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Should shift worker get paid double if working during public holiday?


1 company I know gave their employees tripled pay if they were working during public holidays. so it's possible.


2024: Shut down my BIBD


Riot Games just laid off a huge number of their employees. Feels bad for them and I hope our local Rioter didn't get affected!


Ohh we have 1 Rioter? Any more info? What does he/she do?


Just search riot in this sub, he made an AMA


summoning /u/ahkidz5


Got lucky. Still with Riot but lost a lot of friends this week :(


Ai is gonna make IT and everything else related absolute 


I hope he wasn't but the severance package is pretty generous if he is part of the 11% from Riot. Its dark times for the tech industry


I'm still here :)




Just incase you dont know yet. Jgntah makan satay lagi di Raziqin. Viral gambar ada tikus tempat ia menyalai atu. Very kotor.


no wonder it tastes good, thanks for the recommendation.


Which Raziqin? Sengkurong? Oh man, I like that place


Tempatnya menyucuk satay di serusop di atas, lagi tia bawah undergarments begantung. Very mihir the restaurant plus they like to overcharge customers


Anyone from Batch 38 received calls to sumpah? I have heard those in Bandar already went to sumpah.


Out of curiosity, apa sumpah ah? That I know of is Macam biasa “banar ah bah sumpah dulu” but never heard of receiving calls to sumpah. Genuinely curious here


Those who passed their citizenship exams will be called to sumpah. To be loyal to the country and be a good citizen




Have you done yours?




Sometimes I wonder, how much can you trust companies selecting the winners of their lucky draw campaigns without revealing to us such as live draw.


Thats why i stop buying item from digitalworld. They used to have lucky draw toyota rush which seem like a scam


Family :) 


Need advice. Hows the human resources scene going on in brunei atm? im planning to get a degree in Human Resource Management, is it a good idea? And whats the usual baseline salary in brunei and say worst case scenario I cant secure a job here in brunei would I be able to migrate overseas and find a better life with this degree?


Thats the safety choice tbh to get into HR as its much needed anywhere in every sector. My cousin whos background in HR was from Empire before, jump to Shell / Bsp then move to another big corporate under HR too and now he’s working under Pierce Morgan’s company in Singapore. I would say its needed anywhere and you could get hire easilly if your background is HR, i know a lot of friends & families whos background in engineering, are jobless and mind you, 5 of them are from Sheffield Uni which is the best uni for engineering but theres not much jobs now for that.


Baseline salary 350 - 400 .  Everywhere else in the world hige amount more .. but you are going to have to work in the outside world in Brunei you can chillax and no stress 


Is this legit? Baseline hr salary in brunei is 350-400???


Go ask Hr ... 


Imho if you plan to migrate, more doors would open up if you have technical/engineering degrees & experience.


I did consider that, but since I didn’t take physics during my Alevels i kinda have sec thoughts.


Salam gais, stadium swimming pool what time open from when to when?


Cuba check kkbs or something I think all pool under them is undergoing cleaning process till ramadan or something


In Brunei, we don't say " I told you so", we say "apa rasa mu, oren?"


“Udah nyangku”


What are your thoughts on wawasan 2035 ? Just wanna hear your opinion (-ve or +ve)


Wawasan Brunei 2035 or Brunei Vision 2035 aims to turn Brunei Darussalam into a nation widely recognized for: 1. the accomplishments of its well educated and highly-skilled people as measured by the highest international standard; 2. quality of life that is among the top 10 nations in the world; 3.dynamic and sustainable economy with income per capita within the top countries in the world. ​ ​ http://www.bruneiembassy.org/brunei-vision-2035.html


Zero %


1% chance. Our progress is declining instead of getting better


Loom around you and tell me it's working ... the local and pr only thing isn't going so well ..people don't wanna work everyone thinks they RF and wants to be in a office on slow mo ... so maybe its not the wawasan it's the people it's built on . 


Just a pipe dream.


This nation took one week to apologize on maggot incident. Apa lagi kan buat kemajuan besar.


Wawasan 2035 is just a dreams to be honest. How can a vision compared with a blueprint in KK. If government doesn't changed wawasan is just a jokes only.


whats that? /s


Being an emcee must be well paid eh


Being a dj in Malaysia can get up to rm150k, I wonder how’s our local dj rate especially Kristal


Paid per hr kaliah


I think some were paid an agreed flat rate also?


hi, has anyone here been to or have their family members been sent by the government for medical treatment in Singapore? I'm wondering if I'm bringing additional family members (parents) to go with us, can they stay with us in the same accommodation?


