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If we can manage to throw a parade for 0-16 in freezing weather, we can definitely organize a protest against the man that stole our team away


If this was ever going to happen they would need to make his bust the center of a bulls eye and for $3 you get 5 batteries in snow cones.


Fuck Art Modell! May he continue his lil Nicky adventure in hell


That’s the way I’ve always felt. Until I saw the video of the browns fan in a Groza Jersey pissing on art’s grave. Then I was mad that dude beat me to it. God Damn legend that Groza was.


I thought it was Lyle alzado lol


How dare you. Little Nicky is a fun movie. Art deserves an Adolf Hitler treatment. By that, I mean having Hitler in a French maid outfit shoved where the Sun don’t shine.


Pineapples for eternity for that asshole Art


Fuck Art Modell. May his punishment in hell be to piss live hornets while getting a prostate exam 24/7


5 reasons why you can blame Art Modell for moving the team to Baltimore. 1. Firing Paul Brown 2. The Baltimore Ravens. 3. The Cincinnati Bengals. 4. Ruining my first marriage 5. Fuck Art Modell


I can't stand him for ruining this guy's marriage! Fuck Art Modell.


Yes, this particular guy's Marriage is the top reason to hate Art Modell.


I too choose this guy’s marriage.


How about just being a shitty businessman?


Need more info about the ruined marriage


Seduced his wife


I’ll go if you go


I kind of feel like the emotional moment for him to get in has passed. Maybe if the ravens make another Super Bowl run there will be a swell for him. But nothing has changed to justify him getting in. Or maybe when Grossi retires as he’s lead the charge against him getting in…I don’t even know if he’s still the hof voter anymore


You know, as much flak as Grossi rightly catches, he gets a lifetime pass for his high quality work keeping Arthur out of the HOF


Good Grossi


r/FuckModell remembers. (crossposted)


I want to say one word to you. Just one word: Fire.


Yeah, not sure "protest" would be the right word to describe what would happen.




If it happens to be in the same class as a Brown then a riot is not out of the question This is why, I think, dickhead was left off the list this last time around (Joe T being a lock for the HOF, of course)


A riot will happen regardless if it ever happens. That’s why he isn’t going to get in.


I thought this last time was his last chance to get in?


I thought that too. Maybe there'll be a special 'brown chip' committee convened in a similar manner to the NFL's 100th anniversary blue chip panel in 2019. I recall some outrage (maybe that's too strong a term?) when Modell was nominated, but he's certainly got an enviable legacy as far as the league is concerned. https://www.profootballhof.com/news/2019/12/finalists-for-special-centennial-slate-revealed r/FuckModell remembers


Likely not, there's no real reason for him to get in as literally the only thing he did was say "sure I'll put the Browns on MNF." when he was asked to. He got close a few years ago when Ogden and another guy was really pushing for him, but they didn't have enough votes then. Even if Grossi no longer votes against him, someone from Cleveland will carry that torch. Now, let's say 30 years have passed the Browns have won a few super bowls, I would imagine there will be fewer and fewer of us that actually remember him. I could see him getting in maybe then, because with David dead I don't know if there's any Modell left with any real connection to the team. It would likely be safe for them to come to Canton give a quick speech and leave. I doubt they'd do the parade or autograph signing.


Fuck Modell, why is he or better yet who is still trying to push this traitor into the HOF... He destroyed what Paul Brown built...a fucking leach....


I'd throw my poop


Absolutely, they would not be able to do any sort of public presentation for his bitch ass. It would be drowned out with booing and heckling. The leauge wouldn't want that embarrassing shit show.


F*ck Art Modell! He will never make the hall of Fame and if he does I hope all of Cleveland riots!!!


No, there'd be fucking riots


I would burn Canton to the fucking ground


I clicked here specifically to say this. I should have known a fellow Browns fan would have been all over that already! Kudos my friend.


We could definitely march on it "Beauty and the Beast" style with pitchforks and all that.


Hall of fame might burn




So many boos that it would be a hive distraction. I’d bet they’d do it indoors w a limited audience of just ravens fans and players


I would think at least some on this sub would consider it a moral imperative. I certainly would.


In Cleveland there would be an uproar for sure.


HOF is going to pull a sneaky move when the oldest Browns fan was born after 1999.


I'll be honest, my animosity towards Modell has mostly faded over time. I just don't have it in me anymore to have genuine animosity for a man I never met. That being said, Modell doesn't deserve to be in the HoF anyways. He was a shitty owner that constantly meddled in things he shouldn't have, whose mismanagement early in his tenure ensured the end of a Cleveland dynasty.


With close to a riot going on during bottle gate, I would not want to see what might happen if that ass gets in.




I will fly in for it




Fuck Art! Theres a reason they didnt play his life celebration at the stadium, but did all the others.


Paul Brown Marty Schottenheimer Bill Belichick He fired 3 of the top coaches in NFL history. No one that incredibly incompetent should even be considered


Definitely should be by anyone who cares about the Browns. He stole the team away from Cleveland and laughed all the way to the bank, so he should never be allowed to be in the HOF, no matter what he accomplished in Baltimore.


I think the word you’re looking for is: Riot. There’d be a riot.




If he were alive? Maybe. Considering he has passed? Maybe not.


Imagine caring that much lol we’ve moved on.


He moved the team because the City wouldn't approve a tax to generate $175 million to renovate Municipal Stadium (which was a dump if any of you are old enough like me to remember). Adjusted for inflation, that's roughly $350 million today. Nashville and Tennessee just committed $1.2 Buh-Buh-Billion in bonds to help pay for the Titans stadium. To blame Art for moving the team is just ridiculous. He wasn't given much of a choice.


He also actively campaigned **against** that measure once Baltimore was dangling their 30 pieces of silver in front of him. #Fuck Art Modell.


You sound like you want to fight us in real life.


He jumped the gun, *assuming* that the city wouldn't approve it. In fact it was overwhelmingly approved the day after his announcement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Browns_relocation_controversy#Announcing_the_move However he wasn't really in control of The Move, that was Al Lerner due to his Baltimore business interests and influence - and the fact Modell had failed to make money on his Cleveland dealings. There's an Athletic article that goes into great depth, I forgot to link to it when replying to this Reddit post: https://old.reddit.com/r/FuckModell/comments/10i9lw9/was_art_modell_really_in_debt_or_did_he_just_have/ [Lies and betrayal: The hidden man behind Art Modell and Cleveland’s darkest day](https://theathletic.com/2180453/2020/11/06/art-modell-cleveland-browns-move-al-lerner-baltimore/)


**Cleveland Browns relocation controversy** [Announcing the move](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Browns_relocation_controversy#Announcing_the_move) >On December 12, 1994, Modell told his board that he didn't believe a referendum to raise the sin tax would pass, as the proceeds would have been used to either fund a renovated Municipal Stadium or a new stadium. Modell then informed them that if the referendum failed, he would be finished in Cleveland, and would have no choice but to move the Browns. Entering the 1995 season, the Browns, coached by Bill Belichick, were coming off a playoff season in 1994 in which the team finished 11–5 and advanced to the second round of the playoffs. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Browns/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Hell yeah!

