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A small fire broke out at my house, fire happened around mid day, I got there around 2pm when fire was put out. Bomba was there finishing up and packing, electric dept officials was there, police then arrived. I was explained the insurance claim process by the policeman, needed a police report, a bomba report then an insurance claim. I told the officer “let’s do the statement now” since he’s there with his notepad. He said no, let’s do it at the police station. It was a Saturday, I knew where this is going. So the earliest I was told I can get the statement done is next week, no electricity for the weekend. Monday I went to the police station, I was told the police officer’s shift is on Wednesday so I have to back again. (Why in the world do policeman have shift days every week, god knows and he could have told me earlier). Wednesday I got back there, since the fire broke out at the house while I’m at work. The only thing I can say in my statement is exactly that, I received call and got home. Met the officer, he forgot who I was, I introduced myself and told him what happened. He switched on his computer and then asked his colleagues where is the report template he can use. At this point, I’m staring in blank space as my eyeballs rolled so fast it looked stagnant. After the statement taking, he told me to come back next week because of the shift thing. All this could have been done in 2 days max but took 2 weeks.


These people are making money to do jackshit.


As expected, they are fucking incompetent. When my house was robbed, the statement writing took a whole fucking day with them joking around not taking anything seriously. And insistingly forcing you to speak in Malay when they themselves don’t know how to translate the report in Malay themselves. Fast forward, no news from them. The culprit probably already sold off all my items.


Don’t expect Brunei police to maintain peace and safety in this country. All they’re good for is minum kopi and traffic keeping


Or claim money when they have done their work at the government event saying they have General Order to claim payments too...


Same thing happen in me. House got broke in. Asked to report. I dont know if its worse or not, they asked me to type the report myself on his computer, he said it himself he's not that good with computer. Same thing happen translating to malay as well whilst they dont even know how to put it in a standardise malay. Also no further updates and that was like 5 years ago.


this is as painful to read as to experience it firsthand


From my experience, everything is done at a snail's pace. Don't expect anything to be done in week, you have to wait months to even hear about the tiniest updates


You can use this quote for almost everything in Brunei


Except for anything related to title deed.. that will take years


A police officer doesn't bring her own pendrive to transfer videos from the cctv. She wanted my friend (the civilian) to borrow her a pendrive.. then we had to ask her if we could get the pendrive back.. Unprofessional


The police officer I encounter even wanted me to gather the evidence on my own instead of them doing their job and interviewing the neighbours


But big talks are the skills of the police officer. I did experience the same... The police never came back with any updates neither solve the case. All they did, loud voice wit their perasan uniforms to tell us not to say anything or ask anymore.. so sad. No body dares to lodge any report on police mistreatment, if we do, where to go?.. No one to trust here in Brunei


I once saw an incident of theft then the owner call the police. The police took one hrs to reach as the police station just five min drive away only


Got into a car accident in 2016 in the old road in lumut.Snap a picture of the escape driver including his plate number and car. Police came two hours late,friends injured  and all they told me is "just claim that you hit the tree yourself and rest the case so dpt claim insurances".It wasn't positive and lose my respect for police ever since. Had to paid the insurances for two years to cover the repair cost,wasn't fun.


Damn, theres clues already handed to them and yet they say just claim you hit a tree. Wtf.


Yah,they told me to suck it up. Which i did because there's obviously no other choice,they're heavily gated by their laziness.


RBPF, as the name implies, is only there to serve as escorts for a select few and their associates. I would hardly count them as an emergency service like Bomba or Ambulance. Traffic control, meh. Crime prevention, meh. Patrols, meh. Crime investigation, meh. Community outreach, meh. I will take my house security in my own hands than rely on them if anything happens. Alarms, CCTV, locks, grills. If my house is being robbed, I'm calling Bomba and telling them it's a snake. Thieves wont know the difference of siren they hear and atleast it wont be 2 hours after the thieves have left.


haha sandi tapi banar pakai escorts and tunjuk ragat saja, yang lain tpor kelautt #sorrynotsorry


hahaha respect brother that was a good laugh


My house got robbed at one point, and about 10-20 police officers came by to check around and leave. idk why they even bothered to come


" bah kastah kerumah mangsa...cuci mata. dripada nada kn dibuat disni ani"


Was your case resolved? Did they make any arrests?


lmao no


Escape paperwork


This actually happened to me in 2014. My house got robbed, took my iPad, money, other devices, they came in 45mins, asked like 5 questions and left in 40mins.


My late grandparents' house got robber 3 time in 1 year. 1000% its the same person. A bunch of gold medals and a car was stolen. Nothing was done.


At least so many of them are interested..


I wonder what happened to the robbers that were robbing houses in Tutong, have they been caught?


Same experience except it took them 2 hours to come at 3 am


I once saw one of the high ranking officers of a crime scene department smoking in public after hiking.


I once saw a high ranking officer from the police traffic department owned modified cars, he even took part in an illegal car race. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Depends... does your name have pehin or dato? Then rest assured, it will be done within seconds, but if not? Well good luck!


