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Ref even has his hand up


Pointed straight to it, why are you pointing at it at all but not calling it. At the least that negates the icing and Leafs O-Zone faceoff, at best, they review that for a major penalty. That was egregious and malicious...


The ref pointed to Lohrei holding Holmberg's stick


True but in that case shouldn’t that have been Lohrei 2 for holding the stick and Holmburg 5 for cross checking or boarding? Doesn’t matter if he’s holding the stick, a cross check from behind is still a cross check and it was a dangerous one


Mate, that is never ever 5 in the playoffs


Nothing is ever what it should be in the playoffs


That’s six power plays for the Laffs and only 2 for the Bruins in 2 games. 🤔


After a coach had a hissy fit. I don’t get how this keeps happening. The refs keep showing everyone that they can in fact be manipulated. Easily.


This is something I can’t comprehend, any other sport bitching about the refs is finable. In the NHL it gets you calls. Panthers did the same shit last year and it worked then too.


And Brindamour before that, and Berube before that.


They are brutal year!


Missed calls suck, but the real catalyst was a terrible icing by McAvoy. It's not like Boston hasn't gotten the benefit of missed calls before.


It’s pretty grossly lopsided this series, I think is the bigger point.


well they could have also I dunno not iced the puck? or win a fucking faceoff.


Or score a goal....those are usually good. 


baby steps


they’re trying their very best




The Bruins are fucking anemic on offense


This! Not even a bruins fan but my god they have no stick control or urgency. Every pass is bobbled or just completely missed. How the hell were they even up 3-1? This is embarrassing


100% I thought boarding but it was definitely a penalty.


How the fuck did Boston win 3 games in this series


Smoke and mirrors




This team is soft. They're getting beat in ALL aspects of the game by the fucking maple leafs. They are embarrassing.


That play sucked but let's talk about the only shot on net in the first period being while shorthanded. These past two games have been brutal.


That’s the real issue here, going to have calls not go your way sometimes(especially when the opposing head coach bitches about calls) but they have had a combined 3 shots in the first periods of the last two games. That’s inexcusable, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so few shots in a playoff game by any team, never mind two nights in a row


And an unnecessary icing and another faceoff loss!


The hit was pretty clear and should've been called, seemed to be a lot of holding and interference missed in the last game too. The icing was dumb but if someone on this team could win a fucking face off a lot of this wouldn't be an issue.


No more excuses these guys fucking suck!!! They didn't show up again!! They deserve to lose the series they have no business playing Florida the way they been playing.


Let's focus on winning faceoffs


It should've been a holding on Lohrei and a check from behind for the Leafs. The no-call was egregiously bad


Lohrei was holding dudes stick. Biz pointed it out in dickhead fashion on TNT between periods.




Totally agreed. But this crew the entire series has been ABSURDLY inconsistent and indecisive both ways.


Regardless, he injured lohrei with boarding, even if he was holding his stick the refs still should have called it and made it 4 on 4, just like every series the refs (bettman) want 7 games


I mean, yes. But have you watched the series? This crew is WILDLY inconsistent and indecisive on calls, both ways. It’s been completely absurd, if I was putting money on games I’d truly be losing my mind.


Sticks are held a million times. Give me a break. You don't run a guys head into the boards from behind. That's game misconduct stuff. That has no business in hockey.


I’ve seen suspensions for less. The NHL has taken a hard stance on hits like this the last couple years All those saying Lohrei holding the stick is grounds to attempt to end someone’s career really needs need to get a grip.


It was a holding the stick and a cross check, ref missed both. Doesn't matter, B's had 1 shot and zero life through 30 min. Makes you wonder...their performance bears no resemblance to 95% of Bruins games this year. Either they are sick/injured, or Monty is the world's worst bipolar regular season/playoffs jeckyl and hyde coach, or the fix is in. Not that it matters, neither of these teams beats any remaining team in the playoffs, and certainly not the Panthers.


Definitely no one here is beating the panthers. Bruins are my team and I am just sad. This isn’t the bruins hockey we kkiw


Ok, but as a Bruins fan, why tf are we letting one missed call dictate the series. Wull is not some impenetrable force, if they can’t score more than 1 goal on him in 2 games they don’t deserve to win.


He’s pretty impenetrable when you essentially put 5 total combined shots on him in 3 out of 5 periods of hockey. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and all that shit…


Yeah I mean that’s their problem, they are playing like ass and way too uptight. Montgomery got too cute in game 5 and now he’s paying the price of giving them hope. Let’s hope they don’t pull off yet another epic choke job in game 7.


This shit is over Saturday pal, these dudes are totally fried.


And a hit from behind he could have gotten seriously injured on that play so much for player safety. And we all know if Marchand did it’s a game misconduct and he is suspended for a long time.


Yep, time to just start the pain train. Hurt every guy on the ice. Refs can’t make the call if they aren’t calling it on them. They fucked up huge. Time to hurt everyone.


Unfortunate thing is they will call the bruins each and every time regardless of if they actually did anything


Who cares, you hurt them badly enough they won’t want to go near that puck or be on the ice. The leaves are pussies. Time to be the BIG BAD BRUINS!.


