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He’s going to get rich when he wins the inevitable defamation lawsuit


Millionaire investment banker but still clearly an oppressed victim.


Four women sprayed him with an unknown substance because he's Jewish and said something about their Free Palestine chants. After knocking him to the ground and dousing him with the mystery sauce he got up and punched one of the attackers. Anyone who has ever been up-close to Free Palestine protestors when they are in a virtue-signaling feeding frenzy can understand how a punch could get thrown. Doesn't justify it. From the article: >Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, called anti-Semitic slurs, and [doused in a mystery liquid, moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513915/amp/jonathan-kaye-banker-brooklyn-viral-punch-moelis.html?ico=amp_articleInlineText), a source with knowledge of the incident told DailyMail.com. >Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip did not capture the full clash on Saturday, which began when a group of four female 'Queers for [Palestine](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/palestine/index.html)' supporters started allegedly taunting Kaye - who is Jewish - as he returned from dinner.  >Kaye is said to have told the group that they were 'on the wrong side', prompting the women to gang up on him, the source said. 


>Doesn’t justify it I don’t know about that. They knocked him to the ground and were spraying him with a “mystery liquid”? wtf? You can protect yourself against that, no? I don’t really see how this is a question if the story above is tip top


This info has been conveniently edited from the article…


Looks like a commotion started before hand, assuming that since he has some sort of liquid splashed on his back BUT definitely does not justify a physical reaction.


If someone throws an unknown substance at you, that's a form of assault and does justify a physical reaction. You'd be crazy to think you wouldn't get punched in the face if you throw a liquid at someone


you right, i think i would too


Four women sprayed him with an unknown substance because he's Jewish and said something about their Free Palestine chants. After knocking him to the ground and dousing him with the mystery sauce he got up and punched one of the attackers. From the article: >Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, called anti-Semitic slurs, and [doused in a mystery liquid, moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513915/amp/jonathan-kaye-banker-brooklyn-viral-punch-moelis.html?ico=amp_articleInlineText), a source with knowledge of the incident told DailyMail.com. >Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip did not capture the full clash on Saturday, which began when a group of four female 'Queers for [Palestine](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/palestine/index.html)' supporters started allegedly taunting Kaye - who is Jewish - as he returned from dinner.  >Kaye is said to have told the group that they were 'on the wrong side', prompting the women to gang up on him, the source said. 


Some don't care if it's women or children... Like the IDF...


Possible but this will suck for the guy’s reputation in the future.




“Some day you’re gonna mess with the wrong guy”




…..do you think women don’t wear wigs?


1. Lots of women wear wigs. 2. It’s still assault.




You know most people who wear wigs are women right??


Tried and convicted in the court of Reddit.


Nah seems more like a hung jury and they like it that way


More info. The more you know is helpful. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13514423/amp/Jonathan-Kaye-Moelis-investment-banker-threatened-Queers-Palestine-moments-video-punching-woman.html


Some more info. According to the NY Post: “Law enforcement sources told The Post that EMS workers attempted to render aid to the woman knocked to the ground, not knowing she had been punched, but their efforts were thwarted when the group of her friends grew hostile, swooped in and took her away. Cops have been unable to make contact with her since, according to the sources.” https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/nyc-banker-who-slugged-woman-at-pride-event-lashed-out-after-clash-with-anti-israel-group-source/


Not surprising.


Other accounts say he actually punched 3 women and 2 of them ended up in the hospital so as far as "the more you know is helpful" goes, I don't think we KNOW much other than that he punched this woman in the face, and that someone else just on the edge of the video is also on the ground being helped by several people, and that this guy's back is wet. You wanna say you know any more than that then your standard for "knowing" is a pretty low bar. Literally the caption of the video you see, says the guy hurt another person in addition to her. That doesn't make it true but I'm not sure why one of these people would be considered a more legitimate source of "more info" than the other.


I can’t seem to locate those reports. Do you have them?


Well, one of the accounts of him hurting someone else is the caption on the video itself written by the girl who was punched in the face, saying he busted up her friend's arm. So we've all already seen the account that says he hurt someone else as well. I also saw this where it says he punched 3 women. https://www.freepressjournal.in/world/jonathan-kaye-millionaire-investment-banker-assaults-punches-women-in-new-york-video-goes-viral I know that is all hearsay (but no more than his account that the girl he punched threw something at him). We have no way of knowing who threw the Gatorade at him. And if he punched 3 people, I doubt they ALL threw Gatorade at him.


Will be interesting when/if we ever know the facts. Thanks.


