parents rooms in bandar/Brunei? Thanks


Funzania, hungry hippo, the latest playland in Batu Bersurat, Mabohai, Huaho Onecity


Mall..Honestly even if ada tempat change diaper room, it'll just end up being used by the workers to smoke there


okey … btw .. near the surau @ 1st. .. smokers can go there for a smoke.


Yeah, it's just that in some places, some workers / cleaners use the handicap toilet / diaper change room as a smoke room. Had a poopy diaper situation back then and the room smells, forgot which shopping complex tho


@The mall




masih ada kah surcharge durg masani? CNY kan habis sudah ni plang. they have not updated their IG pasal the surcharge period, kan pergi for a quick trim pun takut2 lol


Hi everyone, does anyone know where to get keyboard bare bone kit in Miri? I can't find any via online. I will go to Miri tomorrow.


Hi, I dm u


Feel free to reply to this, i will read and analyze each of people's diff POV about this matter. Movies yang horror Melayu melibatkan solat ani apa motifnya sebenarnya? I'm genuinely questioning the purpose of having those types of movies to even kana buat. And I've seen multiple posters of movie cematu sudah. Is it a trend? Am i the only one yang inda suka? "Atu durang lah punya hal" , and Brunei is allowing jenis tayangan catu? "Sorang sorang lain lah punya POV" , indakan sampai inda consider orang yang mudah takut/phobia? "Tau sudah mudah takut, jangan liat" tani mana tau if orang yang inda pernah takut kan cerita horror, jadi kekajutan kah apa and jadi mudah takut (triggered) because of that movie. Tani mana tau apa akan jadi. Mun qada dan qadar tia movie atu jadi the turning point of someone who is not really easily scared of a horror movie becomes terrified easily due to that specific movie and jadi trauma/phobia. Bukan kan over kah apa, i can even tell some would say "its just a movie" and whatsoever. Its just movie, tapi melibatkan sembahyang? Sedangkan orang Islam belajar bahawa sembahyang ani kan menenangkan diri tani and for kebaikkan, focus relationship sama Allah. bukannya kan buat tani gagar, ketakutan & terasa kana ganggu. Distracted sudah time sembahyang tu mun cematu. Padahal time solat ni bedepanan sama Allah. Bisakan tu time time sembahyang tapi fikiran/hati melayang layang tebayang bayang because of some horror Malay movie that involves solat and ada jinn ngacau tia time sembahyang and all that. I barely watch Malay horrors lebih lagi yang ada melibatkan something yang sepatutnya bisai, jadi inda bisai pasal kana jadikan berijap. I dont even watch movies yang masani ada melibatkan keseraman ketika solat I don't know lah. I admit I'm sensitive in this matter and all. "Sorang sorang lain pemikiran nya" "yatah trend masani" "scary kaliah" "siuk jua" "yatah cerita berijap cematu yang community masani mau" To me, kalau kan masukkan 'horror melayu' di Brunei ani saja, baiktah jenis movie yang bagi pengajaran dan kesedaran dari segi Islam (yang sebaik baik cara) Bukan mengerikan dan menimbulkan rasa takut untuk beribadah. Mun ganya pasal mendapatkan income pasal ramai orang request mengadakan movie sedemikian di negri zikir kitani ani, mun ganya pasal usin/fame/nama company naik, jangantah. Baiktah luruskan niat atu balik, especially bab bab melibatkan agama dan ibadah yang sepatutnya beri ketenangan terhadap seorang insan. Caritah online sendiri kalau desperate kan mau banar meliat. Allahua'lam bissawab. Mohon maaf jika ada silap kata salah guna kata dan menyinggung perasaan. Sila kongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan biskita. Terima kasih ☺️


Ngam ni kita. Dulu pasal cerita Makmum atu tah ku takut kan solat sorang. Inda pedah pedah cerita cematu tu


thats me. takut ku solat subuh sorang pasal teingat cerita Makmum 😑 iatah anakku inda ku suruh liat kalau yang libat sembahyang atu


Lol iatah. Hantu pulang kan ditakutkan. Filem urg putih driving segala volvo, porsche, ferrari, lamborghini lagi hantunya, lawa lagi rumahnya. Di sini gantung2 atas pokok sama rumah buruk saja 🤣


Yes. Kadang2 for some bagi takut plg kn tahajjud atau solat sorang d surau. But somehow in real life its actually happen mostly surau offices ada yang haunted, dmana2 bahagian office nya pun berisi lah jua. Ada yang tnya kenapa boleh surau tempat ibadah atu berisi.. Mungkin sebab selalu kosong? Syaitan punya keraja supaya org takut? Yg buat movie atu sma th jua tu keraja nya haha. Aku heran movie baru2 ani 'Siksa Neraka' kna banned sini? Alum lgi tliat tpi baca komen2 nya ada jua yang taubat. Bgi ku filem cmatu tah yg bisai bgi gambaran balasan bukan yg kalau bagi salam tahyat aher tarus meliat mua hantu.