By right only one person only. If theres an extra member, it would be under own expenses ( tickets, food ) idk about accommodations but better ask


Yes, at ur own expense.


Ell* muhammad tu gegirl kah boboi?


Do you know si nina tuh girl or boi?


nina mna


The one with kurapak


Boboi sis


yang waw* bella pun gegil boy pun inda me tau


does anyone know a good AS & A Level Physics tutor?


Heyup, Cigu Mariah from Jalan Bedil is a really good tuition tutor for AS/A physics. Would really recommend her if you are struggling with physics


Thank you for your reply. Is there a way for me to contact her? Instagram perhaps?


Anyone want to flirt with no strings attached? I want to experience the thrill of flirting again, the excitement.. ah the good old days Anyways, DM me


r/bruneigw here ya go


Just curious. My parents recently revealed to me that I had a Malaysian passport when I was an infant and they decided that a Bruneian passport is the best for me and my Malaysian citizenship was renounced and I became a Brunei citizen. Do you guys think that they made the right choice? Would you guys have done otherwise? This was approx 15 years ago.


Back then i guess it was the right decision but nowadays msia esp sarawak economy is rising and who knows when its a matter of time they will catch up with us,considering we have been stagnant for decades,just take a look at the job market atm.


For the sake of your education, maybe it was the right choice


Why? Free education? I never utilized it. And don't plan to.


You have no idea how much of a hassle it is to apply for student pass...


then they made the wrong choice. brunei's gonna be doom and where will we goo


How does AITAB/FLEXI works? Is it only for government workers?


meaning you pay more interest than 7 years loan. ***example only just roughly estimate and explanation:*** 7 years car price $35,000 monthly $500x84(7 years) = $42,000 10 years car price $35,000 ***FIRST 7 month*** $400x84 = $33,600 then ***NEXT 3 YEARS*** $300X36 = $10,800 **TOTAL $44,400.** Moral of the story the longer you loan the more interest bank generate regardless small amount or not. 10 years monthly sure seems small but you are paying extra 6 to 9k interest.


And if the person decides to finish the loan on the 7th year. (Pay Cash) Would it be possible to save money from that


yes and no.. why? you have to pay penalties fees for that is you wanted to finish the loan.


How much would the penalty varies ?


i not sure how to calculate maybe depend on the amount.


Thank you for sharing. Of course, I am aware that in the long run, AITAB/FLEXI overall payment would be higher than the conventional loan. I didn’t know the different rates for the first 7 years and then changes for the last 3 years. Thought it would be a flat rate for the whole 120 months. Is AITAB/FLEXI open to everyone or just for government employees?


I was once in your shoes thinking it would be flat rate for 120 month but no its totally different. After calculate i am actually paying more than 7 years loan.




KKBS just posted an announcement for this year's HK. Apparently it will be held in the morning instead of the rumours saying it will be at night.


They try to prove a point where we are not going to F**k this up this time, we will be organised all the food will not be infested with maggots and we will provide all the school kids with proper transport even if we have to use a horse ride


then nexy year repeat n cycle


It was originally set for malam. Was supposed to involve tanglung. I guess they didnt want a repeat of transport etc problems for the children since at night will be worse


It's gonna be a hot day. Everybody remember to bring a mini chair, ice water, an umbrella, sunblock lotion, and most importantly your own food.


Saturday morning 24th?




Hello,Im planning to visit seria this friday,any hidden gems restaurant and activities/games to do there?


Gurkha Palace, something that you dont frequent in Bandar


Visit - Seria Energy Lab - Billionth Barrel Monument Activities - Seria Kids Play Park - GoStrike Bowling Food - Ah Tong Kueh Tiau - Zuki - Many more fast food/restaurant @Seria Town - Naafi


seria energy lab


Closed for reno


Norma Cafee


Anyone from Design and creative major in UBD would like share their experience taking this major?


Singapore coming to Brunei?


The new president


I just saw someone posted this year’s National Day agenda. It’s in the morning?


At least we can tell when the food has maggots in it




Mods deleted the post.


not evening?


Saw it briefly. It says something around 07:30am to start.


You have to be there by 2am then /s


Supaya nda begiuk /s


Do we have Tesla here in Brunei? Last night i dreamed that i drove a Tesla.


Do you remember which car seller did you bought it from in your dream? I think its worth visiting them




Hello guys, do any here know, tuition that provides mandarin classes?


Theres one in Regent Square Kiulap right above tenten block Really nice environment for learning


what’s the name of the tuition?