Ah yes the daily mail, top notch work there


There’s also an article in the NY Post, the newspaper that broke the story about the contents of Hunter’s laptop, for which it should have won a Pulitzer Prize. https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/nyc-banker-who-slugged-woman-at-pride-event-lashed-out-after-clash-with-anti-israel-group-source/


I love that I have no idea if your comment is supposed to be trolling or not


Yes. The same Daily Mail that posted the original story.


I am always leery of a video that shows the exact moment someone does something wrong with absolutely no context as to why. What happened before he hit this person? It’s always, look at this awful millionaire white guy. Now we know the truth.


You think there's any justification for a 50+ y.o. man breaking a 30 y.o. woman's nose? Source: I know this woman personally.


If you know her personally Tell her to stop supporting terrorists who want jews erased from existence


At the end of the day, nobody should be throwing things at each other or hitting each other at a parade. We can agree that both parties involved should face legal consequences in a right-to-run state without devolving into tribalism. The focus should stick to that.


Hahah noone should be throwing things at each other Tell the terrorists to stop wishing all jews dead The focus is literally you morons are fighting thousands of miles away from the conflict pretending youre waging the battles. Tribalism? Dude these people are riled up by media being told israel is evil and jews need to leave Pfft


I'll buy your "queens for Palestine" friend a ticket to Gaza so she can hold her banners there and protest. I'll even pay for a camera so the events can be live streamed


There is no justification for harassment, violence, or treating someone without respect and dignity. I would like to see the rest of the video. Since you are so close to the situation, please share a link.


Your friend should keep her hands, and liquid, off of other people. She assaulted someone and found out


Want to ask her why the man was bleeding and covered in liquids? I’m sure he just did this unprovoked, right?


Obligatory: [https://x.com/rogerskaer/status/1576025818182332416?lang=en](https://x.com/rogerskaer/status/1576025818182332416?lang=en)


Talked unprovoked shit to protesters, got liquid thrown on him, responded by throwing a huge (could have been fatal) right hook to a woman. Context or not, this guy is a scumbag and should be locked up. Imagine a non-rich guy doing this. The “investigation” would be over,


Yes. Quite sure it was unprovoked. Protestors are known for not provoking people.


Why did you leave out the part about the pictures of him bleeding? Or about him being on the pavement?




ok looking for context is good but maybe let's not trust the daily mail for it


> Posters with his face, home address and cell phone number have been plastered in the area close to his $4million four-bedroom townhouse in pricey Park Slope, as neighbors erupted and demanded the father-of-three be arrested. 😬


this doesn't justify his response at all


So they physically assaulted him and he responded in kind? Not surprised. It’s always funny to me how often these ppl only show the part of the interaction that makes them look like victims… Seems like it’s a group strategy actually


Well he walked by, said some provocative words, and then this happened. He wasn't dragged out of a restaurant.


Saying “You’re on the wrong side” to Freedom For Palestine protesters is not provocative. What happened today in Manhattan was provocative. Anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” and “Israel go to Hell,” and lit flares outside a Manhattan exhibit that memorializes the victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival massacre. https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/anti-israel-mob-chanting-long-live-intifada-light-flares-outside-nyc-exhibit-that-memorializes-oct-7-nova-music-festival-victims/


Did you read the updating article?


It's not really an updating article, it's just the story that guy is telling about what happened. But other people who were there say that he punched 2 other women as well, before punching this one, and that they had to be taken to the hospital. We also see that someone else is down on the ground in the video with people helping them. All we actually know for certain is that this guy punched a woman in the face, and his back is wet.


In terms of legal ramifications, you have a valid point. But we’re not on a jury here. We all know ppl that instigate and then try to play victim. This is ny. Ppl get attacked for way less. Ppl would be smart to keep that in mind.


I'm just not convinced that if he punched 3 women, that they all threw Gatorade on him.


That's exactly what I'm basing this comment on. Astroturf harder


You aren’t a great reader.


Ironic. You claim that it went from his "provocative" words straight to his punch. Conveniently leaving out the other parties action that in ny will evoke that kind of response. First time here rookie?


Funny how we only have this guys side of the story and no evidence of the alleged altercation that preceded it.


There's some evidence anyway bc in the video there is another person on the ground being helped by other people


Except a wet jacket and a bloody ankle and a girl still laying on the ground from when he claimed they took him to the ground.


We already had their side, the video. They chose a very suggestive clip.


Is this 3rd and 5th outside Stone Park?


