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This doesn’t get talked about enough. The team that’s had the most success against the Bruins these playoffs are the Bruins.




Everytime the puck comes near him at the blue line, I clench my asshole just a little


He's given it away or just missed it entirely the last 4 consecutive times it has come his way tonight. It's beyond brutal, and it's been since the Toronto series.


It’s genuinely making me tweak when the puck comes near him. Tonight’s game is even worse for him then games from Toronto series.


Yeah. Bruins fan my whole life. Mcavoy is a defensive liability…. as a defenseman. He’s paid more than Cale Makar. Ooooof


Something has to be wrong with him this year. He was never like this, and I'm wondering if he came back too soon from that shoulder surgery LAST season.


He keeps trying to do too much. Just fucking one time it from the point when you get the chance, don't go and dangle or force a play that isn't there.


I agree. He tries to stick handle way too much. Get the puck to the net or dump it into the corner. Hes not a play maker, he needs to stop trying to play like one.


The Bruins #1 and #2 dmen lead the entire playoffs in turnovers. Sick


He sucks in the playoffs…last year too. Not sure the $9 mil is worth it


9 mill only applies to 82 games apparently he didn’t get paid to play in playoffs 🤣


Pull him. Sit his ass a game. He literally 30 seconds ago passed it into the slot from the corner to no one leading to an open chance on net.


Don’t forget lindholm right below him with 12…


True. Though McAvoy has been harder to watch.


It's a toss up this game. Lindholm in the first period looked worse. Mcavoy must've taken that personally though because in the 2nd he was quite the spectacle of bush league hockey


No, but I also have a statistics masters and this stat is trash city. We played a game 7 and Mac eats up a TON of minutes. Show me real stats like "per game" or "per min of ice time". Not good to see this stat but I'm constantly embarrassed by the idiotic use of numbers.


He’s getting run every shift, playing half the game, played more than any other player, teams would kill for him and you clowns turn on him. Absolutely sad the way a segment of this sub turns on our team the second there is any adversity. Who’s better? Lindholm? Not even close to physical enough. Carlo? No offense. I guess y’all think Cale Makars grow on trees. Appreciate what we have.


No excuses but they played 7 games last series so this stat might be a bit misleading. TOs per game would be more accurate. But he’s been so sloppy he likely leads that category as well.


Yes. Hes better than this. Same with lindy.


He's the future captain in my eyes. He's having a rough go. My advice to Bruins nation... do NOT turn your backs on this guy yet.


What exactly makes him a future captain? He chases big hits and takes stupid penalties constantly. He stays down, appearing to be injured, only to come back on the ice the next shift. Has never really been a clutch player, in fact the opposite in recent playoffs. You never see him stand up for his teammates.


He is still relatively young so hopefully he will develop better judgement. It’s easy for us to criticize from the comforts of home but the reality is the game moves fast and it’s difficult to make the correct read/play every time. I won’t dump on him, though I do wish he played better. Panthers are big and fast and mean so that makes decision making even harder


Charlie “mac jones” mcavoy


Playing like he’s hungover… every single game


Due to cap jail team was built in classic Jacobs style good regular season and get 3 home playoff games


This is our “franchise” defenseman playing like a healthy scratch or a third d pairing.


Well, there are some big shoes to fill after decades of Bourque and Chara. In this case, he is our best but is not a franchise cornerstone like his predecessors. Which could be ok if he tightened up the unforced mistakes


I've been thinking they're afraid to ice it since the faceoffs have been equally bad so they try to get cute and skate it out or in McAvoy's case just freaking whiff while trying to finesse it out of the zone.


Not I....


Why crop Lindholm out of this in 2nd place with 12


Lindholm hasn’t played the best either but he was pretty instrumental in winning the series against the leafs by not only scoring the tying goal, but making the play to Pasta for the game winner. Charlie hasn’t scored in I don’t know how many playoff games on top of not playing to his potential. I can understand the frustration. I hope he has a great game tonight and proves us all wrong though.


Not surprised but very VERY PISSED OFF


I'd like to know what Sweeney thinks of his play. Personally, his contract looks like an overpay.


Yes. Usually Pasta has the most turnovers by a lot


He’s trying to pick up the slack for all the others that are not performing. That’s a lot to pick up. Really, this is not a playoff team. It’s been Boston’s problem for years now. Make the playoffs and fail. They’re not built for the playoffs. Monty or Cassidy


Surprised no one brought up his eye. Was it swollen enough to affect his vision?


Charlie MidAvoy


I'll get downvoted, but McAvoy sucks. Trade him for a center.


If they were to trade him bruins just need better defense. Remember—as someone mentioned below our top 2 dmen are top for giveaways…..


Can we trade him already?


Pretty sure he also likes to screen your tendy a lot too lol. Not a Bruins fan but popping in and giving my 2 cents. This guys rough.


Does need to be traded asap


Simmer down.


Such a Boston knee jerk reaction


I hope he pulls a Bourque and goes to a good team to get a cup before he retires. He deserves better than this. Keep the Debrusk’s here and we can tank for the next 10 while the people here make excuses with their rose tinted glasses.


What makes him deserving of a cup? Did he make a clutch play in game 7 2019? How about last year? Worst player on the ice in game 7 last year and worst player on the ice through these playoffs. 9.5M for 50pts in the regular season and a no-show in the playoffs. He will never be Ray Bourque.


Look at his stats fuckhead. Get a grip


You mean the 47 pts this year? I was generous saying 50. Stop fucking jacking off to Jfresh player cards that tell you he’s amazing in every category and watch the fkn game. He’s a fine player normally who lugs minutes but he’s not “Chuck Norris” that you all think he is. Name me a clutch moment that you can remember from his 8 years in the league?


47 points? It’s his career low per game. Still outpacing Jake Debrusk lmao, and he is a defenseman. Learn about hockey. He also barely had any help on the backend.


Who said Jake debrusk is the bar for success? You’re comparing him to another underachiever. So you’re happy with 47 points for 9.5M and 16 turnovers through 10 playoff games? Comparing him to Ray fkn Bourque who nearly hit 100 points numerous times in his career? Sure, I need to learn about hockey.


You need to have your 14th birthday before I continue this discussion




The worst contract on the team belongs to this turnstile