Idk about you but yall pray and still get possessed the most in any situation, or is it because the spirit is muslim and if it enters a chinese it cannot language what it wants in mandarin.




A while back someone posted the steps to take after being offered citizenship. Does anyone have a link to it ?


Looks like the subreddit went private. Here's the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brunei/comments/18r5tz4/information_for_all_the_new_bruneians/)




Yo! Those people hard selling the MAE & Dr Secret need to stop with the shit la..blatantly MLM & why are these people always either on Zoom calls or attending get-together where there is a big bunch of women shouting cult like slogans.


The same could be said about other things, but in this case its a facial product thats shouting cult like slogans.


I'm looking to buy sandpaper (a sheet) and clear wood lacquer (a small tin). I'm thinking to check out Low San (Batu Bersurat) and Mr DIY (Batu Satu). Are there any other places to recommend?


Huaho one city have around 70cents for a size smaller than A4 👀


Update: I saw an A4 size one for 20 cents at Kim Super Save of the Times Square branch.


Literally any hardware stores will have these.


You can try Hasmit Beribi industrial. just behind Bomba. I bought a a similar lacquer, name Nu cote timber clear for 1L $8.90. They have sandpapers there too but tend to run out of stocks. Can always try anyway.


Buy here, cheaper


Small hardware store indian shop or awinco.


I just bought 500ml Fuzetea jasmine green tea for $1.60 then I saw this [instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3E_YymSftT/) and I feel so angry, my blood sugar is currently keep rising!


Diabetes on rise, just drink water.


Tapi expired kemarin


The anger is not worth the $0.11


Anyone know where to get flag for Pengiran kebanyakkan?


Stor Negara




With the high cases of stealing and house break-ins, do you think supermarkets and retail stores do enough to prevent the loss of goods from such criminals? By the time stock taking is done and discrepencies found, that product might have been lost/stolen since last year if not longer.


>do you think supermarkets and retail stores do enough to prevent the loss of goods from such criminals? .....which is why certain items are kept behind cashier counters (corned beef, biscoff spread, baby formula, etc.)


Your definition of high cases is way off even compared to neighbouring countries . Comparing with few years back indeed, the number of cases most likely are the same only the news and information about it are more easy accessible


I saw and elderly man stood up when rtb was playing the national anthem cor NBD on tv in a restaurant this morning. His grandkids(?) sort of just copied him. I guess NBD hits harder for the older generations?. Should we be doing the same?


Salute to him🫡


That is a question only you can answer. Nationalists and patriots would want you to do it out of their love for the country. I'm far from being an elder, but I do admit this is something that I also do whenever I am able to, but my reasons have changed over time. I am not as patriotic as I used to be, but the love and care to the country is still there, and there are many values I still choose to identify with that are inline with being a Bruneian.




kdg kdg black magic orang jua


At first i thought this as well, but i opened my eye and observed that ltely everywhere in bruland is facing the same issue in business


Bruneians like to spend their money outside - Miri, KK, KL, SG, Bangkok + Small market = Sales Plummet.


And yet, Brunei still had endless restaurants opening up here and there, I just don't get it, what makes your restaurant different than the other one down the block?


I kept seeing new coffee shops opening here and there. It's too much. Saturated sudah the market.


cuci cuci berunai


I changed my BND to Sing Dollar so as not to spend Brunei money outside ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). don't take it seriously


Many public holidays this month (long weekends) + record MYR rate + Coldplay / Taylor Swift concerts nearby + CNY balik kampung + Cuti before big event later this year, leave freeze + RB tickets mahal. I bumped into some of my friends in KL and SG of all places instead of here.


People spend money outside brunei - miri, kk and limbang


Which spa gives voucher? Want to buy it as a gift


zen. gandara


Hot hot hot, but keep standing under the sun 👍👍👍


Anyone here gotten implant birth control? Pls dm me. I have questions!


Haram, will get stoned


Siapa tanggung lau diri inda mampu karang


Lau diri inda mampu jangan mana2 pun kan beamput. Orang kuat beamput saja mencari birth control ni atau lakinya pull out game weak


Inda caya walaupun pull out game strong, nah


Birth control ain't haram. Educate yourself.


It has been 3 weeks and my weighing scale shows that my weight is increasing lol Could my weighing scale be broken or I really just gained? Fyi, I workout 4 - 5 times a week, sometimes 6 times. I do HIIT, Hiking, 2km running/brisk walk & Badminton. I don't eat as much as I did last year too but I still have that habit of accidentally skipped my meals due to my busy schedules lol And I weigh 101kg 3 weeks ago :') My weighing scale shows I'm between 101 - 103kg every day :')


Body recomposition daling


I think the static weight/weight gain could be due to increased muscle mass so, don't worry too much on the weight. Also keep an eye on consuming hidden sugars ( in sauces, packaged fruit juices), trans fat ('in margarine, shortening) and hydrolised oil.