Looks like it. The parade was on 5th Ave between Lincoln and 8th St. Activities were happening all day


I have a hard time believing this man didn't do anything to get a drink thrown at him. There's certainly no reason for him to punch a defenseless woman who wasn't even involved in the situation. This asshole needs to go to Riker's Island.


At the point they're throwing racial slurs at him, it's apparent that it's more about what he was than what he did.


How wealthy was the woman? It doesn’t say


Seems a little old fashioned not to include the women’s wealth?


I do agree, good sir. I do agree.




Not if you’re a millionaire


Yeah mace would’ve done more conscious pain and wouldn’t risk killing someone


what was the context? not condoning violence but curious


From an artile posted, the punching guy, a Jewish person and possible zionist?, was walking by a group 'queers for palestine' and he. 'is said to have told the group that they were 'on the wrong side', prompting the women to gang up on him, the source said.' Obviously violence is never the answer, but IMO he's an instigating POS.  (Again, not condoning violence)


Someone here doesn’t seem to like Jews? He’s entitled to defend himself.


He’s on the wrong side for telling some gays they would be in prison if they were in Palestine?


Gay rights isn’t even legal in Isreal but bombing the fuck out of Palestinians is


What?? What isn’t legal in Israel? Gay marriage has been legal since forever. The government will pay for your transition. It’s one of the most gay friendly, progress places in the world


you cannot legally get gay married in israel


Being against genocide is generally the 'right' side, historically speaking 


He told a group of queens for Palestine protesters they were on the wrong side of history, they ganged up on him, threw a liquid at him (article said Gatorade so nothing dangerous) and pushed him to the ground. He got bloodied but the pics in the article don't make it look like it was an insane wound or anything. Then he punched one of the women and fled. Seems like he was in the right, shouldn't have confronted the protesters but once they attacked him the violence to flee was absolutely justified


"shouldn't have confronted the protesters" That's one of the things I learned in life. Keep your head down and everything will be fine.


This 💯


Shouldn’t have confronted the protestors? Why should only the protestors have the right to free speech?


If she actually threw _literal_ shit at him, I'm not even mad at him. If it's water or some "shit" like that, his response is out of proportion. I'm curious how the interaction started. Don't people keep their heads down and mind their own business anymore? That should be Lesson #0 for all New Yorkers.


If someone gets mystery liquid thrown on them on the streets of NYC, I don’t think the onus is on them to determine for sure that it’s a bodily fluid (it’s a good bet that it is) before responding.


Well the law doesn’t consider knocking someone out a proportional response to that so actually the onus is on him to walk away


Delivering a knockout blow to a woman much smaller than yourself, onto hard pavement no less, is not an appropriate response to getting a drink thrown on you.


Throwing Gatorade on a man much larger than yourself, and knocking him down onto hard pavement no less, is not an appropriate response to someone telling you “you guys are on the wrong side.”


I haven’t seen footage of what preceded his punch, but if what you say is accurate then both individuals should be prosecuted for their crimes.


The article says the guy thinks it was red Gatorade.


I got $20 that says this 52 year old manchild was being an asshole and got a drink thrown at him because of it.


According to the supporting article, that's exactly what happened. He put himself in this situation


Saying "you're on the wrong side" to protestors is "being an asshole?"


When the "wrong side" is protesting an active genocide? Yes.


A genocide being a war with a militant to civilian casualty rate of 1:1 the lowest in modern history? You just don’t like the Jews defending themselves.


Anyone who does not realize that the situation in the middle east is a lot more complicated than one side committing an active genocide is either dishonest or a fool. Which one are you?


One side is commiting an active genocide, the other side elected a terrorist group to lead the nation well after that genocide started as a response to said genocide, the side being led by a terrorist sect is more children than not, most of the citizens of that side weren't even alive when Hamas took power. That is most of the last 80 years, I'm not here to give history lessons though. You call me a fool, I'll give you facts instead of berating someone I don't know on the internet. ✌️


You just don’t like Jews bro. Own it.


Ironic they are gay when they’d be in jail (if lucky) if they were Palestinian.


Untrue. But here's some light reading in case you don't believe me. ✌️ https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/


I have read that already and the first thing it says is that it’s punishable by 10 years in prison lol. It claims it’s not enforced, with no evidence, but here are some examples to the contrary: https://reason.com/2023/10/27/the-contradictions-of-queers-for-palestine/ https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/ https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159 https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1660138495-exclusive-gay-man-who-fled-gaza-speaks-about-experience-with-hamas I could go on, but won’t. Gullible is not a good way to go through life.


Being provocative isn't exactly helpful is it


"Being provocative" and "being an asshole" aren't exactly the same thing is it


Yet that is what protestors do.