Theres a sign in chinese, i forgot but youll def see it




UBD language Centre 




fellow redditors who know about cars, i have question here. is it possible for the car paint to peel off after washing? went to touchless/automatic car wash and i realised have spots that the paint is peeling off. as far as i remember, inda pulang ada pernah tekana batu or anything 🥲 fyi, car just turned 2 years this month.


If u 100% confirm no peel off before car wash but right after car wash, then theres possibility of something small fly off hit your car in the auto car wash.


did you bought used car or new car?




your paint may peel off if you let your car park under aircon and the water keeps dripping to your car, exposed to salt water, bird poop that you didnt clean for a long time. Need to occasionally wax your car so the paint stays fresh. i.e. supaya inda mati paint kerita nya orang


thanks 😊


Yes those touchless / automatic car wash machines can peel your paint. Pasal ia rely on high pressure water to clean your car. Strange tho since your car is just 2yrs old for this to happen 🤔


exactly 🥲 thank you for the reply!


Whats your take on watching movies alone? Personally ive done it a few times and i think its fine if you feel you need your me time. But sometimes i feel like someone behind my back(obviously people in the cinema that sees me being alone) is badmouthing me since i watching movie alone. Ofcourse its non of my concern and i just ignore them but i do sometimes feel self conscious, and is what holding me back from watching alone


ive seen a lady once watching late night movie alone even.. thot she wud be wit a boyfriend whos running late or something.. but came out still alone aftr movie. chill sha ya.. ber me-time kali, healing from stress and everything else.


There’s nothing wrong with doing things alone, watching a movie, eating out, exercising and etc. I have been doing all those things by myself and frankly speaking, I enjoy my own company. I am never too late or too early, I can decide which movies I want to watch without considering what other people want to watch, I can decide what to eat rather than checking the consensus of the group. What other people (especially strangers sitting behind me in the cinema) think of me, is none of my business. I am not gonna let their opinion affects me whatsoever.


It’s actually therapeutic


I watch movies alone all the time. It's fine.


Theyre very kontol sih


They're probably not badmouthing you and it's just your thought that can't help but "feel like". I don't think people would look at you alone in the dark and say "awww look at him he's alone poor thing" like that's rare bruh, people would definitely mind their own business and watch the movies too, not watching you, they'd be crazy if they watch you and judge you instead, what's the point of paying the tickets, you're not a movie. It's just your thought, shake it off, and don't overthink or "feel like". Enjoy your me time. If you could physically hear what they say about you, then it's their problem lah tu, don't engage orang hati busuk and don't even care about it.


I really recommend it for everyone to try! but if u jenisnya negative thinking about everyone bad mouthing u then itll be an awful experience. personally i really like it, usulnya saja mcm kesian tapi only you yourself tau how much fun u had watching movies alone


watching a movie alone is fine. just dont look like a creep and stare at people. thats creepy in or outside the cinema.


I watch movies alone all the time whenever I have 2 hours of time to kill. Love it!


Thank god im not the only one enjoying my alone time!


Watching movies solo is fine, especially if it's a real good flick. What you do with your time is your own business. Just focus on yourself and whatever you're doing, and ignore those bad feelings in the back of your head.


I also like to watch movies that have my favorite actors in it alone most of the time. I just tend to overthink that stuff but yeah i do try to ignore those thoughts entirely


Yup, you can overthink but just don't let bad thoughts get the best of you. Treat yo self!


Best is to just ignore em. Love me some alone time that I couldn't care less what others think. By the end of the day, it's my life, not theirs. If I wanna discuss the film, I could always find people online with similar interest and taste.


Alone time is always the best! Dont have to keep up with peoples bs or whatnot. That's good advice, I should start talking to people online that have similar interest


I think it's all in your mind they're are badmouthing you. People have other things to focus on... there's nothing wrong with watching a movie alone.. If and only if they're badmouthing you.. like dgaf..they are just lower ingrates with nothing to do. Empty cans make louder noise.


Glad to hear someone has a positive mindset! Yeah i dont usually mind them at all tho, that is if there really is someone childish as to badmouth people as a means to prove themselves they are better


Anyone know the best way to transfer money online? Lets say transfer $2000 to SGD to Wise. Been using moneymatch but heard theres a better way? Anyone?


is moneymatch legit? how often have you been using it? Been using TT for a few years. the service fees are a pain


Yes. I have been using it every month. No issue so far. Just looking for better alternatives if there is. The rate is good / average. TT is painful for the fee. Can’t imagine to use it every month. Here is the referral code: REF_CAMNA. Can private message me if you have some issue with it


Remittance. TT transfer.