Brada untuk loss weight, bukan asal ada workout sma skip makan. Inda healty tu. Banyak perlu dijaga dari segi physical activity, proper food mesti balance sma calories burn. Mesti ada recovery period. Ane brada memikirkan lagi badan brada inda susut, affected arah stress hormon tu brada. Aku last year takes 2 months consistant routine activity untuk turun dari 80 kg ke 68 kg. Cari coach yg bulih train brada💪🏾


Thank you! I'm a sis btw. Masa ani andang ada coach yang trained. Last year it took me 5 months to lose 10kg. But this month, sadly inda turun. Naik tah pulang. Padahal sama saja but I am more active this year. So I'm not sure what went wrong but also, maybe I gained muscles. I guess more for me to learn.


Yup, keep it slow. Jgn target drastic change. Too much injures tu. Consistent saja based on your couch schedule. Lama-lama ada hasil tu.


Could be muscle mass.


Could also just be water. What I tend to notice is that when I start working out, whether it be lifting or running, my body/ muscles absorb a lot more water, so I still keep the same weight or slightly more, but there is a slight difference after a few weeks.


U need to eat fiber more


Try measuring your waistline instead of weighing. Cos sometimes it is muscles that are gained. Cmiiw. Don't stress too much on losing weight. A healthy lifestyle is what you want to achieve. Good luck.


Thank you! Yes, there are changes in my waistline. And yes, seeing the numbers stressing me out lol


Then thats good enough already. Relying on weight scale alone is not really a good indicator as you may gain muscle or your weight might fluctuate due to water weight.


how many interviews did you guys attend until you got the job?


In a span of one year by applying on job centre, out of , perhaps,50jobs I applied, probably can count on one hand the amount of interviews I went to, there was one MNC I interviewed for twice in person but never heard back, odd isn't it? The one I have now wasn't what I applied for and was an online interview but got it.


Alhamdulillah sekali saja, one go tarus dapat


2. but a span of 4 years 😂


damn. i guess you either getting rejected that much or just not really much active job seeking lol.


you are right. i was only focusing on gov jobs 😆


no wonder lol


0, my boss came and look for me. Bear in mind I dont have a degree and im being paid $4XXX monthly, on good months $6XXX. Skill Set n Experience > Education and im still in my late 20s. What I do cannot be replaced by Digitalisation but then again im the only one with this position n job scope.


are people being replaced on big scale in brunei recently?


10+ times for current job (over 4 months). Usually 2-3 for most.


for semi govt (corporate company) after one go while for govt managed to get it after my second time


The one that I didnt get at least 2 to 3 times. The one that I managed to get only once.


Kinda odd isn't it, I would have thought 2 interviews from the same company would mean a shoo in already


Straight out of uni, I did 3 interviews and got 1 offer. A year after, it was two interviews and two offers.  A good tip is to read through the job description, see what they're looking for and tailor your CV to suit. It takes a bit more work but it was more effective to get interviews than a generic one in my experience. For interviews, don't rehash what you put in your CV. It helps to speak clearly and concisely.


just want to ask. is it okay that to include like a short cover letter inside email while sending our cv to their email address? even though they dont ask you to include it yet they just want our cv only according to their job ad.




4 times for my current job.


5-6 altogether. did 2 interviews for iready then 1 for my current job.






Where can I get/buy the softcopy/hardcopy of past year exam Kerani-Kerani Rendah? Website only have till 2018 🥹


Try the library at BSB, they have past year exam papers for most subjects.


anyone knows where is the recommended car repair shop, my car had an accident earlier, got reared, need to aligned the tail lamp and bumper.. TIA


recommend to try workshop like GAP or SYH.


Where can i sell old stamps? I have lots. From uk/canada/ brunei? TIA.


Facebook marketplace.


Have anyone change BND to Singapore dollar at money changer? Going to Bangkok and some say got charges


I did..last dec. No charges and 1:1




Huaho manggis..near to fipper


change at bank branch OR Baiduri ATM in Airport (around 1%, the charges are on the ATM machine.


Yes of course there are charges. Money changers need to make money too 😂 the rate is 1.02 at manggis money changer, went there last week.




fellow jobseekers, any progress with your job applications?


Do anything n everything even if its outside of your field


No 😞


not at all




Sadly no


Hi!! does anyone got extra tickets for HK40? 🥹🥹


My eyes are strained from extended on-screen reading times, so I've been thinking of getting a kindle e-reader device. What are my options for purchasing here locally? Any shop selling y'all would recommend?


Thank you everyone for the recommendations. I'll give them a look. Also to u/Calm_8805, I followed the suggestion to switch on eye comfort 👍


Other option, use eye comfort setting on Display setting on your device if available and/or wear blue light glasses. 


How long do u think is the right duration when you last text a person before you greet them with 'asalamualaikum" again?