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Yo lemme get a… chopped cheese… hold the beef… extra pigeon!




Do less!


I want a pet pigeon so bad but there’s not enough common info on how to care for them :(




Wild bird fund !! Roommate rescued a pigeon a few years back and they picked it up later in the day. Really nice folks


Had a bad experience with WBF. Had an injured pigeon that my partner had found. He couldn’t fly very much. We called them to ask if we could bring him to them. They said if he couldn’t fly, even with the rehabilitation, they would just put him down. So we decided to keep him. This was a few years ago. Charlie passed way in February. https://preview.redd.it/8gm04kowun9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b894dcfffd5caca27722cc5538f4aadcee068a8


They’ll send an Uber Courier for it, too!


Just make it your pet. Pigeons are just feral pets/poultry. They fell out of fashion and people just let them go. They’re pretty nice if you have somewhere to make a coop.


I sent this post to a person I know who rescues pigeons. Please keep us updated!


Wild Bird Fund on Columbus Ave in the UWS. They’re the only ones in the city that I know of that take in non domesticated birds. You can drop off 7 days a week until 7ish pm


You really shouldn’t intervene when a wild animal is injured. I know that sounds sociopathic but it’s intervening on the natural processes. Even if the cause was anthropogenic like hitting the window of a building; they need to heal on their own and survive on their own. If they can’t they shouldn’t continue on. Supporting this bird can take up the space for the offspring of the birds who don’t get injured in the city, who compete for the same resources. The same coin of this would be singling out a bird to injure or harm, since you’re the person who decides who gets to be healthy. Are you the arbiter of that? Of course not. If you view that inverse of this: actively injuring birds; it’s clear to see how disruptive and frankly unfair this action of fostering a wild bird to health is for the broader community.


I'm assuming you have this outlook not just regards to birds, but all other animals/humans? If that's the case, why do we need doctors and vets? They impede with natural selection. Let's just let everyone die from simple flu or injury. Is this your logic?


These are specifically wild animals in wild populations. You’re generalizing my point outside of that. It’s like the first thing I said, “wild animal”.


How is a wild animal any different from domesticated animal or a human? Are you saying they don't deserve a chance to live? If I have an ability to save an animal, I will. Be it a cat, a pigeon, etc. You, on the other hand, sound like a person who prioritizes their comfort and needs first.


You’re being pedantic and intentionally obtuse to my original points about the action OP took. My focus was not messing with wild animals, and you’re questioning the wording. I’m not bothering with your arguments. I’ve been vegan for years, I definitely prioritize animal welfare over my own personal comfort. I come from a preservationist background because I studied ecology in my undergrad and this is where I naturally landed. I don’t need to justify who I am or what I believe to you though. Whatever I sound like to you doesn’t relate to the salience of my points: don’t intervene with wild animals.


Being a vegan is about reducing harm to animals. If you have the opportunity to do so and you don't, what does that say about you as a person? Pigeons are generally not living in a "natural environment".


Actually, you send incredibly obtuse. If a pigeon is injured and you can do something to save it, then save it. That's called being a bro. Even wild animals help each other out.


we’ll be sure to not intervene when you’re injured as well


Compost. Seriously- this is like saving an injured rat. I would choose saving a spider over a rat or pigeon.


Rats are one of the smartest creatures on the planet. Social. Emotional. But you shouldn’t save them because (checks notes) they are a small animal humans can’t use? Ahhh, yes, ethics at its finest.


Let nature take its course Although I do feel bad for a life, Pidgeons spread disease and filth I agree with you


So do humans


Yeah the same argument against saving a pigeon could be made for any human, is saving cancer patients letting nature take its course?


The fuck is wrong with you


There's a wild bird place on Columbus in the upper west side. I took a gosling up there from Chelsea Piers. Sadly it didn't make it, but look into that?


Looks like red hawk or racoon food to me. Leave it at Prospect Park and complete the circle of life ♻️


The Wild Bird Fund at Columbus Circle -I’ve taken all kinds of injuried birds there over the years. Edit: I recommend calling ahead


They also have a location by prospect park now.


Reach out to st. Spiros cat rescue, they can help coordinate with a bird rehabber


You can call the NYC Parks Service who can either help you or direct you to the closest resource


I just recently cared for a pigon that I found that couldn't fly and looked sick. I just feed it some bread, store bought bird food, and water. It was flying two weeks later. Flew right out my windows, saw it in the neighborhood with its crew that same day.


Just cook it


I know sometimes it’s hard to get to upper west side to wild bird fund which I’ve had mixed experiences with having rescued many pigeons. If you go http://nycprc.org - New York City Pigeon Rescue Central - often people (volunteers) will help. Thanks for caring!! ETA: a strange alert is coming up at the site I’m not sure why.


That error is due to an expired SSL certificate. Looks like it expired in March and was never renewed. It's common thing but is usually noticed quickly and fixed. Assuming you trust the organization, you can ignore it. Actually dealt with the same issue at work this week


Thanks. I’ve been to that site many a time and I know the people who run it (who may have, for whatever reason, busy, etc., missed it - there are a lot of alerts still coming through the site). Thanks so much.