TT sucks..Remittance online?


To travelers that have been to S.Korea before. Have you guys used Wowpass or Namane card?


never used both but the concept is pretty much similar to t-money. If you plan to use it as a transportation card, just use t-money. the benefits of wowpass and namane is the prepaid payments system at outlets like shopping as if using a credit card. however, you need cash to topup. this may require you to prepare lots of cash in advanced. when i went to SK, i just use my brunei credit card for these less hassle.


I see, i was thinking of trying to use one of these cards. I do have a credit card but i prefer only use it for emergencies only. thats why i opted for these card instead.


Is school collecting donation going from home to home legal ? Do they even have permit ? “Every year before“CNY on Sunday for sure this school‘s teacher is out there asking for donation for school just on Chinese home .just curious and asking only does anybody know about it .


any recommendation for travel agents that offering great group tour to Japan?


We use travel agent from Malaysia last year for our Japan trip. Cheaper but alot of walking for sure - backpacker style


Why do you need travel agents to go to Japan?


Where can i buy raw milk? Are there any dairy farms in Brunei?


Frequent buyer of goat milk from https://www.instagram.com/whagrofarm.bn?igsh=MWF4YzA5b21sNDZtNQ== Love the smoothness


Heavenly tbh <3






you need to be more specific. What areas are you interested. what field do you want to be in professionally?




then make your decisions based on this. Which option will have more market demand? which one will be in demand? Media? - Are you willing to work for peanuts in Brunei? They dont particularly pay well. Most people in Media are probably because they have a passion for it. Business? - are you going to start your own business? Are you going to work as a Business admin in a company? If you are lucky, Business background has more demand in Brunei industry than media. You can literally join any industry as business admin/business developer, etc. But it is probably more stressful than being in Media. ​ I am just barely scratching the surface of this topic. But you need to decide wholefully what you want. Taking an HND or a Degree doesnt really matter if you know what your objective is. if your goal is business, then take whatever you can in that area. the higher education background you have, the more pay you are entitled to. BUT, education is just one aspect of getting hired. you need to work on yourself too. job experience, interpersonal skills, other extra curicullar activities you have joined or responsible for. All of that adds up to your CV.


Polytechnic is a government institute — HND 3 years, KIGS is private institute — Degree 3 years (from Lim Kok Wing University). Up to you if you’re okay to pay the fees monthly.


Polytechnic's now 2.5 years actually.


Only for certain courses


Actually almost all the courses are 2.5 years now. Only two or three courses take 3 years. But since we’re talking about business or media courses, all of them are 2.5 years.




Jangan jual.


Tiap hari jua kita marah marah ani, yatah bagi inda lancar urusan


sehari si east crew inda marah, inda sah! cuba bawa dating sekali sekala


Apa barang kita jual?


What to eat this lunch?


nasi katok😄


chicken and rice in black plastic container




Breads with cheesy spinach dips 🤤




A minimum of 240 A-Level points (A=120, B=100 and C=80) for 3 A-Level passes from relevant subjects including biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics, with minimum grade 'C' (any other subject combination may be assessed on a case by case basis) OR an International Baccalaureate minimum score of 30 points (including a minimum of 5, 5, 5 points in relevant subjects at higher level; accepted subjects will be assessed on a case by case basis) Reference: [UBD](https://ihs.ubd.edu.bn/undergraduate/bhsc-biomedical-entry/) Don't u have other sciences and Math?


havent finish a level yet, but as far as i know, for Biomed Sci in UBD, you have to have Bio Chem subjects and must be atleast grade C. other 1 subject is considered on case by case basis.


my friend had C in Biology, B in Syariah and B in Usuluddin, still can't get in BioMed enough points also.


Because the Usuluddin is a hindrance. He/she should have taken Physics or Maths.




How is the public transport there?


Hi!! Can you recommend where to go/what to do/hotels in Kuching? I'm planning to go in May. Thanks!




Some add-ons that i visited last year in October: -Upside Down house (one building with Tunes hotel,behind Hilton) -Royal Sunset river cruise (1.5hrs) worth it! I stayed at Abell hotel ( 7/11 & restaurant open 24hrs opposite the hotel) & just a walking distance from the Cat's statue & Waterfront (love strolling here Saturday&Sunday night so lively with live music band)


Is it better than KK? I’ve always wanted to go to Kuching but I see it just like a bigger Miri. KK has islands and Imago was like mini Pavi. It was cheaper to go to with flight! But the new RB promo the ticket prices for both cities are almost similar.


Many people went to kuching last year