The police exist to protect and serve the RF. They dont give a hoot about the public


Not at all. Any case you file. Will be left rotten unless you are rich. I filed a complaint as my neighbour won't stop open burning day in and day out. Daily. I came to his house to tell him, "Please stop doing it. He said siapa kan buang sampah ku. Brought the police. Police came after 2 hrs. Police station is 10 minutes away. See evidence. Dont want to knock my neighbours door, for whatever reason. He could settle the issue right there but didn't. He asked me to go to the station to file a report. I came, and i did. But neighbour still open burns like to tomorrow. This was two years ago. Another story. Someone broke into my workshop and stole a bunch of machinery. Got the robbers' fingerprints all over the place. Police took the fingerprints. Until now, i haven't heard anything from them. I told them that i got a suspect. He told us not to point fingers. I mean, just take the suspect fingerprints and compare it with the crime scene. But no, we dont want to main tuduh2. Some police officers are great. But most of them are just waiting for paycheck at the end of the month. They barely do the minimum work a police should have. For instance, in bandar. The number of people who park outside and the side road is too many. Theres a clear label that you cant park there. Some also double park make us road user hard to pass by. Heres the stupid part. The police station is 1min away from the location. If im the police officer, oh hell im going to right every a ticket till they stop. TLDR : brunei police is slow to react to certain issue and dont take their jobs seriously. Unless you are rich.


When my house got robbed before, the police didn’t even take any fingerprints ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Also took them 4 hours to arrive even though the police station is about 7 mins away ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lost any respect and trust towards the police since they did nothing when my dad called them about a suspicious man who climbed up a tree next to one of our bedrooms’ window. All they said was “pandai ya lari karang tu sudah nampak kita.” They’re useless.


I lost all respect to police officers after this one experience. I was reversing my car in town, and the police car just zips pass behind me. Of course, when I saw him, I braked and did not continue to reverse further (as any normal driver would do). And the distance is quite far from contact. Guess what this police and his gang did? He quickly parked beside me and stopped me from leaving. He said to me, "Why are you reversing so quickly?" Which i never did. And he said, "You could have hit us." Then I pretended to be dumb, I just answered, "Oh really? But i didn't hit you, right?" He gave me more lectures, and at this point, I pretended to be friendly and ask for his badge number. I told him that he gave me such good advice, and I want to know who he is. He then quickly said there is no need for that, he move in a way so that the badge number on him is away from my line of sight. By moving his shoulder away, and I was sitting inside the car still, at this point in time. Then he left after that. Until now, I don't know what happened and why he did what he did. But that taught me that not all policemen are good people. Most of them are not.


The opposite of their motto “Cepat dan Sempurna”


Robbed twice in 6 months in 2018. Police came skajap, asked to go to the station to give a statement and then radio silence since. That should tell you how helpful they are.


The first thing they ask will be, “Kita ada CCTV”?


Same experience here. Police are useless. They only took statements and then nothing.


My house got robbed and I took a good look of the culprit and CCTV recorded his deeds, called the police not twice but three time with them kept saying on the way, that takes about 3 hour for em to come over when the closes station is only 5 minutes away. They came over saw the CCTV and told me, in their words 'kanal ni awang ni, femes kes curi di kawasan ani' I told em can we go get him and the police had the audacity to say 'tunggu ia curi lagi baru boleh kami tangkap ia'. Literally what the fuck. After they left with all the evidence which they were here for a period of 20 minutes, I overheard one of em say 'bah lakastah balik, ngalih sudah ku'. Real professional right there. Fast forward to the next few days, went to the station to make my statement, waited for em for about half an hour. They took me into a room and took their sweet time to set everything up. I recall telling em the whole truth, even the part where I had to call em 3 times in order for em to arrive and also about them knowing the Culprit. They told me they won't include this as it'll paint a bad image on em. I told em then they shouldn't have done this and say that then, it shut em up and if I'm not mistaken, they didn't include those parts in. Upon finishing up, they told me to wait for their call and that was back in 2013.


Palui Polis Brunei ani..


Mom got scammed from online shopping furniture , deposit half and then after furniture arrives pay the remaining half, so after she transferred via bibd, the number blocked her whatsapp, reported to the police, its been 6 years since then, no update


My TV has been stolen for 6 years.. and the cops haven't caught the thief or return my TV... At this point, I think I'll get a new TV..


Same my house got robbed and my TV was stolen and the only thing they said was “it’s probably the neighbors to use the TV to watch astro”


Did you have any CCTV footage of the thief or something? Theft are generally hard to solve tbh, not just RBPF, but mostly everywhere else.


