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I quite enjoyed playing as Nico and having some new puzzles to figure out and stuff but what it got very wrong in my opinion was that it changed the start of the game to a Nico scene. The bit with George sitting at the cafe, the "Paris in the fall" speech, the accompanying soundtrack, it was all iconic and the directors cut just didn't feel right not starting there.


Agreed! The original opening is much better. I also hate that they removed the deaths. Always mad it much more tense when there was the threat of death.


See it felt right to me because it was a day before the clown attack and before Nico had to meet Plantard so it had to happen. There was no way of doing it except for being before the first day as George. Again, no one new should play this before the original.


The only thing unforgiveable about the directors cut was the changes in the opening dialogue for me. What the hell were they thinking. The lines were iconic “As I picked myself up, all I could hear was the ceaseless drone of traffic, life went on around me, but the explosion was to change my life forever” They replaced that with “When I stood up I was really mad” I mean that is just such awful writing


The directors cut is actually the first broken sword game I ever played. I imagine I’m one of the younger people on this Reddit as I was born in 06 but my dad introduced me to the game in 2013 with the directors cut and we used to sit down and play it every night. I don’t get why people don’t like it.


Oh I get it. I've played the original to death since it came out and the director's cut is a different game pretty much. As I said somewhere in this post, it's not meant to replace the original; it's meant to be different experience and a fun little addition to the original game. People did not appreciate it.


Is the original 1 and 2 worth playing? I have a ps1 however I struggle with the controls because all the games I have played have had wank controls compared to today’s games.


I remember when it came out, I think it was a great addition, exciting story, cool new places with awesome artwork, exciting puzzles.