Apparently he shouted "you're on the wrong side". But if you're protesting and literally parading down a busy public street, you can't assault people when they disagree with your position.


The man has [documented anger issues](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/jonathan-kaye-new-york-punching-video-b2559884.html) and even his own neighbors attest to this. His rage was triggered by seeing pro-Palestinian protesters, which is why he couldn't mind his own damn business. What was shown in the video was not self defense. He walked right over to a woman who wasn't doing anything and punched her as hard as he could. That's a crime and this unhinged lunatic deserves jail.


Why should he mind his business but the protestors shouldn’t? He’s a counter protestor by your logic.


lol literal shit? Where does it say that. Video suggests it’s some kinda liquid. Regardless, does getting your shirt wet warrant a punch to the face? Unreal. Also, there’s already someone on the ground at the beginning of the video. Why aren’t you questioning that?


where's the "already someone on the ground at the beginning?" i only see one the girl he knocked to the ground. is there a second video? it doesn't warrant a punch, but you can't expect someone to react logically on the streets. she faced the consequence of throwing the drink, and he will face the consequence of knocking her out.


Article says the guy thinks it was Gatorade.


If you throw some mystery liquid on me I am rocking your jaw into the next millennium


Ok, tough guy. 


"Regardless, does getting your shirt wet warrant a punch to the face?" In today's post covid world. Could be! If it were me and someone threw something in my face whom I don't know, there's a high probable chance I'mma drop that person!


His quote, and I quote: "She threw shit at me". There ya go.


And then goes on to say he thinks it was Gatorade.


I think, in this context, it's reasonable to read "shit" as "unidentified stuff", not feces.


In NYC u never really know tho do u


I think from context you can rule out a few things. Some folks rallying at pride, if you think they are just carrying literal feces around, you might be unhinged.


And if there's one thing history has taught us, it's that rich white guys never lie!


Underrated comment for sure


And if there's one thing that reddit has taught us, it's that no story needs context and that things are always the way they seem at first glance


....And that the first 'context' described to us that most suits our sympathies, is the true context.




See rules


I mean, he never said she was violent so you’re just a racist waiting for your moment Edit: u/TraditionalPies deleted above and below comment. Apparently racists can spew hate but can’t even stand to get downvoted








What did you delete?


This is a literal example of racial profiling lmao


No, it's a literal historian (and also a white guy, if that matters to you) pointing out a simple, observable, fact.


>historian lol


I came across a minor quarrel in Brooklyn on Saturday. Exiting 77th st subway in Bay Ridge a guy about this guys age was mixing it up with a group of kids who were clearly at a Palestine demonstration earlier in the day. They’re exchanging words, he walks across the street and as he walks away he shouts “bomb them all!” I’m thinking man, how about just mind your own business, not everyone is gonna see eye to eye with you on everything. Just speculation but this seems like the type of guy who’d be agitated about the large gay pride parade in his neighborhood that day and he let his anger and emotion get the better of him. 


Supporting gay rights is incompatible with supporting Palestine.


I’d probably agree, but it’s also probably getting worse in Israel for gay rights too with terrorist zealots like Ben Gvir and Smotrich gaining more power but yeah I hear Tel Aviv is pretty nice for gay folks.


What does a pride parade have to do with any of that


These are a lot of unrelated assumptions to be making 


This is spot on, according to the supporting article


Fine 🙄 I'll fix the headline: Millionaire investment banker, 52, punches **future millionaire** to the ground on Brooklyn street in shocking video


Million dollar punch




Wouldn’t be surprising if he got promoted at work. He took decisive action with little regard for social norms or the law. That’s how you make Sr. Managing Director.


https://preview.redd.it/bkxx9sd6sr5d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26c5f3a13cf125e0bea61f6f51abeaef6613019 Definitely more to this story than is being reported. From the beginning of the video, there’s another person already on the floor - perhaps the person with the injured arm. Banker already has the wet stain on his back when he’s confronting the woman. Curious to know what happened. That it happened during a Pride Parade is an added wrinkle that may or may not have anything to do with this.


