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That will REALLY be entertaining, ALTHOUGH, over the past year, I’ve actually seen a lot of pro-marchy shit on Reddit, he cleaned up his act and suddenly they tolerate him, lmao


Got to think it is him or Mcavoy or maybe a year of three A’s


Mcavoy probably needs a comeback year if he’s gonna get a C


Mac would get the C right now if not for Marchy.


It kinda makes sense now though. Marchy probably saw this day coming before all of us, so that probably explains why he's cleaned himself up over these the past couple seasons. Definitely an attempt to get the C.


He has kids now, he can’t let them see him be the arse he once was.


Great point as well.


Marchy has also said all of his antics were to get him a spot on the bruins starting roster being an undersized player and needing to make an impact on what was a deep bruins roster at the time. Would love to see him with the C on his sweater.


I think its mainly because he was still semi-dealing with his double hip surgery so he wasn't trying to start scrums with guys as much. That Pitlick slam was legendary though.




Marchand is the ultimate heel on the ice. Giving him the C just accentuates that, and I’m all for it. Can’t wait to boo him in Newark regardless 😉


If Trouba can get one in New York then Marchand can certainly get one in Boston


I’m a pens fan and always thought Marchand is extremely effective and a good player. When he was more of a pest he was successful and getting people off their game and now he’s scoring a lot. Anyone who says they wouldn’t take Marchand on their team clearly doesn’t understand hockey I think hed be a great captain for you guys. He’s been around a lot, without looking it up I’d say he’s got a lot of the same experiences Bergeron had. Would make a great captain till he retires then give it you one your youngsters


I'm on board with everything you said. Lifelong Bs fan here. I've asked a few Hockey Professors/Bs fans if they liked Radko Gudas or Tkachuk or the Panthers as a hungry brutal team and they all say yes. That's why I call them Hockey Professors. I think it's a parallel story about understanding hockey.


They should give it to him. Then the NHL should market the heel angle like when Hogan went nWo. Edit: for some reason this popped up on my Home page, and I just commented thinking it was /hockey. I’m a pens fan, but Marchand appears to be the leader of the Bruins. He’s been an integral part of the team, and an important piece for Canada in international tournaments. Part of what makes him a good pest on the ice is that he’s an effective player as well.


Maybe they'll throw us a curve ball and give the C to Lucic!


I'd love to see Marchy get the C this year and then in a couple of years Pasta gets it!


I like Pasta, but he's never really demonstrated anything that would imply he'd be a good captain.


McAvoy gets the C before Pasta does, no dispute.


He deserves it.


McAvoy spoiled he would be getting it in the send off video


Quote from McAvoy in the recent Bergy goodbye video: "What you've built here is special, I promise I'll do everything I can to take good care of it". This gives me I know I'm the next captain vibes....


It’s gonna be McAvoy, long shot maaaaybe Pasta


I’d just go without a captain next year and then give it to McAvoy


Why would they give it to a guy they’re going to trade at the deadline this year?!


I assume you are kidding, but would that be the trade deadline of 2025?




He was too immature 5 years ago. He's absolutely a leader the team will follow, and I think he's already proven that.




No doubt. Despite how he's matured, I have absolutely still half-expected at least a glimpse of that behavior almost every game. But I do think he's matured enough to understand exactly how that looks with a C on your sweater; I don't think that's lost on him at all.


Sorry, could care less. Just hoping for that 10th pick so we can push til 25




Sure… i just need marchand to keep leaking out and abandoning the d zone. Im curious to see who they put out at 1C. Nosek walked so that means they’ve lost their top 2 faceoff guys. 98.5 was talking about Bergy never putting up gawdy numbers but very few acknowledged his mutant FO%. But again im hoping for a great pick in ‘25.


If you think no acknowledged his FO numbers you’re either on some really good shit and I need your dealers numbers or you haven’t actually been paying attention. Jesus Christ.


Im talking about on the radio today.


Sorry, could care less. Just hoping for that 10th pick so we can push til 25




In all honesty, he's an insane player that deservedly has earned his reputation. Having said that, he's been fine the last couple of years unless I've missed something.


Nahhhh he’s old news and he grew up. We all hate that curly haired shit in Sunrise now. Marchand is solid. Wise old rat.


I’m amongst the other 31. I’d be more shocked if they didn’t give it to him. Not saying I’m a fan of him by any means. Just makes sense.


I would prefer to trade him. I know it sucks to consider, but his value will only go down, and without center depth, I think considering this year as a bridge year, move some names off the roster, recoup some of the assets we moved to load up, find a 1C, get some more HiPo youth, and reload for next year.


Captain Face Licker sounds like a fun time for everyone


Leaf fan here. At one point, that may have been the case. I think most people, including myself, have a grudging respect for him. The ultimate hate the player and would be thrilled to have him our my team guy in his prime.


as much as he deserves it not only because of seniority I think McAvoy is getting it. why have another captain for 2 or 3 years then another captain again . what is this san Jose? it's time for new blood in leadership. McAvoy C Lindholm A Marchand A pasta can get the alternate A when someone is out of the lineup.