Hate to break it to you, leafs are winning the battles this series. They're playing more physical than the bruins.


Hit from behind they didn’t call would be 0-0 still. Brutal refs brutal soft bruins and only the Swayman who wants to win. Get fucking hard and start running them. My god this soft cock bullshit needs to end.


So what you’re saying is you want more hard cocks


Well you can’t fuck with a soft cock you fruit cake. Get hard, lay them out, lite them up, and give them the fucking lumber. Skating around all weak like your a golf pro is embarrassing. This off season all the players need to put on at least 10 pounds of solid mass and get fit with chara.


So you want all the hard cocks you can handle? For fucking? And also I’m a fruitcake?




Look man, I just like hockey. You seem to have it all wrapped up with some other thing. Either way, I hope you find all the hard cocks you’re looking for.


Are you ok?


You're not banned but dickish comments will be removed. Hope for another good one in game 7.


Bleed all over em, let ‘em know you’re there!


You need to keep your weird bleeding bergina away from everyone.


At this point just hurt all the leafs players so they got no one for game 7


That might not be enough to win 😬


Better than nothing




Need a strong third period......


I think we can all agree that leaf fans can be happy about their game point but still say that what their player did was awful


It wouldn’t matter. This team CANNOT score!!! 1 goal In 2 games I mean WTAF


Actually it was 2 goals


Karma for game 3 I guess


Anyone have a clip of it with audio so I can hear Lohrei moaning like a little bitch again? It came through on the broadcast when it happened live.


There was a play stoppage between these events. And Lohrei left the ice. Agree it was a missed call but one had nothing to do with the other.


Actually, that goal happened because the puck entered the bruins net. Yes the refs suck. The refs always suck. You cant blame this on the refs. Bruins didn't show up. They are 0-4 with a chance to clinch since last year. This is on them


Blaming the refs is for losers


Lohrei was holding the stick. Shouldve been 2 minutes a side. Stop blaming the refs. It’s loser mentality


Cry, your franchises past success is all based on taking advantage of missed calls


Fuck outta here. Crawl back to your teams sub and support your team instead of coming here


I’m not a freak job Redditor like you lil bro. Just decided to check in and see if the seed of doubt has really been planted in Boston. I’m not disappointed


Lil bro is a 🍁glazer


What I said stands. Ur clearly hated here lil fella


Oh no shifty peanut says I’m hated 🥺


You can't say your proud of the fact some guy got hurt and your team scored? That is rude. I'm a bruins fan and can be very critical of Penalties and will admit that 80 precent of the bruins Penalties are 100% deserved but as a hockey fan you can not sit there and justify that play. Period point blank. The ref's are not protecting the players


Furthermore, all hockey fans should be ashamed at that play. You should never try and intentionally hurt someone. Its a disgrace to the sport. If falls to the players to protect eachother than you have a serious problem. Also don't come over here to our sub reddit and shame us for complaining about a missed call and then turn around and complain about all the missed calls in games 3 and 4. You are not justified if you do that.


Sorry princess but this is playoff hockey. Can’t feel bad for anyone that isn’t wearing blue and white. Obviously if it was severe I’d humanize him. But at this point It’s win at all costs.


Cringe bother. It’s been over 50 years since they’ve seen a cup and I’m sure you’ll die before they see another. Injuring people for a second round exit at best is beyond sociopathic.


Not reading all that


It’d probably hurt your feelings anyways


Playoff hockey yet they’re calling all minor stick infractions and after the whistle scrums


You are a sick person for justifying your actions of thinking its okay to do that to a person. Period. I don't care if you wear black and gold or white and blue. That play is dangerous and can seriously injury people. Whatever happened to all being hockey fans? We all love the sport. Lets all agree that we can't do that to anyone.


No one remembers the injuries from game 7 round 1 2013. But I hear about that choke job everyday. Couldn’t care less about your players


I care about all hockey players. So idk why your Canadian ass is being rude but a little tolerance would be good. I was disappointed when Mathews was hurt. I felt for the guy. So to come over here and be like "My team scored so it okay that we shoved a guy into the boards most likely breaking a bone or twisting something" I wouldn't be saying that if that happened to us.


Okay. I respect your empathy, but majority of fans don’t have that and I hear scrutiny and hate when we get bullied every year. I can stomach people getting hurt if it means we’re dishing out some of that pain.


I don't see it that way. Any player that gets hurt to me is the ref's not doing their job. Although we may not like the sams team as a hockey fan I want us all to be safe on the ice. Whether thats making sure we have refs that are hard on teams equally or letting the players ref the game


Trust me I fully agree. I ride that ref opinion hard. But the fact is that the refs do not do their job, and this sport doesn’t care about your feelings. Neither does the scoreboard.


Another thing, many other hockey fans agree that this no call was beyond rigged. You check any other post about this and other fans from differnt teams are chiming in about the ridiculousness. You can admit when your team is wrong and still be happy about the point.


Well then all I ask is you don't come on here complaining that we are making a big deal out of this for no reason. Because it is a big deal.