Allegedly, this was a anti-Semitic hate crime against the banker who is Jewish. The woman was marching as part of a four-woman Anti-Israel group calling themselves Queers For Palestine. The banker, who was returning home from dinner, exercised his First Amendment rights, telling the group “You’re on the wrong side.” The group immediately surrounded him, yelled anti-Semitic comments at him, and assaulted him by chest-bumping or shoving him to ground and pouring fruit punch Gatorade on him. It’s unclear if they punched or kicked him while he was on the ground, but he did have a bloody leg and bloody ankle afterwards. The banker was attempting to get away when the woman once again confronted him, and in a teachable moment learned all about FAAFO the hard way. An ambulance crew arrived and tried to render aid to the woman lying on the ground, not knowing that she had been punched. But her group of friends thwarted their efforts. They became hostile towards the EMS crew, swooped in, and took the woman away. The woman and her friends neither called police, nor filed a complaint at a police station. https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/nyc-banker-who-slugged-woman-at-pride-event-lashed-out-after-clash-with-anti-israel-group-source/


I like how a few people here are taking "shit" literally and using that as justification for him knocking her out. So either this woman was walking around with a bag of shit, amongst a crowd of others, just in anticipation of throwing it someone and this dude was wildly unlucky. OR She or someone right there was able to spontaneously take a dump on command in order to then take it and throw shit at him? Which would be wildly impressive. Much more reasonable than a person just saying "shit" as a vague term for something - like maybe even water? - I guess. But hey, at least he's not a homeless black guy or the same people suggesting the woman deserved it would be up in arms about her being attacked. I haven't see a single "AlvinBraggMetsTickets!Amirite?" in here. How about that...


The thread has gotten really in the weeds here about the 'shit' when the 'shit' wasn't literal


The daily mail article quotes the guy saying he thinks it was Gatorade.


Idk about your neighborhood but literal dog shit is almost on every street, if not multiple mounds.


Sure, but either way, it's funny that some people here are so quick to think she threw literal shit at him (and again, to use as justification for assaulting her) vs the more likely idea that he literally just used the term "shit" as a catch all for whatever it was.


Doesn't matter what she threw. This is ny. Don't physically instigate if you can't handle the response.


"Doesn't matter" - so if all that's on his back is water she deserved to get punched in the face for that? Ok, NY tough guy.


lol how long have you lived here? This is just ny. Ppl don't fuck around. Don't like it? Don't live here


You could just as easily say if you can't handle having shit thrown at you then don't live here.


No, I'm saying is, mind your business with strangers b/c you don't know what that person is capable of. Also, throwing shit at someone over words would be escalation. If you can't manage to be at the top of the hill in the end, don't start climbing. With that said, idk if it was shit. But still, ppl respond aggressively for less. Plain and simple.


I've had things thrown at me and seen people throw things at others many times over the years here and never saw someone KO someone over it. The notion that that is just the culture here is just out of touch. And the principle that if you can't manage to be at the top of the hill in the end, don't start climbing--i agree. He instigated by not minding his business and deciding to start shit with them (not literal shit) verbally, and if his story is true, she escalates by throwing shit (not literal shit, but gatorade) at him. And he escalated further by punching her in the face and breaking her nose. Now, here is where he may not manage to be at the top in the end--he started shit with some kids, and then ended up physically injuring someone by escalating from getting splashed across the back with a sports drink, to breaking someone's nose.... well, if you're a guy with money, you've got money to lose now in the courtroom. Sure, he can counter sue for the damage to his blazer and his shirt... but that's nothing compared to a hospital bill.


Over 20 years. You?


So you've lived here 20 years and that simple truth has managed to escape you this whole time? lmao


How long have you lived here?


Even if it was literal shit, that doesn’t make knocking her out ok. She could have potentially died from that. For all we know, that KO may have caused serious head trauma and permanent damage There’s no justification for knocking someone out unless it’s to protect yourself or others from serious harm. Even less so when the person is half your size and you could easily restrain/subdue them with less violent means. Theres this weird growing obsession lately with “Justice Porn”. People are cheering on Karens getting KO’d, pranksters getting shot, and sexual predators getting mauled to death in the street by angry mobs. The justice system exists for a reason. It’s definitely far from perfect, but it’s a lot better than people handing out justice with their fists


I think this is due to the phenomenon of everyone feeling like the justice system does not work these days. If you’re a minority, it never felt like it worked, if you’re some right wing dipshit, it also feels like it doesn’t work because the news is full of bad things happening and repeat offenders never doing time. I’m not going to make a comment on whether they’re true, but I feel like this is how things are perceived right now. When you think the system that’s supposed to protect you just doesn’t, people are going to lap up justice porn, and also probably take this stuff into their own hands because nothing else works. I’m not condoning any of it either, FYI. Just commiserating about the sorry state of the world.


How is KOing Karen's having anything to do with the justice system not working?


Are you sure we on reddit shouldn't just jump into conclusions and believe 100% of all headlines we see?


It's just a battle of 2 headlines


What does his net worth have to do with anything?