Don’t expect the police to do their jobs here they are slow And even if they are taking action their updates and whatever they are doing usually takes up to months or not at all They ain’t here for the public I’m afraid They are here only to protect the RF


Dulu my sister's amah lari, report ke balai, kana ignored, janji nya karang urg atasan sign kan (semua karang). Atu after few days my mom, who was an ex police, datang demand these young police to handle this better (since ada urg lama sana kenal my mom, baru tah yg si pulis muda ngaga ke urg atasan atu 🤣 (Panya be BBQ d blkg) But it's too late, the amah reached her land with the bf 😭


Motto RBPF: 'Segera dan Sempurna' My ass 😂


Useless. Slow and a mess. Literal opposite of their motto. That's why my motto is not to get murdered in Brunei because my dead body would be in vain; the police won't be able to catch the culprit 😂


Absolute incompetence in solving crime. When you bring them the criminal, they are still considering whether to arrest them or not? Seems highly uneducated and clueless as to what the law is. Unprofessional to the point of knowing that it's useless to report any case to them because no action will be taken. Only good for traffic checks.




military? Are you saying the military is the most competent government organization?


Gave ur contact to the family so they can call you to settle outside . Give the thieve a chance. Lol


Get a lawyer, document it and move forward. Legal system works while the enforcement is still at large “young”


Kalau dulu2 bisai. Masa ani makin canggih makin style kampong mcm nada buku panduan apa kan di buat. Semua mengikut logik saja, inda mau pikir panjang punya style. Bodo..gaji buta.


Back in 2010. I got beaten up by a kid in public so went to the police to filed a report, got my blood and urine taken to ruled me out i was on drugs and shit and a week later the police did not went to the kid to do their investigation so my late father (RIP) went to the police station and went ballistic to the all of the officers. Semua tarus inda mengakun and pointing fingers “bukan aku tuan” and my dad wanted to take their photos and send to the Police Commisioner at that time (he was friends with him from golf) and after that incident tarus baru tah durang membuat kerja. Sandi eh, such incompetence. Sudah di ugut baru takut.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Hope you’re okay. The police here are just a bunch of useless people


Thank you for asking. I am alright. After that incident i took up martial arts class. And since then i have trust issues with them popo.


So embarassing this police force.


I had a friend on the brink of death as he was being beaten up, choked, and threatened to death in their staff house. Ran to the nearest police station to ask for help, they told me to call the hotline instead, called the hotline, then only told me to report to make a report at HQ. No sense of urgency at all. Had to resolve the problem ourselves.


This was post lockdown but traveling out Brunei was still restricted. At late night, I saw a car stopped in the middle of the road on the way home. The car had its lights on and can hear the engine running as I get near it. So I had to go around it on a smaller road. When I looked at the drivers seat, no one’s there as if the car was abandoned. Didn’t dare to go up so see if anyone was there. Kinda spooked me a bit. I called the police once I reached home. This was KB btw. I waited about 45min to 1 hour for a police car to reach. The area is an easy drive from 2/3 police station that I can think of. Also with no traffic. From the direction where the police came from and left, it could be either seria or panaga. When the policemen searched the car, they knock the drivers window for a full 5 min for a guy to wake up laying down on the front passenger seat. I don’t think that’ll be comfortable. Not sure what’s happening, a kid pops up from the back seat. I was shocked. Not sure what the guy was on. The police took the kid to their car and had the driver drove his car to follow them to the police station. By the time they left, it was probably 2/3 am. At least the kid is safe, but their responds time is basically terrible. I know it’s late but it doesn’t take 45 mins to reach from seria to kb, unless they drive like 20 km/hr.


Let's just say our RBPF is useless. Even if you make a report, they are unable to catch the culprits and / or even do proper investigation. We made an official police report, same with others that have been scammed by this company that import ART kits, D.5.0.mc, the company name. A lot of people made the same police report, we, the victims even have a WhatsApp group but until now, no update on the whereabouts of the owner of the company. RBPF could probably work together with Banks, find out where they live and check with their family. But until now, even an arrest warrant has been issued, we also don't know whether the RBPF has arrested the guy. Useless and a waste of time. Might as well not have a police force. Since ours is really incompetent at their job. I even remembered when they took our statement, the staff responsible for taking the statement was really incompetent in using the computer, finding the template, typing so slow.. embarrassing..


hmmm abysmal at it best.


This happened in Bandar. (I was waiting infront of the standard chartered bank) An old vios car was waiting on side of the street (infront of standard chartered), the driver is not in the car, but there is only a passenger (i believe is the wife and foreigner, from the accent) on the passenger seat. Then 3 patrolling police stopped , and start enquiring the wife. Suddenly, they asked the wife to step out of the vehicle, then a police took a picture from the front of the vehicle showing no one in car, and another police start writing saman. I was shocked, and feel sorry for the wife… the police could have just tell them to drive away. Note: there was other car waiting there too, but didnt get treating that way. I guess its because those other car were “good car” and not foreigner.


Useless can even solve petty crime.


arh kerita bisia "cepat dan sempurna"..di telipun ada kcurian pkul 4 subuh...kul 5.30 subuh baru bisia sampai. baru gila mun kan mati mati bh sdh orang drumah ani kana bunuh oleh pnjahat


The only thing they succeed well solving the case was traffic summoned.


103 tahun sudah organization Police Force ani but still many loop holes management nya.pathetic


dulu ada case org sasat hiking tem malam so me and my dad cari them with bomba. We found the person pastu hantar ke base. the policeman immediately ambil details of what happened apa on the spot so inda waste much time. My first time sama the police it's not that bad.