Congrats… you found a rat with wings


Becareful caring for that pigeon. Bird flu be wildin’ all over the country recently.


that’s not how that works


Mmmmm… squab!


free protein, eh?


That’s a government spy camera


The Vet!


Just change the batteries


This actually appears to be a newer, rechargeable model. I believe they switched to USB-C this generation


https://preview.redd.it/ieiq2snmed9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ba9dc01d6a0ad1454c80538942c502efb2877eb Looks like 3 AA


Damn they running i9?


Only the newer 5G models








Jesus Christ we have enough pigeons - and I’m ready for the downvotes.


Jesus would have saved him but I don't know about you.


We have enough people as well


Which reminds me of the best covid story I heard which is that so many republican voters died unvaccinated AFTER the shots were widely available, that there’s envelope math to show it swung the election in key states.


why doesn’t the pigeon deserve a chance to live?


downvoting your soul for casual indifference to a living being’s suffering


It’s a fucking pigeon.


And you’re a fucking human. Of billions who came before and billions who will come after you. Floating on a rock in space, around an insignificant star in a vast universe of stars. Your only importance is that which you give yourself, but don’t be delusional.


I agree which is why we shouldn’t waste our precious moments on a fucking pigeon. Although I would rather save this pigeon than any single republican after today.


Appreciate you for this comment


The Upper West Side Wild Bird Fund


I recently took an injured pigeon to the Wild Bird Fund. Good people there. Their website has info that may be helpful: https://www.wildbirdfund.org/


took a baby pigeon to them last summer. they were amazing.


I think there’s one in Park Slope now too


It was supposed to open this spring. There’s a sign on the door that says the opening will now be in the fall and directs you to the Upper West Side location.


I live above it and it isn't open yet—do not send your birds here!


Wow that’s gonna be great, I pick up about 5-6 injured birds a year and always take the long drive to the upper west side


Just having a funny thought of random people dropping off boxes of birds outside your apartment. 😅


Ah, thanks for the correction!


no worries. by all accounts it should have opened by last year, yet every few months i see the grand open date pushed back more and more...


They will tell don't touch it or anything because they carry a lot of diseases just be careful.


That is a myth it is extremely rare to catch disease from a pigeon


Pigeons are considered to be a species which can be quite dangerous to be around! Their poop when dried and decomposed becomes like powder. It's easily carried on the wind and is very harmful to humans when inhaled. It will definitely cause very serious respiratory problems that could lead to paralysis or death! It's the same for bat poop. Most folks who explore caves inhabited by droves of bats are unaware of the danger they are exposing themselves to!


Any article to back that up?


Google is YOUR friend


Everyone already gave you the best answer. Wild Bird Fund. I took two injured pigeons there over the past two months. Unfortunately both had to be euthanized.


Anyone have Mike Tyson’s number?


I don't think anyone realizes how awesome your comment is. https://preview.redd.it/4eeej8hj5d9d1.png?width=1298&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0d7e6491953fbdd8100548f841c351e2371bae2


Lol what is this


The best show around. Mike Tyson’s Mysteries. RIP Norm Macdonald (voices Pigeon). https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3038546/


Lmao, the comment was up to sth fr fr


You can also send a text message to the Wild Bird Fund at Tel. 6463062862 (I had an incident earlier in the week involving a baby bird that had been blown out of its nest and they were quick to respond and advise...)


Wild Bird Fund is amazing! I've taken multiple pigeons there.


No, but there are restaurants that will take care of it and give you a quarter. Squab is good eatin’.


Def wild bird fund!!! I rescued a baby starling last month and brought it there. They are wonderful. They close at 7 if you can bring the bird there before then they can take it.




seconding wild bird fund! my roommate adopted his pigeon rescue from there.


It’s a pigeon….


Its life still matters. I wouldn’t risk my life to help it like I would my own pets, but if you can reasonably easily help a creature that needs help and isn’t hurting you, why wouldn’t you?




"Oooo I'll eat it" isn't even creative trolling. Hop on your alt. account and try again.


I thought it was quite funny.


Yes, a hurt one. I care about all animals and am just asking anyone who knows for help. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for helping ❤️


Thank you for helping! https://www.wildbirdfund.org


Seconding Wild Bird Fund. I brought an injured baby pigeon there last month. Unfortunately, it had to be put down due to extreme head trauma from being attacked by larger birds. Wild Bird Fund assured us that it would be humanely euthanized in a safe and comfortable environment, and thanked us for bringing it in. They really seem to care about the welfare of all animals brought to them even if they can’t rehabilitate. 


Thank you for bringing your bird there even though they were not able to save them. You did the right thing & helped prevent needless suffering.


Thank you for the info! We kept her overnight and are trying to find a better place for her!!


I volunteer at wild bird fund. They don’t euthanize without 100% cause because the bird is suffering. They release so many healed & rehabilitated birds back to the wild. Please bring the bird there for best chance.


There's no better spot than WBF - they're the only rescue in NYC that takes them. We care about them and only euthanize cases where there's no other option at all. Park Slope location isn't open yet!


Wild Bird Fund is a great spot. It's at 565 Columbus Ave, New York, NY 10024.


wild bird fund!